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Infernape usually (always) runs a +Spe nature to outspeed things like Salamence, Jirachi and Landorus, so no, you won't outspeed most Apes anyway. That being said I still suggest max Spe on Mence to speed tie with max Spe base 100 such as Jirachi, Mew, Celebi, Volcarona etc. After Excadrill's ban many of these Pokemon are running max Spe again like in Gen IV. With max Spe you're also guaranteed to outspeed jolly Haxorus and timid Hydreigon.
Are there any decent moves in Victini's event moveset, and is there a good moveset that can be made out of them? I'm particularly looking at fusion bolt. Also, is there a good nature for battle/showing off?
Are there any decent moves in Victini's event moveset, and is there a good moveset that can be made out of them? I'm particularly looking at fusion bolt. Also, is there a good nature for battle/showing off?
Actually, Smogon has already covered Victini, because it had been released in Japan a long time ago.

Both Fusion Bolt and V-create are pretty sweet, Fusion Flare is a let down because Flamethrower is almost as strong as Fusion Flare but comes with more PP.
A somehow random question but why PO shows percentages in the opponent's life bar?
IIRC in real time battles no percentage is shown so shoulnt it be like this in the simulator also?
Rocky helmet deals damage even if it's the holder that attacks? Or it only deals damage when a opponent enter in contact with the holder?

Edit: Other question... I see that a lot of time and I was wondering... Why put U-turn on a pokemon that has a choice item? If he's locked onto a move he could never switch using U-turn and will be forced to switch the normal way.

Or is it only to have a bug type move, attack with it and switch back to another pokemon?

I'm asking because I've always used U-turn like a move to switch out. But my pokemon was attacking with its other stronger move (By exemple my Infernape@Life Orb with Close Combat, Overheat, U-turn.)
No, if the opponent holds a Rocky Helmet and hits you with a contact move, it will not activate, much like Rough Skin/ Iron Barbs (i.e. you won't take Rocky Helmet damage when Ferrothorn hits you with Gyro Ball)
Rocky helmet deals damage even if it's the holder that attacks? Or it only deals damage when a opponent enter in contact with the holder?

Edit: Other question... I see that a lot of time and I was wondering... Why put U-turn on a pokemon that has a choice item? If he's locked onto a move he could never switch using U-turn and will be forced to switch the normal way.

Or is it only to have a bug type move, attack with it and switch back to another pokemon?

I'm asking because I've always used U-turn like a move to switch out. But my pokemon was attacking with its other stronger move (By exemple my Infernape@Life Orb with Close Combat, Overheat, U-turn.)

Actually the point of U-turn is to allow you to scout your opponent:

here's what happens when you U-turn

U-turn: you outspeed the opponent: you get to switch out in addition to doing damage

U-turn: opponent outspeeds you: whatever is switching in has a free switch in

U-turn: double switch: you still win since this is now the entire point of U-turn: you aren't switching at the same time as your opponent, you are switching later than him, so you can see what the opponent goes in to: for example he switches out his Alakazam to Bronzong, you can go into Rotom-H and threaten the kill with Overheat, he switches out to a fire resist and you can volt switch into a counter, etc, that's the point of voltturn teams pretty much iirc
^IceBeam's post. Additionally, the reason U-Turn is so often on Choiced Pokemon in particular is because it eases prediction the next time the Choice mon is in. If you know you have, say, Specs Hydreigon, and they go to Scizor to take the Draco Meteor but you U-Turn out, if Scizor is still alive next time Hydreigon's out then you may decide to Flamethrower instead of DM. With LO Hydreigon though, U-Turn isn't nearly as important since you could change moves depending on their switch-in.
^IceBeam's post. Additionally, the reason U-Turn is so often on Choiced Pokemon in particular is because it eases prediction the next time the Choice mon is in. If you know you have, say, Specs Hydreigon, and they go to Scizor to take the Draco Meteor but you U-Turn out, if Scizor is still alive next time Hydreigon's out then you may decide to Flamethrower instead of DM. With LO Hydreigon though, U-Turn isn't nearly as important since you could change moves depending on their switch-in.

Yeah but it's useless if He send Scizor and you're already locked onto Draco Meteor. And if you're not already locked onto something you can use flamethrower right away.

Anyway, I've never play with the Choice items because I'm scared to be locked onto 1 attack...
Not meant as an insult at all, but just play more Green Mushroom. The idea of being choice-locked always sounds a bit scary at first, but as you get better prediction skills and begin to see the benefits of choice items wildly exceed the cons, like with Scizor. CB U-Turns and BP's are why he's so wildly popular (don't get me wrong, the SD set works too). If you have trouble with predicting, don't worry, you'll get better in no time. In fact, with Chouce items in particular, the predictions are sometimes so obvious it's painful, like if you're using a CB Terrakion against someone with FerroCent and you bring him in on Ferro, always go for Stone Edge.
Choice items do sound restrictive at first, but they are wildly useful, just as waterwarrior said. The Speed boost from Choice Scarf can really help you in outspeeding things you could not before, and can possibly turn otherwise Pokemon with disadvantageous speed into good or even great revenge killers. The Attack boost from Choice Band can also help you tear down opponents with the correct move without the loss of bulk that Life Orb provides, and the slightly extra power over Life Orb or Expert Belt is also useful. Choice Specs...I hope you are getting the idea already. Choice items can turn some otherwise mediocre Pokemon into fierce competitors when played correctly.
I also use a U-Turn team with a lot of Choice items (still running good ol' ScarfGon), and U-Turn is one of the best moves to bluff with (to fake an Expert Belt, mainly). It's also obviously a good scouting move, and overall it helps to let you damage while switching which is far better than plain switching, especially for a slower Pokemon.

Generally, though, I use Band and Scarf because of the sheer power or speed boost. You'll soon find that many Pokemon work because of their Choice Item (ScarfGon is useless without Scarf, it just wouldn't be fast enough), and Scizor just wouldn't be powerful enough without a boost (either Band or SD).

I'm going to have to agree with the "play more" sentiment. It's just a matter of using it to realise how the pros outweigh the cons. Plus, Banded attacks really hurt. :)
Hey guys, quick IV question.
Is running a 22-3Atk/28Spe Victini a good idea, or should I keep resetting for this event?

(Full (lower bound) IVs: 26/22/24/18/22/28)
Does a Sub prevent you from spinning hazards away?

Ex. Foe has a Sub Metagross. I use Rapid Spin. Are the hazards gone, or do I have to hit the poke directly?

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I need to know if I ever get into that situation....
feel free to delete or move this post if it's in the wrong place, but i didn't know where else to put it

Why did so many mods retire recently? They're all alumnus...
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