Creative (and good) Movesets (READ THE OP FIRST)

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I like the idea behind the Infernape Slack Off set, I didn't even know Infernape could learn it. Infernape will scare a lot of things out when it comes in so it has ample opportunity to heal itself up just like Starmie does.

All this talk of giving a free turn to the opponent is ridiculous, how is healing 50% of your HP giving a 'free' turn? A more realistic scenario would be your opponent sees Infernape at low health and thinks "the next Flare Blitz is going to kill it so I'll switch in a death fodder or a physical wall or whatever". The ability for Infernape to heal up in these situations is a game changer. The best switch-ins to Infernape like Jellicent and Tentacruel aren't very threatening and Latias always has to be wary of U-turn while Gyarados doesn't enjoy Stone Edge.

If the set is known then Slack Off wouldn't be nearly as effective but as a surprise move it could easily upset an opponent's plans to wear it down when a nearly dead Infernape suddenly turns into a healthy Infernape.

Infernape (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Blaze
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Flare Blitz
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Slack Off

To my surprise, Infernape movepool contains Slack Off, I guess its something that pales to his great coverage. Anyway I wanted a Flare Blitzer with more durability and this is it. Neutrality to Stealth Rock+Slack Off keeps Infernape around a lot longer than most Fire types. Slack Off can be hard to pull off sometimes, but when you do its awesome, just send it in on something that Infernape can easily force out (like Scizor). An interesting combo is to bring yourself in and out of Blaze which can be handy if you need a power boost. Stone Edge is mostly filler, but you can use stuff like U-turn and Thunderpunch. I'm curious a mixed set could be pulled off with this with Fire Blast>Flare Blitz, but having Slack Off in there breaks the mixed-attacking potential.

Well Close Combat will just hinder your defenses more making Slack Off useless since you'll die from the next attack anyway. I'd recommend Bulk Up over Stone Edge to boost your defense allowing you to Slack Off then proceed to attack. Replace Close Combat with a new Fighting type STAB. You can also use Thunder Punch.

Close Combat ---> New Fighting STAB / Thunder Punch
Stone Edge ---> Bulk Up

Anyway so here's my set:


Dragonite @ Lum Berry
Trait: Multiscale
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Mild Nature (+SAtk, -Def)
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Waterfall / Hurricane
- Thunder

Haven't seen a set like this anywhere so I thought I'd post it. I made this set a long time ago but is still quite effective. You'll need rain for this set to work properly (duh Hurricane and Thunder). First off, Dragon Dance to lure in Skarmory or any other Steel-type. Then it's your choice to smack them with any special move you like. Then if they think that you just used Dragon Dance to speed up, they'll go to a special wall which get's killed by Outrage. I made this set to entirely destroy friggin Skarmory since that thing just pisses the hell out of me. I chose Mild nature since you'll really need that SAtk boost to dent the Steels. I reduced Def since most dragons are usually hit with specially based Ice attacks.

A few calcs (assume it's raining and with the given EVs):

Thunder vs 252/0 Skarmory: 95.8%~113.2% OHKO after Stealth Rock damage
Thunder vs 248/100+ Heatran: 24.6%~29.0% 2HKO if followed by Waterfall
Thunder vs 248/8 Scizor: 41.4%~49.0% 2HKO after Stealth Rock damage
Hurricane vs 252/168 Ferrothorn: 38.6%~46.0% 2HKO after a few entry hazards
Hurricane vs 248/8 Scizor: 62.1%~73.5% 2HKO flat
Hurricane vs 252/216 Scizor: 49.1%~58.4% 2HKO after Stealth Rock damage

You can assume that this set is not really that powerful but is able to attain certain KOs with the given moves, EVs, and nature.

Heatran (M)@air ballon/Passho berry/ leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
Evs: 56 Hp/ 252 Spa/ 200 spe
Nature Timid (-Atk +Spe)
-Overheat/Fire Blast
-Earth Power
-Dragon Pulse / Hidden power Ice

This is a luring Heatran set which is designed to lure Bulky waters and then ruin there longetivity with Toxic. OverHeat and Fire blast are just for personal prefrence there job is to Ko steel types espiecally Ferrothorn who are immune to Toxic. Earthpower helps take out the rare Poison type that are immune to Toxic, but it is really just there for coverage. the last move is up to you Dragon pulse makes your attacks go unresisted. wheras Hidden power ice lets you hit alot of the Dragons roaming around OU alot easier. it is worthy to note hidden power ice makes your ivs at a speed tie with Jolly breloom and also makes you walled by Gyarados or the much rare mantine.
The evs are desogned to give you a little bulk and be able to Out speed Jolly max speed Breloom. additonally some speical attack evs can be taken out and put into Hp if that is your thing. the item is also up to you Passho lets you Toxic a Bulky water without being worried about the water move. Air baloon lets you not get hit by earth moves and makes you able to check other Heatrans. and finally leftovers if you want Heatran to have some more longetivity. You can also make Heatran a Fighting type Lure by having Chople berry and willo wisp over Toxic. but be warned some fighting types have acces to shed skin and Guts.
Starmie @ Leftovers
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Scald
- Rapid Spin
- Recover
- Reflect Type

I was surprised when I saw this in a battle reflect Typing a Ferrothorn. Its interesting because it ferrothorn can't annoy it anymore because of reflect type, can't be pursuited by scizor, and it might take a rotom-w on if it switches in. It can reflect type a tyranitar to avoid being pursuited, but it has to switch out in fear of superpower. The best part about this set is how safely it can spin without fear of being u-turned or pursuited. Scald is a basic damage dealing move that also spreads burns, and recover is there for bulk.
Starmie @ Leftovers
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Scald
- Rapid Spin
- Recover
- Reflect Type

I was surprised when I saw this in a battle reflect Typing a Ferrothorn. Its interesting because it ferrothorn can't annoy it anymore because of reflect type, can't be pursuited by scizor, and it might take a rotom-w on if it switches in. It can reflect type a tyranitar to avoid being pursuited, but it has to switch out in fear of superpower. The best part about this set is how safely it can spin without fear of being u-turned or pursuited. Scald is a basic damage dealing move that also spreads burns, and recover is there for bulk.

Nice set mate. Anyway, the idea of reflect type can sure come in handy at times but sadly, Scald won't receive any stab so I suggest changing the HP evs to Sp Atk evs. The new typing you acquire is enough for the bulk part anyway as Starmie has decent defenses except HP. Anyway, since this is a support set, you can still go for bulk while sacrificing speed. An alternate spread of 252 HP / 32 SAtk / 224 Spd can be used to outspeed max speed Tornadus
Starmie @ Leftovers
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Scald
- Rapid Spin
- Recover
- Reflect Type

I was surprised when I saw this in a battle reflect Typing a Ferrothorn. Its interesting because it ferrothorn can't annoy it anymore because of reflect type, can't be pursuited by scizor, and it might take a rotom-w on if it switches in. It can reflect type a tyranitar to avoid being pursuited, but it has to switch out in fear of superpower. The best part about this set is how safely it can spin without fear of being u-turned or pursuited. Scald is a basic damage dealing move that also spreads burns, and recover is there for bulk.

Now this is one of the coolest genuinely creative sets I've seen in a long time. No one uses Reflect Type competitively, but DAMN does it do wonders here. Most of the Pokemon that come in and give Starmie trouble are ones that resist all their own attacks, so this really gives Starmie a way to beat them. Celebi with HP will be an annoyance though, as it can hit you super-effectively even after you reflect type. Of course this set sacrifices the ability to do anything BACK to a lot of its counters and checks in the process, as Scald becomes weakened and it has to rely on the burn chance to do it for it. Still, certainly has some potential and definitely should help keep Starmie alive for spinning. Though, it'll do diddly squat to spinblockers, since reflecting their ghost typing doesn't change their ability to hit you super-effectively.
Definitely a good idea, but i think that Reflect is better most of the times. With max HP and Reflect you still don't give a shit about Scizor and Ttar, while Ferrothorn does 49% max with Power Whip, and after you burn him, it can't even do 1/4 of your life, while you simply outstall him as he dies from burn damage.
Although with Reflect type you can tank some hits from stuff such as Rotom-W and Celebi, most of the times you wouldn't want to stay in against these pokes as they can do some big damage to you that even Recover cannot heal quickly enough, or you simply cannot do anything back...
Definitely a good idea, but i think that Reflect is better most of the times. With max HP and Reflect you still don't give a shit about Scizor and Ttar, while Ferrothorn does 49% max with Power Whip, and after you burn him, it can't even do 1/4 of your life, while you simply outstall him as he dies from burn damage.
Although with Reflect type you can tank some hits from stuff such as Rotom-W and Celebi, most of the times you wouldn't want to stay in against these pokes as they can do some big damage to you that even Recover cannot heal quickly enough, or you simply cannot do anything back...

Choice Band Scizor U-Turn vs Starmie (Reflect): 67.59% - 79.63%
Choice Band Scizor U-Turn vs Starmie (Reflect Type): 33.92% - 39.2%
Choice Band Scizor Pursuit (80bp) vs Starmie (Reflect): 51.23% - 60.49%
Choice Band Scizor Pursuit vs (80bp) Starmie (Reflect Type): 25.31% - 29.94%

0 Atk Tyranitar Pursuit (80bp) vs Starmie (Reflect): 39.81% - 47.22%
0 Atk Tyranitar Pursuit (80bp) vs Starmie (Reflect Type): 19.44% - 23.15%

0 Atk Ferrothorn Power Whip vs Starmie (Reflect): 43.52% - 51.85%
0 Atk Ferrothorn Power Whip vs Starmie (Reflect Type): 10.8% - 12.65%

I don't think its too hard to see the advantages Reflect Type brings over Reflect. On top of the obviously lower damage output from the above attacks, Reflect Type lasts until the user switches out, unlike Reflect which dies out every 5 turns. Reflect is obviously a better option for supporting an entire team, but if Starmie wants to to be able to tank hits from the above Pokemon (without relying on 30% scald burn chance), Reflect Type is clearly the superior option.

I've used Reflect Type CM Latias before, but never Reflect Type Starmie. The main reason I stopped using RTLatias was because Tyranitar often carries Superpower to hit it Super Effectively, meaning that you still couldn't beat it 1v1 a lot of the time. Losing out on Dragon STAB also meant Dragon Pulse became pitifully weak even after accumulating some boosts. I feel the same applies for Starmie; Reflect Type certainly reduces the blow of Pursuit and allows you to take on Ferrothorn 1v1, but it looks like you'll still find yourself praying for Scald burns to make-up for Scald's low power when unSTABed.

The set looks pretty cool regardless. I'm gonna have to give it a whirl.
I've used this Mew before, and it works well on almost any team. It isn't made to work on a full Baton Pass team, it's just a standalone Pokemon who can help wreck the opponent.

Mew @ Lum Berry
Ability: Synchonize
EVs: 252HP/252Spe/4Def
Jolly nature (+Spe, -SAtk)
- Amnesia
- Barrier
- Roost
- Baton Pass

This may look stupid, but it isn't. If your up against a physical attacker, use Barrier, a special attacker, use Amnesia. If your health is low, use Roost. Repeat until your defenses are maxed out, and Baton Pass the boost to something that can set itself up for a sweep using the +6 defenses. EVs are simple, 252HP for maximum bulk, 252Spe and Jolly nature to outspeed most opposition. Lum Berry combined with Synchonize gives an opponent trying to inflict status a nasty surprise. Gliscor is a good recipient, as Poison Heal, and naturally good defenses make him unstoppable with the stat boosts. He can comfortably use Swords Dance three times, and max out his Attack, before sweeping the opponents team.

Deoxys-D could also run a similar set, but is unable to Baton Pass, so could use Night Shade to inflict damage himself.
Six turns of setup seems a bit excessive, especially when it's completely ruined by Taunt, a phazer or a critical hit... Baton Passing to a Substitute user helps to an extent, but good luck getting the sheer amount of free turns you'd need in the first place. Perhaps I'm wrong and it works better than I think it would, but my gut instinct tells me there's probably better things to be doing in that time.
Six turns of setup seems a bit excessive, especially when it's completely ruined by Taunt, a phazer or a critical hit... Baton Passing to a Substitute user helps to an extent, but good luck getting the sheer amount of free turns you'd need in the first place. Perhaps I'm wrong and it works better than I think it would, but my gut instinct tells me there's probably better things to be doing in that time.

Well it's not like you NEED to set up to +6 in both SpD and Def before you can pass it off. Even just a couple boosts would be enough to give many Pokemon a chance to wreak havoc, and Mew certainly has the bulk to pull this off. Still, it does look like set up bait, as it'd be all too easy for something else to come in and start setting up itself. Then if you get critted or something, well that's it. Still, I can certainly see a set like this having some use, I'd have to test it before making a judgement.
I suppose, but even the minimal +2 in one defence then Baton Passing requires two turns of setup, and for what? I could use two turns of setup to get, say, +4 Atk / +2 Atk+Spe Haxorus, or a Sub +2 Atk Terrakion. Which would you be more scared of between that and a Gliscor with +2 SpD?

I dunno. It's not a bad set in itself, and I have no doubt it can pull off a Baton Pass with reasonable consistency due to Mew's bulk and speed. I just think there's probably better ways to make use of a spare turn.
Yeah, Taunt would work well to ensure the pass. It could probably be slashed with either of the stat boosts too, if your team only needed one of the defence boosting moves; losing Roost means you're only really getting off one Baton Pass per match unless you have reliable Wish support too.
well the point isnt just to pass the boosts to defensive pokemon but also ofensive mons as well.

so a +2 def haxorus is just as viable as +2 def blissey.

i just see it as a one pokemon-dual screen.
Lucario @ Life Orb
4 Hp / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Nature: Adamant
~Hone Claws
~Hi Jump Kick
~Blaze Kick / Ice Punch
~ ExtremeSpeed

This just seems like a worse version of the SD set. Sure, HJK is a tad more powerful than Close Combat, but it's more than outweighed by only being at +1 Atk instead of +2.
First post in this sort of thread, please forgive any matters of etiquette :P


Gliscor (M) @ Toxic Orb
Trait: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 100 Atk / 64 Def / 92 Spd
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Agility
- Earthquake
- Ice Fang / Facade

Now I refer to this by Double Dance, though it plays rather differently than other such sets. This set does not act in the same manner as Double Dance Terrakion or Haxorus, where the idea is to use their already excellent 2 move coverage to allow for 2 separate boosting moves, which can be according to the given scenario. This actually has the liberty to set up multiple boosts, taking advantage of Glsicor's excellent bulk. Basically the idea of this set is in bringing another dimension to the current Swords Dance set, which uses Gliscor's excellent bulk to allow him as an excellent wall and pivot, taking advantage of this to slowly set up a sweep. The addition of Agility acts as a method of overcoming common checks to this set. Several common answers to SD Gliscor on more offensive teams are simply faster Pokemon with an SE move for him, ie.Landorus, Starmie, Rotom-W, etc. However, Agility dissipates most, if not all of these Pokemon with ease. With a Swords Dance and an Agility in the belt, Gliscor can OHKO Landorus, Starmie, Salamence (after Intimidate), and more with ease with the appropriate move. More so, even if he lacks the opportunity to set up, he still retains enough bulk to act as a more than satisfactory defensive pivot, which can become a little problematic with more offensively inclined Gliscor (read Acrobling). Though losing SE coverage against Landorus and Gliscor is a bit offsetting (and dropping anything for Gengar), a spread of 252 HP / 152 Atk / 12 Def / 96 Spd can be run with Facade which guarantees the OHKO of Offensive Rotom-W's after SR, while still maintaining solid coverage. The current EV's, should memory serve, allow Gliscor to outspeed standard CS Landorus down after an Agility, OHKO 4 HP Starmie w/Earthquake (among a few other names I really should remember :x) at +2, with the rest supplementing his bulk. Sadly, this addition really doesn't play in to the equation in match-ups with stall-based or slower teams, but I suppose that's just how things are now and then.
The odd man out in that Gliscor set is Agility. Agility is a move used by Pokemon who are threatened by being outsped, but can deal with most things if they're just a little faster. For example, Terrakion is capable of MORE than enough damage to take out most threats around, but if it faces something faster than it (say, Starmie), it's at serious risk of being OHKO'd. So what you do is secure that speed advantage and then sweep. Gliscor, on the other hand, doesn't have enough native damage to ensure those OHKOs. This makes Agility useless: either you face something that you can already tank hits from (which is not a bad thing, because you have Poison Heal to recover off all the damage) and you don't need to outspeed, or you're facing something that will just kill you. I struggle to think of situations with that set where I'd rather set up an Agility than a Swords Dance. The set would be much improved if you introduced Substitute, Baton Pass, or a third attacking move.
ehhh iv ran the set myself and I rather like Agility. ShakeItUp also ran agility Gliscor with success. Personally, tho, I would consider running Acrobat, and Flight Gem as it gives you a much stronger attack power, at the cost of that lasting power. I ran a different EV spread tho to yours, maybe ill find it later but I think I ran max attack just cos Gliscor really needs it.
The odd man out in that Gliscor set is Agility. Agility is a move used by Pokemon who are threatened by being outsped, but can deal with most things if they're just a little faster. For example, Terrakion is capable of MORE than enough damage to take out most threats around, but if it faces something faster than it (say, Starmie), it's at serious risk of being OHKO'd. So what you do is secure that speed advantage and then sweep. Gliscor, on the other hand, doesn't have enough native damage to ensure those OHKOs. This makes Agility useless: either you face something that you can already tank hits from (which is not a bad thing, because you have Poison Heal to recover off all the damage) and you don't need to outspeed, or you're facing something that will just kill you. I struggle to think of situations with that set where I'd rather set up an Agility than a Swords Dance. The set would be much improved if you introduced Substitute, Baton Pass, or a third attacking move.

You're completely missing the point of the set. You're not going to be setting up either Sword Dance or Agility; you're going to be setting up BOTH. The idea is to use Poison Heal and Gliscor's natural bulk to set up MULTIPLE boosts and then go on a rampage.

My issue with this set is more that it's very easily phazed by defensive Pokemon that aren't weak to ground and ice. Skarmory, Vaporeon, Slowbro, Gyarados, and others can all come in without fear and Phaze out. Hell, several of them can threaten back with STAB attacks, forgoing the need to actually phaze at all. Of course, once such Pokemon are removed then it becomes a lot more difficult to stop. I know that if I were to lose Vaporeon on my team with this at full health I'd be hard pressed to stop it, as I'm not sure Mamoswine's Ice Shard can actually OHKO Gliscor (I'm betting not). Still it's definitely a very viable set as far as I can tell, and with a little support to get past those things that can wall it, I think it could really wreak havoc.

And @Ginjaninja, the benefit this has over Acrobat is Poison Heal, meaning it can continue to function in its defensive role a lot better than the Acrobat set can with its lack of healing. Of course this set is walled a little more easily, but it's just that kind of a trade off. I don't think either one is strictly better than the other; as usual deciding which set to use depends on what kind of team support you have.
I'd also like to point out that starmie with recover owns that set-if you outspeed, you can't KO. If you KO, you can't outspeed. If you attack on the switch, it can recover.
Nature: Timid
Ability: Drought
-Power Swap
Evs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Speed

This is a pretty gimmicky set for a sun team that can annoy the hell out of special sweeper switch ins. I also love taking away calm mind boosts with power swap and giving them -2 from overheat. It's completely walled by fire types but it is fun to play around with.

I absolutely am in love with this moveset. I use it on my OU Sun Team, except I invest in defenses rather than speed with my 252 EVs outside of HP.

Anyways, here's my creative post:


Milotic (M) @ Flame Orb
EVs: 216 HP / 208 Def / 84 SpDef
Trait: Marvel Scale
Bold Nature (+ Def, - Atk)
- Dragon Tail
- Scald
- Recover
- Light Screen

I cannot speak as to how effectively this Milotic stands alone, seeing as it works beautifully on the team I run this set on, but it's badass nonetheless. This set truly brings to light Milotic's defensive prowess and bulk. The Item of choice is Flame Orb, which activates Marvel Scale boosting Defense to 405. This Milotic is meant to stay in the field for quite some time, so Burn is the status of choice seeing as damage does not increase per-turn like Poison and Milotic is not running any Physical attacking moves that are designed to inflict lots of damage (D-Tail is for phazing). Recover is used to bring back health, obviously, as Burn damage begins to add up. Light Screen makes Milotic's Special Defense also well over 400, so Milotic, at this point, is both a physical and special defender. Scald also has a chance of burning physical attackers, increasing Milotic's defensive worth. Dragon Tail is used as the fourth move to phaze opponents that attempt to set-up, yet Ice Beam works in its place as well for increased coverage.

The EV split is just to give all-around good stats in HP/Def/SpDef.

Mew @ Leftovers
Nature: Impish (+Def -SpAtk)
252 HP/172 Def/28 SpDef/56 Spd
-Zen Headbutt
-Drain Punch
-Swords Dance

I've been using this on my hail team to a lot of success. The EV Spread always allows it to survive a choice banded Crunch from Tyranitar, and a +2 Drain Punch KO's it back allowing you to set up your own weather. 56 speed to outspeed a number of stuff, and the rest into SpDef to survive some strong special attacks, but they can go into Attack for more immediate power. Zen Headbutt for STAB, although Sucker Punch can be used for priority. Drain Punch for recovery combined with Swords Dance and leftovers makes it extremely hard to take down, and Roost for reliable recovery.
Hey Guys, what's really good :pimp:
I have also been testing a Dragon Dance Latios set which seems to work well kind of as a late game sweeper when Scizor is gone. The set is something like this.

Latios @ Life Orb
200 ATK, 252 Spe, 56 SpA
Brave (+Atk,-Def)
-Dragon Dance
-Hidden Power [Fire]

It seems really impractical, and the only real reason I use it is for the surprise attack element. LO Bluffs the Choice Item until you hit something. If I remember correctly, it outspeeds Timid Venu in the sun after one Dragon Dance. Outrage is for stab and Earthquake is really there as a filler. Hidden Power Fire is for things like Ferrothorn and Skarmory who would otherwise wall this thing. It is not extremely powerful because it doesn't have the highest base attack stat, but it is still fun to use sometimes ^^.
Let me know what you guys think ^^
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