
I was assigned a research homework about phobias. At first I was mad I had gotten such a boring disease (there were others like Aids.), but when I started looking more closely into it, I disocvered an interesting disease most of us know or don't know we have.

First of all the definitions:

irrational, disabling*fear*as a mental disorder (e.g.*agoraphobia), in*chemistry*to describe chemical aversions (e.g.*hydrophobic), in*biology to describe organisms that dislike certain conditions (e.g.*acidophobia), and in*medicine*to describe hypersensitivity to a stimulus, usually sensory (e.g.*photophobia). In common usage they also form words that describe dislike or hatred of a particular thing or subject. The suffix is*antonymic*to*-phil-

What causes phobias?

*Researchers are uncertain exactly what causes phobias. However, it is commonly believed that certain factors may increase the likelihood that a phobia will develop. These factors include:

Cultural Factors
Life Experience

Some people mistake phobias for fears. Here are some differences:

Feeling anxious when flying through turbulence or taking off during a storm
Experiencing butterflies when peering down from the top of a skyscraper or climbing a tall ladder
Getting nervous when you see a pit bull or a Rottweiler
Feeling a little queasy when getting a shot or when your blood is being drawn

Not going to your best friend’s island wedding because you’d have to fly there
Turning down a great job because it’s on the 10th floor of the office building
Steering clear of the park because you might see a dog
Avoiding necessary medical treatments or doctor’s checkups because you’re terrified of needles

Most of us don't even know we have a phobia.

There are treatments but they are the usual 50/50 medication that not always work. An interesting treatment is hypnosis, as it clears the mind of any fear.

If you're afraid you have phobia there is this list of symptoms:

It causes intense and disabling fear, anxiety, and panic.
You recognize that your fear is excessive and unreasonable.
You avoid certain situations and places because of your phobia.
Your avoidance interferes with your normal routine or causes significant distress.
You’ve had the phobia for at least six months.

But what really interested me about Phobias was the list of all phobias known to man. There were some common one like Aracnophobia(fear of spider), but there were some really weird ones like Negrophobia(fear of black people). Here is a list of my favorite phobias:

Anglophobia – fear/dislike of England or English culture, etc.
Biphobia – fear/dislike of bisexuality or bisexuals.
Christianophobia – fear/dislike of Christians
Ephebiphobia – fear/dislike of youth.
Germanophobia – fear/dislike of Germans.
Gerontophobia, Gerascophobia – fear/dislike of aging or the elderly.
Heterophobia – fear/dislike of heterosexuals.
Homophobia – fear/dislike of homosexuality or homosexuals.
Islamophobia – fear/dislike of Muslims
Judeophobia – fear/dislike of Jews.
Lesbophobia – fear/dislike of lesbians.
Negrophobia – fear/dislike of Black people.
Nipponophobia – fear/dislike of the Japanese.
Pedophobia, Pediophobia – fear/dislike of children.
Polonophobia – fear/dislike of the Polish.
Psychophobia – fear/dislike of mental illness or the mentally ill.
Russophobia – fear/dislike of the Russians.
Sinophobia – fear/dislike of Chinese.
Transphobia – fear/dislike of transgendered people.
Turcophobia – fear/dislike of the Turks
Xenophobia – fear/dislike of foreigners or extraterrestrials.
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia – fear of long words
Gelotophobia – fear of being laughed at
Omphalophobia – fear of bellybuttons
Venustraphobia: Also known as caligynephobia, this is the fear of beautiful women, and may be caused by low self-confidence or putting too much pressure on appearances.

If I had to choose own phobias I guess I'd choose:
Decidophobia – fear of making decisions
Dentophobia, Odontophobia – fear of dentists and dental procedures
Coulrophobia – fear of clowns (not restricted to evil clowns)
Athazagoraphobia: Athazagoraphobia is the fear of being forgotten.

Discuss your own phobias, or post weird ones!
At first I was mad I had gotten such a boring disease (there were others like Aids.)


interesting thread, phobias are definitely one of the more "interesting" diseases out there (although diseases shouldn't necessarily be classified that way, despite what Dr. House would say :pimp:)

i don't feel like listing a bunch of random "omg fear of ducks phobia"s that i found online, but i had a very intense and specific fear of bugs, specifically cockroaches (based on your definition i am not sure it is a phobia, eg i wouldn't decline a job in a insect-infested building although i have declined invitation to friends' houses when i knew they had a current infestation) when i was a bit younger -- knew it was irrational but the thought of creepy crawlies definitely freaked me out more that it rationally should have. a friend of mine does have very irrational and intense phobias basically of the world and people (i guess you'd call it 'fear of life') to the point where he has panic attacks riding in a taxi or taking a bus and completely freaks out during tests. not sure whether that is medically defined but in my experience people with intense phobias tend to have other issues as well, although i think it's interesting to find out a friend has a seemingly random phobia you've never know about ("i can't eat at mcdonalds because i have negrophobia")
is it possible to have a phobia of something but only certain aspects of said phobia


i'm terrified of spiders that are 1-2 inches big, the ugly brown ones, but you could probably put a tarantula on me and i'd be fine.
I have an unearthly fear of roaches, even the tiny ones. They're just utterly repulsive. I wish they'd all just get eaten or some shit like that. I literally vacate the area if there's one around, and the thought of it randomly crawling out of hiding near me sucks.

My parents laugh at me, especially when they're on the ceiling. I think they're gonna pounce on me or something. :(
first of all, it isn't terribly helpful to refer to phobias as diseases

second of all, your third example of a "fear" could v well be a sign of a phobia; people have varying degrees of ability to cope with phobias -- i know exactly what you're talking about when you refer to a "disabling fear", but it is potentially misleading. there's no set way in which all sufferers of a given phobia act (or are unable to act)

my fear

actually i have lots of fears except only like 1/10th of them make sense to anybody but me probably
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia – fear of long words

guy who came up with that was a massive troll
Scared of spiders. And odd looking insects which seem large enough to harm me. I've had waaaaay too many bad instances with spiders. Like when I was riding my bike back from school (in the morning I had brushed off a few cobwebs and left), and found tons of baby spiders on it half way through the ride. Or when I was standing and taking a piss and a spider slowly unraveled it web from the ceiling and stopped right in front of my face. Doing a project about the Goliath Bird Eating spider in 3rd grade didn't help (its 1 foot in diameter. Imagine turning around in the shower and finding that facing you. thats bigger than my face...) reference:
SPIDERS. MOTHERFUCKING SPIDERS. KILL THEM ALL. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK HOW BIG THEY ARE, THEY NEED TO FUCKING DIE. (In other words, I am actually arachnaphobic. Unless its an Ariados, I flip 27 shits when I see any kind of spider)

And how could you miss Anatideaphobia, aka the fear that a duck is always watchin-

I have 2 major phobias: 1 that makes sense and the other that doesn't.....

The first one is myrmecophobia: The fear of ants.


^ These things freak me out!! Even looking at the picture gives me shivers. This is an extremely horrible phobia to have in the Southern USA :(

This is my other major fear: Acrophobia


I hate heights D:
I think I have a fear/phobia of wasps. I never did like them, but I got stung once really close to my eye and from then on I will do my best to avoid anywhere there is likely to bee (hehe) any. I'm not sure it's strictly a phobia but if I hear any sort of insectual buzzing I will run away screaming like a little girl.
glad im not the only one with crippling arachnaphobia. fuck spiders. fuck them

this one isnt a phobia, but i do fear that there are people in america who voted for santorum because they legitimately believed in what he was saying. talk about scary.
Some phobias are so oddly explicit that I feel they can't be real.
Iirc, in this Greek presentation I visited, there was one that was something akin to "fear of having another's tongue touch one's armpit."
I think I have a fear/phobia of wasps. I never did like them, but I got stung once really close to my eye and from then on I will do my best to avoid anywhere there is likely to bee (hehe) any. I'm not sure it's strictly a phobia but if I hear any sort of insectual buzzing I will run away screaming like a little girl.

This right here. I stepped on a wasp nest when I was little and got 10 stins on my right leg. Had to go to the ER. It was horrible.
Omphalophobia – fear of bellybuttons

This actually made me lol.

This is an intersting thread. If I'm honest, I've never felt as though I have a phobia, since I can't remember an instance when I was completely freaked out/terrified of something. I guess I'm a little scared of wild boar... You hear some freaky facts about those things, and there's loads of them in the woods where I live.
oh god i'm not sure personally if it applies to me but please don't google "trypophobia" - a fear of holes

the pictures are just disgusting

give me shivers, etc

i mean idk if i personally would have the phobia, but it sure as hell creeps me out

google image at your own risk