Conkeldurr (Analysis)


Its 2015 somewhere
won the 2nd Smogon VGC Tournamentis a Past SPL Champion
VGCPL Champion

QC checks 2/2: Huy, Alaka
Grammar Checks 2/2: Chou Toshio, Calm Pokemaster


<p>Conkeldurr is a great Pokemon for teams that need a bulky, powerful attacker. It has a base 140 Attack stat, which is boosted even more by Guts. Conkeldurr also has 105 / 95 / 65 defenses, making it rather physically bulky. Conkeldurr can work both in and out of Trick Room, making it a good choice for teams that don't want to be totally dependent on Trick Room. Blessed with a strong priority attack in Mach Punch, Conkeldurr becomes a reliable candidate for any VGC 2011 team. </p>

name: Guts
move 1: Mach Punch
move 2: Drain Punch / Hammer Arm
move 3: Rock Slide / Payback / Earthquake
move 4: Detect / Wide Guard
item: Flame Orb
nature: Adamant / Brave
ability: Guts
evs: 252 HP/ 252 Atk / 4 SpD


<p>This set is designed to function either in or out of Trick Room. Conkeldurr already has a huge base 140 Attack stat. However, with a Guts boost, Conkeldurr a massively powerful physical attacker capable of OHKOing a large number of Pokemon. Protect allows Conkeldurr to shelter itself from threats while its status orb activates and gives it the Guts boost. Wide Guard can be used in place of Protect, providing valuable protection for teammates weak against common spread attacks. Unfortunately, the specificity of its protection does limit its usefulness, particularly for Conkeldurr itself. Mach Punch gives Conkeldurr priority, and with a Guts boost, can finish off weakened Pokemon or KO extremely frail ones. The choice between Drain Punch and Hammer Arm is a choice between healing and power. There are three options for the last attacking move. Rock Slide gives you the ability to hit both opponents, Payback is very effective against faster Psychic- and Ghost-type enemies that lack a weakness to Rock-type attacks, while Earthquake hits all grounded Pokemon on the field. An Adamant nature lets Conkeldurr outspeed a few threats outside of Trick Room, and is recommended if not running Trick Room, while Brave allows Conkeldurr to be one of the fastest Pokemon in the metagame when using Trick Room.</p>


<p>Conkeldurr should always run maximum Attack in order to deal as much damage as possible. An Attack boosting nature is also required, as there is no other stat that is worth investing completely in. A more specially defensive EV spread can also be used, in order to give Conkeldurr even defensive prowess. 152 HP / 252 Atk / 104 SpD effectively gives Conkeldurr as much bulk as possible while minimizing the burn damage from burn due to the Flame Orb. Superpower can replace Drain Punch or Hammer Arm to provide an obscene amount of power the first time it's used, but since it lowers Conkeldurr's Attack and Defense significantly, its usefulness is very limited. Earthquake can be used if Conkeldurr's partner doesn't care about damage from it (generally, when it is immune to or resists Ground-type attacks), and can hit both of the opponent's Pokemon with a strong attack that has perfect accuracy. An important thing to note is that the combination of Drain Punch, Mach Punch, and Wide Guard is illegal with Conkeldurr, and either Drain Punch or Wide Guard must be replaced with Hammer Arm or Protect, respectively.</p>

<p>If running Earthquake, Conkeldurr appreciates a partner that is immune to it. Thundurus makes a great partner, as it can also threaten Tornadus, which is a major threat to Conkeldurr. When not using Earthquake, Chandelure makes an excellent partner, killing bulky Psychic-types and physically defensive Pokemon that Conkeldurr has trouble with. Conkeldurr is an excellent choice to use with Trick Room support, being "faster" than most of the metagame under Trick Room. Reuniclus thus makes a great partner, providing Trick Room and breaking through most physically defensive Pokemon. It also defeats bulky Psychic-types if it runs Shadow Ball.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Fling can be used to burn an opponent's Pokemon. However, if the opponent uses Protect on that turn, you will have effectively wasted a move slot. Facade can deal a hefty chunk of damage to a variety of Pokemon; however, relying on Normal / Fighting coverage leaves you helpless against Ghost-types.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Bulky Psychic-types like Reuniclus and Musharna cause trouble for Conkeldurr, easily taking most of its attacks and KOing it in return with STAB Psychic. Amoonguss can also pose a threat to Conkeldurr, as it completely avoids being 2HKOed by the standard sets, though it can be troubled by Earthquake and must be wary of Facade. Tornadus can outspeed Conkeldurr and KO it with STAB Acrobat or Hurricane.</p>
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<p>Conkeldurr is a great Pokémon for teams that need a bulky, strong Pokémon. Conkeldurr has a 140 base attack stat, which is boosted even more by guts. Conkeldurr also has 105/95/65 defenses, making him rather physically bulky. Conkeldurr can work both in and out of Trick Room, making it a good choice for teams that don’t want to be totally dependent on Trick Room. Coupled with a strong priority attack in mach punch, Conkeldurr becomes a reliable candidate for any VGC 2011 team. </p>

Name: Guts Abuser
Move 1: Mach Punch
Move 2: Drain Punch/ Hammer Arm
Move 3: Rock Slide/ Payback
Move 4: Protect/ Wide Guard
Item: Flame Orb
Nature: Adamant/ Brave
Ability: Guts
EV’s: 252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 SpD

[Set Comments]
<p>This Set is designed to function either in or out of Trick Room. Conkeldurr has the second highest attack stat in the game, outclassed only by Haxorus. However, with a guts boost, Roobushin becomes the single strongest Pokémon in the game. Protect allows Conkeldurr to be sheltered from threats while it gets its guts boost. Wide Guard can be used in place of Protect, which can be a good option for defending partners who are week to common multi-target moves, but since it only works with specific moves, it limits its usefulness. Mach Punch gives Conkeldurr priority, and with a guts boost, it can finish off weakened Pokémon or kill extremely frail ones. The choice between Drain Punch and Hammer Arm is a choice between healing and power. While Rock Slide gives you the ability to hit both opponents, Payback can be used in order to deal a larger amount to psychics and ghosts that aren’t rock weak. Adamant lets Conkeldurr a few threats outside of Trick Room, and is recommended if not running Trick Room, while Brave allows Conkeldurr to be one of the fastest Pokémon in the game, under Trick Room of course. </p>

[Additional Comments]
<p> Conkeldurr should always run max HP and Attack in order to deal hits as well as take them. An attack boosting nature is also required, as there is no other stat that it is worth investing completely in. Superpower can replace Drain Punch or Hammer Arm to provide an obscene amount of power the first time it’s used, but since it lowers Conkeldurr’s attack and defense significantly, especially after two uses, it is largely outclassed. Earthquake can be used if Conkeldurr’s partner either resists or is immune to it or doesn’t care about damage from it, and can hit both of the opponent’s Pokémon with a strong attack that has perfect accuracy. </p>

[Other Options]
<p> Fling can be used in order to burn an opponent’s Pokémon, however if the opponent protects on that turn then it turns into a waste of a move slot. Facade can deal a hefty chunk of damage to a large amount of Pokémon; however normal has absolutely horrid coverage with fighting, so it isn't recommended.

[Team Options]
<p> If running earthquake, then Conkeldurr appreciates a partner that is immune to it, in which case Thundurus makes a great partner, as it can also threaten Tornadus, which can beat Conkeldurr. If it isn’t, then Chandalure makes an excellent partner, killing Bulky psychics and physically defensive Pokémon that Conkeldurr has trouble with. Conkeldurr is an excellent choice to use with Trick Room support, being “faster,” than most of the Meta under trick room. Under Trick Room, Renuniclus makes a great partner, breaking through most physically defensive Pokémon and wounding bulky psychics if running shadow ball. </p>

<p> Bulky Psychic types like Renuniclus and Mushaana cause trouble for Conkeldurr, easily taking most of his attacks and killing him in the process. Amoonguss can also pose a threat to Conkeldurr, at worst being 3HKO’d by any attack besides earthquake. Tornadus can both out speed Conkeldurr and kill him with an acrobat. </p>

Finally done. Also, before you claim that I stole this from the skarmbliss analysis, please show concrete proof and remember that this was approved by destinybond, the writer of said analysis.

If you're going to stay consistent throughout the whole thing, that Roobushin needs to be Conkledurr. Also, I think Earthquake should be slashed in with Rock Slide and Payback.
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 SpD should at least be an alternative option, although it's probably the best in my opinion; it takes around 15% less from special attacks than straight up max HP, and while max HP offers similar benefits physically, Conkeldurr really likes that extra special bulk to take stuff like Chandelure's Heat Waves and Rock Slide it into oblivion, while I don't think any significant KOs are avoided with more physical defense.
Oops fixed. When I originally wrote this, I used Roobushin instead of Conkeldurr. Once I saw that the English names were probably real, I quickly changed the names of the pokemon, must have missed one. And yeah, EQ is deffinetely important enough to be slashed in.

I added a specially defensive EV spread mention in additional comments. However, the main set still has 252 HP in order to better abuse Conkeldurr's physical bulk.

Changes have been made. Any more suggestions are extremely aprrectiated.
You might want to mention that since he's in the Humanshape Egg Group: Mach Punch / Drain Punch / Wide Guard is an illegal combination, as awesome as it would be. If you want Mach Punch and Wide Guard, you would have to go with Hammer Arm or go with MP / DP / Protect. Just my two cents.
252 HP means you take more damage from Flame Orb. I think that either 187 or 199 will be better HP stats to have because of that if you bother having max HP or you can lower the HP IVs (to 18/19) to have 174 HP. You will get more physical/special bulk by putting the EVs into either Def or SpD. Also mention that Facade + Rock Slide/Drain Punch/Hammer Arm can 2HKO Amoongus.
@Mathghamhain, mentioned it in additional comments, towards the end. I'm glad that someone caught that

@Human mentioned it in additional comments. However, I didn't put it as the main set because you lose out in bulk in whatever defense you don't invest in, and if running Drain Punch, the extra 2 HP lost becomes inconsequential. Though I can see how this becomes a better spread if running Hammer Arm.

As always, more comments and feedback are appreciated.
[Set Comments]
<p>This Set is designed to function either in or out of Trick Room. Conkeldurr has the second highest attack stat in the game, outclassed only by Haxorus. However, with a guts boost, Conkeldurr becomes the single strongest Pokémon in the game. Protect allows Conkeldurr to be sheltered from threats while it gets its guts boost. Wide Guard can be used in place of Protect, which can be a good option for defending partners who are weak to common multi-target moves, but since it only works with specific moves, it limits its usefulness. Mach Punch gives Conkeldurr priority, and with a guts boost, it can finish off weakened Pokémon or kill extremely frail ones. The choice between Drain Punch and Hammer Arm is a choice between healing and power. While Rock Slide gives you the ability to hit both opponents, Payback can be used in order to deal a larger amount to psychics and ghosts that aren’t rock weak. Adamant lets Conkeldurr a few threats outside of Trick Room, and is recommended if not running Trick Room, while Brave allows Conkeldurr to be one of the fastest Pokémon in the game, under Trick Room of course. </p>

Apart from that and the already made suggestions, it looks like a great set.
Hmmm. I do think Drain Punch is inferior to Facade, as you already get STAB from Mach Punch. 140 BP added with the guts boost is nothing to laugh about.
Hmmm. I do think Drain Punch is inferior to Facade, as you already get STAB from Mach Punch. 140 BP added with the guts boost is nothing to laugh about.

Darin Punch hits Hydreigon and Audino harder than Facade, as well as regaining health lost by Flame Orb / attacks. Facade is possibly OC worthy.

QC checks 2/2: Huy, Alaka
Grammar Checks:


<p>Conkeldurr is a great Pokemon for teams that need a bulky, strong Pokemon. Conkeldurr has a 140 base Attack stat, which is boosted even more by Guts. Conkeldurr also has 105/95/65 defenses, making him rather physically bulky. Conkeldurr can work both in and out of Trick Room, making it a good choice for teams that don't want to be totally dependent on Trick Room. Coupled Blessed with a strong priority attack in Mach Punch, Conkeldurr becomes a reliable candidate for any VGC 2011 team. </p>

name: Guts
move 1: Mach Punch
move 2: Drain Punch / Hammer Arm
move 3: Rock Slide / Payback/ Earthquake
move 4: Protect / Wide Guard
item: Flame Orb
nature: Adamant/ Brave
ability: Guts
evs: 252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 SpD


<p>This set is designed to function either in or out of Trick Room. Conkeldurr has the second highest attack stat in the game, outclassed only by Haxorus. However, with a Guts boost, Conkeldurr becomes the single strongest Pokemon in the game. Protect allows Conkeldurr to be sheltered from shelter itself from threats while it gets its guts boost. Wide Guard can be used in place of Protect, which can be a good option for defending partners who are week to common multi-target moves providing valuable protection for teammates weak against common multi-target moves., but since it only works with specific moves, it limits its usefulness. Unfortunately the specificity of its protection does limit its usefulness, particularly for Conkeldurr itself. Mach Punch gives Conkeldurr priority, and with a Guts boost, it can finish off weakened Pokemon or kill extremely frail ones. The choice between Drain Punch and Hammer Arm is a choice between healing and power. While Rock Slide gives you the ability to hit both opponents, Payback can be used in order to deal a larger amount to psychics and ghosts that aren't rock weak is very effective against faster Psychic- and Ghost-type enemies that lack a Rock weakness. Adamant lets Conkeldurr outspeed a few threats outside of Trick Room, and is recommended if not running Trick Room, while Brave allows Conkeldurr to be one of the fastest Pokemon in the game, under Trick Room of course when using Trick Room.</p>


<p>Conkeldurr should always run max Attack in order to deal as much damage as possible. An Attack boosting nature is also required, as there is no other stat that it is worth investing completely in. A more specially defensive Ev spread can also be used, in order to make Conkeldurr's defences equal give Conkeldurr even defensive prowess. However, a set of 152 HP / 252 Atk / 104 SpD/Def can be used in order to have effectively produces as much bulk as possible, while limiting the amount of recoil minimizing the effects of burn damage done by Flame Orb. Superpower can replace Drain Punch or Hammer Arm to provide an obscene amount of power the first time it's used, but since it lowers Conkeldurr's Attack and Defense significantly, especially after two uses, it is largely outclassed its usefulness is very limited. Earthquake can be used if Conkeldurr's partner either resists or is immune to it or doesn't care about damage from it (generally, when it is immune to or resists Ground attacks), and can hit both of the opponent's Pokemon with a strong attack that has perfect accuracy. An important thing to note is that the three move combination of Drain Punch, Mach Punch and Wide Guard is illegal with Conkeldurr, and either Drain Punch or Wide Guard must be replaced with Hammer Arm or Protect, respectively.</p>

<p>If running Earthquake, then Conkeldurr appreciates a partner that is immune to it., in which case Thundurus makes a great partner, as it can also threaten Tornadus, which can beat is a major threat to Conkeldurr. If it isn't, then When not using Earthquake, Chandelure makes an excellent partner, killing Bulky Psychic-types and physically defensive Pokemon that Conkeldurr has trouble with. Conkeldurr is an excellent choice to use with Trick Room support, being "faster," than most of the metagame under Trick Room. Under Trick Room, Reuniclus makes a great partner, providing Trick Room and breaking through most physically defensive Pokemon. and wounding It also defeats bulky Psychic-types if running Shadow Ball.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Fling can be used in order to burn an opponent's Pokemon, however if the opponent protects on that turn then it turns into a waste of a you will have effectively wasted a move slot. Facade can deal a hefty chunk of damage to a large amount variety of Pokemon; however Normal has absolutely horrid coverage with fighting, so it isn't recommended. relying on Normal coverage in combination with Fighting leaves you helpless against Ghosts</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Bulky Psychic-types like Reuniclus and Musharna cause trouble for Conkeldurr, easily taking most of its attacks and killing it in the process. Amoonguss can also pose a threat to Conkeldurr, at worst being 3HKOed by any of the main sets moves besides earthquake, but must be wary of Facade as it completely avoids being 2HKO'd by the standard sets, though it can be troubled by Earthquake and must be wary of Facade. Tornadus can both out speed Conkeldurr and kill it with an Acrobat or Hurricane.</p>


Hey! Would a After You/Trick Room Focus Punch abuse set work?

name: Focus Punch
move 1: Mach Punch
move 2: Drain Punch / Rock Slide
move 3: Focus Punch
move 4: Protect / Wide Guard
item: Flame Orb
nature: Brave
ability: Guts
evs: 252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 SpD

To be used alongside an After You Trick Room Audino, because Audino's After You will make Conkeldurr's Focus Punch hit right after Audino moves, which will be quickly thanks to Trick Room. (And probably a Chandelure on the team to beat Ghosts.) Would that be viable? And Audino has Heal Pulse to heal Conkeldurr so it can use Rock Slide instead of Drain Punch, unless you also have a Gigalith on the team.
OR you can add bulk up and then guts too, bring it out, the oppent will swicth into then activate guts then Machpunch is unstoppable, is kinda like a BP SD Scizor.
Hey! Would a After You/Trick Room Focus Punch abuse set work?

name: Focus Punch
move 1: Mach Punch
move 2: Drain Punch / Rock Slide
move 3: Focus Punch
move 4: Protect / Wide Guard
item: Flame Orb
nature: Brave
ability: Guts
evs: 252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 SpD

To be used alongside an After You Trick Room Audino, because Audino's After You will make Conkeldurr's Focus Punch hit right after Audino moves, which will be quickly thanks to Trick Room. (And probably a Chandelure on the team to beat Ghosts.) Would that be viable? And Audino has Heal Pulse to heal Conkeldurr so it can use Rock Slide instead of Drain Punch, unless you also have a Gigalith on the team.
I really don't think that's viable for a couple of reasons.
1. It uses Conkeldurr as a lead, and Acrobat Tornadus is one of the most common leads in the game, so yeah...
2. It relies on using Audino. Seriously, Audino IS the worst Trick Room set up pokemon. While it doesn't have the dark weakness, it has the horrible fighting weakness, and since Conkeldurr is the most common fighting type, even if you run Chandelure it's still going to hurt you with Rock Slide.
3. I haven't seen it used well once. If you or someone else can provide logs proving its effectiveness, I might reconsider. (also, the person you're playing against has to be at least decent at VGC, as shown by their battle)
You are using two attacks to get off one, albeit strong and fast, attack. It's simply not worth the effort, unless you can provide logs that prove its useful.
Additions / Corrections


<p>Conkeldurr is a great Pokemon for teams that need a bulky, strong Pokemon powerful attacker. Conkeldurr It has a base 140 Attack stat, which is boosted even more by Guts. Conkeldurr also has 105 / 95 / 65 (spacing) defenses, making it rather physically bulky. (Be consistent in how you refer to Pokemon. Don't alternate between "he" and "it"; stick to either one. Since you have used "it" everywehere else, stick to it) Conkeldurr can work both in and out of Trick Room, making it a good choice for teams that don't want to be totally dependent on Trick Room. Blessed with a strong priority attack in Mach Punch, Conkeldurr becomes a reliable candidate for any VGC 2011 team. </p>

name: Guts
move 1: Mach Punch
move 2: Drain Punch / Hammer Arm
move 3: Rock Slide / Payback / Earthquake (spacing)
move 4: Protect / Wide Guard
item: Flame Orb
nature: Adamant / Brave
ability: Guts
evs: 252 HP/ 252 Atk / 4 SpD


<p>This set is designed to function either in or out of Trick Room. Conkeldurr has the second highest attack stat in the game, outclassed only by Haxorus. Conkeldurr already has a huge base 140 Attack stat. However, with a Guts boost, Conkeldurr becomes the single strongest Pokemon in the game a massively powerful physical attacker capable of OHKOing a large number of Pokemon. Protect allows Conkeldurr to shelter itself from threats while it gets its Guts boost its status orb activates and gives it the Guts boost. Wide Guard can be used in place of Protect, providing valuable protection for teammates weak against common multi-target moves spread attacks. Unfortunately, the specificity of its protection does limit its usefulness, particularly for Conkeldurr itself. Mach Punch gives Conkeldurr priority, and with a Guts boost, can finish off weakened Pokemon or KO extremely frail ones. The choice between Drain Punch and Hammer Arm is a choice between healing and power. There are three options for the last attacking move. While Rock Slide gives you the ability to hit both opponents, Payback is very effective against faster Psychic- and Ghost-type enemies that lack a Rock weakness to Rock-type attacks, while Earthquake hits all grounded Pokemon on the field. An Adamant nature lets Conkeldurr outspeed a few threats outside of Trick Room, and is recommended if not running Trick Room, while Brave allows Conkeldurr to be one of the fastest Pokemon in the metagame when using Trick Room.</p>


<p>Conkeldurr should always run maximum Attack in order to deal as much damage as possible. An Attack boosting nature is also required, as there is no other stat that it is worth investing completely in. A more specially defensive EV spread can also be used, in order to give Conkeldurr even defensive prowess. 152 HP / 252 Atk / 104 SpD/Def effectively produces gives Conkeldurr as much bulk as possible while (space) minimizing the effects of burn damage from burn done by due to the Flame Orb. Superpower can replace Drain Punch or Hammer Arm to provide an obscene amount of power the first time it's used, but since it lowers Conkeldurr's Attack and Defense significantly, its usefulness is very limited. Earthquake can be used if Conkeldurr's partner doesn't care about damage from it (generally, when it is immune to or resists Ground-type attacks), and can hit both of the opponent's Pokemon with a strong attack that has perfect accuracy. An important thing to note is that the three move combination of Drain Punch, Mach Punch, and Wide Guard is illegal with Conkeldurr, and either Drain Punch or Wide Guard must be replaced with Hammer Arm or Protect, respectively.</p>

<p>If running Earthquake, Conkeldurr appreciates a partner that is immune to it. Thundurus makes a great partner, as it can also threaten Tornadus, which is a major threat to Conkeldurr. When not using Earthquake, Chandelure makes an excellent partner, killing bulky Psychic-types and physically defensive Pokemon that Conkeldurr has trouble with. Conkeldurr is an excellent choice to use with Trick Room support, being "faster," than most of the metagame under Trick Room. Under Trick Room, Reuniclus thus makes a great partner, providing Trick Room and breaking through most physically defensive Pokemon. It also defeats bulky Psychic-types if it runs Shadow Ball.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Fling can be used in order to burn an opponent's Pokemon. However, if the opponent uses Protect on that turn, you will have effectively wasted a move slot. Facade can deal a hefty chunk of damage to a variety of Pokemon; however, relying on Normal / Fighting coverage leaves you helpless against Ghost-types.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Bulky Psychic-types like Reuniclus and Musharna cause trouble for Conkeldurr, easily taking most of its attacks and killing it in the process KOing it in return with STAB Psychic. Amoonguss can also pose a threat to Conkeldurr, as it completely avoids being 2HKOed by the standard sets, though it can be troubled by Earthquake and must be wary of Facade. Tornadus can both outspeed Conkeldurr and KO it with an STAB Acrobat or Hurricane.</p>


GP 2 / 2