Pokemon of the Month [December: Murkrow]

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royal flush
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So, since you all seemed to like the Pokemon of the Month idea a ton, this month's Pokemon is Murkrow. Murkrow has a ton of options for use, so it's going to be fun to see what everyone comes up with :)

I'm working out with a few people some prizes from trade threads, and if we get enough interest we'll see what other prizes we can get together :D
solace and i have come up with november's pokemon of the month:
any set works, just as long as you use it like a bouse.
post battle vids of your gallade conquests here :D!
Gallade, eh? I have to admit, it's my favorite in-game catcher, using Mean Look, Hypnosis, Swords Dance, and False Swipe. Too bad that set isn't terribly useful on GBU :P

I bet I can come up with something.
Hmmm walls fighting pokemon, nice sp.def access to encore, and feint, slow enough for trickroom, fast enough for tailwind. This is gonna be interesting
This looks cool. I won't be training a Gallade, as I'm practicing for VGCs, but I will certainly follow this thread and try to come up with some sets.
I always wanted to do a Gallade with Focus Punch and Destiny Bond to play around with. I don't know if I can be bothered to breed on HeartGold though, I don't have much of a good IV pool on there like I do on Black.
The amount of support moves that Gallade has access to is crazy, not to mention it's resistances to fighting and rock, both very common attack types. If only it had a little bit in the way of physical defenses.
It's probably a complete waste of Gallade's offensive abilities and other Pokemon can pull the same set off better, but he's capable of running a pure utility/support set in Doubles/Triples.

Gallade @ Leftovers
Ability: Steadfast
Bold / Impish, 252 HP / 252 Def / 4SpDef
-Trick Room
-Helping Hand / Shadow Sneak / other

I mean seriously, how many people are going to expect Gallade to be a Utility Pokemon? He wouldn't be very high on my list of Pokemon to hit with a Taunt.

Imprison + Protect is a very mean combo in Doubles/Triples, since as long as it's out, no opposing Pokemon can use Protect. That followed by Helping Hand often spells doom. If a non-attacking Gallade isn't to your liking, use an Impish nature and Shadow Sneak or another physical attack. Trick Room is there to help set it up, as well as Imprison it.

EVs are to provide Gallade with as much physical bulk as possible, since it desperately needs it.

The reason to use this over Musharna (who can pull this off with Telepathy) or Cresselia (a very, very well known utility Pokemon) is that it's unexpected; most opponents will expect an attacking Gallade, and not a defensive/utility Gallade. Gallade also has a secondary Fighting type, which renders Bug and Dark attacks neutral (which helps survive many attacks better than the previously mentioned duo), as well as it's somewhat higher base speed for helping get off an Imprison first (outside of Trick Room).
Gallade @LO
EV's: 252 atk....ehhmmm....filler :P
-Psycho Cut
-Lead Blade/Low Kick
-Shadow Sneak

I think that would be the standard Gallade I've played against.
OK yeah, my support set posted above is terrible, Gardevoir with Telepathy and Helping Hand pretty much outclasses it (except versus dark and bug attacks). It's certainly enough to catch opponents off guard, but it's gimmicky.

Might need to play around with an attacking variant.
Gallade (M) @ White Herb
Trait: Steadfast
EVs:244 HP / 252 Atk / 12 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Trick Room
- Close Combat
- Zen Headbutt
- Protect

Best pokemon ever. I enjoy using it as a Trick Room counter and user, as it can be used on a standard team with its ability and speed tier.
I've been fucked over by my own Trick Room before with Steadfast, so Justified is better for Trick Room unless you're using a 4th gen exclusive like Ice Punch.
Well I've been running this:


Psycho cut

Simple, but effective. Have him in trickroom, and encore all of those protects. Then feint to break their next protect, and attack with partner.
Yeah, Justified was released when DW Ralts was released, but obviously it doesn't have access to any 4th Gen Tutor moves.
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