Milotic Discussion


No love for this sexy fish from ADV?
Its new move pool may not have gotten the best upgrades but it'll have to suffice. I originally liked how the things that Milotic counters had problems switching into it(hence why it's considered a counter), but now with D/P things that Milotic originally countered, like CSmence and TTar(thanks to Sandstream) now have balls of steel now that Milotic can't kick as easily.

Marvel Scale-
When Milotic is inflicted with a status condition, it's defense is increased by 1.5.


Move pool:
Notables in italics.
Ice Beam
and uhhh... Hidden Power and Dragon Breath?

Support Movepool
Rain Dance
Sleep Talk
Mirror coat
Light Screen
Confuse Ray
Aqua ring


Set 1@Leftovers
Ice Beam

The old ADV standard, hypnosis is deadlier now with a 10% increase in accuracy. Not as versatile anymore as it can't come into Salamence as easily since a STAB + CS Draco meteor w/ MaxSAtk + Modest nearly OHKO's it(and even if it wasn't this extreme it'd probably still 2HKO). Definitely not good especially if Milotic has been taking earlier hits.

Set 2@Leftovers
Sleep Talk
Ice Beam

Another standard, not much to say here.

Set 3@Leftovers
Light Screen
Ice Beam

Light Screen might be more useful w/ all the Special Sweepers around now.

Set 4@ Flame Orb

Calm: 252 hp / xDef / 16 SAtk / xSDef / 8Spd

Surf/HP Electric
Ice Beam
Hypnosis/Mirror Coat/Light Screen/Toxic/Aqua Ring

Did I tell you how much I love gimmicks?
Poison Orb for the auto Marvel Scale makes Gyarados and Rhyperior all around sad
Leaves room for more SDef EVs to deal with CSMence if needed, the (S)Defense spreads depends on your team's weakness.
MaxAtk Garchomp/MaxSatk CSMence can only 2HKO it still unfortunately.
This thing's a team player, the constant 1/8 off Milotic's HP(no leftovers also) will total up like crazy and would need constant support.
HP Electric for Gyarados if you're paranoid although Surf is probably the better choice w/ STAB and such.
Last move is pretty much filler, you could aqua ring for a pseudo craptastic leftovers but it's probably just better to put things to sleep.
All in all, I still think it's gimmicky but it might work.
I used to love Milotic because it would scare off dragons like no tomorrow. But with CSMence it's not as viable anymore. Still has plenty of uses with Hypnosis and the addition of Haze. But I prefer Vaporeon for my semi-bulky water needs because of Wish support.
Yeah, set two is the only set that will work if you plan to use this in OU. Milotic lost a lot of great potential, just like Suicune, due to the introduction of new hard hitters, as well as the split. Sala hits it too hard for it to survive, and other physical hitters will crush it.
Haze Milotic is a viable new addition. Not sure what it can haze though as it is much better off Surfing T-tar and beaming Garchomp :s
Won't Gyrados kill Milotic before Milotic gets the chance to kill it? What if you get unlucky with Sleep Talk? Those are the major disadvantages of set 2 as well, even though it's the best one to use
I have an idea for one.

Milotic @ Leftovers
EVs: 144 HP/252 Def/56 SDef/56 SAtk
Nature: Bold (Def+/Atk-)
- Protect
- Aqua Ring
- Surf/Ice Beam/HP Electric
- Surf/Ice Beam/HP Electric

Aqua Ring + Protect + Leftovers. Nice? Also depending on the attack combination it counters Gyarados, Salamence, Garchomp, Tyranitar, and Rhypherior (obviously not at the same time because it must lack one of the offensive moves needed to counter them all).

I <3 the Aqua Ring/Protect combo.
Set 2 is terrible. It will not work peroid; in this hyper offensive game filled with killer sweepers, Milotic should be stalling.
But Gyrados could easily take advantage and DDance on of your Protects. Garchomp could easily Swords Dance as well. Gyrados poses ever more threat by having Taunt, messing up the combo
Omigosh, I haven't heard much of Milotic either!~

Doesn't it have Dragon Pulse to use for one of its special attacks, or is it outclassed by Ice Beam?
Doesn't it have Dragon Pulse to use for one of its special attacks, or is it outclassed by Ice Beam?
It out-does Dragonbreath at the very least.

Max SDef and Max HP Milotic takes about 60% from CS-Mence's Draco Meteor so maybe we'll see some special wall Milotics (I recall someone else mentioning this and just double-checked the numbers). The main problem is it doesn't really counter guys like Azelf and Manaphy, barring Mirror Coat/Hypnosis =/
Aqua Ring is ingrain minus the lock-in.

I'd try to use Milotic to psuedo-pass Rain, it even has the defenses to hold a Wet Rock for stronger dances. We already know the standard sets from Advance, but I think Rain might work, especially with the added incentives to change the weather in this generation. Rain Dance/Surf/Ice Beam/Recover sounds like a nice set.
So does Marvel Scale not activate with the SLP status? I never got into competitive battling until I heard about D/P coming out about 6 months ago.

What would be the point in Milotic holding a Toxic Orb to get the 1 stage DEF raise? Its drastically lowered survivability limits the usefulness of the DEF raise. I personally would REALLY like Set 2, as I've planned to use, to abuse its ability. Well, that's only if SLP status does activate it.
I Love Milotic, really, i have one in my Emerald cartridge, and is the best of the best to counter Dragons, i use the Sleep Talk version..


Milotic @ Lefties
Evs: 212 HP, 252 Def, 44 SpA
-Ice Beam
-Sleep Talk

And CSMence won't kill Milo with a little of prediction, here are some of my calcs...

CSMence vs my Milotic
Draco Meteor running of Max SpA + Nature -> 73~85%

So Milo could rest inmeadiately after taking the hit and receive to the next Pokemon (Sala is likely to switch)

Anyway, this gen i'm planning to use the same but with Max HP and Defense because i won't be OHKOing many things with that SpA anyway :S

And Sleep does activate Milotic's Ability, people sometimes think it doesn't because is confused with Guts...

Guts - Raises Attack when afflcited by Paralysis, Burn or Poison.
Marvel Scale - When afflicted by a status ailment, Defense is raised.

So Guts only activates by Paralysis, Burn or Poison but Marvel Scale is activated by all of them + Sleep and Frozen.

Vappy has Wish but is very fragile in comparation with Milotic, really 95/79/125 + Marvel Scale looks more appealing that 130/65/95 + Water Absorb oO (Well, kinda xD)
So Milo could rest inmeadiately after taking the hit and receive to the next Pokemon (Sala is likely to almost switch)
Why would Salamence switch? It's faster than Milotic and can easily finish the job with another Draco Meteor.
Salamence would be most likely to attack because Milotic has almost been "killed", Mence is faster, and even a -2 Draco Meteor should still KO it.
Edit: Beaten. Bad.
You don't get my point, i'm talking of a scenario like this:

Player 1 sends CSMence!
Player 2 sends Milotic!

CSMence uses Draco Meteor! 73~85%
Milotic uses Rest!

CSMence is forced to switch then...

You could use Ice Beam as well but this almost assures you will be killed next turn
Guts - Raises Attack when afflcited by Paralysis, Burn or Poison.
Marvel Scale - When afflicted by a status ailment, Defense is raised.

So Guts only activates by Paralysis, Burn or Poison but Marvel Scale is activated by all of them + Sleep and Frozen.

Guts activates when a pokemon is asleep, too. Don't you know SleepTalkCross? or SleepTalkChamp?


And I'm liking the Light Screen set and the idea of EVing Milo to resist a 2nd SpecsMence Draco Meteor and shrug it off with Rest.
Edux said:
You don't get my point, i'm talking of a scenario like this:

Player 1 sends CSMence!
Player 2 sends Milotic!
Why the hell would the player keep CSMence in to begin with, then? Milotic could just OHKO with Ice Beam right off the bat.
As far as i know that SleepTalk Hera and Machamp only work on Netbattle because of something wrong, because the game description only names Burn, Paralysis and Poison..
As far as i know that SleepTalk Hera and Machamp only work on Netbattle because of something wrong, because the game description only names Burn, Paralysis and Poison..
I personally think Machamp's a whole lot smexier w/No Armor DynamPunches. It's not exactly a CB Hera Close Combat, but I really do like statusing with the hit.

I digress. We need to get off the topic of whether or not Sleep activates abilities. Question has been answered, thanks for those who answered. That's for another topic. I still think Milotic is awesome. It could probably make into a nice CSMence counter if fully Sp. Def EV trained.