Riolu - OU Copycat 'Sweeper'

I'm too lazy to do the calcs, but I think this might be more effective as an anti-phazing support than some sort of weird suicide sweepers. The only other priority roar is Assist, which basically forces you to dedicate your team to it, while this can be done anytime you're dragged out after a roar or whirlwind. If I remember correctly, phazing moves switch out the next pokemon in your party, so you can put him behind your most likely to be phazed pokemon in your party and have him go to town. The question is if the boost from eviolite lets him survive anything of note that would allow him to start a circle throw cycle or if it's better to just have leftovers to fight various residual damage. Priority whirlwind's a pretty good thing to be able to throw around, especially since it forces out anything that's trying to shuffle your team.
No, phazing randomly selects the dragged out pokemon.
I see this thing like Shedinja in a way. It scores a very solid checkmate provided you can give it the right environment. The trick is getting the right environment. I mean, let's face it, if you're playing a team that lacks entry hazards, a spin blocker, a damaging weather inducer, Prankster, or any decently fast priority, you were probably going to win without Riolu anyway.
Last time I checked, this didn't work on PO. I posted in the PO thread, but I never got a response. Has this been fixed, and does this work on PO now?

PO isn't accurate with all the mechanics. I tried a Conversion 2 Porygon2 before, and well, turning into a Steel type on a Fighting move is really lame.

IMO, Assist Liepard does this much better than Riolu. Just sayin'.
Even better, use Assist Liepard and Riolu on the same team; Assist Liepard needs someone to set up hazards for it, and Riolu Copycatting the opponent's hazards is the best way. For an Assist team, Riolu is probably best as the lead; something like:


with a Focus Sash.
people say that building a team with it is hard... is it?

Jellicent (Spin Block and absorbs boosted water hits; handles priority of Bullet Punch, Ice Shard, Extreme Speed (Surf/Scald for Arcanine), Mach Punch, Vacuum Wave, Quick Attack, Fake-out, etc.)
Forretress (Spin/Spikes; Extreme Speed/Fake-out/Quick Attack (Dragonite/Lucario), Shadow Sneak, Ice Shard (Weavile), Sucker Punch resistant)
Dugtrio (Tyranitar, etc. Rev. killer)
FILLER (Sweeper, Espeon, or a back-up Spiker)

-pack a spinner Forretress
-pack dugtrio (I guess it could be useful for taking Electric Attacks aimed at Poli/Jelli)
-pack ninetales or politoad
-pack someone to counter all of the priority users in the game minus scizor and conkeldurr Jellicent/Forretress
-pack rioulu
-pack someone to set hazards Foretress
-if you can fit it, pack a spin blocker Jellicent

All with room to spare, and that's if you believe Dugtrio is required, which isn't always the case.
Thundurus and Tornadus stop it with taunt. Techniloom has a brutal mach punch. Bronzong and Skarmory resist stealth rock and are immune to spikes. Excadrill, while vulnerable to spikes, takes almost nothing from stealth rock and will commonly hold the balloon anyways. Reuniclus and Sigilyph have magic guard. Mienshao usually has fake out. Infernape will sometimes has mach punch and Mamoswine will always have ice shard. These are just quick, relatively common quick stops to this gimmick, but Roarolu is only gonna work on bad players. With team preview, the surprise factor is lost and a competent team can prevent it from setting up.
Has anyone considered a pure phaser? Have a teammate set up hazards, then scarf-prankster roar? Apart from bounce and cups, and nite...what would be the problem?
Has anyone considered a pure phaser? Have a teammate set up hazards, then scarf-prankster roar? Apart from bounce and cups, and nite...what would be the problem?

Roar has -6 priority. Prankster adds +1 to priority. Choice scarf does nothing at all to priority ratings. You will still be moving slower than everything else... Copycat works because it is 0 priority by default, changed to +1 by prankster
The thing about breloom is that if it's adamant, jolly riolu outspeeds by 1 point.

this set has also been discussed in the Prankster thread, but good to see it getting more attention.
Just a note: I tested Circle Throw with Copycat, and Copycat fails.

Also, a team built around this should adequately prepare for Magic Guard Reuniclus.
Riolu doesn't learn Whirlwind. Skarmory doesn't resist Stealth Rock. Excadrills can use Life Orb. Plus, you do realise that it's entirely possible to switch if there is a priority user faster than you(you are pretty much only faster than Scizor and Conkelderp).

This is why you pack other team members. Jellicent handles Infernape like a boss. Dugtrio comes in on the Taunt and forces Thundurus/Tornadus to get out and let the incoming mon be brutally smashed by a Stone Miss, Air Balloon Heatran owns Excadrill, Rank is slower than you and is p-hazed before it can do anything, Sigilyph is plain owned by Houndoom, while Scrafty roflstomps it too. Jellicent > Mienshao. Jellicent > Mamoswine. Adamant Breloom is outsped.

Roarolu is only gonna work on bad players
Only bad players will keep Riolu in those obvious threats. Also, only bad players wont have a good response to them.

Its way more viable then Shedinja, as it have more switch in opportunities and, if you manage to switch freely (using disable Ninetales/Gengar, for example), can take TSpikes/Spikes/SS/SR/Hail (almost) all day long.

Also, MaxHP Riolu have 284 HP, meaning it can take 2 Seismic Toss/Night Shades. A set with Sub (priority sub ;D) could work against things like chansey, blissey, and such. And dont you dare to say that Chansey/Blissey aren't common.
Call me a complete idiot, but I never even realised that Roar can work in succession with Copycat. I only just checked that video today. I assumed Circle Throw was the best option and that Roar would be restricted by the same limitations. Turns out I was wrong on both counts.

Riolu has a chance as a key phazer on a hazards team, then. Give it speed to outpriority the slow users and put the rest in defense, and it could work. Prankster Copycat is never a bad asset on a team, and Prankster generally provides nice support in the form of priority weather and other things, so it's not a wasted support. It's way more effective than building an entire team round assist.
I don't think I'd have the balls to use it, but I swear, if i ever get swept by this I will be annoyed.
Although as mentioned above, there are enough commonly used pokemon to defeat it easily. Protect screws it over a bit too.
Roar has -6 priority. Prankster adds +1 to priority. Choice scarf does nothing at all to priority ratings. You will still be moving slower than everything else... Copycat works because it is 0 priority by default, changed to +1 by prankster

Oh damn that sucks I thought prankster defaulted all non attacks to +1 bad

Scarf would just be there to outrun other priority, but doesn't matter now...
Will definitly add this to my pranksterteam!
Whimsicott for example with substitute takes away alot of espeons pp,but maybe Sableeye has something better against espeon(due to ghost stab)?
I have believed since I saw the ability, that the game will be around this ability, nice to see some progress on the "prankster metagame", still have to beat the hard to beat things though (magic guard+regeneration users).
I don't think I'd have the balls to use it, but I swear, if i ever get swept by this I will be annoyed.
Although as mentioned above, there are enough commonly used pokemon to defeat it easily. Protect screws it over a bit too.

Aside from PP stalling, Protect wouldn't really be that bad for it, would it? Protect would go first, then Roar second, so it can be copycatted again the next turn (or does it need to succeed to work?)