International Wi-Fi Tournament - Autumn Friendly [OVER - Rankings Released Nov. 1st]

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Genon, I don't know your location but wherever you are, I'm deeply sorry that my crappy router screwed up the victory that would've taken you to the 1800s, I'm really, really sorry.
I must take a break. I cant believe, it must be fate or something...every time i'm close to reach 1800 hax punches me in the face till i get back to 1700 or less. 1790 3times and now -1720
First update for the day, man I hate D/C'ers.

1. Kyle, USA New York, 1469 pts. (D/C'd before battle even started)
2. Genon, None, 1769 pts. 1-0 (defeat, stupid me dragon pulsed when I should've protected)
3. Genon, None, 1790 pts.(lolwut again?) 1-0 (defeat, hax on my Chandelure screwed up everything, my stupid internet connection decided to derp after the match -.-)
4. Nigel, None, 1591 pts. 2-0 (victory)
5. Ryan, None, 1511 pts. 2-0 (victory)
6. RIKA, Tokyo 1969 4-3, disconnected as soon as a Specs Chandelure boosted by Tailwind sweep was certain (Come on, your team was a bunch of strong crap thrown together with no plan at all, at least don't artificially boost your rank).

I really, REALLY hated that 1900+ player disconnect, I outpredicted you, abused your obvious fake out from Mienshao and mach punch from Conkeldurr to Encore them into tickling my Chandelure and you ragequit. I honestly have no respect for all those artificial points of yours. I'm at 1763 because I completely failed at life 2 matches in a row at the beggining (one my router derped but you get the idea).

R Inanimate

It's Lunatic Time
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
Sometimes I hate the nature of how my team operates. It gets hard to read what opponents will do when you have to worry about things that high tier players normally wouldn't run. And you get anything from strong looking teams with morons at the helm to strange teams with a smart player.

And... the match system is pretty bad when I get paired with the same person twice in a row.
And... the match system is pretty bad when I get paired with the same person twice in a row.
This. With apparently around 35,000 registered people, it should be almost impossible, and yet it keeps happening to me. And I realize not everyone's on at once, of course... But it still seems like I shouldn't see the same person three times during the course of a day.


I did my best, I have no regrets!
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6. RIKA, Tokyo 1969 4-3, disconnected as soon as a Specs Chandelure boosted by Tailwind sweep was certain (Come on, your team was a bunch of strong crap thrown together with no plan at all, at least don't artificially boost your rank).
She wouldn't even start the game against me.

R Inanimate

It's Lunatic Time
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
She wouldn't even start the game against me.
RIKA also disconnected against me yesterday just before their last Pokemon was taken out. I did get a Turn 1 critical, but was confident on winning even if it didn't happen. They were at 1804 at that point.
Hopefully this little issue will be addressed in the 6th gen.
I'm not holding my breath for nintendo to do something about the d.cers.
RIKA also disconnected against me yesterday just before their last Pokemon was taken out. I did get a Turn 1 critical, but was confident on winning even if it didn't happen. They were at 1804 at that point.

I battled her on the first day and she D/C'd, and then did it again before our battle even started.
Wish I could say the same. He d/c'd on me this morning when I had a clear, hax-free win on the way.

Good to know he changed his ways after being busted.
lol. I've explained what happened and my history speaks for itself, I don't D/C on purpose. My rating would be a lot higher if I D/C'd after every bit of hax.
Negativity aside I've finished today on a high note IMO, just hit the 100 battles mark and my rating's 1847. I've also had some really good matches with a few Smogonites, which have definately helped me to get used to the VGC '11 metagame again.
lol. I've explained what happened and my history speaks for itself, I don't D/C on purpose. My rating would be a lot higher if I D/C'd after every bit of hax.
Negativity aside I've finished today on a high note IMO, just hit the 100 battles mark and my rating's 1847.
But there was no hax when we battled...Just sayin'.

And the d/c was at a very "convenient" time too.
Anyone here knows if you stay on the screen "connection with the other player has been lost" too long it disconnects you from NWFC? Because if it doesn't then I might ragequit this thing.


formerly DoubleJG
Remember everyone, your opponent disconnecting can be just as good as a win if you don't care about the rating. :pimp:
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