5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

@OmegaDonut: You mean that I redo my parameter search but now with pressing the down button? Also, what should I place on the min and max Timer0 instead since my common Timer0 is C7E? Thanks! :)
I guess there's a discrepancy between the Time Finder and the Main Form.

Oh, I see now. I know what the issue is, and I've fixed it. For now, if you want accurate roamer IVs for frame 1, set your max frame to frame 2 and ignore all results that say frame 2.

Thanks for the screenshot.

@OmegaDonut: You mean that I redo my parameter search but now with pressing the down button? Also, what should I place on the min and max Timer0 instead since my common Timer0 is C7E? Thanks! :)

Yeah, redo it and make sure you tell DS Parameter Finder that you're holding Down down. I'm betting it'll tell you your new Timer0 is C7F, so you should make that the max when you redo the search. When you do, ignore all seeds with a keypress that have Timer0 C7E.
Dude, the encounter charts are in RNG Reporter. Right click on a PIDRNG frame and click Calculate Encounter Slots. They are accurate for wild grass Pokemon (not shaking spots, but Mienfoo isn't one of them).

Though I need to fix that table to make it clear that the first column in the table is slot 0, the second slot 1, etc.

For some reason when I click on the Black Encounter Table on RNG Reporter, nothing happens.

Okay, I did that and the minimum frame is 4626(holy crap). Advancing this frame is when I would do that Chatot crap, right? Also, it's giving me a specific nature(Careful) for that frame. Am I locked into that, or will using a Synchronizer possibly improve my odds of getting a different nature?

Either the Chatot method or by saving, yes. If it's giving you a specific nature even if you have your synch nature inserted, then you're out of luck. Some seeds change with the synch, others don't.
Redo your search in the Time Finder with Method 5 (Standard Seed). If you check the Shiny Only check box and enter your ID\SID, and enter a number in the Max Shiny Frame box, it will restrict the results to only IV spreads that also have a nearby shiny frame on the same seed.

If the nature is bolded in Time Finder, it can be Synchronized. In the main window, if the nature changes when you select a nature from the Synchronize drop-down box, it can be Synchronized.

I did this the first time, but if I remember correctly I had to put the Max Shiny Frame at something around 2,000-3,000 to actually hit one that gave me my desired IVs+HP Fire.
Oh, I see now. I know what the issue is, and I've fixed it. For now, if you want accurate roamer IVs for frame 1, set your max frame to frame 2 and ignore all results that say frame 2.

Thanks for the screenshot.

That somehow fixes things. Thanks for figuring it out. I'll make sure I post more details next time.
For some reason when I click on the Black Encounter Table on RNG Reporter, nothing happens.

Update RNG Reporter to beta 5. It's on the first page.

I did this the first time, but if I remember correctly I had to put the Max Shiny Frame at something around 2,000-3,000 to actually hit one that gave me my desired IVs+HP Fire.

Try searching a different month. If you're going for a totally flawless HP Fire spread, you might have to relax your standards a bit.
I see, I'll try that ahead. Also, I'm still confused by this, but until what point should I hold a button when entering the game? Should I release it after the white Nintendo screen comes up or until the "2011 Nintendo" one? Thanks! :)
I see, I'll try that ahead. Also, I'm still confused by this, but until what point should I hold a button when entering the game? Should I release it after the white Nintendo screen comes up or until the "2011 Nintendo" one? Thanks! :)

Hold the button until the Pokemon Company logo appears.

To elaborate on my last post: it seems for a lot of people, holding down a button increases the Timer0 by one. So do the searches I recommended for now. I plan on making the next release account for Timer0 change.
Update RNG Reporter to beta 5. It's on the first page.

Try searching a different month. If you're going for a totally flawless HP Fire spread, you might have to relax your standards a bit.

I ended up settling for HP Fire 64, but I'll definitely try different months. The lowest possible shiny frame that gives me the desired ability and nature is currently 50,823, so finding a more desirable month could save me a ton of time. Thanks for the tip.

One more question: that encounter slot thing has Duosion in the very first column in route 9. Am I correct in assuming that this is column 0?
I ended up settling for HP Fire 64, but I'll definitely try different months. The lowest possible shiny frame that gives me the desired ability and nature is currently 50,823, so finding a more desirable month could save me a ton of time. Thanks for the tip.

Oh, you should never settle for a lower power Hidden Power. A drop to HP Fire 64 is like dropping your Special Attack 30 points. A lower Attack, maybe.

One more question: that encounter slot thing has Duosion in the very first column in route 9. Am I correct in assuming that this is column 0?

I'm back to bother you all.

I have gotten the hang of RNGing for shinyness, and IVs, but I am wondering how you combine the two?

What I assumed was you got the full seed from the time finder - method 5 standard seed and then put it into the main window under method 5 PIDRNG, but it doesn't find any shinies. I am confused as to how to search for IVs and then apply them to the next PIDRNG search.
my IVs are not ridiculously rare.

also is there no rep button on this site? I wanted to rep the guy that helped me last time :<
Ahh I see what you mean. I haven't had an issue with that, but I've never taken too many extra steps. So your step counter doesn't reset when you turn off the game is what I'm getting from that? Maybe I'll try to take 127 steps and test it for myself.

I'm having some trouble figuring out my PID frame. I'm trying to catch a Jolly Mienfoo with Inner Focus (Ability 0) in Dragonspiral Tower 1F. I'm not using a synchronizer because 1) I need to carry only 2 pokemon in party to hit my frame, and I'm already using my Spore/False Slash Breloom and a Sweet Scenter, and 2) I want to figure out exactly how the PID advancement works.

I walked into the tower and used a super repel, walked exactly 72 steps (128 steps left on the repel) and then saved. When I start the game and manage to hit the correct seed/Timer0 value (which I'm getting better at), I run 128 steps until my repel expires. If I immediately sweet scent after that, I catch a Modest Mienfoo, Female, with Regenerator (Ability 1). I've confirmed this multiple times to make sure.

The initial post says that each step in areas with wild pokemon as well as saves both increase the PID frame by 1, but I'm not getting equivalent results. When I take an extra step and then sweet scent, I catch a Careful Druddigon, Male, with Ability 1. When I save and then sweet scent, I catch a Gentle Mienfoo, Female, with Ability 1.

Confirmed all their IVs to make sure I was on the same seed/frame each time.

Seed: 31C26DE43F5FEB92

Any ideas?

EDIT: While I'm at it, is there a page that lists the ESVs for each area like there was for the Gen IV games?

Quoting this as a bump and to post more testing information.

After 128 steps precisely: Mienfoo (ESV 1), Modest, F, Ability 1
After 128 steps + 1 turn (without moving): Golett, Bold, Ability 1
After 128 steps + 1 step: Same as above
After 128 steps + 2 steps: Druddigon, Careful, M, Ability 1

So I take it that turns and full steps both count as 1 advancement. Unfortunately, I can't find a set of PID Frames in sequence anywhere on this seed that fits those natures and values.

Also, when I step the other direction (turning around in the process) it advances twice to the same Druddigon. So turning around to move even if you don't stop in the meantime counts as an additional advancement?

And then the real kicker is that when I walk exactly 128 steps then do a save, I catch a Gentle, Female Mienfoo with Ability 1, which doesn't match any of my other advancements.

Can someone clarify?
What I assumed was you got the full seed from the time finder - method 5 standard seed and then put it into the main window under method 5 PIDRNG, but it doesn't find any shinies. I am confused as to how to search for IVs and then apply them to the next PIDRNG search.
my IVs are not ridiculously rare.

Check the Shiny Only box when doing the Method 5 Standard Seed search. It'll limit the results to seeds that also have low-frame shinies (specificy your max in the Max Shiny Frame box).

Quoting this as a bump and to post more testing information.

After 128 steps precisely: Mienfoo (ESV 1), Modest, F, Ability 1
After 128 steps + 1 turn (without moving): Golett, Bold, Ability 1
After 128 steps + 1 step: Same as above
After 128 steps + 2 steps: Druddigon, Careful, M, Ability 1

So I take it that turns and full steps both count as 1 advancement. Unfortunately, I can't find a set of PID Frames in sequence anywhere on this seed that fits those natures and values.

Also, when I step the other direction (turning around in the process) it advances twice to the same Druddigon. So turning around to move even if you don't stop in the meantime counts as an additional advancement?

And then the real kicker is that when I walk exactly 128 steps then do a save, I catch a Gentle, Female Mienfoo with Ability 1, which doesn't match any of my other advancements.

Can someone clarify?

I suggest figuring out where you are frame-wise after your 128 steps, and then using saves or preferably Chatots to advance to your final PIDRNG frame.
You can't find hem in sequence because they're plus 2. Turning and walking counts as two separate movements unless you're running. Only that counts as one.
Is it normal for a vcount to change?

I've abused on this seed before no problems. It has a vcount of 5D, but I've just caught the same pokemon 4 times in a row with a vcount of 5E
You can't find hem in sequence because they're plus 2. Turning and walking counts as two separate movements unless you're running. Only that counts as one.

Ok, that makes sense why I always end up at the same frame while running (rather than walking) out the duration of my repel. That helps a little bit.

Still doesn't explain why I get completely different pokemon after a turn compared to after a save, or why I can't find a sequence of frames for Modest / Bold / Careful. :\
Aside from what was said about hold a button down causing the Timer0 value to change is there anything else known to cause this? I'm, apparently, randomly switching between C7B and C7C when I do nothing and C7C and C7D when I'm holding a button.
Is it normal for a vcount to change?

I've abused on this seed before no problems. It has a vcount of 5D, but I've just caught the same pokemon 4 times in a row with a vcount of 5E

I'm guessing you've got a flashcart based on the weird VCount, DSes+real carts almost always have it at 60. Anything goes on a flashcart.

Aside from what was said about hold a button down causing the Timer0 value to change is there anything else known to cause this? I'm, apparently, randomly switching between C7B and C7C when I do nothing and C7C and C7D when I'm holding a button.

Oh, well, that's the uncontrollable part. You'll just have to keep trying.
What is the difference between the different encounter types when searching under B/W standard abuse?

other than roamers, the rest all produce the same IV's/Seeds.

When pickup up my gift zorua, what frame will the seeds be picked from? frame 1 I assume?

I've read that when breeding IVs are taken from frame 8... so if I found a good spread on frame 16, 16 - 8 = 8 so I'd have to advance 8 times?

and what about the PID frame? is it taken from frame 8 of the PID as well, or does this work the same as usual?

also, how do you find you SID in gen 5? is it the same as gen 4? and can I use RNG reporter to find it?
and what about the PID frame? is it taken from frame 8 of the PID as well, or does this work the same as usual?

also, how do you find you SID in gen 5? is it the same as gen 4? and can I use RNG reporter to find it?

The PID is still crazy for breeding.

To get your SID you can use Pandora's Box in RNGReporter but you have to know exactly when you started your game.
Check the Shiny Only box when doing the Method 5 Standard Seed search. It'll limit the results to seeds that also have low-frame shinies (specificy your max in the Max Shiny Frame box).

I suggest figuring out where you are frame-wise after your 128 steps, and then using saves or preferably Chatots to advance to your final PIDRNG frame.

I tried that, loaded it up to the correct time and date, but it wasn't shiny and the nature stated was wrong. Is there a special way to hit these seeds?
The PID is still crazy for breeding.

Actually, it's been fixed.

To get your SID you can use Pandora's Box in RNGReporter but you have to know exactly when you started your game.

More importantly, you need to know exactly when you started your DS original\Lite, when you started your game.

I tried that, loaded it up to the correct time and date, but it wasn't shiny and the nature stated was wrong. Is there a special way to hit these seeds?

Did you check to make sure your IVs were right? It's how you can be sure you actually hit your seed in the first place.

Also you can right-click a seed in the Time Finder and show seeds that have nearby seconds\Timer0s, just to make sure you didn't hit one of those. Remember, you have to start the game from the DS menu one second before Time Finder tells you to, because it takes a second to boot up.
Posted this before but no one replied, and I added a few more details.

I'm having problems doing non c-gear egg IV abuse.
I'm using DSTWO on a DS lite and have been getting consistent DS Parameters with it (all 6 tries gave me the same results). I repeated searching for the DS parameters while holding down a button and all tries still gave me the same parameters. The same codes were enabled (IV/EV check, 100% catch rate, fast egg hatch) when looking for DS parameters and RNG for egg IVs in case the codes affect the parameters in any way.

Seed: 5925FFD955C48E35
Frame: 8
Date/Time: 04/27/2011 19:31:42
KeyPress: Up
IV spread: 31/31/31/27/31/31

DS Parameters
VCount: 38
Timer0: 75A
GxStat: 6
VFrame: 15
actual seconds: +7

Parensts are:
Adamant Ditto@everstone with 31/31/31/31/31/31 IVs.
Adamant Male Timburr with 31/31/31/4/28/31 IVs.

The steps I took were:
- Deposit the parents, ran around till an egg was produced.
- I save inside the daycare building, one step up from the door and facing the door.
- I set the DS date and clock to 04/27/2011 19:31:00, giving me enough time to select the game from DSTWO's menu
- I select the game at 19:31:35 (+7 to give me 19:31:42), press and hold Up all the way till the nintendo logo is shown.
- I enter the game without turning on c-gear
- Since the frame for my spread is 8 and eggs start at the 8th frame, I do not need to do any IV frame advancements.
- I press down to exit the building, while holding Left and spamming A so that I pick up the egg as soon as possible.
- I then hatch the egg to check the IVs.

The IV spreads that I kept getting were 27/22/31/27/31/31 or 31/31/23/14/31/1. As I know both parents have 31 IVs in both HP and Atk (31Spe for second spread), it means I either did not hit the correct seed or frame.
However, when I checked nearby frames under 'Method 5 (Standard Seed)', I do not see a 27HP/22Atk spread (or 1Spe) anywhere near it. Adjacent seeds (with 1 second or 1 timer0 off) also did not show such a spread.
I made sure I selected 'Gift Pokemon (Non-Mystery Gift)' under the encounter type when generating and looking for seeds too.

Is there anything I missed out or am doing wrong?
Posted this before but no one replied, and I added a few more details.


Is there anything I missed out or am doing wrong?

Have you considered the possibility that by walking out of the house, you are tripping the 128-step counter that advances the IVRNG? The counter is saved, you know. I think it might be a combination of this and you hitting the wrong seed.