Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

Okay so we all know we can trade eggs, thus when people ask for BP to be shiny in their game we just input their ID/SID and RNG breed and when we traded to the them, in their game the poke will hatch shiny.

My question is, does this does work for Egg Moves? Lets say I breed a Crunch (DPPt % HGSS egg move) and Curse (HGSS Egg move) Cranidos on my HeartGold (gonna use it to be male parent for Tyranitar so it have Curse/Crunch/Pursuit when it hatches). After I breed that Cranidos, I want it to have my Platinum ID thus hatch it there.

So, will my Cranidos still retain Curse as an egg move because it was bred in HeartGold even though I will hatch it in Platinum?
Okay so we all know we can trade eggs, thus when people ask for BP to be shiny in their game we just input their ID/SID and RNG breed and when we traded to the them, in their game the poke will hatch shiny.

My question is, does this does work for Egg Moves? Lets say I breed a Crunch (DPPt % HGSS egg move) and Curse (HGSS Egg move) Cranidos on my HeartGold (gonna use it to be male parent for Tyranitar so it have Curse/Crunch/Pursuit when it hatches). After I breed that Cranidos, I want it to have my Platinum ID thus hatch it there.

So, will my Cranidos still retain Curse as an egg move because it was bred in HeartGold even though I will hatch it in Platinum?

Hmm... that's a good question. I would think yes since you bred it in HG, where it's an egg move, and the data should stay within the egg, so I don't think it would change. Kind of like how if you trade a pokemon in an Apricorn ball to DPPt. It will be in a pokeball, but it'll still be in the apricorn ball when you trade it to HGSS/BW since the data is in the pokemon.

But I'm not sure! Maybe test it? It would suck though if you traded it and it didn't work .-.

Edit: Actually, I gave a sort of bad example. But I would think Curse would still be on your Cranidos. Not sure, though!
Hmm... that's a good question. I would think yes since you bred it in HG, where it's an egg move, and the data should stay within the egg, so I don't think it would change. Kind of like how if you trade a pokemon in an Apricorn ball to DPPt. It will be in a pokeball, but it'll still be in the apricorn ball when you trade it to HGSS/BW since the data is in the pokemon.

But I'm not sure! Maybe test it? It would suck though if you traded it and it didn't work .-.

Edit: Actually, I gave a sort of bad example. But I would think Curse would still be on your Cranidos. Not sure, though!

Yea, I'm testing right now. the apricorn theory is relevant as it shows the code is there and when you trade for the poke back and the apricorn ball is still shows up even after becoming a pokeball in DPPt. so thanks for reminding me of that.

Don't worry I clone my 4th gen eggs, so i will leave one in HGSS and trade one to my PT, incase this experiment does not work out. though of course the HG egg won't hatch shiny since I'm using my Pt ID/SID.
Well if you use the Egg Check code in HG/SS you can see the moves it will have when it hatches so the moves should be set even if you trade it to another game.
Don't really need to do that, As I know it has those egg moves already since it was made in HGSS, my questions goes into the realm of, if the code of the egg will change in the trade to Platinum and the egg will not have that HGSS egg move anymore because its not in the code of Platinum.

PS: I'll post here my result, to let those interested know too.
Don't really need to do that, As I know it has those egg moves already since it was made in HGSS, my questions goes into the realm of, if the code of the egg will change in the trade to Platinum and the egg will not have that HGSS egg move anymore because its not in the code of Platinum.

PS: I'll post here my result, to let those interested know too.

The move itself exists in either game. The move data is stored on egg creation so it should hatch with the move in Platinum despite not being able to breed for it in that game, itself.
I should have clarified when I wrote "not in the code of Platinum," I meant code for Curse not being an Egg Move for Cranidos in Platinum. But yea I believe it will still hatch with curse.
I should have clarified when I wrote "not in the code of Platinum," I meant code for Curse not being an Egg Move for Cranidos in Platinum. But yea I believe it will still hatch with curse.

That's what I mean. There would be no reason or really any way for Platinum to check the validity of the egg's moves. The check routine would be a nightmare especially since the parent data isn't stored with the egg. The data stays consistent across the games and that includes the moves.
Woops forgot to post the findings of the result xD, yes the egg kept the Curse HGSS egg move even though it hatched Platinum.

However, I bred for it to be shiny on my Platinum which it did end up being, though when the hatching animation came about, the Cranidos sprite that sprung forth was a regular sprite not shiny. I checked my Pokemon menu, and even though the animation was not shiny, the Cranidos was indeed shiny how its suppose to be with shiny sprite and everything. Now It has been 1+ year since I did an egg BP to be shiny in another cartridge, but I don't remember if when the eggs hatched in the other cartridge, the sprite in the animation was not their shiny one even though they are shiny at every other instance after that. Maybe this is some special case because Curse has the ??? type(thus has special code/algorythm in the game than regular moves) or maybe this HGSS egg move hatching in DPPt is not ligning up right, I don't know. Sorry if I'm just speaking out of ignorance as my memory from a year ago has faded somewhat and this HGSS egg move breed hatched in Platinum is actually my first attempt at it.
I guess that's how it works. I thought Manaphy was the only poke that situation applied to but I guess it applies to any poke.

Cool thanks, I made many BP like this for people but only a couple for myself between cartridges last year when HGSS was the thing, but couldn't remember if the animation went like that xP
can somebody help me with rng please? i try to do shiny egg in ss (and perfect ivs of course), an impish scarmory with egg moves wirlwind and brave bird (male staraptor). i want it with sturdy (ability1), my id:55817, sid:25827, my seed:7d0801ee, 2007/7/11, 43 sec. i hit my sec and my delay (checking by elm calles). my target frame is 6. s0, i reject five eggs and save in front of 6th. but when i take it, it isnt shiny, why? can anyone help me ? (i dont use everstone or power items). do elm calls for find my delay (search elm) advances the frame, so i have to make 4 calls only and then reject 1 egg? what should i do???
can someone help me ok i heard that for making shinies using pokegen you need its sid for it to be used in like wifi battles and stuff so its legit, but i also heard from some people that if the pokemon your making arent shiny (which is the case for me), you just need to find one secret id number, and it will work for all the pokemon, where as you need to find the secret id number for every individual shiny. Im wondering how I can do this for BLACK version. I typed it in on a lot of different search engines and everyone has it for 4th gen pokemon. If you reply to me, could you please send me a private message? I dont go on this site that often. Thanks
You would have to find out the secret ID of your save file, then input your ID and SID into RNG reporter and it can tell you what you need to do to get shiny pokemon. Ask in the simple request sticky for someone to help you figure out the SID of your Black save. As for editing that would be a great way to get yourself blacklisted and/or banned.
Been away for a long while.

Anyways, this is a question I posted several months ago, but never got an answer to.

I'm trying to catch a stationary legend, whose seed demands an adamant synch nature. My spread, according to RNG Reporter, shows up at frame 73 for method K. I would like to know exactly how the synchronizer advances the frame. I have a guess, and I just want to confirm it. The last Adamant nature before my target frame is 66. Am I supposed to advance the frame manually to 66, then talk to the stationary legend, which will jump the frame to 73? Or am I completely wrong?

[edit] Should also note that the very same spread shows up at frame 86 with method 1.
can somebody help me with rng please? i try to do shiny egg in ss (and perfect ivs of course), an impish scarmory with egg moves wirlwind and brave bird (male staraptor). i want it with sturdy (ability1), my id:55817, sid:25827, my seed:7d0801ee, 2007/7/11, 43 sec. i hit my sec and my delay (checking by elm calles). my target frame is 6. s0, i reject five eggs and save in front of 6th. but when i take it, it isnt shiny, why? can anyone help me ? (i dont use everstone or power items). do elm calls for find my delay (search elm) advances the frame, so i have to make 4 calls only and then reject 1 egg? what should i do???

Calling Youngster Joey when he isn't wanting a rematch advances the shiny egg frame by 2. So since your egg frame is 6, do 2 joey calls and reject one egg(4+1=5) and the next egg you get should get would be your shiny.

Also if while you were rejecting your eggs someone called you(random NPC) that would mess up your egg frame I believe.

Been away for a long while.

Anyways, this is a question I posted several months ago, but never got an answer to.

I'm trying to catch a stationary legend, whose seed demands an adamant synch nature. My spread, according to RNG Reporter, shows up at frame 73 for method K. I would like to know exactly how the synchronizer advances the frame. I have a guess, and I just want to confirm it. The last Adamant nature before my target frame is 66. Am I supposed to advance the frame manually to 66, then talk to the stationary legend, which will jump the frame to 73? Or am I completely wrong?

[edit] Should also note that the very same spread shows up at frame 86 with method 1.

Synchronizers don't advance frames, you should put your seed into RNG Reporter and select that you are using an adamant synch. See what frame your spread appears on, and then calculate your advancements like so:

Target Frame-Monster Frame-Roamers= Number of advancements

It would help in the future to post the seed, game and what Pokemon you are attempting to catch.
Definitely the ability to advance frames, in DPPt you only had the journal, walking/turning or NPC movement. In HGSS you can hit any frame without having to rely on an NPC to move or the unpredictability of walking in grass.

Also shiny breeding/breeding in HGSS is tons easier IMO then DPPt.

As far as mechanics go, the biggest is that Sweet scent varies from 1-2(it stays consistent for each game but you have to test which it is). You have to be on your Bike when SS'ing as the Pokemon following you seems to mess with frames.

Thats all I can think of right now.
Definitely the ability to advance frames, in DPPt you only had the journal, walking/turning or NPC movement. In HGSS you can hit any frame without having to rely on an NPC to move or the unpredictability of walking in grass.

Also shiny breeding/breeding in HGSS is tons easier IMO then DPPt.

As far as mechanics go, the biggest is that Sweet scent varies from 1-2(it stays consistent for each game but you have to test which it is). You have to be on your Bike when SS'ing as the Pokemon following you seems to mess with frames.

Thats all I can think of right now.
Thanks, I should get into DPPT now.
Is there a more efficient way to getting the SID you want in Emerald on an emulator besides trial and error by save states?