Moderation on Thread Making

There have been stupid threads going around, by people with around -5 posts. So maybe for people making their first thread, it should be sent to the moderator of the forum for it to be checked.
For example, a guy named PokemonTrainerAsh134341 comes in a sets up a whole thread for one battle, like done in gamespot/faqs. However before it is seen, it gets moderated quickly by a moderator of the forum
Thank you, and I apologise if its difficult or no way to do it
I actually really like this idea. It would be extra work, but it would help in C&C especially to stop people from making stupid RMT threads or something. It would also be a sure-fire way of stopping spambots.

What it would take to implement this, I don't know. But it would definitely be cool imo.
I kind of like this idea but there are a few things that need to be addressed. First of all, this forces moderators to be extremely active, or else the person who made their first thread will have to wait before it getting posted, which is kind of stupid. I like the current system because someone won't make a stupid thread if they read the rules, and reading the rules is required. Pretty much the only people this will affect are the extremely stupid ones so I don't think moderators should waste their time on this.
I see this as unnecessary. Mods are already fairly active, and it is not difficult for them to lock/delete/move to Trou in extreme cases. So once it gets posted, it will just get deleted.
It would be done by making every thread posted be unapproved. I don't think it is a good idea. It would take moderators more work to approve every thread posted than it does to handle poor threads.
How about just letting people make their mistakes and get warned properly instead of wasting peoples time and making it even less appealing to post here.
As the user above me has demonstrated on countless occasions, post count is no indication of user quality. Dealing with an idiotic thread takes almost no time. It is the mods' job to delete/warn for shitty threads. This just seems like an extra chore for both the administration and moderation staff.
If no stupid threads are made, nothing gets sent to Trou. On a more serious note, most threads aren't terrible and would pass approval anyway. It's probably just easier for the mods to find the bad ones after they're posted, then waste time approving good threads while throwing out bad ones.
I've been thinking...If it's allowed, I personally think that a message should be stickied on any thread-creation page.

For instance, if somebody presses the "New Thread" button on a subforum and is directed to the thread creation page, there should be a message above "Title:". If I were to guess, the message would look something like this:

[B]Wait! Before you decide to post this thread, please consider these:[/B]

[*]Is your thread dedicated to a simple question? If so, please consider looking at the "Simple Questions, Simple Answers" thread. Your answer may be there, and if its not, feel free to post your question there for a fast answer.
[*]Is your thread pertaining to the rules and conduct? Read the rules of the sub-forum in which you would like to make a thread before  posting. [URL=""]Alternatively, click here for The Rules.[/URL]
[*]Please "lurk" on the forum you are posting in to see examples of proper threads. If your thread isn't up-to-par with the majority of the threads, reconsider your thread creation.
[*]Remember! You risk a warning or expulsion if you do post a thread against the Smogon rules and guidelines.

So....yeah. If people do choose to go against the warning message, it only makes them look like pests. Obviously bad threads go to Trou, I guess.
Honestly it's better than having rules which nobody looks at. at least they have to scroll past it.

kinda like the registration message.
Then what is the purpose of Trou de Cul? I hate this idea, anything that makes smogon less user-friendly I am opposed to.
I thought Trou was troll threads that are funny?
I guess the mod could send it directly to Trou after reading the message, unless its some spambot, or a gamespot person looking for a battle, or to trade his lv38 Hardy Sereperior
If its not good I accept that, however, this could be a way to stop spambots, once and for all I guess.
I think we should also include a message for grammar.

I do like AccidentalGreed's idea, since quite a few users have the right intention but are simply inexperienced. It's not going to stop really stupid people, but it's certainly going to provide a helping hand to people who aren't stupid, rather than being 'helped' by users coming down on them like a ton of bricks if they post in the wrong place.
I agree with KG. Overall there are more good threads than bad threads, and this would cause the focus of the moderators to be diluted in exchange for a marginal increase in the time between a bad thread being posted and the time it's dealt with. The bad threads are all dealt with sooner or later anyway.

Something like that AccidentalGreed proposed would be a relatively simple deterrent to bad threads.
I agree that it would require utmost help from the moderators, unless its not in the code or whatever, but you could make only the first thread of someone be moderated, we only get, maybe 5-6 users (give or take) a day, and less than half make really stupid threads
If it cant be technologically done (reasonably) than I accept that
If it takes too much work, and cannot be done, I accept that
these are the rules of forums anyway

adding an annoying page to go through before you post won't solve anything -- if a user is going to make a bad thread, pulling them up and asking "is this thread REALLY gonna be good?" is not going to make them think otherwise

need we really warn people that breaking the rules will result in consequences
it will take a lot of time especially seeing as there are a lot of members and so little moderators

it will discourage members from making threads

also: if someone is inexperienced and childish, he may as well start a fuss against moderators for not accepting their threads "for no reason" or "for stupid reasons", i think we all get what i'm saying here

the mods do a good job closing bad threads already, doing this will only cause problems
As a former forum admin for a different gaming website (one not Pokemon related, I might add), let me just say this is a very terrible idea.
I guess, people who know their stuff, know their stuff. Anyone can feel free to discuss, their point.
Remember, the first idea of mine can be altered in way to benefit everyone.
Example, put this rule only in serious areas, such as Dragonspiral Tower, and Sites and Projects