first attempt at a trick room team :)

so since im not very experienced in competitive battling i used a lot of guides to help with my pokemon, however there arent a lot of premade trick room sweepers out there, so i tried to make them myself let me know how i did xD
Also note all pokemon have 0 speed ivs, and Banette has no HP or either defence ivs.



Banette @ Focus Sash
Brave (+Atk,-Spe)
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 SAtk
-Trick Room
-Destiny Bond
-Shadow Claw

So this pokemon is mostly used to set up trick room, obvioulsy, and then sacrifice itself to take out the enemy pokemon, hence no hp, def or sdef, and since trick room will be set up he wont need any speed cuz he wants to be slow. start with either taunt or trick room, followed by the other, or maybe even just skip to destiny bond if i feel like he will be killed right away. shadow claw is in case i want to attack with him, like if they led with an alakasam or gengar.



Brongzong @ Macho Brace
Brave (+Atk,-Spe)
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 SDef
-Trick Room
-Gyro Ball

Big and bulky with only 1 weakness and lots of resists make him easy to switch to when i run out of trick room. ALSO, can be used as a sweeper if needed, so it seemed perfect to add Brongzong xD Macho brace to earn the lowest speed possible far a STAB boosted gyro ball for an amazing attack! Earthquake for anyone who resists gyro ball and explosion for a quick and safe switch to another pokemon. I was also thinking of switching his ability to heatproof for 2 reasons, 1 cresselia has levitate so i have support already immune to ground attacks, and 2 most people assume he has levitate and send a fire type out on him so it would add a surprise factor, good idea or bad??


Cresselia @ Leftovers
Relaxed (+SDef,-Spe)
EVs: 252 HP, 252 SDef, 4 Def
-Trick Room
-Lunar Dance
-Thunder Wave

One pokemon i made on my own seeing as the only ones i could find were made for ubers... Mainly to set up more trick room, and for that obviously no speed, high defenses and leftovers for extra bulk, thunder wave for more team support, maybe even use it first and force a switch for an extra turn with twisted dimensions . Lunar dance to heal and switch to a sweeper, and psychic in case i need to attack with her.



Marowak @ Thick Club
Rock Head
Brave (+Atk,-Spe)
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 SDef
-Fire Punch
-Thunder Punch
-Double Edge

Another one i had to make on my own. Thick club for increased attack, rock head for no recoil damage, brave nature for more atk less speed, then the 4 moves for basically type coverage, double edge is just super strong so i would like to keep that and earthquake, obviously cuz its STAB, but feel free to tell me different attacks than fire and thunder punch, like i said i went for type coverage and thats the best i came up with.


Breloom @ Toxic Orb
Poison Heal
Brave (+Atk,-Spe)
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 SDef
-Focus Punch
-Seed Bomb

Went with a basic SubPunch Breloom, 1, trick room makes him outspeed most pokemon, 2, he can be used effectively without trick room, and 3, i think he is badass!! xD start with spore and depending if trick room is up or not follow up with either focus punch or substitute. Seed bomb for another STAB attack. Poison heal and toxic orb cuz poison will instead heal breloom like leftovers, and then also, my opponent cant put him to sleep or paralyze him xD


Scizor @ Life Orb
Brave (+Atk,-Spe)
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 SDef
-Bullet Punch

Another pokemon that can benefit from trick room OR be used as an effective attacker without it. I chose life orb over choice band just because i would rather be able to use different moves than have a little more attack.

Problems with team:

One even obvious to me is that i dont have a special sweeper... I was thinking about either taking out Breloom or Marowak, or both, for ttar and/or empoleon, magnezone, vaporeon, ect... i couldnt decide xD however marowaks atk is so high i diddnt feel good about taking him out and breloom is a crutch i use in case i cant get my room up...

Another problem i thought of is that marowak and breloom, my main sweepers, have weak defences, so if trick room does run out and i cant switch they are easy to take down. That and they are very susceptible to a focus sash counter attack...

Well thanks in advance to everyone for their input!!! xD
Hi Aries. Decent team you've got here. Kudos for consulting the guides before making a team; it needs much less work than you may think, and your self-made move sets are pretty darn good for a first try:)

However, there are a few things you can do to make it better. For starters, Breloom doesn't fit in well on Trick Room teams. Since Focus Punch is negative priority, you're giving up your speed advantage, not to mention the fact that SubPunch takes up at least two valuable Trick Room turns to set up. A much better pokemon for that slot would be Machamp


Machamp@Life Orb/Lum Berry
Brave Nature, 252HP/252Att/4Def
Stone Edge
Ice Punch
ThunderPunch/Bullet Punch/Fire Punch

Machamp maintains Breloom's immense power and ability to spread annoying status, but doesn't waste valuable Trick Room turns setting up. Dynamic Punch is Machamp's best move, always hitting for massive damage and confusing the opponent, meaning you only get hit 50% of the time. Stone Edge provides good coverage alongside it, nailing pokemon like Zapdos, who would otherwise give you trouble. Ice Punch finds itself in the third slot, destroying annoying Grass types like Roserade in addition to Gliscor and Flygon. The last moveslot is mainly filler since Machamp's normal 4th move, Payback, is rather useless in Trick Room. Personally, I like Bullet Punch to pick off weakened opponents after Trick Room fades, but ThunderPunch is useful against opposing Gyarados.

I notice you said that you're worried about your lack of a special attacker. Machamp, oddly enough, remedies this somewhat since he can dispatch of most Skarmories and cripple Forretress, the two most common physical walls. Rotom can still be problematic, but using a Lum Berry can help with that. If you're still concerned about it, Porygon Z can make a fine Trick Room attacker. Test it out over Marowak.


Porygon Z@ Life Orb
Quiet Nature, 252HP/252SpA/4SpD
Ice Beam
Nasty Plot/Dark Pulse

Porygon Z has the best non-uber Special Attack in the game, and coupled with either of his two stellar abilities he can be a monster. Since you don't need to run any speed, even his bulk is at least decent. Tri Attack is his main STAB, and decimates anything who doesn't resist it and isn't named Blissey. Ice Beam and Thunderbolt create BoltBeam coverage, leaving your attacks pretty much unresisted. The last slot can go two ways. Nasty Plot boosts Porygon Z to insane power, but takes up valuable Trick Room time. Dark Pulse is a safer but less spectacular move, although it does help with the aforementioned Rotom.

Now for some nitpicks. I like your Cresslia set (Lunar Dance is an underrated move), but Thunder Wave is the worst possible move you could use on a Trick Room team since it makes your opponent slower than you. Cresslia has many other good support moves to replace it with, such as Reflect or Light Screen, either of which your sweepers would greatly appreciate.

I'd also change Scizor's item to a Choice Band. I love his place on your team as a cleaner and insurance in case Trick Room can't get put back up. However, you'll want him to be able to stick around the whole match to clean late game or put up a last stand, and Life Orb works against that purpose. You have enough brute force, so an extra Life Orb won't be missed much.

That's all I have. Welcome to Smogon, and good luck!
thanks for the advice and thanks for the compliments after play testing it more i could tell its almost there but missing just a little bit hopefully we can change this xD

idk if i wanna exchange marowack for machamp though, i just set up a machamp next to marowack and looked at their stats, 1, marowack is about 50 points slower than machamp, which can really help in trick room but hurt without it... and 2, machamps atk is 394 vs marowacks 568 atk, on top of that thick club?? do you still think i should switch it with machamp?? i guess i will give it a try and see how he works xD

breloom too, i really like him but you are right he takes too much time to set up...

oh well bye bye breloom hello porygonz xD
idk if i wanna exchange marowack for machamp though, i just set up a machamp next to marowack and looked at their stats, 1, marowack is about 50 points slower than machamp, which can really help in trick room but hurt without it... and 2, machamps atk is 394 vs marowacks 568 atk, on top of that thick club?? do you still think i should switch it with machamp?? i guess i will give it a try and see how he works xD

How are you getting 568 for Marowak?? Shouldn't that be 284?
thanks for the advice and thanks for the compliments after play testing it more i could tell its almost there but missing just a little bit hopefully we can change this xD

idk if i wanna exchange marowack for machamp though, i just set up a machamp next to marowack and looked at their stats, 1, marowack is about 50 points slower than machamp, which can really help in trick room but hurt without it... and 2, machamps atk is 394 vs marowacks 568 atk, on top of that thick club?? do you still think i should switch it with machamp?? i guess i will give it a try and see how he works xD

Do whatever you like, but I actually said to replace Breloom, not Marowak, with Machamp. The extra Speed really makes little difference, since you're running minimum speed with a hindering nature, you'll still be slower than everything except for the odd Snorlax, which would never switch into Machamp anyways. Good luck!
ya i took out breloom out for porygon z and wanted to keep in marrowak for a physical sweeper instead of machamp however i kept getting walled by skarmory so i am now putting in machamp instead of marrowak just like you said i should xD