
Yes, only females can pass abilities.

You get a DW Illumise (who is always female) and breed it with a father who has the desired egg moves. The resulting egg can hatch into a Volbeat, who will have its DW ability and the egg moves.
Well, someone just surged in usage.

Tail glow becoming +3 is overkill. Being able to baton pass it is unbelievable. Volbeat might actually see some usage in OU.
Yes, only females can pass abilities.

You get a DW Illumise (who is always female) and breed it with a father who has the desired egg moves. The resulting egg can hatch into a Volbeat, who will have its DW ability and the egg moves.

True, then level that Volbeat to Level 21 and it gets Tailglow. For Encore + Baton Pass, Mr. Mime works as the father.
Are any of the sets using a hidden power of some sort?? It doesn't have a very large special movepool, and a good HP would be helpful for him. I'm thinking HP fighting or ground to deal with fire and steel types who will undoubtedly cause problems for you. HP ice is also a decent option if altaria is causing problems for you (assuming it will be in UU).
I have used this partnered with heatran, and it worked pretty well but heatran had the trouble of being two slow. I had to use a scarf but then almost always found him forced out due to being locked into the wrong move. Still need to try this with Latios and Toxicroak.

Anyways, I really hope the Koreans vote for this guy to be released in the Dream World :)
For rain teams, volbeat can get off a priority rain dance.
It also gets tailwind
Although it gets substitute and trick, most people woul try to kill volbeat without status anyway, so..
Could somebody tell me why Volbeat isn't getting more attention? It has Prankster Tail Glow, Baton Pass, Thunder Wave, Confuse Ray, Encore, Substitute, and Morning Sun so it seems completely viable in the competitive scene this time around. It doesn't really need to attack because the only thing that can actually shut it down is another Prankster user with Taunt, but as far as attacking goes, it gets surprisingly good coverage with Thunderbolt and Bug Buzz
Could somebody tell me why Volbeat isn't getting more attention? It has Prankster Tail Glow, Baton Pass, Thunder Wave, Confuse Ray, Encore, Substitute, and Morning Sun so it seems completely viable in the competitive scene this time around. It doesn't really need to attack because the only thing that can actually shut it down is another Prankster user with Taunt, but as far as attacking goes, it gets surprisingly good coverage with Thunderbolt and Bug Buzz

Because Prankster Volbeat currently doesn't exist in the meta.
Because Prankster Volbeat currently doesn't exist in the meta.

You could say that, but things like our new Shadow Tag users and Contrary Serperior are getting mentioned frequently and planned out more thoroughly, while I have literally never heard somebody other than myself mention Volbeat on PO

Important - The following status moves can be used with Prankster: (egg moves are marked to show that they probably can't be used with other egg moves)
Baton Pass (egg)
Confuse Ray
Double Team
Encore (egg)
Helping Hand
Light Screen
Psych Up
Rain Dance
Sunny Day
Tail Glow
Thunder Wave
Trick (egg)

The following status moves cannot be used with Prankster:
Sleep Talk
String Shot
Prankster Encore/Tail Glow/Baton Pass is pretty badass. Basically any set-up Pokemon on the opposing team is easy pickings for a super powered special sweeper to emerge.
Even though Prankster Tail Glow/ BP sounds amazing, it apparently isn't when you look at the usage statistics. In BW DW, Volbeat is ranked 155, behind Shuckle. SHUCKLE. Not even 1% of people use him in that tier. Illumise is even lower. I havn't tested it, but its not hard to see that there are many things holding it back.
Except Smeargle can be Taunted, and Volbeat wouldn't lose to something like Cloyster, because it can outspeed an Ice Shard or Icicle Spear and Thunderbolt for the KO unless it has a Focus Sash or pass to something else. And either way, you could compare any Baton Pass user to Smeargle. Gorebyss doesn't have Spore, but it's still a good Baton Pass user.
Except Smeargle can be Taunted, and Volbeat wouldn't lose to something like Cloyster, because it can outspeed an Ice Shard or Icicle Spear and Thunderbolt for the KO unless it has a Focus Sash or pass to something else. And either way, you could compare any Baton Pass user to Smeargle. Gorebyss doesn't have Spore, but it's still a good Baton Pass user.

Nope, Volbeat still loses to Cloyster because Cloyster's priority is probably coming from a higher speed stat, right? I forget Cloyster's base speed, so correct me if I'm wrong there.

But with defense investment he should be able to survive a non-boosted priority move anyway.

But yeah, I run Katakiri's set, and Volbeat really has no other great options to be useful outside of Baton Passing that Tail Glow. Maybe a bluff set with Timid nature and max SpAttack and Speed? *looks at Volbeat's base 47 SpAttack* Oh, never mind...
I know this has almost nothing to do with Volbeat himself but who are the best Pokemon thta can recieve a +3 in Special Attack? Something that can beat Blissey most likely.
Perhaps the best recipient would be something with an inherent immunity to status (via natural immunity or Lum Berry) and a resistance/defense against priority attacks. I would prefer something fast and hard-hitting that doesn't care about weather.

+3 Thundurus/Latios/Starmie.
