5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

(facepalm) No no no no no. I'm not doing PID RNG abuse. I'm trying to rng captre my own zekrom with standard seed.

make your life easier and find a spread for frame 1, also since you do not want to pid abuse, forget about chatot(chatots are only for Pid abuse) or just use frame 13 and do what princess of johto said.
Lol xD

Ok, now I think I get what you mean. First tell me your IV Frame. If you're not doing PID RNG then don't worry about Chatot yet. All you need is a Synchronizer.
Ok, so save in front of Zekrom with 3 or 6 pokemon (If you use 6 pokemon, bring WEAK pokemon so that you can lose to N quickly and check if you got the right IVs for Zekrom) and walk the required steps. Good luck :D

If you don't get the right nature because your syncer didn't work, hit your seed again, do your adv. and save once. Saving will advance the PID by 1 and hopefully that frame will be syncable. If it doesn't work again, save twice the next time, etc.
What are the required steps? 128?

Ok, your starting frame is 1. You need frame 13. 13-1=12. So, to get 12 advancements, either bring 6 pokemon and walk 256 steps (128*2) or 3 pokemon and walk 512 (128*4).

@Red: Umm, not exactly, lol. 128*2. 6*2=12. xd
Well...... I did 256 steps (with 6 pokemon in my party), click on zekrom, caught him like 2 or 4 times, and then when zekrom was transferred to the pc, the game asked me if I want to which pokemon with zekrom in my party, then I clicked on yes, and it's keeps giving me the wrong iv set. :(
Well...... I did 256 steps (with 6 pokemon in my party), click on zekrom, caught him like 2 or 4 times, and then when zekrom was transferred to the pc, the game asked me if I want to which pokemon with zekrom in my party, then I clicked on yes, and it's keeps giving me the wrong iv set. :(

You missed your seed.
How so?

Why are you going for one at 654 like kaphotics said go for low frames i keep mine on 1 usually but maybe try up to 7. Also it appears you aren't using keypresses.... Use them -_-
Edit:Ninja'ed me ok but still try lower than 13
Lol, Diabolico, try searching for Frames and set the range to 1 (min) - 10 (max). Or keep trying with 13 if you want, since it's not that high.
So I know the basics of RNG from my limited time in White and my extensive experience in SS, but now I wanna try Diamond. I'm hoping to attempt to RNG a starter first, but I can't find anything that'll cover that because what I've found involves being later. Is it possible to worry about the starters?
Yes, it's very possible to worry about starters because it's near impossible/takes too much attention to detail to RNG them.

It's especially worse on D/P. At least with Plat you have a higher chance, albeit not much.