Sawsbuck (Analysis)[QC 2/2][GP 2/2]


<p>Sawsbuck is a decent offensive threat that can become very successful when used with a combination of Sunny Day and Tailwind. It lives up to its reputation as one of the best Chlorophyll users in the metagame which, combined with base 100 Attack, makes Sawsbuck a solid choice for any Sunny Day or Tailwind VGC team.</p>

name: Sunny Day Sweeper
move 1: Horn Leech
move 2: Return / Double-Edge
move 3: Jump Kick / Megahorn
move 4: Protect
item: Life Orb
ability: Chlorophyll
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>Sawsbuck is a potent threat under the sun. When Chlorophyll is activated, this deer has a Speed of 294 with Adamant and a whooping 332 Speed with Jolly, allowing Sawsbuck to outspeed every unboosted Pokemon in the metagame. Tailwind support would give it an even greater Speed advantage. Horn Leech is a good STAB move that can OHKO popular VGC Pokemon such as Terrakion and 2HKO maximum HP Jellicent while regaining health. Return is a good secondary STAB, hitting common Pokemon that resist Horn Leech, such as Tornadus, Thundurus, Whimiscott, and maximum HP Amoonguss for neutral damage. Double-Edge is a good choice as well, OHKOing Thundurus and Tornadus, which are major threats to Sawsbuck. Although Return is a little weaker, it lacks recoil drawback and is still capable of OHKOing the two aforementioned Pokemon. The third moveslot has two good options. Jump Kick OHKOes Bisharp and Zoroark and 2HKOes Vanilluxe; however, it only 3HKOes Chople Berry Scrafty and damages Sawsbuck if the attack misses or the opposing Pokemon uses Protect. Megahorn 2HKOes Musharna and can OHKO Hydreigon; the latter is a huge threat to any sun teams due to its resistances to Fire-, Grass-, and Ghost-types. Protect is very useful move to have in the VGC metagame. It provides you with a free turn of defense while Sawsbuck's partner sets up Sunny Day or Tailwind. This can save Sawsbuck from faster threats and priority moves, such as Conkeldurr's Mach Punch, an attack that can OHKO with a Guts boost or 2HKO without one. It is also very useful for scouting out opposing moves, giving you time to react accordingly.</p>


<p>This set is essential for sun teams, and will work better when used in conjunction with Tailwind Support. Sawsbuck's best partner in this case would be Whimiscott. With Prankster, Whimiscott can set up Sunny Day quickly for Sawsbuck to sweep and also has access to Tailwind and Helping Hand. Tailwind can give Sawsbuck the advantage against other Tailwind-boosted Pokemon, while Helping Hand increases the base power of Sawsbuck's moves by 50%. Sawsbuck also works very well with other sun sweepers such as Chandelure, Lilligant, and Darmanitan. However, Chandelure and Conkeldurr counter Sawsbuck. To combat Chandelure, Hydregion and Terrakion are good partners due to Hydregion's access to Dark-type moves and Terrakion's Rock Slide. As for Conkeldurr, Tornadus and Amoonguss would make excellent teammates, able to defeat it with Acrobatics or the latter's Giga Drain, respectively.</p>

name: Sap Counter
move 1: Horn Leech
move 2: Return
move 3: Jump Kick / Nature Power
move 4: Protect
item: Focus Sash
ability: Sap Sipper
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p> Sawsbuck has access to Sap Sipper, which increases Sawsbuck's Attack when hit by a Grass-type move. With this in mind, Sawsbuck can switch into and effectively hard counter Amoonguss, one of the most popular and efficient VGC Pokemon. Horn Leech is a good STAB move that keeps Sawsbuck's health full. Return is a good secondary STAB move, 2HKOing Thundurus, Tornadus and Whimiscott while 3HKOing Amoonguss. Jump Kick can OHKO Bisharp and Zoroark, 2HKO Hydreigon, and 3HKO Chople Berry Scrafty. Nature Power turns into Earthquake when used in Wi-Fi battles, which can 2HKO Chandelure, one of Sawsbuck's biggest threats. Protect is always a good to have to scout for priority moves; Fake Out can break Sawsbuck's Focus Sash while Conkeldurr's Guts boosted Mach Punch gets a clean OHKO. Protect also allows Sawsbuck's teammate to set up Tailwind or for you to scout out potential moves another Pokemon could have. Sawsbuck shines with a Focus Sash, especially with Horn Leech to keep Sawsbuck's health full.</p>


<p>This set could be very useful for Tailwind teams, as it could use the Speed boost to achieve the same effect as Chlorophyll. Whimiscott and Tornadus are the best Tailwind users, thanks to Prankster. Sawsbuck pairs up well with Tornadus, who can OHKO Condkeldurr with a Flight Gem Acrobatics. A Sap Sipper Sawsbuck is also a very good teammate for Jellicent. With Tailwind support, Jellicent can outspeed and take out Chandelure with a Shadow Ball or Water Spout, while Sawsbuck takes care of Amoonguss that often threatens Jellicent. Hydreigon is another good partner; Levitate makes it immune to Nature Power, allowing Sawsbuck to take out Chandelure without harming its teammate. Bouffalant might seem like a better option than Sawsbuck due to its higher defenses; however, Sawsbuck is much faster and has access to Grass-type STAB, making it the superior choice.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Protect can be replaced with Swords Dance if you wants to raise your Attack. Although Jump Kick or Megahorn is preferred on Sawsbuck, remember that Wild Charge is an option; which easily OHKOs Tornadus and Archeops. Nature Power becomes Earthquake in wireless battles, giving Sawsbuck an option to easily 2HKO Chandelure. If Item Clause is an issue, you can switch out Life Orb for a Focus Sash or vice versa, as they both benefit each set.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Chandelure is probably the best counter to Sawsbuck. It can easily OHKO Sawsbuck with Heat Wave and is immune to Jump Kick and Return, while also resisting Horn Leech and Megahorn. Conkeldurr is another great counter as it can OHKO Sawsbuck with a priority Mach Punch once Guts activates. Tornadus could easily set up Tailwind, which makes most Pokemon faster than Sawsbuck that lack Tailwind support; it could also just OHKO Sawsbuck with Acrobatics.</p>
Sawsbuck is a huge powerhouse under the sun. With Chlorophyll and Sunny Day up, this deer has a base speed of 578 when Adament and a whooping 634 speed when Jolly!

It should be speed here. Also, those stats are for level 100. VGC is at level 50.
Sawsbuck is going to be a really good sweeper, and a staple on Sun teams. The question is, how good will Sunny Day be?

You should list its synergies with other Pokemon that are going to be used alongside it, especially Whimsicott. Everything's going to be all about the cotton.

... Or this could be used to counter Sun teams, but so could Sandstorm, Hail, and Rain.
Chlorophyll is interesting and all, but Sap Sipper is too good to pass up. With it, Sawsbuck becomes a hard counter to most Amoonguss who will boost yr attack if you switch into a spore.
Wouldn't Bouffalant be better for that role, though, due to its much better defenses and access to Head Charge? The only thing I can see for Sawsbuck is its greater Speed, but that's not really helping it much for taking Spores.
Update: I have been working offline on this, I just been a little busy with real world thing to put updates. My draft is pretty much ready for QC and GP but does anyone have anything to add or fix?
All the stats you gave are at level 100, VGC is at level 50.

You don't need to say physical attack, just say Attack and capatilize it and all other stats.

You don't need to break paragraphs to have one just to talk about speed, and while talking about speed you need to mention that your middling base speed will leave you underneath a lot of Pokemon if you have Sun up and they have Tailwind up.

Have you run calcs that Horn Leech 1hkos Jellicent? Even if you have, you probably meant 4 hp Jelli, cause there is no way that thing is 1hkoing 252 hp jelli. So be more specific there. Calc it if you haven't, and say what kind of jelli you are talking about.

Expound on what Pokemon you want to hit with Return/Double Edge don't just say that they are useful stab moves.

Don't just say protect is useful, say why.

Don't say "especially on the VGC metagame" this analysis is only for VGC, so just say "it's useful in the VGC metagame"

You need to capatilize any attack, like Swords Dance.

Don't mention Swords Dance in the main analysis there, mention it in OO.

You say there are four options for the fourth slot, but you only have two.

Mention the drawbacks with Jump Kick recoil and protect. Also remove Gigalith as an example, why would you Jump Kick it when you can Horn Leech it.

Jump kick is not great for OHKO, its great for OHKOing.

When talking about Whimsicott mention that it can Tailwind too. Under both Tailwind and Sun is Sun's advantage, otherwise you are just using a mediocre Pokemon that gets it's speed doubled for longer.

You don't need to mention Sap Sipper at the end there, this set is obviously based around Chlorophyll.

Don't just say it has an awesome ability, name the ability.

Don't even mention Lilligant, its not common enough, just say a Spore or Giga Drain from Amoongus, or Grass-type attack from Whimsicott.

Sun teams aren't common enough that this is counterting them, and they will all just Jump Kick/HP Fire you for the ko anyway, it's pretty much just an Amoongus counter, which is awesome, but don't try to make it more than it is.

Again expand on Return.

Unslash Megahorn and just mention it in additional comments, Jump Kick is better. You say it's for killing Grass Types, but it isn't SE on Amoongus, the main one, and Whimsicott is hurt enough by Return.

Don't just say the names of types, there are only a couple Pokemon of each type in the metagame, so name some names.

Since you are unslashing Megahorn, unslash Protect from the 4th spot and make it just Jump Kick. Also, Protect should be last on any set it's on.

Don't verbatim repeat a sentence from earlier, the one about Chand I'm talking about. There needs to be more about synergy with Chand than, when they kill me with Heat Wave atleast I get a Flash Fire boost. Since this thing is stopped so hard by Chandelure itself, I'd like to see it paired with something that handles Chandelure. If you pair it with Chandelure they will just Shadow Ball your Chandelure for the ko, while you do hardly nothing to them because you can't touch it, then they will heat wave and ko next turn.

Don't just say Pokemon have great synergy, say why. Covering weaknesses really isn't synergy in VGC, synergy in VGC is all about offensive synergy. Just because Sawsbuck is weak to fighting, and jelli is immune to fighting, doesn't save Sawsbuck from eating a Close Combat and getting kod.

Wild Charge cannot 1hko "any threat your team might be missing" as your wording states, Wild Charge would be 100% for Tornadus and Archeops, so just say that.

"Conkeldurr also becomes a big problem as it can hit Sawsbuck hard." With what? Be specific, especially since Conk can 1hko with a priority attack, specificity is really important here. And nitpicky, but it doesn't become a big problem, it just is a big problem.

The fact that Darmanitan has access to brick break doesn't matter, it will just use a Fire-type attack. In fact, the fact that Darmanitan has access to Fire-type attacks doesn't matter, every single Pokemon has access to a Fire-type attack in HP Fire, so be specific. It can easily 1hko with Flare Blitz or Fire Punch.

In the last sentance all those type moves can't be bug moves, they have to be "Bug-type moves". When you are listing multiple types with will be "Grass- and Bug-type moves". Though that shouldn't matter anyway, don't say that it's resistant or immune to the types, say that its immune to Jump Kick and Return, and resistant to Horn Leech and Megahorn, specificity is important.

Mention that Chand can also 1hko with Heat Wave.

I don't like Darmanitan as a counter since in Sun you will just outspeed and do serious damage with Double Edge or Return, so cut him. Then reorder it so that better counters are first, Chand should head up that paragraph since it counters so hard. Finally, when talking about Tornadus as a counter, mention that it can also Tailwind to get faster than you if you have Sun up, and remove your advantage in the battle.
It gets Nature Power which is Earthquake in link battles so that should probably fit in somewhere.
You still need to give explanations when you say something can 2hko or 1hko, and you need to talk about nature power in the second set.
Amateur GP Check:

Add / Capitalize
Remove / Uncap
QC (2/2)




<p>Sawsbuck is a decent offensive threat that can become very successful when used with a combination of Sunny Day and Tailwind. It lives up to its reputation as one of the best users of Cholorophyll in the metagame, (space)which, (comma) combined with 100 base Attack, (comma) makes Sawsbuck a solid choice for any Sunny Day or Tailwind VGC team.</p>

Name: Sunny Day
Move 1: Horn Leech
Move 2: Return / Double-Edge (spaces)
Move 3: Jump Kick / Megahorn (spaces)
Move 4: Protect
Item: Life Orb
Nature: Adamant / Jolly (space)
Ability: Chorlophyll
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atkt / 252 Spee (spaces and spelling)

[Set Comments]

<p> Sawsbuck is a potent threat under the sun. With Chlorophyll and Sunny Day up, this deer has a Speed of 294 when Adamaent and a whooping 332 Speed when Jolly! This allows Sawsbuck to outspeed every unboosted Pokemon in the metagame., and allows you to still use Tailwind to keep the advantage. Tailwind further advances this advantage. Horn Leech is a good STAB move that can OHKO popular VGC Pokemon such as Terrakion and 2HKO a max HP Jellicaent (you spelled my name wrong, bro :/) while regaining health. Return is a good secondary STAB, (comma) hitting the common Pokemon that resist Horn Leech such as Tornadus, Thunderus, Whimiscott and Max HP Amoonguss for neutral damage. Double-Edge is also a good choice as well for it is able to OHKO Thunderus, a major threat to Sawsbuck. Return is a little weaker, (comma) but lacks the drawback of recoil while still being capable of OHKOing Tornadus. it should not matter since it can OHKO Tornadus anyways without any HP loss. The third moveslot (one word) has two good options., (stop) Jump Kick is great for things such as OHKOing Bisharp, OHKOing and Zoroark, and 2HKOing Vanilluxe; however, it only 3HKOs a Chople Berry Scrafty and damages Sawsbuck if the attack misses or the opposing Pokemon uses Protect. Megahorn can OHKO Hydreigon, which is a huge threat to any Sunny Day team due to it's resistance to fire, grass, and ghost, and 2HKOs Musharna. Protect is very useful move to have in the VGC metagame. It provides you with a free turn of defense while you set up sun or Tailwind with Sawsbuck's partner. This can save Sawsbuck from faster threats and priority moves, such as Conkeldurr's Mach Punch, an attack that can OHKO with a Guts boost or 2HKO without one. It can protect you while you set up sun and Tailwind while preventing Sawsbuck from being hit by any faster attack or priority moves like Conkeldurr's Mach Punch, which can easily 2HKO without Guts or OHKO Sawsbuck Guts boosted. It is also very useful for scouting out opposing moves that your opponent has, and gives giving you time to react accordingly. </p>

[Additional Comments]

<p>This set is essential for sun teams, and will work when used in conjunction with Tailwind Support. Sawsbuck's best partner in this case would be Whimiscott. With Prankster, an ability that increases the priority of non-damaging moves by 1, Whimiscott sets up sun quickly for Sawsbuck to sweep. Whimiscott also has access to Tailwind and Helping Hand. Tailwind can give Sawsbuck the advantage against other Tailwind-boosted (hyphen) Pokemon, while Helping Hand can increase the Base Power of Sawsbuck's moves by 50%. Sawsbuck also works very well with other sun members sweepers, such as Chandelure, Lilligant, and Darmanitan. These pokemon would benifit from the sun and are a standard on sun teams. However, Sawsbuck has major counters in Chandelure and Conkeldurr. To combat Chandelure, Hydregion and Terrakion are good partners due to Hydregion's access to Dark moves and Terrakion's Rock Slide. As for Conkeldurr, either Tornadus and Amoongus would make excellent teammates, able to defeat it be best to take it out with Tornadus' the former's Acrobatics or Amoonguss' the latter's Giga Drain. </p>

Name: Sap Counter
Move 1: Horn Leech
Move 2: Return
Move 3: Jump Kick / Nature Power (spaces)
Move 4: Protect
Item: Focus Sash
Nature: Jolly (space)
Ability: Sap Sipper
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Attk / 252 Spe (spaces and Atk)

[Set Comments]
<p> Sawsbuck has access to Sap Sipper, which increases Sawsbuck's physical Attack when hit by a Grass move. With this in mind, Sawsbuck can be switched into and can effectively hard counter Amoonguss, one of the most popular and effective efficient VGC Pokemon. Horn Leech is a good STAB move that can also be used to keep Sawsbuck's health full. Return is a good secondary STAB move to have as it hits things that Sawsbuck can't hit with Horn Leech, such as 2HKOing Thunderus, Tornadus, and Whimiscott, and 3HKOing Amoonguss. Jump Kick can OHKO Bisharp and Zoroark, 2HKO Hydreigon, and 3HKO Chople Berry Scrafty. Nature Power in a Wireless battle is Earthquake, which can 2HKO Chandelure,which is one of Sawsbuck's biggest threats. Protect is always good to have to prevent priority moves like Fake Out, which can break a Focus Sash,(space) and Mach Punch, which can OHKO a Sawsbuck with Guts boosted and 2HKO without. Protect can allows you to set up Tailwind with a partner, and or scout out potential moves another Pokemon could have. Sawsbuck shines with a Focus Sash, especially with Horn Leech to keep Sawsbuck's health full.</p>

[Additional Comments]
<p> This set could be very useful for Tailwind teams, as it could use the Speed boost to achieve the same effect as Chlorophyll. Whimiscott or and Tornadus are the best Tailwind setters, thanks to with Prankster. Sawsbuck can be pair up well with Tornadus, who can OHKO Condkeldurr with a Flight Gem Acrobatics. A Sap Sipper Sawsbuck is also a very good with teammate for Jellicent. With Tailwind support, Jellicaent can outspeed and take out Chandelure with a Shadow Ball or Water Spout, while Sawsbuck takes care of Amoonguss. Another good partner is Hydregion. With Sawsbuck's Nature Power, you don't need to worry about hitting Hydregion due to levitate and take out Chandelure with Sawsbuck. Hydreigon is another good partner; Levitate makes it immune to Nature Power, allowing Sawsbuck to take out Chandelure without harming its teammate. Bouffalant might seem like a better option than Sawsbuck due to it better higher defenses., (stop) However, Sawsbuck is much faster and has access to Grass STAB, making Sawsbuck a better it the superior choice.</p>

[Other Options]

<p> Protect can be replaced with Swords Dance if you wants to raise your Attack further. Although Jump Kick or Megahorn is preferred on a Sawsbuck, remember that you could also possibly use variety of moves like Wild Charge,(space) which easily OHKOs a Tornadus or Archops, or Nature Power (the equivalent to Earthquake in WiFi battles), which turns into Earthquake in a Wireless battle, and can easily 2HKO Chandelure. If you are stuck in a item clause dilemma, one could you can switch out Life Orb for a Focus Sash or vice versa, as they both benefit each set. </p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p> Chandelure is probably the biggest counter to Sawsbuck. (stop) as It can easily OHKO Sawsbuck with Heat Wave while being immune to Jump Kick and Return, and resistant to Horn Leech and Megahorn. Conkelldurr is another big great counter as it can OHKO Sawsbuck with a priority Mach Punch when Guts activated. Tornadus could easily set up Tailwind, which makes most Pokemon faster thant Sawsbuck unless you have it has Tailwind too as well, as well as or simply OHKO Sawsbuck with Acrobatics. </p>
Oh deer...
one fix on top of Jellicents's:
It lives up to its reputation as one of the best users of Cholorophyll in the metagame ,(no comma) (space)which, (comma) combined with 100 base Attack, (comma) makes Sawsbuck a solid choice for any Sunny Day or Tailwind VGC team.</p>
The first comma isn't necessary. Otherwise, looks fine as usual.

[GP 1/2]
Amerture GP Placeholder.(Love Sawsbuck)



<p>Sawsbuck is a decent offensive threat that can become very successful when used with a combination of Sunny Day and Tailwind. It lives up to its reputation as one of the best users of Cholorophyll in the metagame which, combined with 100 base Attack, makes Sawsbuck a solid choice for any Sunny Day or Tailwind VGC team.</p>

Name: Sunny Day Maybe another name, the set doesn't have Sunny Day in it
Move 1: Horn Leech
Move 2: Return / Double-Edge
Move 3: Jump Kick / Megahorn
Move 4: Protect
Item: Life Orb
Nature: Adamant / Jolly
Ability: Chorlophyll
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spee

[Set Comments]

<p>(Remove Space) Sawsbuck is a potent threat under the sun. With Chlorophyll and Sunny Day up, this deer has a Speed of 294 when Adamant and a whooping 332 Speed when Jolly! This allows Sawsbuck to outspeed every unboosted Pokemon in the metagame. Tailwind further advances this advantage. its speed advantage. Horn Leech is a good STAB move that can OHKO popular VGC Pokemon such as Terrakion and 2HKO a max HP Jellicent while regaining health. Return is a good secondary stab STAB, hitting common Pokemon that resist Horn Leech such as Tornadus, Thundurus, Whimiscott and Max HP Amoonguss for neutral damage. Double-Edge is also a good choice as well for it is able to OHKO Thunderus Thundurus and Tornadus Same Stats, so I feel as if it should be mentioned, a which are major threats to Sawsbuck. Return is a little weaker, but it lacks the drawback of recoil while still being capable of OHKOing Tornadus and Thunderus. The third moveslot has two good options. Jump Kick is great for things such as OHKOing Bisharp and Zoroark, and 2HKOing Vanilluxe; however, it only 3HKOs a Chople Berry Scrafty and damages Sawsbuck if the attack misses or the opposing Pokemon uses Protect. Megahorn can OHKO Hydreigon, which is a huge threat to any Sunny Day team due to it's resistance to fire, grass, and ghost, and 2HKOs Musharna. Protect is very useful move to have in the VGC metagame. It provides you with a free turn of defense while you set up sun or Tailwind with Sawsbuck's partner. This can save Sawsbuck from faster threats and priority moves, such as Conkeldurr's Mach Punch, an attack that can OHKO with a Guts boost or 2HKO without one. It is also very useful for scouting out opposing moves that your opponent has, giving you time to react accordingly. (Remove Space)</p>

[Additional Comments]

<p>This set is essential for sun teams, and will work better when used in conjunction with Tailwind Support. Sawsbuck's best partner in this case would be Whimiscott. With Prankster, an ability that increases the priority of non-damaging non-attacking moves by 1, Whimiscott sets up sun quickly for Sawsbuck to sweep. Whimiscott also has access to Tailwind and Helping Hand. Tailwind can give Sawsbuck the advantage against other Tailwind-boosted Pokemon, while Helping Hand can increase the Base Power of Sawsbuck's moves by 50%. Sawsbuck also works very well with other sun sweepers such as Chandelure, Lilligant, and Darmanitan. However, Sawsbuck has major counters in Chandelure and Conkeldurr. To combat Chandelure, Hydregion and Terrakion are good partners due to Hydregion's access to Dark moves and Terrakion's Rock Slide. As for Conkeldurr, either Tornadus or Amoongus would make excellent teammates, able to defeat it with the former's Acrobatics or the latter's Giga Drain. </p>

Name: Sap Counter
Move 1: Horn Leech
Move 2: Return
Move 3: Jump Kick / Nature Power
Move 4: Protect
Item: Focus Sash
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Sap Sipper
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Att / 252 Spe

[Set Comments]
<p> Sawsbuck has access to Sap Sipper, which increases Sawsbuck's Attack when hit by a Grass move. With this in mind, Sawsbuck can be switched into and effectively hard counter Amoonguss, one of the most popular and efficient VGC Pokemon. Horn Leech is a good STAB move that can also be used to keep Sawsbuck's health full. Return is a good secondary STAB move to have as it hits things that Sawsbuck can't hit with Horn Leech, such as 2HKOing Thundurus, Tornadus, and Whimiscott, and while 3HKOing Amoonguss. Jump Kick can OHKO Bisharp and Zoroark, 2HKO Hydreigon, and 3HKO Chople Berry Scrafty. Nature Power in a Wireless battle is Earthquake, which can 2HKO Chandelure, one of Sawsbuck's biggest threats. Protect is always good to have to prevent priority moves like Fake Out, which can break a Focus Sash, and Mach Punch, which can OHKO a Sawsbuck with Guts boost and 2HKO without. Protect also allows you to set up Tailwind with a partner or scout out potential moves another Pokemon could have. Sawsbuck shines with a Focus Sash, especially with Horn Leech to keep Sawsbuck's health full.</p>

[Additional Comments]
<p>This set could be very useful for Tailwind teams, as it could use the Speed boost to achieve the same effect as Chlorophyll. Whimiscott and Tornadus are the best Tailwind setters, thanks to Prankster. Sawsbuck can be pair up well with Tornadus, who can OHKO Condkeldurr with a Flight Gem Acrobatics. A Sap Sipper Sawsbuck is also a very good teammate for Jellicent. With Tailwind support, Jellicent can outspeed and take out Chandelure with a Shadow Ball or Water Spout, while Sawsbuck takes care of Amoonguss. Hydreigon is another good partner; Levitate makes it immune to Nature Power, allowing Sawsbuck to take out Chandelure without harming its teammate. Bouffalant might seem like a better option than Sawsbuck due to it higher defenses; However however, Sawsbuck is much faster and has access to Grass STAB, making it the superior choice.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>(Remove Space) Protect can be replaced with Swords Dance if you wants to raise your Attack further. Although Jump Kick or Megahorn is preferred on Sawsbuck, remember that you could also possibly use Wild Charge, which easily OHKOs a Tornadus or Archops, or Nature Power (the equivalent to Earthquake in WiFi battles), which can easily 2HKO Chandelure. If you are stuck in an item clause dilemma, you can switch out Life Orb for a Focus Sash or vice versa, as they both benefit each set. (Remove Space)</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>(Remove Space) Chandelure is probably the best counter to Sawsbuck. It can easily OHKO Sawsbuck with Heat Wave while being immune to Jump Kick and Return, and resistant to Horn Leech and Megahorn. Conkelldurr Conkeldurr is another great counter as it can OHKO Sawsbuck with a priority Mach Punch when once Guts activated activates. Tornadus could easily set up Tailwind, which makes most Pokemon faster than Sawsbuck unless it has Tailwind as well, or simply OHKO Sawsbuck with Acrobatics. (Remove Space)</p>

Alot of spacing errors, and a few nitpicks, otherwise, good job :D
Add/replace with


<p>Sawsbuck is a decent offensive threat that can become very successful when used with a combination of Sunny Day and Tailwind. It lives up to its reputation as one of the best Chlorophyll users in the metagame which, combined with 100 base Attack, makes Sawsbuck a solid choice for any Sunny Day or Tailwind VGC team.</p>

Name: Sunny Day Sweeper
Move 1: Horn Leech
Move 2: Return / Double-Edge
Move 3: Jump Kick / Megahorn
Move 4: Protect
Item: Life Orb
Nature: Adamant / Jolly
Ability: Chorlophyll
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spee

[Set Comments]

<p>Sawsbuck is a potent threat under the sun. With Chlorophyll and Sunny Day up, this deer has a Speed of 294 when Adamant and a whooping 332 Speed when Jolly, allowing Sawsbuck to outspeed every unboosted Pokemon in the metagame. Tailwind further advances its speed advantage. Horn Leech is a good STAB move that can OHKO popular VGC Pokemon such as Terrakion and 2HKO a max HP Jellicent while regaining health. Return is a good secondary STAB, hitting common Pokemon that resist Horn Leech such as Tornadus, Thundurus, Whimiscott and Max HP Amoonguss for neutral damage. Double-Edge is also a good choice as well, for it is able to OHKOing Thundurus and Tornadus, which are major threats to Sawsbuck. Return is a little weaker, but it lacks the recoil drawback and is still capable of OHKOing Tornadus and Thundurus. The third moveslot has two good options. Jump Kick OHKOes Bisharp and Zoroark, and 2HKOes Vanilluxe; however, it only 3HKOs a Chople Berry Scrafty and damages Sawsbuck if the attack misses or the opposing Pokemon uses Protect. Megahorn 2HKOs Musharna and can OHKO Hydreigon, which is a huge threat to any Sunny Day team due to its resistances to Fire, Grass, and Ghost. and 2HKOs Musharna. Protect is very useful move to have in the VGC metagame. It provides you with a free turn of defense while you set up sun or Tailwind with Sawsbuck's partner. This can save Sawsbuck from faster threats and priority moves, such as Conkeldurr's Mach Punch, an attack that can OHKO with a Guts boost or 2HKO without one. It is also very useful for scouting out opposing moves, giving you time to react accordingly.</p>

[Additional Comments]

<p>This set is essential for sun teams, and will work better when used in conjunction with Tailwind Support. Sawsbuck's best partner in this case would be Whimiscott. With Prankster, an ability that increases the priority of non-attacking moves by 1, Whimiscott sets up sun quickly for Sawsbuck to sweep. Whimiscott and also has access to Tailwind and Helping Hand. Tailwind can give Sawsbuck the advantage against other Tailwind-boosted Pokemon, while Helping Hand can increase the Base Power of Sawsbuck's moves by 50%. Sawsbuck also works very well with other sun sweepers such as Chandelure, Lilligant, and Darmanitan. However, Sawsbuck has major counters in Chandelure and Conkeldurr counter Sawsbuck. To combat Chandelure, Hydregion and Terrakion are good partners due to Hydregion's access to Dark moves and Terrakion's Rock Slide. As for Conkeldurr, either Tornadus and Amoonguss are able to defeat it with the former's Acrobatics or the latter's Giga Drain, respectively. </p>

Name: Sap Counter
Move 1: Horn Leech
Move 2: Return
Move 3: Jump Kick / Nature Power
Move 4: Protect
Item: Focus Sash
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Sap Sipper
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

[Set Comments]
<p> Sawsbuck has access to Sap Sipper, which increases Sawsbuck's Attack when hit by a Grass move. With this in mind, Sawsbuck can switch into and effectively hard counter Amoonguss, one of the most popular and efficient VGC Pokemon. Horn Leech is a good STAB move that keeps Sawsbuck's health full. Return is a good secondary STAB move, to have as it hits things that Sawsbuck can't hit with Horn Leech, such as 2HKOing Thundurus, Tornadus, Whimiscott and 3HKOing Amoonguss. Jump Kick can OHKO Bisharp and Zoroark, 2HKO Hydreigon, and 3HKO Chople Berry Scrafty. Nature Power in a Wireless battle is Earthquake, which can 2HKO Chandelure, one of Sawsbuck's biggest threats. Protect is always a good to have to scout for priority moves; Fake Out can break Sawsbuck's Focus Sash while Conkeldurr's Guts boosted Mach Punch gets a clean OHKO.[*] Protect also allows you to set up Tailwind with a partner or scout out potential moves another Pokemon could have. Sawsbuck shines with a Focus Sash, especially with Horn Leech to keep Sawsbuck's health full.</p>

This part, I did not know how to reword and fit well because it was really awkward since I assume you meant a Conkledurr's Guts boost, which the sentence did not state. I worked with SuperJOCKE and ItsJellicent to determine a suitable replacement.

[Additional Comments]
<p>This set could be very useful for Tailwind teams, as it could use the Speed boost to achieve the same effect as Chlorophyll. Whimiscott and Tornadus are the best Tailwind users, thanks to Prankster. Sawsbuck pairs up well with Tornadus, who can OHKO Condkeldurr with a Flight Gem Acrobatics. A Sap Sipper Sawsbuck is also a very good teammate for Jellicent. With Tailwind support, Jellicent can outspeed and take out Chandelure with a Shadow Ball or Water Spout, while Sawsbuck takes care of Amoonguss. Hydreigon is another good partner; Levitate makes it immune to Nature Power, allowing Sawsbuck to take out Chandelure without harming its teammate. Bouffalant might seem like a better option than Sawsbuck due to its higher defenses; however, Sawsbuck is much faster and has access to Grass STAB, making it the superior choice.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Protect can be replaced with Swords Dance if you wants to raise your Attack further. Although Jump Kick or Megahorn is preferred on Sawsbuck, remember that you could also possibly use Wild Charge is an option; it easily OHKOs aTornadus or Archeops. Nature Power becomes Earthquake in wireless battles, giving Sawsbuck an option to easily 2HKO Chandelure. If Item Clause is an issue, you can switch out Life Orb for a Focus Sash or vice versa, as they both benefit each set.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Chandelure is probably the best counter to Sawsbuck. It can easily OHKO Sawsbuck with Heat Wave and is immune to Jump Kick and Return, and resistant to Horn Leech and Megahorn. Conkeldurr is another great counter as it can OHKO Sawsbuck with a priority Mach Punch once Guts activates. Tornadus could easily set up Tailwind, which makes most Pokemon faster than Sawsbuck that lack Tailwind support; it could also just OHKO Sawsbuck with Acrobatics.</p>
Working on top of his check!


<p>Sawsbuck is a decent offensive threat that can become very successful when used with a combination of Sunny Day and Tailwind. It lives up to its reputation as one of the best Chlorophyll users in the metagame which, combined with base 100 base Attack, makes Sawsbuck a solid choice for any Sunny Day or Tailwind VGC team.</p>

name: Sunny Day Sweeper
move 1: Horn Leech
move 2: Return / Double-Edge
move 3: Jump Kick / Megahorn
move 4: Protect
item: Life Orb
Nature: Adamant / Jolly
ability: Chlorophyll
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spee


<p>Sawsbuck is a potent threat under the sun. With When Chlorophyll is activated and Sunny Day up, this deer has a Speed of 294 when with Adamant and a whooping 332 Speed when with Jolly, allowing Sawsbuck to outspeed every unboosted Pokemon in the metagame. Tailwind further advances its speed advantage Tailwind support would give it an even greater Speed advantage. Horn Leech is a good STAB move that can OHKO popular VGC Pokemon such as Terrakion and 2HKO a maximum HP Jellicent while regaining health. Return is a good secondary STAB, hitting common Pokemon that resist Horn Leech,<comma> such as Tornadus, Thundurus, Whimiscott,<comma> and maximum HP Amoonguss,<comma> for neutral damage. Double-Edge is also a good choice as well, for it is able to OHKOing Thundurus and Tornadus, which are major threats to Sawsbuck. Although Return is a little weaker, but it lacks the recoil drawback and is still capable of OHKOing Tornadus and Thundurus the two aforementioned Pokemon. The third moveslot has two good options. Jump Kick OHKOes Bisharp and Zoroark, and 2HKOes Vanilluxe; however, it only 3HKOes a Chople Berry Scrafty and damages Sawsbuck if the attack misses or the opposing Pokemon uses Protect. Megahorn 2HKOes Musharna and can OHKO Hydreigon,; the latter which is a huge threat to any Sunny Day sun teams due to its resistances to Fire, Grass, and Ghost. and 2HKOs Musharna. Protect is a very useful move to have in the VGC metagame. It provides you with a free turn of defense while you Sawsbuck's partner sets up Sunny Day or Tailwind with Sawsbuck's partner. This can save Sawsbuck from faster threats and priority moves, such as Conkeldurr's Mach Punch, an attack that can OHKO with a Guts boost or 2HKO without one. It is also very useful for scouting out opposing moves, giving you time to react accordingly.</p>


<p>This set is essential for sun teams, and will work better when used in conjunction with Tailwind Support. Sawsbuck's best partner in this case would be Whimiscott. With Prankster, an ability that increases the priority of non-attacking moves by 1, Whimiscott can sets up Sunny Day quickly for Sawsbuck to sweep. Whimiscott and also has access to Tailwind and Helping Hand. Tailwind can give Sawsbuck the advantage against other Tailwind-boosted Pokemon, while Helping Hand can increases the Base Power of Sawsbuck's moves by 50%. Sawsbuck also works very well with other sun sweepers such as Chandelure, Lilligant, and Darmanitan. However, Sawsbuck has major counters in Chandelure and Conkeldurr counter Sawsbuck. To combat Chandelure, Hydregion and Terrakion are good partners due to Hydregion's access to Dark-type moves and Terrakion's Rock Slide. As for Conkeldurr, either Tornadus and Amoonguss are able to defeat it with the former's Acrobatics and Giga Drain, respectively. </p>

name: Sap Counter
move 1: Horn Leech
move 2: Return
move 3: Jump Kick / Nature Power
move 4: Protect
item: Focus Sash
Nature: Jolly
ability: Sap Sipper
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

<p> Sawsbuck has access to Sap Sipper, which increases Sawsbuck's Attack when hit by a Grass-type move. With this in mind, Sawsbuck can switch into and effectively hard counter Amoonguss, one of the most popular and efficient VGC Pokemon. Horn Leech is a good STAB move that keeps Sawsbuck's health full. Return is a good secondary STAB move, to have as it hits things that Sawsbuck can't hit with Horn Leech, such as 2HKOing Thundurus, Tornadus, and Whimiscott, while 3HKOing Amoonguss. Jump Kick can OHKO Bisharp and Zoroark, 2HKO Hydreigon, and 3HKO Chople Berry Scrafty. Nature Power in a Wireless battle is Earthquake turns into Earthquake when used in Wi-Fi battles, which can 2HKO Chandelure, one of Sawsbuck's biggest threats. Protect is always a good to have to scout for priority moves; Fake Out can break Sawsbuck's Focus Sash while Conkeldurr's Guts-boosted Mach Punch gets a clean OHKO.
Protect also allows you to Sawsbuck's teammate to set up Tailwind with a partner or for you to scout out potential moves another Pokemon could have. Sawsbuck shines with a Focus Sash, especially with Horn Leech to keep Sawsbuck's health full.</p>

This part, I did not know how to reword and fit well because it was really awkward since I assume you meant a Conkledurr's Guts boost, which the sentence did not state. I worked with SuperJOCKE and ItsJellicent to determine a suitable replacement. sandshrew'z edit: this sentence looks okay! :)

<p>This set could be very useful for Tailwind teams, as it could use the Speed boost to achieve the same effect as Chlorophyll. Whimiscott and Tornadus are the best Tailwind users, thanks to Prankster. Sawsbuck pairs up well with Tornadus, who can OHKO Condkeldurr with a Flight Gem Acrobatics. A Sap Sipper Sawsbuck is also a very good teammate for Jellicent. With Tailwind support, Jellicent can outspeed and take out Chandelure with a Shadow Ball or Water Spout, while Sawsbuck takes care of Amoonguss that often threatens Jellicent. Hydreigon is another good partner; Levitate makes it immune to Nature Power, allowing Sawsbuck to take out Chandelure without harming its teammate. Bouffalant might seem like a better option than Sawsbuck due to its higher defenses; however, Sawsbuck is much faster and has access to Grass-type STAB, making it the superior choice. looks better in Overview where you can expand more about this</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Protect can be replaced with Swords Dance if you wants to raise your Attack further. Although Jump Kick or Megahorn is preferred on Sawsbuck, remember that you could also possibly use Wild Charge is an option; it easily OHKOes aTornadus or and Archeops. Nature Power becomes Earthquake in Wi-Fi battles, giving Sawsbuck an option to easily 2HKO Chandelure. If Item Clause is an issue, you can switch out Life Orb for a Focus Sash or vice versa, as they both benefit each set.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Chandelure is probably the best counter to Sawsbuck. It can easily OHKO Sawsbuck with Heat Wave and is immune to Jump Kick and Return, and resistant to while also resisting Horn Leech and Megahorn. Conkeldurr is another great counter as it can OHKO Sawsbuck with a priority Mach Punch once Guts activates. Tornadus could easily set up Tailwind, which makes most Pokemon faster than Sawsbuck that lack Tailwind support; it could also just OHKO Sawsbuck with Acrobatics.</p>


GP Approved 2/2
Chlorophyll is spelled wrong on the first set

Jump Kick OHKOes Bisharp and Zoroark, and 2HKOes Vanilluxe; however, it only<space>3HKOes a Chople Berry Scrafty and damages Sawsbuck if the attack misses or the opposing Pokemon uses Protect.

There should be a space after "only" in this sentence.
Booo... I failed Biology D: I think I wrote Chlorophyll instead of Chloroplast for my exam ._.

thanks for the catch Omi! Fixed :)

edit: zzz I had an empty [noparse][color] [/color][/noparse] code there. No idea why it doesn't show up as a space ._.