
Yanmega is one of the more physically durable bugs: 86/86 isn't terrible for an offensive Pokemon.
At full health, with no defensive EVs, it'll survive CB scizor BP or even CB Mamo Ice Shard.
However, that is somewhat offset by its severe SR weakness.
I think the best recipient is something like Yanmega.
It's tough to say exactly how your opponent will respond to something like Volbeat, but if the Pokemon coming in can kill Volbeat, it can also kill Yanmega. It probably won't work unless you're already in a winning position or you're facing a stall team that can't really do anything about it.

My guess is that they'll go to a phazer right away if they have one, or get some offensive pressure going to make sure they can kill anything it passes to. They [should] know what it's there to do. In case of any defensive countermeasures, we have Espeon. Careful though, you might get nailed by an attack instead.
Yeah, no team is exactly prepared for Volbeat, so on your side, it's going to be hard to tell what your opponent's response will be, which is why I would recommend a 'backup' special attacker should you face offensive pressure. Ideally, your recipients should be defensive and handy enough to face expected attackers.
H-C, who I fought in Round 2 of inb4 Nintendo Tournament, used Eviolite Porygon2 as one of Volbeat's recipient, and I thought it was a clever choice. Porygon2 can safely receive the boosts in the face of offensive pressure and make use of +3 SpA to demolish most offensive teams.
Volbeat. Another Bug. *sighs* Why are there so many Bug Pokémon? Ah well. Each one of these seems to have some unique trait. Volbeat has two: Tail Glow and Prankster. Tail Glow used to be Volbeat's signature move, and is basically just Nasty Plot with a more stupid name. However, with the upgrade of Tail Glow in this generation (+3 instead of +2 SpAtk boost), it makes Volbeat slightly less bad. Also this generation, Volbeat got Prankster through the Dream World, and +1 priority to non-attacking moves is a great addition for anything.

However, that's not to say that Volbeat has his faults. Actually, he has quite a few. For starters, it's been cursed with a Bug typing. Fire, Flying, and Rock destroys it, as does Stealth Rock. Also, Volbeat has some pretty bad stats. 65/55/75 defenses are ridiculous, and the attacking stats are a joke. While 73 Atk is bad, 47 SpAtk is just awful. Even with Tail Glow, you can't do anything. Finally, it's signature move was also given to Manaphy, who can utilize it better. Overall, Volbeat is just... bad.

So, what use does it have? Volbeat can perform a useful role: priority Baton Passing. It can come in on an asleep Pokémon, Tail Glow on the switch, and Baton Pass to something that doesn't have a 47 SpAtk base stat. Think of it as a wannabe Quiver Passer. Overall, Volbeat is awful, but it still has it's niche.
From what I've seen, the best use of Volbeat is to switch in on a status move, Encore said status move, tail glow on the switch out, then baton pass to a bulky sweeper.
...Volbeat is a failure which is easily OHKO'd by any Fire type move (and Stone Edge does the rounds on the annoying bug too). Preferably use Illumise which has better natural Sp. Atk anyway and doesn't have to stuff around with a status move...
...Volbeat is a failure which is easily OHKO'd by any Fire type move (and Stone Edge does the rounds on the annoying bug too). Preferably use Illumise which has better natural Sp. Atk anyway and doesn't have to stuff around with a status move...

Illumise Doesn't get tail Glow, and Scizor is easily ohkoed by any fire move as well, does that make it bad. Volbeat is frail, but if you lead with it and use a sash than the bp is nearly guarenteed.
It's a little situational, but:

Prankster@Focus Sash
Encore, Tail Glow, Baton Pass, Psych Up

Yes, Taunt ruins it, but it gives Volbeat the possibility of passing more than just Sp. Attack provided what it manages to come in to is boosted up somehow. I've used this to some success with a bit of setup by having a previous team member sleep what I want to steal boosts from.

I'm sure there's better ways to do this, and I know other Pokémon outclass Volbeat, but sometimes trying something new or different is what helps you get the upper hand.
So far I've only encountered one Volbeat in OU since it got Prankster, and it was frankly laughable. Volbeat's biggest weakness is that it's extremely predictable. There is only one thing Volbeat can do, and that's pass Tail Glows. So as soon as Volbeat comes out, bring in your phazer and just Roar/whirlwind/haze it away.

Still, if your opponent doesn't have a hazer and you manage to keep hazards off the field, I suppose it wouldn't be too hard to pass a tail glow to say, Latios who would then proceed to absolutely wreck the shit out of everything (seriously, what's going to stop a full health +3 Latios? A few scarfers, Shadow Sneak (lol) and multiple priority attacks are the only chance).

I suppose if the person using it uses it better than the poor chump I faced did, they could actually make this work. Hell, even the phazing can be worked around if you're shrewd enough to encore said hazer into a status move on the turn you switch in. So here's what I'm thinking (excuse me if this has been posted before)

Volbeat @ Focus Sash
Nature: Calm
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 HP
Moves: Encore / Tail Glow / Baton Pass / Bug Buzz

Idea is to make sure hazards are gone, then switch into something using a status move. Encore the status move, use tail glow as they switch/attack then baton pass to your recipient *Cough*Latios*Cough*. Bug Buzz is just there if you're forced to attack for some reason, since after 2 tail glows even Volbeat can do a little bit of damage. Defensive EVs are there so that if you happen to switch in on a defensive Pokemons attack rather than a status move you at least have a chance of getting your tail glow passed. Prediction is key to this set obviously, because if you don't switch in on a status move you're pretty much fucked to kingdom come, and if your opponent has a phazer and they're not what you're encoring, the Pokemon you're switching to is going to get phazed. There's also the danger of the Pokemon you're passing to getting hit as you pass the boost to them, so having multiple suitable recipients would likely be advisable (for instance, passing to Latios after Scizor switches in would be suicide).

Issue with this is that Volbeat is completely dead weight outside of passing tail glows, and that it's very, very predictable if your opponent knows the first thing about Volbeat this gen. You might surprise some scrubs and newbies, but the experienced players are going to know what you're up to long before Volbeat ever hits the field thanks to team preview.
The biggest problem with using Volbeat is that, yeah Tail Glow & Baton Pass are awesome, but is it worth an entire team slot? The very first question you should ask when even considering Volbeat on a team is "Do I need to pass boosts?" And if you say Yes then the next question is "Do I really need a +3 boost or would +2 or even +1 do the job?" There's Pokemon like Celebi, Mew, Mr. Mime, & Gorebyss that can Baton Pass a +2 Boost with relative ease as well as use it themselves or Support their other team-mates, while Volbeat is a 1-trick lightning bug. And then you have Calm Minders like Espeon that can get off multiple boosts and pass them on with little to no issue and even do it more than once.

It's great in the lower tiers but it's just out-classed & kind of unneeded in OU. If a Pokemon needs a +3 boost to sweep, it probably shouldn't be sweeping.
i have been running sash volbeat offensively in the lead slot with an alakazam in ru, and it actually can hold its own if tricked to prevent bp, 480 really isn't that bad. and a +3 bug buzz from offensive volbeat hits harder than most people think.

+3 volbeat Bug buzz vs specially defensive mandibuzz (34.67% - 41.04%)

+3 volbeat Bug buzz vs Specially defensive ferroseed (35.96% - 42.47%) (doesnt 2hko but its easy to set up on by encoring stuff)

+3 volbeat Bug buzz vs specially defensive kecleon (38.89% - 45.68%)

+3 volbeat Bug buzz vs 124/248/136 (most efficient ev spread for curse set) munchlax (26.70% - 31.45%)

+6 volbeat Bug buzz vs 124/248/136 munchlax (42.31% - 50.23%)

+3 volbeat bug buzz vs specially defensive drapion (49.13% - 58.43%)

+3 Volbeat bug buzz vs standard clefable (49.75% - 58.88%)

+3 Volbeat bug buzz vs standard amoonguss (37.73% - 44.68%)

taking into account that these threats (with the possible exception of drapion) are some of the most specially bulky in the tier, i'd say its pretty decent.
It probably has already been said but i got a volbeat from dream world with tailwind, could tailwind be any good?

It could possibly serve some use, but you'd be hard-pressed to make much of it without access to vital egg-moves like Encore and Baton Pass.
It's a terrible option because you can't use Baton Pass with it, and Volbeat is literally useless without being able to Baton Pass.
Volbeat without Baton Pass is like Volcarona without any dancing or buzzing. Or like Smeargle without Sketch. Or like Machamp without DynamicPunch
encore/tail glow/baton pass/thunder wave is pretty legit and makes an extremely reliable passer/status spreader in ou.

Of course then you're taunt bait, but priority Thunder Wave is always nice I suppose. I suspect that even boosted Bug Buzzes will be useless in OU anyway.

As for Tailwind, no, don't use it. You can't have Encore OR Baton Pass then, making Volbeat completely useless. If you're going to use Tailwind there are much more competent users of it, such as Scizor.
Of course then you're taunt bait, but priority Thunder Wave is always nice I suppose. I suspect that even boosted Bug Buzzes will be useless in OU anyway.

As for Tailwind, no, don't use it. You can't have Encore OR Baton Pass then, making Volbeat completely useless. If you're going to use Tailwind there are much more competent users of it, such as Scizor.

Read my calcs above, even though they are of ru pokemon, it still shows it can put dents into things (it deals 40% to mandibuzz) after a tail glow, so if you dont want to be taunt bait run sash as alead and max out special attack.
Read my calcs above, even though they are of ru pokemon, it still shows it can put dents into things (it deals 40% to mandibuzz) after a tail glow, so if you dont want to be taunt bait run sash as alead and max out special attack.

Well OU has a lot more bug resists than RU has, so even if you're going to be taunt bait Thunder Wave is probably more useful in OU. A lot of OU Pokemon can take a +3 Bug Buzz from Volbeat without worry, but paralysis ruins them. I suspect it comes down to preference overall anyway.
Priority Baton Passer
Mischievous Heart~Focus Sash
*Timid 252 Speed/ 252 sp.atk*
Tail Glow
Baton Pass
Thunder Wave/ Light Screen
Bug Buzz

I say forget bug buzz and to a lesser extent T-wave. i use Sub and encore. Much more efficient. I dont put any investment in speed, and certainly not in SpA, i run 252 HP 252 SpD 4 Spe Calm. That thing takes special hits like a blissey... well, not really, but it does take them really well

...Volbeat is a failure which is easily OHKO'd by any Fire type move (and Stone Edge does the rounds on the annoying bug too). Preferably use Illumise which has better natural Sp. Atk anyway and doesn't have to stuff around with a status move...

Please think that through. Volbeat is not a failure, and not so easy KO'd. A specially defensive set i use can take a flamethrower from a Heatran (not a fire blast tho), and can take HP fire's all day long. Stone edge is a worry, but i just keep subbing untill it misses, or switch out. Illumise will always be overshadowed by volbeat simply because it does not get tail glow. And besides, if volbeat is such a failure, what makes you think Illumise will do any better?
Volbeat works. Its really easy to set up on things like ferrothorn or chansey, my win rate has spiked since i started using a set with

Baton Pass
Tail Glow

I pass the boosts to a sharpedo or gengar behind a sub and GG. Its easier to set up then you think I have 252hp 252 def. Its the kind of thing that looks bad on paper but in practice works much better then you would assume. Also I have a relaxed nature and no speed IVs, I switch in on a boosting move or ferrothorn, encore, they switch and you get a free sub and then proceed to set up. With the ev's and no speed ivs his subs arent broken by ferrothorns power whip or gyro, you can troll with a plus 6 anything special and a sub, I've 6-0 many times on this set.

Since essentially every team has a ferrothorn or there is at least one instance in any match you can predict that a mon is going to use a non attacking move you can switch into ferrothorn or said non attacking move, set up a sub or encore, and switch to in my case a sharpedo with plus three and good coverage moves or a gengar, game over. Putting a little hp ev's into sharpedo lets you survive conk's mach punch and take out everything else. This set doesn't discriminate with any team, it simply sweeps it.
I totally agree with Stainlesssteel here, that is the best set to use, you can actually switch in on plenty of moves on an opponents team and fire off a priority encore to lock them in, this allows and easier pass to your own awaiting pokemon, I've tried it with Physically Defensive Rain Vappy, at +3 special attack, he completely destroys with a set of Scald, Ice Beam, Rest and Toxic after the pass and under rain.

Bulky Mon's are the best to pass to quite frankly, those who have solid staying power, like Jellicent, Vappy, Sub-Roost Zappy, Rain Dragonite, Slowbro, Gastrodon, are all incredible after the pass. They already are irritating to take down, have reliable Recovery, and hit like a NUKE with +3 special attack

EDIT: Also under sun add Cresselia, and Scarftran to that list