Smocon '11: European Edition

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I work in London; just bug me nearer the time. I only move out at the end of August so I won't have a place for you guys to crash. Sorry.

I suppose this is an opportunity to settle some old debts.

Anna, you owe me £20 and I owe you a dressing gown.

Awesome. I'll have to write you a cheque cashable when my student loan comes in, hahah. Sorry.

Guys, if my flat is the best option (seriously though its tiny, like its one room. but there is room and i live in a city so there's stuff to do during the day!) then I think megabus from London to Manchester is only a quid if you book in advance? let me know! <3
Hey, I know I don't know you guys too well but I was planning to meet up with Shade around then anyway and it might be a laugh? I live in birmingham (you can get a train there from london for a fiver if you book a few days in advance) in an empty student house as I don't think my housemates will have moved in yet. People are welcome to stay but it may be on sofas and sleeping bags on the floor if my housemates didn't leave their rooms open over summer. I'm in a student village so there are pubs and bars minutes walk away and if it doesn't work out (it is summer holidays so not really busy student season - plus Shade needs fake ID) then we can just raid Tesco's and chill at mine.

We're still working out dates (he has leeds festival from the 25th onwards) and I have a resit sometime that week but 22-24th is best for us. Anyone else who wants to come is welcome to aswell. As I said I have space and it should be a laugh.

yeah just echoing this, im hopefully gonna be off down there like 21st/22nd/23rd so it would be ideal if you were working from london upwards or something?
I'm sure we can figure something out, there has to be at least one day during our stay where everyone can meet.

Innnnn! I live like 20 mins from Heathrow, but can't really offer any room at the moment as I don't know if I'll be in my new flat or not by then BUT I can pick you up from the airport and most likely drop you off again. I'd be up for travelling around a bit too, got a bit of cash stored away. If the weather's nice, I think going across to Amsterdam or Calais would be a great idea!

SOLIDDDDDDDDDD, that is awesome to hear.


Can I play?

Shit yeah you can! I wasn't sure if you'd see this or not, but you're totally invited.
Dude, it's my Grandma's 80th the night of the 20th. I'm still happy to pick you up from the airport and you can chill round mine during the day or we could even look to go play golf but I'm afraid I won't be able to offer you a bed that night.

In addition on the 28th I'm currently scheduled to be on leave but that is up in the air at the moment as I'm still waiting to find out when my successor is arriving as it's early September. If I'm in the country then you can definitely stay the night of the 27th.

I'll keep you updated.

I'll be coming home after the party so if you're out in London and get the last train back I could offer you a bed that night. So that you're not constrained by last trains I'd recommend looking for a bed in London though so you can have a long night on the piss.
Thanks for the help man, these are exactly the kind of tips I was hoping this thread would generate.
Shit yeah you can! I wasn't sure if you'd see this or not, but you're totally invited.

Major coincidence - Brian sent me a link to some news article about Biffster and I was all SMOGON TIME and the European Tour was the first thread on the offtopic page. It's fate :>

I won't wedgie you this time Jenova

Then count me in! (You know you ripped those pants. I demand replacement pants.)

So, yeah. I live an hour and a half or so up the M1 from London, which is fine for me coming to meet up for the 20th, but not great for putting anyone up if London's where you want to be based. Even though I have spare rooms, there's no train station in my town and it's a pretty damn dull place so it'd be a last resort for a place to stay. You're totally welcome if you want to/need to crash, though, or if you want to call in on your way through and eat my food or whatever.

Are you getting a hire car or are you just doing trains/planes/automobiles?
At this point we were planning to rely solely on public transportation, but I'm sure if the need arises I wouldn't be averse to attempting some left-side driving.
don't even think about driving in london: the traffic and congestion charges aside, you can't beat the novelty of our red buses and multicoloured tube network

most cities in the uk have good public transport too, so it's really not worth renting a car for a week. well, train fares between cities might cost a bit unless you hash out a plan and book in advance
Yeah definitely don't want to be driving around London. But anywhere else will probably be cheaper by car, train fares are a fucking joke. So are petrol prices though. Pretty sure you won't be able to drive on a US license either. I drive so that's always an option, as long as there's fuel in the tank. And if all else fails, megabus.

Booked 22nd-26th August off from work... but get paid on the 28th so might not has as much cash as I would have liked, but still enough.
In and around London it is definitely cheaper to get a week's travelcard or something. As for actual train fares from destinations, then I'm afraid a train is your only realistic option unless you like hours of bus journeys.

also my parents are wanting me to be in thailand most of august, but once i confirm dates, i should be able to let you crash on the 26th/27th, but i'll need to double check. i can only take one person though, sadly. location; east london, easy access to tube, about 2 hours away from heathrow by train and 1 hour by car though, so it's a lesser option. my parents are likely also to be unhappy about me letting random american dudes i met off the net stay over, but who cares.

this is assuming i even get back from thailand before the 30th. i'll try to find out, but looking forward to meeting dm and cookie.
back from london, won't be back again this summer so keep me posted on where you'll be and when re: "PLACES THAT ARE FARTHER NORTH THAN LONDON"

ok ty guys :)


Hey guys, sorry I haven't been keeping this thing bumped/updated. It seems like every time I log in I forget the thread exists.

I'm going to edit all the stuff we've discussed into the op. If anybody thinks of anything else, say so!
huh, I may be able to come to this (london anyway). Don't really know anyone who's going other than phil and zy though. My birthday's on the 21st and I come back from a camp on the 19th... but maybe.
due to... family issues which i'd rather not talk about, the flight has been delayed and a lot of shit between both sides of my family is happening. rough stuff.

as a result, i won't be back in england until the 2nd. this rules me out of this equation entirely. apologies.
Fish and I will be getting in on a Saturday morning, so I think the best thing to do is try to get everyone in the area together that night to hang out at a pub or something. I talked with Fish about planning and whatnot, and he and I have kinda concluded that we're going to be shooting from the hip a huge amount on this trip. If anyone has a floor for us to sleep on we'd be hugely appreciative, but if we can't find a floor we'll find a hostel or something.

I figure we'll spend the first couple days in London, then mosey on up to Scotland for a couple days, then swing by Dublin to check out the Guinness factory and meet up with White. Then we'll fly out of London to finish the trip.