Flat Battle / Random Battle Discussion

Dragon tail MILOTIC is sooooo useful! fuck yo shell break cloyster!
im tired of seeing togikiss, airslash hax are old and easily predicted. choice scarf chaandelure is wonderful.
I was hoping people would understand that I was only implying that I've only seen 1, but...

EDIT: *sigh...* just got D/C'd on 4 times in a row. I thought rating mode would be fun, but in all honesty, it's not. I'd love to go back to free mode, but no good players are on anymore (or at least I never see any...) I'm sure I'll get the "trolololol if you don't like it quit the game" responses, but I know that almost everyone can agree with me...
Double Posting to say that I've decided to start trolling random wifi battles with this set:

Bidoof @Eviolite
-Aqua Tail
So, if you still do free battles (not rating) and see this on a team... It's me.
I'll post the video number if it dominates anything, although I'm expecting many D/Cs.
That Bidoof probably won't be the most successful, to be quite honest. Due to the fact that it can only stall for 8 turns instead of 16, it's far from as good as other moody pokes.
I have to give props to a guy I beat and Random Matchup... my Porygon 2 stood alone against a Jellicent and a Krookadile (doubles) and stalled them both... and he didn't forfeit or even better, rage-quit. He stayed till the bitter end...
But I must say, I have serious faith in Porygon 2 even if it doesn't always do all too well.
I have seen a couple cheaters on there... one of which REALLY didn't like the sight of a Simple Volcarona (Simple Beam+ Quiver Dance? could've been so beautiful) and thus D/Ced... the other fell to my Bisharp and rightfully so...
I have to give props to a guy I beat and Random Matchup... my Porygon 2 stood alone against a Jellicent and a Krookadile (doubles) and stalled them both... and he didn't forfeit or even better, rage-quit. He stayed till the bitter end...
But I must say, I have serious faith in Porygon 2 even if it doesn't always do all too well.
I have seen a couple cheaters on there... one of which REALLY didn't like the sight of a Simple Volcarona (Simple Beam+ Quiver Dance? could've been so beautiful) and thus D/Ced... the other fell to my Bisharp and rightfully so...

He likely didn't forfeit for the same reason that I usually don't: To have a chance at a random crit. Those can sometimes let you make a comeback.
He likely didn't forfeit for the same reason that I usually don't: To have a chance at a random crit. Those can sometimes let you make a comeback.

True... granted, his Jellicent was basically recovering at the end, toxic was at a high toll so he was getting few attacks in... and once I was at comfortable health I laid in with charge beams.
I rarely see phychic pokemon during randoms, except for maybe a starmie or two.

I use Starmie on all my teams, it's very useful especially alongside Zoroark. The only downside is that Scrafty use Crunch instead of Drain Punch, which makes my Counter only deal about 60% instead of OHKO'ing, which forces me to rely on Focus Blast's horrid accuracy to beat it.
I use Starmie on all my teams, it's very useful especially alongside Zoroark. The only downside is that Scrafty use Crunch instead of Drain Punch, which makes my Counter only deal about 60% instead of OHKO'ing, which forces me to rely on Focus Blast's horrid accuracy to beat it.
I have one on my current team too. I'm running Thunderbolt, Phychic, Ice Beam and Surf. I had grass knot before Phychic, but I seen a lot of people had fighting so I had to change it.
I have one on my current team too. I'm running Thunderbolt, Phychic, Ice Beam and Surf. I had grass knot before Phychic, but I seen a lot of people had fighting so I had to change it.

I use Psyshock over Psychic for the rare Chansey/Blissey, but it messes me up when I face a BU Conkeldurr with max SpD, etc.
I don't think I ran into any Blissey. Psyshock is too risky to go with the rest of my pokemon. I rely a lot on Starmie to rid the annoying dragons.
I think I'll start using a Starmie, since it's fast and is a good counter to Hippowdon and to some degree Vaporeon (Toxic can't hurt me that bad because of natural cure).

And Virizion, what Zoroark set do you run? I've never seen one/knew that it learned counter...
I think I'll start using a Starmie, since it's fast and is a good counter to Hippowdon and to some degree Vaporeon (Toxic can't hurt me that bad because of natural cure).

And Virizion, what Zoroark set do you run? I've never seen one/knew that it learned counter...

Zoroark @ Focus Sash
Focus Blast
Night Daze
Meh... Mine's timid with dark pulse over night daze and nasty plot over counter. I might make a new one w/ counter once I feel less lazy.
Meh... Mine's timid with dark pulse over night daze and nasty plot over counter. I might make a new one w/ counter once I feel less lazy.
I think Zoroark is to frail for nasty plot. By the time you set up you could already be dead by the end of the turn, howerever with it's ability it does by some time for you to set up well enough to sweep.
I think Zoroark is to frail for nasty plot. By the time you set up you could already be dead by the end of the turn, howerever with it's ability it does by some time for you to set up well enough to sweep.

You usually get a turn to setup , just because of its ability. Just assuming your opponent has a zoroark out, when they don't, will cost you.
I've never seen it used skillfully, which is unfortunate, because I like Zoroark and want to see it be worth a team slot. Whenever I see Zoroark on a team roster, I just refrain from using Psychic, and whatever I used instead OHKOs it anyway. I've lost ~80 battles, but never against someone who used a Zoroark. Of course, this is in double battles.
I've never seen it used skillfully, which is unfortunate, because I like Zoroark and want to see it be worth a team slot. Whenever I see Zoroark on a team roster, I just refrain from using Psychic, and whatever I used instead OHKOs it anyway. I've lost ~80 battles, but never against someone who used a Zoroark. Of course, this is in double battles.

Battle video - 70-86331-56024
I must admit I did nothing skillfully with it (Not much skill involved in just clicking the right attack), but it is very useful for me. This battle is an example how I have the win/loss ratio that I currently do; I often lead with Zoro and Counter to kill things like TTar or just get damage in on things like Jolteon.

Also, it's unfortunate that Bidoof didn't do anything besides the semi-useful Toxic.
Battle video - 70-86331-56024
I must admit I did nothing skillfully with it (Not much skill involved in just clicking the right attack), but it is very useful for me. This battle is an example how I have the win/loss ratio that I currently do; I often lead with Zoro and Counter to kill things like TTar or just get damage in on things like Jolteon.

Also, it's unfortunate that Bidoof didn't do anything besides the semi-useful Toxic.
Lol how useful is that bidoof? I've only stalled out 2 things with it (granted that I only used it in like 4 matches, but that's beside the point.), but you seem to use it alot, which I find pretty funny.