NOC Medieval Mafia - Game Over: Majora's Maskians Win

I think it's time to start applying pressure, since we're essentially a man down with very little new information. I'll start with an extremely changeable lynch vote:

lynch Staraptor Call.

It's basically a lynch vote to continue the pressure from yesterday. The deadline kind of screwed us over yesterday ugh deadlines suck and now they're everyday... :(
Hi. I am persuaded to
@@vote Cereza@@

Hopefully doing it sooner today will clear up any confusion.
I have concerns about this. Why, logically, would the mafia target the same person with a persuade two days in a row? Wouldn't the watcher, assuming we have one, likely choose someone like Leethoof to watch? I suppose the mafia could be trying to cast suspicion on Leethoof, but that seems really unlikely when they could easily choose a more important (no offense) user. @@Lynch Leethoof@@ until someone persuades (no pun intended) me otherwise.
Persuading the same guy may (in theory, if the mafia are dumb, since mafia could easily persuade mafia for this reason) 'clean' that guy once the persuade is dead. So targeting the same guy is -not- cleaning anyone else.

Yo, zorbees, anything else other than a bad joke?

billymills, why so quick on DLC? What happened to Quagsires, who you still suspect?

Kinda busy irl right now and will try analyzing late-D1 again sometime. For now, Ditto is still scummy for the nature of his Quagsires hop and overall behavior.

@@Vote: Ditto@@
What was my Quagsires hop? I don't get what that means.

Anyways, I'm kinda surprised that mafia wouldn't hook or kill Quagsires if he actually is AC. Although that could just be because they think we will lynch him. But so far we have, if Quagsires is actually AC, Leethoof and askaninjask cleaned. I don't think we should assume they are at this point. I feel like this is the best thing that can come from a Quagsires lynch, although with our BG dead it will just make those 2 easy targets.
I'm pretty sure I explained that. You seem to not deem Quagsires not posting a defense as anything serious, where that fact was my motivation for changing my vote (along with the fact that we needed to lynch someone we could get reads with to help for D2). If you don't think that my thought process is good in your opinion, I probably can't change that. However, the fact that he seemed to be active (although I could be wrong) yet refused to post at the time seemed suspicious to me.

You can take it or leave it. I don't care if you don't like the thought process, but that's what it was.
I'm not loving this Quagsires business. To me this smells more of "Oh hey Quagsires is attempting to incriminate askaninjask!!" than him actually being the AC.

I will attempt to make a Day 1 SparkNotes edition in this post. It worked out pretty well for MM2M1, so I figure I'll try to do the same for this game. (votes in bold)

N0 jokes:
UncleSam says I smell like old beer and hotdogs
StevenSnype calls out kingofkongs
kingofkongs calls out Snype
Ditto calls out kingofkongs

BT uses RNG to choose target, gets [B]US[/B]
UncleSam puts together a post against [B]kingofkongs[/B]
UncleSam calls out billymills
Yeti calls out UncleSam
BT says Yeti should post more seriously
zorbees votes [B]Quagsires[/B]
billymills calls for “bell”, votes [B]Rediamond[/B]
Brammi votes [B]kingofkongs[/B]
Snype says he’s new, votes [B]Rediamond[/B]
askaninjask votes [B]Paperblade[/B]
kingofkongs calls Brammi a (BAN ME PLEASE) (post #40)

Fairly standard random voting stage. Two people vote for people who have already been voted for, Brammi and Snype (for kingofkongs and Rediamond respectively). Nothing too telling. kingofkongs acts somewhat jumpily in his posts here, and I don't know what to make of it. It could be a sign of mafia nervousness.

More to come.

UncleSam calls out Crux for not speaking, wants announcer to claim
UncleSam calls out StevenSnype for his odd first post
Yeti and Ditto talk numbers
Paperblade votes [B]US[/B] for wanting the announcer to claim
zorbees votes [B]Coronis[/B]
I call out Yeti
UncleSam calls out Paperblade
UncleSam votes [B]StevenSnype[/B]
zorbees votes [B]UncleSam[/B]
Brammi votes [B]StevenSnype[/B]
UncleSam calls out Crux, Coronis, and Ditto
Yeti calls out Brammi, UncleSam
Coronis agrees with everyone
kingofkongs votes [B]Coronis[/B] for this
Coronis doesn’t understand
kingofkongs + Coronis fight for a few posts
(meanwhile Ditto is posting about numbers for 4 posts)
MK Ultra joke posts
Crux “calls out” UncleSam (post 67)

Now the random voting is a little stranger. We have Ditto who refuses to engage in it at all, and instead is attempting to postulate what the numbers of the game are. UncleSam starts calling out people left and right without actually voting them. From now on I think I'll only include his votes. He basically accused everyone of everything, so the only real info I believe we'll get from his posts are his votes. Anyway, he votes StevenSnype who has acted as though he didn't know what he was doing. To me US exacerbates this problem with his vote. Brammi follows up, marking the second time he (she?) has followed a vote started by UncleSam. It is worth noting that if Brammi and UncleSam were mafia, this would be colossally stupid of them.

Another two vote "roll" of sorts is started on Coronis by zorbees, who votes him randomly, and then kingofkongs, who is unsatisfied with Coronis's post when he makes it.

It's distressing how many users post without any actual information being given to us to work with. Crux, MK Ultra, Coronis, Ditto, and Yeti (to an extent) are all posting without saying anything.

At this point, the most suspicious users would have to be kingofkongs, whose jumpiness in the beginning of the day still stands out, and Ditto, who contributes very little while posting a lot. Crux too posts absolutely nothing, even though he would be expected to post more substantial things.

EDIT: I apologize, but I'm going to have to abandon this. It's like a second job I don't get paid for...
Still at rehearsal, posting quickly to say that after this post I refuse to defend myself for the numbers. I've already said it before. If you wanna know, go read my other fucking posts about it. It's just redundant and annoying at this point.
Aska if you wanted to call out Quagsires, you missed your chance yesterday.

EDIT: Also if anyone was lactating yesterday (you know who you are), don't come anywhere near me tomorrow, thanks!
I think it's time to start applying pressure, since we're essentially a man down with very little new information. I'll start with an extremely changeable lynch vote:

lynch Staraptor Call.

It's basically a lynch vote to continue the pressure from yesterday. The deadline kind of screwed us over yesterday ugh deadlines suck and now they're everyday... :(

DetroitLolcat what. I mean i troll voted Staraptor Call cause i missed deadline when i said i'd be back to vote (my reasonings for my vote are in my last post iirc).

Billymills... so jumpy. And causing lynch ties. #billymillsux
aight there isn't a ton happening.



if you do not make this post, I will start a lynch on whoever hasn't, under the assumption you are scum having a difficult time composing a post that doesn't make you look suspicious nor focus on your scumbuddies.

as for my own, i will post my top 3 after dinner. remember, non-participants in this effort to stimulate discussion will be lynched!!!

also this post should be the next one you make, or included in the next post you make, or you will get suspicion from diverting away from relevant discussion.