Modern Warfare 3

Speaking of Launchers, the XM25 is amazing. It's the longest ranged secondary (possibly losing to Javelin in terms of upward distance) and lets you choose when it detonates. The damage is a bit unsettling, but after enough practice you can generally get a kill in one-two shots a ridiculous ranges (think, Assault Rifle range).
You want Array back? Oh good god

meh, just to test the sniping potential in MW3... sick of using them only for quickscoping (which I hate anyway).

drop zone is... different. i'm just not used to it yet, lol.

If i'm in the mood for all out hell (which happens a lot now) I'll be playing it.
So I remember some people complaining about how this game lacks the urgency of the Spetsnaz in MW2 when he says, "ENEMY AC-130 ABOVE!" Well, maybe this will provide enough AC-130 drama to last a lifetime. Or it will make the "enemy AC-130 in your air space but I'm in an air-conditioned room so it's not a huge deal" from MW3 seem even more pathetic. Either way it's funny.
So I remember some people complaining about how this game lacks the urgency of the Spetsnaz in MW2 when he says, "ENEMY AC-130 ABOVE!" Well, maybe this will provide enough AC-130 drama to last a lifetime. Or it will make the "enemy AC-130 in your air space but I'm in an air-conditioned room so it's not a huge deal" from MW3 seem even more pathetic. Either way it's funny.

Oh, my ears...
steady aim pro all the way, something camping players know little of. Also I hope they patch the shotgun extended mags and akimbo fmg soon.. kinda annoying.. especially the striker extended mags shit since its a glitch. Since, I have the time to play now due to my break starting.. I am able to confirm UMP>all smgs due to its rushing versatility. I consistently get 2.0+ KD in TDM with UMP due to its versatile range, while smgs like PP9001 and MP7, I don't do as well because it doesn't have as much range and high fire rate unless of course its tight space maps like seatown or mission
type 95 nerf had to do with it being so powerful at close range (basically a shotgun), fmg's don't even feel nerfed, it's so easy to destroy people with them lol. shotguns are already underpowered imo, they should just keep the glitch with e-mags on them. lol @ the ac-130 video.

@ fohg, I got into a lobby with themarkofj yesterday, he's really good. ;-;

Also, would anyone be intrested in a 2v2 xbox tournament here at smogon?

also, WaW dome > mw3 maps
We should do a tournament, I'll come in last place but goddamn I swear I will win at least one game with the riot shield.

The USAS with range or damage and ExMags is fucking awesome, way more powerful than the striker, but you have to be more accurate because of the shit RPM on it.
We should do a tournament, I'll come in last place but goddamn I swear I will win at least one game with the riot shield.

The USAS with range or damage and ExMags is fucking awesome, way more powerful than the striker, but you have to be more accurate because of the shit RPM on it.

Actually, the USAS is slightly weaker than Striker. Both have a maximum damage (per pellet) of 25, but the Striker has a minimum damage (per pellet) of 15 whereas the USAS has a minimum damage of 5. As far as i can tell, the only really noticeable advantage the USAS has over the Striker is reload time.

steady aim pro all the way, something camping players know little of. Also I hope they patch the shotgun extended mags and akimbo fmg soon.. kinda annoying.. especially the striker extended mags shit since its a glitch. Since, I have the time to play now due to my break starting.. I am able to confirm UMP>all smgs due to its rushing versatility. I consistently get 2.0+ KD in TDM with UMP due to its versatile range, while smgs like PP9001 and MP7, I don't do as well because it doesn't have as much range and high fire rate unless of course its tight space maps like seatown or mission

While the UMP does have the highest range of all the smg's, it does have its faults. Both the PP90M1 and the MP7 have much higher rates of fire and kill faster. If your rushing, the UMP actually takes the longest amount of time to
kill someone point blank (.160 seconds). For comparison the the MP7 takes .134 seconds to kill and the PP90M1 takes .140 seconds to kill.

so one of those patches WAS the FMG nerf? If it was I couldn't tell.

Also, has anyone noticed that the AC-130 is less crappy now? I've actually done fairly well with it...
While the UMP does have the highest range of all the smg's, it does have its faults. Both the PP90M1 and the MP7 have much higher rates of fire and kill faster. If your rushing, the UMP actually takes the longest amount of time to
kill someone point blank (.160 seconds). For comparison the the MP7 takes .134 seconds to kill and the PP90M1 takes .140 seconds to kill.
I'm not stating UMP does not have faults, I am purely stating it is a versatile SMG built better for overall rushing. I noticed I didn't conceive a proper sentence with my previous statement. Indeed, MP7 and PP90M1 has a higher fire rate which is why it excels in tight spaces in maps like seatown or mission. PP90M1 and MP7 are greater than the UMP in close range if theoretically both players are of enough skill, with the same reaction time, and exactly encounter one another at the same moment. This of course is never the case because of human error, so you must look at other factors. However UMP being a smg, should still excel in the close range environment versus the many other popular guns (a.k.a. the popular assault rifles). Range imo is the most important aspect when it comes to the full effectiveness of a SMG. If your rushing, undoubtedly you will face against close range/medium range/long range. PP09M1/MP7 wins undoubtedly close range which is why it excels in tight space areas like in seatown or mission. But hey if you want to constantly patrol one tight area, then expect to not get many kills and help your team unless the opposition are dumbasses and constantly goes into tight spaces. This is why I use UMP because of its versatility for many areas in a map (only map where I don't use UMP or any smg is Interchange, I go ACR). Medium range, UMP should generally excel. I can control the fire rate of the PP09M1 and MP7, but because of my own human error I do occasionally slip. UMP with the lower fire rate, I can adjust my aiming (I have 26.31% accuracy btw) and thus reduce human error. At a farther medium range, UMP generally wins undoubtedly. Let's not talk about far range because SMG aren't built for far range in MW3.

so one of those patches WAS the FMG nerf? If it was I couldn't tell.

Also, has anyone noticed that the AC-130 is less crappy now? I've actually done fairly well with it...
Yes, they vastly improved AC-130 and Reaper

Also, would anyone be intrested in a 2v2 xbox tournament here at smogon?
6v6 TDM, domination, or search & destroy.. I'm down, nothing else.. maybe team tactical 4v4
how about we all share some classes that works great for us?

Here's a class that works great for me

MP7 Extended Mags (Kick Proficiency)
FMG9 Akimbo
Sleight of Hand Pro
Assassin Pro / Quickdraw Pro
Steady Aim Pro
Strike Package: Attack Helicopter, AH-6, Pave Low
Actually, the USAS is slightly weaker than Striker. Both have a maximum damage (per pellet) of 25, but the Striker has a minimum damage (per pellet) of 15 whereas the USAS has a minimum damage of 5. As far as i can tell, the only really noticeable advantage the USAS has over the Striker is reload time.

You missed out on the drop off rate, the USAS is the only semi-auto shotgun thats drop off starts at 400 units rather than 300, like the striker. So the USAS will get more one shot kills that the striker because its "sweet spot" is bigger.
Drop Zone is so fucking annoying.

Akimbo FMG's are so fucking powerful, I've won so many Free For All's with these beasts. Not sure if Prestige was worth it but whatever.
I've p much gotten this game down to a science lol. xcalizorz is starting to rub off on my play-style now. All I do is run around in solo dom with UMP, P90, MP7, Striker, Spas, and the occasional G36. My KD is starting to recover after a lot of grinding for shotgun profiencies/attachments.

KSG level 30
Striker level 31
Usas level 23
Spas level 27
Model level 5 lol
The ACR is perhaps the best assault rifle in the game. When I stated using it, I started racking up kills and my KD is actually getting better. It just feels powerful and yet at the same time accurate.
KSG level 30
Striker level 31
Usas level 23
Spas level 27
Model level 5 lol

KSG level 30
Striker level 30
Usas level 30
Spas level 30
Model level 30

It's taken me a whole prestige to get these guns all to 30. NOW TIME FOR ALL GOLD. I have some weird sense of pride in being level 80, and literally not one weapon besides a shotgun or the stinger has any weapon experience over 0.
I've done fairly well with the ak-47, actually.
Red dot sight and kick works really well with it (I've even got long distance kills with it in short bursts).

Also, pred-reaper-AC-130 is the most epic assault chain ever. Combine that with hardline pro an the stinger and you're set.
my favorite gun right now is probably the M4. I've never used it until this prestige (3rd) and it's suprisingly good compared to the MW2 M4.

Also, fuck the MK14. Seriously. They should never put in Semi-Auto assault rifles because kids with their rapid fire mods are gayer than 8 guys blowing 9 guys.
Wow, just played MW2 and, damn, it was fun as hell. Didn't care about the Grenade Launchers either.

I've also started playing MW2 again and it is fun as hell (but fuck the ACOG challenge for the F2000, damn). I haven't touched MW3 in a few weeks. :/

My friend is trying to convert me to Battlefield and I have to admit that I was satisfied by the shotguns that are almost realistic (well, sometimes)...but I'm still turned off by the bullet damage/slow pace of that game.