RU Threat List

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Well, Substitute really wouldn't be a complex ban, it's just frustrating anyway how everyone and their mother runs sub on everything and its cousin.
what about the 4x stealth rock weakness? you can switch in porygon-z in on ghost type moves and the bulk difference isn't as major as you think, porygon-z has more special bulk than yanmega in fact.

Rocks are not hard to keep of the field in RU due to lack of solid spin blockers. Porygon - Z is an solid poke though i think the agility LO set is alot more deadly than the choice speccs adaptability set

The move "substitute" needs a special mention in OP... it's fucking broken in this tier >.>

also how is golurk not on that list. Its subpunch is great.

Use a phazer, problem solved.
Rocks are not hard to keep of the field in RU due to lack of solid spin blockers. Porygon - Z is an solid poke though i think the agility LO set is alot more deadly than the choice speccs adaptability set

Dusknoir and Cofagrigus are far from shitty here, they are really bulky and taking them down can prove to be annoying. Specs Adaptability is a wallbreaker, Agility LO is a sweeper. Both are completely different. :/

also, you can't exactly slap a phazer and call it a day, because you have to eat a Focus Punch before you can force it out.
A Sub/Disable Kangaskhan Could Check Golurk without Earthquake or 3rd attacking move.

name: Sub Disable
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Disable
move 3: Chip Away / Frustration\Return
move 4: (Filler) Drain Punch / Roar / Toxic / Focus Punch
item: leftovers
ability: Scrappy
nature: Jolly
evs: 212 HP / 120 Att / 176 Spe

The set works a lot like gengar's set in OU, although Kangaskhan doesn't have as many immunities as Gengar, it only has one weakness (fighting) and in RU there aren't many fighting types, heck I don't think there are any fighting types that out speed Kangaskhan in the tier, except maybe Speed Boost Combusken.

Pretty easy to use really, set up a substitute as your opponent attacks you with a fighting move then disable it, it's unlikely they'll carry more then one more fighting move, then proceed to either attack or use another support move like Roar or Toxic.

The Nature and EVs allow you to outspeed positive base 80 pokemon, mainly Gallade.

Disable works through substitute if your worried about pokemon that you substitute + focus punch like Golurk.

if you op for drain punch, it gives Kangaskhan perfect coverage combined with scrappy allowing you to hit ghost, it also has the nice secondary effect of recovering your HP allowing to set up more substitutes.

Kangaskhan can set up 101 HP substitutes blocking pokemon like clefable using seismic toss.

Kangaskhan would Kill for Circle throw if it was legal together with disable as both Disable and Circle Throw are both Breeding/Egg moves
the thing is, kangaskan isnt bulky enough to live any attack with its substitute. even non fighting attacks will break it.
the thing is, kangaskan isnt bulky enough to live any attack with its substitute. even non fighting attacks will break it.

1. Kanghaskan has 105/ 80/ 80 defenses. That's bulkier than most pokes in this tier.
2. Gengar uses this set greatly in OU. 60/ 60/ 75 defenses don't seem to deter it.

And also, Sawk, Hitmonlee running max speed and Primeape outspeed Kangaskhan. And any other fighting type with a Scarf bar Gurdurr outspeeds as well.
but gengar has more resistances and better immunities.

kangashkan is immune to....GHOST? who the hell uses ghost types for coverage? they all use dark.

while gengar has ground and fighting imunities, which are godly because a lot of pokes rely on edgequake and fightrock/ fightdark to rely on their coverage.

so in the end, gengar walls conkeldurr, terrakion, some scrafties, excadrill..... and more

while kanghaskan walls.....some golurks and... gengar, ironicaly. (only if gengar switches into itsusub
oops sorry I didn't take everything into consideration.

I rarely ever see Sawk in the tier but there could be a random one.

Hitmonlee's usage was like at number 50-ish from the June Statistics, I could run max Speed but since it's uncommon enough I don't, but if you want to be cautious, you could run that spread.

I haven't seen many primeape lately but all the one's I've seen run a scarf and since it's already faster no point in running max Speed.

kanghaskan walls most sets that run ghost/fighting Coverage.

I think Bulk up Gallade that only runs drain punch and Shadow Sneak and Substitute. although the Sword Dance set forces you to use it's non stab coverage move it you block Close Combat, like Night slash or Ice Punch or Stab Psycho cut and the defence drop from Close Combat would probably let you get the KO or deal a lot of damage to Gallade if it stay in. Since you're faster you hit 1st as shadow sneak does nothing to you.

Cofagrigus that only runs shadowball and HP-fighting for coverage, ( actually thinking about it It's mummy ability could potentially cancell out kanghaskan's Scrapy ability, I haven't actually tried it out in game though but Toxic is usually enough to take out Cofagrigus that doesn't have a lum berry or Cleric)

Possibly Golurk that Run Shadow punch and Focus punch for coverage (normally it's perfect coverage but people like running a 2nd stab in EQ)

And Possibly Dusknoir, depends which Moves it's running, Usually Pain split and will o wisp and 2 attacking moves, hopefully one of them is shadow sneak.

Btw Bluemon this is RU not OU, unless you meant haunter, as it can use the same set as Gengar but it's a bit slower at base 95 speed and doesn't have focus blast.
so in the end, gengar walls conkeldurr, terrakion, some scrafties, excadrill..... and more

Because Conkledurr doesn't have Payback, Terrakion doesn't have Stone Edge, Scrafty doesn't have Crunch, and Excadrill doesn't have Rock Slide. That would just be silly. -.-
Because Conkledurr doesn't have Payback, Terrakion doesn't have Stone Edge, Scrafty doesn't have Crunch, and Excadrill doesn't have Rock Slide. That would just be silly. -.-

gengar can outspeed all of those and sub up, then disable the attacks. and two of those three threats are koed by focus blast anyway.
Because Conkledurr doesn't have Payback, Terrakion doesn't have Stone Edge, Scrafty doesn't have Crunch, and Excadrill doesn't have Rock Slide. That would just be silly. -.-

That was meant after he uses SUB+disable because this is what this post is all about. Sub disable pokes

Terrakion only carries stone edge and close combat. Once stone edge is disabled gengar walls terrakion. Same with conkeldurr and bulk up scrafty.

EDIT: ninja'd
oops sorry I didn't take everything into consideration.

I rarely ever see Sawk in the tier but there could be a random one.

Hitmonlee's usage was like at number 50-ish from the June Statistics, I could run max Speed but since it's uncommon enough I don't, but if you want to be cautious, you could run that spread.

I haven't seen many primeape lately but all the one's I've seen run a scarf and since it's already faster no point in running max Speed.

kanghaskan walls most sets that run ghost/fighting Coverage.

I think Bulk up Gallade that only runs drain punch and Shadow Sneak and Substitute. although the Sword Dance set forces you to use it's non stab coverage move it you block Close Combat, like Night slash or Ice Punch or Stab Psycho cut and the defence drop from Close Combat would probably let you get the KO or deal a lot of damage to Gallade if it stay in. Since you're faster you hit 1st as shadow sneak does nothing to you.

Cofagrigus that only runs shadowball and HP-fighting for coverage, ( actually thinking about it It's mummy ability could potentially cancell out kanghaskan's Scrapy ability, I haven't actually tried it out in game though but Toxic is usually enough to take out Cofagrigus that doesn't have a lum berry or Cleric)

Possibly Golurk that Run Shadow punch and Focus punch for coverage (normally it's perfect coverage but people like running a 2nd stab in EQ)

And Possibly Dusknoir, depends which Moves it's running, Usually Pain split and will o wisp and 2 attacking moves, hopefully one of them is shadow sneak.

Btw Bluemon this is RU not OU, unless you meant haunter, as it can use the same set as Gengar but it's a bit slower at base 95 speed and doesn't have focus blast.

That was nice and all but...

First, I'm mentioning genera because the above poster mentioned how subdisable genera works in OU.

Secondly, there is one problem, NONE OF THOSE POKES USE GHOST+FIGHTING FOR COVERAGE. Gallade? Psycho cut drain punch shadow sneak. Prime ape? Stone edge. Close combat.


Which is why sub disable kanghaskan sucks. Unlike gengar he has no viable immunities.
Quagsire with CB at 100% health is awesome it Wrecks if yu can use it right and can trick people to think its a StallSet (And stops scrafty in UU) Overall quag Stop sweeps and with CB can retaliate
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