[Beginner] Brawl Mafia - Game over! Rejects and smashlloyd20 win!

25 of you stand together in the center of the stadium, with the Hands floating overhead. Everyone else has left, to afraid or too busy to join the fight. The Hands stare at the volunteers for a minute, then auramaster goes into more detail about the conflict.

“From now on, you will be known collectively as the Playable Characters. We believe that members of the Rejects and the Bosses have infiltrated this stadium and disguised themselves as fighters, like the rest of you. BE CAREFUL. These enemies are extremely dangerous, and are doing everything they can to hide themselves in the crowd.”

loudkirbyking floats closer to announce his turn to speak. “To complicate matters, there are many innocent people living in the City, and more enemies outside the walls, who could rush in and overwhelm everyone if the walls are destroyed. Therefore, all of you will be staying inside the stadium tonight, while me and auramaster stand guard.”

“Why do we have to listen to you?” Everyone turns to see Spiffy angry at the Hands for taking control. “I am a proven leader, and obviously awesome, so I should be the leade-” BOOM! loudkirbyking drops several bombs on Spiffy, killing him instantly.

Role PM said:
Dear Spiffy,
you are Ike.

You are a great swordsman and the leader of the Greil Mercenaries. After saving Tellius from the powerul and corrupt country of Daein, you have recently been fighting in the City, and training your brute strength, at the cost of your once-amazing speed. As an awesome Fire Emblem character, you defend the innocent from cruel conquers on a daily basis, so it was an easy decision to join the Playable Characters.

At night, you may send a PM to loudkirbyking and auramaster titled, “Night X - Use Aether on <user>”, you will use your special Aether move on <user>, killing them. This will only work if <user> is an enemy.

You are allied with the Playable Characters, you win if all threats are eliminated.

auramaster proudly announced, “We are the leaders. No rebels. No complaints. Got it?” Everyone nodded in silent agreement. “Good. For those who have already forgotten, the Rules and the identities of me and loudkirbyking will be posted on the far wall. Now get some sleep, tomorrow we will begin ridding ourselves of the enemy.”

The Rules which must be obeyed (Copied and edited from Mob Mafia)

1. Every user has a role PM. Role PMs, including fake role PMs, may not be shown to other users on Night 0 (Unless you are Mafia members on the same team), but starting from Day 1 onwards they may be freely distributed. Screenshotting role PMs, or anything else related to the game, is banned. If anyone finds a person encouraging others to take screenshots or taking screenshots and showing other people, please be sure to report it.

2. The game will alternate between Day and Night, starting with Night 0, and each night will last 48 hours or until all PMs are sent in. There are no deaths on Night 0. There are no deaths on Night 0. Please state what you are doing in the PM title, it makes it MUCH easier to handle. Remember that PMs are to be sent to auramaster AND loudkirbyking. If you’re not going to do anything, send a PM to auramaster and loudkirbyking titled “Night X - Idling”.

3. Each day will have a deadline of 48 hours. You may vote to lynch users during the day by posting "lynch <user>" in bold, or "No lynch" if you don't want to lynch anyone. You may change the format of lynching someone if you want, but it must be clear that you are voting for <user>. Once there is a majority as determined by the host, there will be a grace period equal to one fourth of the time remaining in the day, and if the majority is still in place after said grace period, the day will end. Please don't ask about when a majority is reached - once it's time for the day to end, it'll end (provided a host is there to update). If there is a tie in voting, no one will be lynched. All votes for a dead user, or a user who isn’t playing, will count as “No lynch”.

4. You can paste things told to you by the host. You may fake logs. Do not take pasting of a host conversation as definite proof, these can be faked. If you want to fake a log, feel free to PM one of the hosts for assistance. Impersonation of a host or another user however, is banned at all points. Please do not attempt to impersonate in any way.

5. If you die, don’t talk about the game to anyone who’s still playing. There may be someone in this game who can talk to the dead or resurrect dead players.

6. It is recommended that new players read through older Mafia games and/or Mafia articles in The Smog before playing. If you have any questions about Mafia, your role PM, or the rules, PLEASE ask auramaster or loudkirbyking. We’ll be glad to help.

7. Some roles do have priority over others, but the exact details are a secret.

8. There are item(s) in this game, but since this is a Beginner game, items cannot be stolen or given away, and all inspection results and night results can be trusted as completely accurate.

9. Only sign up if you know you're going to be at least fairly active. If we notice that you seem to be idle, we reserve the right to have you forcefully subbed out if necessary. We will nudge first, though.

10. If you find a flaw in your role PM, let us know and we’ll fix it.

11. Official channel for the game is #brawlmafia. IRC is not required, but it is HIGHLY recommended that all players have IRC. For more information on it, see http://www.smogon.com/irc/

12. loudkirbyking and auramaster must be informed and given access to any spreadsheets or IRC channels that you create. Also, please talk to us occasionally about the game, it makes for a better postgame :) If you’re subbed out, any PMs you send us that don’t break the rules will be sent to whoever takes over your role. If you don’t tell us what you’ve been doing, and get subbed out, the sub will be in a much worse position.

13. If there is a conflict between your role PM and the rules, the role PM is correct.

14. Don’t assume that anything is too unusual to be true.

15. lkk reserves the right to Meteor anyone who acts foolish.

Role PM said:
Dear auramaster,
you are Master Hand.

You are a strange floating right hand that controls the Smash world. You are always looking for strong challengers, and will often bring strong fighters to the mysterious Final Destination for a Brawl. Your exact objectives are unknown, but the Playable Characters trust you as a worthy leader and a dangerous opponent.

At night, you may send a PM to loudkirbyking and auramaster titled, ”Night X - Laser Web <user>”, you will trap <user> in a web-like pattern of lasers, preventing them from using any night action, shooting meteors, or slapping users with a large trout.

In addition, you have been titled as a co-host, and therefore have all powers necessary to be a co-host. This includes, but is not limited to: kills, subbing users out, mod powers for the IRC channel #brawlmafia, and changing day into night with updates.

You are allied with the Cohosts. You win if a majority of the players Luv your game.

Role PM said:
Dear loudkirbyking,
you are Crazy Hand.

You are a strange floating left hand that aids Master Hand in controlling the Smash World. Though being quite insane, and twitchy for that matter, you sometimes end up popping in after Master Hand gets them “warmed up” for you. Nobody really knows how you ended up crazy, but the Playable Characters enjoy your craziness and battling skills enough to make you a leader, so you go with it.

At night, you may send a PM to loudkirbyking and auramaster titled, “Night X - Bomb <user>”, you will wiggle your fingers as bombs shoot out from them, causing <user> to flee from you and target Master Hand instead with all their complaints and questions.

In addition, you have been titled as a co-host, and therefore have all powers necessary to be a co-host. This includes, but is not limited to: kills, subbing users out, mod powers for the IRC channel #brawlmafia, and changing day into night with updates.

You are allied with the Cohosts. You win if a majority of the players Luv your game.

“Don’t forget to keep a close eye on these allies, and possibly enemies hiding in plain sight.”

Player List:
Fire Blast
Lady Salamence
Nightmare jigglypuff
Wild Eep

Galladiator - Playable Characters - 1-time Vigilante - Squished Night 1
undisputed - Bosses - Post Restrictor/Hooker - Lynched Day 2
masterful - Playable Characters - Bodyguard - Squished Night 2
Darkamber8828 - Playable Characters - Role Name Checker - Blasted Night 2
Steven Snype/Quagsires - Playable Characters - KPV - Lynched Day 3
Slim Guldo - Rejects - Kidnapper/Sylar - Eliminated Night 3
Athenodoros - Playable Characters - Limited Bodyguard/Safeguard/Inspector - Squished Night 3
kingofkongs - Playable Characters - Hooker - Burned Night 3
Bob_Squob - Playable Characters - Priority Lower - Lynched Day 4
khz - Playable Characters - Stage Chooser - Eliminated Night 4
HSA - Playable Characters - Twin/Chain Grabber - Sliced Night 4
danmantincan - Bosses - Stun Grabber - Lynched Day 5
Tsuk/vanilla bear/Spiffy - Playable Characters - Reverse Martyr - Trophied Night 5
Cereza - Playable Characters - Mayor - Mentally assaulted Night 5
Captain Bagman/iiMKUltra - Playable Characters - Twin/Chain Grabber - Lynched Day 6

Currently sending out Role PM’s. Do not post until all Role PM’s have been sent out. Don’t forget that #brawlmafia has been set up to discuss the game, and unless you cannot use IRC due to technical problems, it is HIGHLY recommended that you use the channel for discussions. If you have any questions, please contact auramaster and/or loudkirbyking, and we will be glad to help :)
During Night 0, you cannot share your Role PM with others, unless you are Mafia members on the same team. You may paraphrase; something like "I am Martyr" is allowed but c/p'ing anything from your role PM is banned.

Also, there are no kills on Night 0, and don't forget to send your night action in (If you have one) before Night 0 ends!
I'm redirector. BG or inspector talk to me and I'll prove myself.
Can't post Role PM on N0 but I will on D1.

I could easily lead the village to victory.
I'm redirector. BG or inspector talk to me and I'll prove myself.
Can't post Role PM on N0 but I will on D1.

I could easily lead the village to victory.

Hi, I do not trust you nor like you. I do not want you leading in any way or form whatsoever as I do not want someone inexperienced to try to lead this village and fail miserably. You have no credentials going for you, as per your Redirect, which more often than not tends to be a mafia role. I would also like to say that BG has no reason to protect you as no kills happen n0.

Instead, I would like to lead this village as it is the only reason I wanted to join this beginner game. So all claim to me and have a good time =]. While role PMs may not be shared about n0, all I would like from you is your role name. If you feel like giving additional info about yourself to me, go right ahead. I would, though, like an inspector to clean me N0.
Actually Persuader is more often a mafia role. All I can do is redirect roles to myself.
Anyway Snype, I have more credentials than you do, and honestly I don't see how you are oh so trustful.

It's called Ness and I throw Mr. Saturns to annoy people into using the role on me.
Actually Persuader is more often a mafia role. All I can do is redirect roles to myself.
Anyway Snype, I have more credentials than you do, and honestly I don't see how you are oh so trustful.

What does persuasion have anything to do with your claim as a redirector? If you can only redirect actions to yourself, then you are a Martyr, not a redirector. So why not say you were a Martyr in the first place? x.x Either you're just a redirector trying to pass yourself off as a Martyr or you're a bumbling buffoon who doesn't know what he's talking about, and therefore, are very viable to fuck up and cost the village a victory. I, for one, do not want the village to lose. I've been playing mafia a lot longer than you, and therefore, am a better player, and thus, feel that I should lead the village to victory.

Also, all I am asking for is role names. I will publicly post my role PM Day 1, when the rules permit me to do so.
I'd just like to say, everyone should probably be cautious about releasing role names. It's entirely possible that there's a wolf/not village role who needs a particular character dead. An example could be Bowser needs Mario dead, something like that. I also don't like everyone releasing their roles. God forbid a role like inspector public claims and we lose our inspector N0.
I'd just like to say, everyone should probably be cautious about releasing role names. It's entirely possible that there's a wolf/not village role who needs a particular character dead. An example could be Bowser needs Mario dead, something like that. I also don't like everyone releasing their roles. God forbid a role like inspector public claims and we lose our inspector N0.

While a possibility like that may exist, remember that this is a Beginner game and this concept isn't usually there in Beginner games. that is not the reason I am asking for your role names. I have already taken leadership. I have not given anyone anyone else's role name. Also, I would doubt that if such a role existed that the target would be something instrumental to the village's success.

Also, no Galladiator. I have a very fit role to lead the village. I also strongly discourage anyone else from posting their role. The one advantage the mafia has over us is that they at least have some idea of who is in their faction and what abilities they have. By posting your role publicly, you are giving the mafia more information, making it easier for them to win. On a similar vein, people should not give their role name to anyone else during N0.

As it stands, I currently have around 10 role name claims. Please send them coming to me.