Wi-Fi Won't See Much Use When Competitor Comes Out?

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Well when you look at it, Competitor does in about a few seconds what it would take ingame to do in a few days maybe weeks. You're pokemon are automatically 100, Ev'd the way you want with the right IV's and moves, and even SHINY if you wanted to. Anyone who knows about Competitor will probably drop their DS to come on and build a custom team in a few minutes.

Will Wi-Fi see any usage beyond those that don't know about Competitor?
I will still use WiFi as it is much more fun when u finish breeding/training and battle with the team u made. I will still use competitor tho, but not as much as wifi.
Competitor will be a great chance to test out strategies and Pokemon, but I think it will always be secondary to WiFi. Sure, breeding, EVing, training etc is a pain, but using a team that's took you weeks to put together leaves you with a feeling that Netbattle never did match back in ADV. I mean, there's so many of us that have already put hundreds of hours into our squads. Competitor's most likely gonna cater for the lazier/casual gamers, or of course for strategising as I said earlier.
I will probably only use wifi for tournaments. Competitor will
A. Make it easier to test new ideas out.

and more importantly

B. Speed up the ridiculously slow wifi battles. (way to drop the ball on that one nintendo.)
I won't abandon the Wi-Fi play, it's the original method of battling, and can't wait to abuse random battles in Battle Revolution.

I won't be using Competitor much, just to play with some Pokemon that I can't get now (Game Freak and their whatever-ticket sucks).
Why WiFi > Competitor:

You can walk around and play, or get comfortable on a couch. (Unless you want to walk around your house with your computer...)

Gives you the satisfaction of using the Pokemon you've spent hours raising.

Why Competitor > WiFi:

You can get your perfect team ready in minutes.

(Hopefully) not so much lag.

In the end, I'd prefer WiFi, because its simply more satisfying. Can't wait for PBR too.
Yeah I will just use Competitor to see if a strategy or a pokemon works out or not. Most of my time I'll be using Wifi to show of my "real" pokemons.
I don't think it's been mentioned in this thread, but I'm sure I heard McGraw say it somewhere. Wifi is kind of an area that sets the truly devoted trainer away from the more lazy one. Somebody who has spent hours and hours breeding for natures, or just a few more IVs in an important stat will see far more success than one who just whipped through the Elite Four on Wifi, where as everybody is on a "level" playing field when it comes to resources for teambuilding in Competitor. That Elite Four example may have been a bit extreme, but I think those who really know what they are doing will be the ones playing Wifi (or having success competitivley that is), where as those who can't spend that kind of time or don't have the skill to spend that much time into one member of a team, fearing it being wrong, will stick to Compeitor.

But of course, Smogon is still the best place for Pokemon.
I'll use competitor to test things out, then breed whatever I tested succesfully on my D/P. Besides, D/P battling to me would be so much funner rather than a pokemon simulator.
I don't think it's been mentioned in this thread, but I'm sure I heard McGraw say it somewhere. Wifi is kind of an area that sets the truly devoted trainer away from the more lazy one. Somebody who has spent hours and hours breeding for natures, or just a few more IVs in an important stat will see far more success than one who just whipped through the Elite Four on Wifi, where as everybody is on a "level" playing field when it comes to resources for teambuilding in Competitor. That Elite Four example may have been a bit extreme, but I think those who really know what they are doing will be the ones playing Wifi (or having success competitivley that is), where as those who can't spend that kind of time or don't have the skill to spend that much time into one member of a team, fearing it being wrong, will stick to Compeitor.

But of course, Smogon is still the best place for Pokemon.

What exactly did you mean by that Elite Four bit?
I guess Dreadite raises good points about copyright issues.

I made the PBS what...5 years ago? It seems ages, and I guess a fair number of people used it, but I could hardly see Nintendo caring about it at all even if they knew it existed.

But now with stuff like Netbattle (which though I've never used, is presumably ten million times better than PBS ever was) and Competitor, and PBR I guess more importantly, Nintendo might actually try to shut it down (and probably annoy some fans in the process).

Oh well.
What exactly did you mean by that Elite Four bit?

I think he meant: Someone who just beat the game (the elite four comment was referring to someone relatively new) will have, to put it mildly, less than favorable odds against an opponent who breeds pokemon for perfect IVs, egg moves, and the other tricks of the trade that advanced players have at their disposal. =)
You do know that out of the millions of people that by the pokemon games barely any of them have even heard of netbattle much mroe for competitor? Also its netbattle that gave people this misunderstanding that you need pokes like Blissey and Skarmory to have agood team. If there was never netbattle pokemon battling would be more fun imo.
Also, another thought...I've used old gameboy and GBA emulators (plus NES, SNES, and N64) at times to play games, and I've never EVER had a game console.

When Diamond and Pearl were released in the U.S., where I could finally battle people over the internet instead of having to find them in person, I bought a DS Lite, two copies each (kinda an accident, that, though) of Diamond and Pearl, one copy of Leaf Green, and one copy of Emerald.

And I never bothered to mess with NetBattle or related stuff, really nothing after the PBS (except one or two battles maybe when Surgo harassed me about it :P).

Would I have still bought them had Competitor been out at the same time as the release of Diamond/Pearl? I'd say probably so.
I guess Dreadite raises good points about copyright issues.

I made the PBS what...5 years ago? It seems ages, and I guess a fair number of people used it, but I could hardly see Nintendo caring about it at all even if they knew it existed.

Oh, don't doubt that they knew it existed. I know for a fact that a few staff people definitely used it. Caring on the other hand, that they didn't.

But now with stuff like Netbattle (which though I've never used, is presumably ten million times better than PBS ever was) and Competitor, and PBR I guess more importantly, Nintendo might actually try to shut it down (and probably annoy some fans in the process).

Oh well.

Yeah, and it's a bit sad, to boot. The unfortunate part here is that Nintendo would likely see almost no change, if any, to their buying community if they shut down these outlets for the game. But if they continue to support the online capacity of their game, I think it's inevitable.

Thanks for the PBS by the way. =) I've always felt that Pokemon desperately needed online play to be really relevant as a competitive game, and I think that the success of the online community and support is largely what inspired those features in the current game. They may not have optimal implementation, but I have no doubt that they eventually with future releases WILL streamline it a bit.

This is largely Nintendo as a larger company's fault, they've been notoriously bad at the Internet.
i personally dont like the sound of competitor it was cool in the third generation when you could battle a hell of a lot of people but now that we can do that in this generation, i dont think competitors needed
Guess what? Smogon tournament will be done using Competitor. The apprentice program will be done using Competitor. The metagame will develop at faster than a snail's pace thanks to Competitor.

What silly responses this thread is receiving.
Guess what? Smogon tournament will be done using Competitor. The apprentice program will be done using Competitor. The metagame will develop at faster than a snail's pace thanks to Competitor.

What silly responses this thread is receiving.

So you guys won't be continuing WiFi tournaments as well as Competitor Tournaments once it's out? I realize the majority will be done on Competitor due to the ease of changing teams to counter opponents, but WiFi will still have an audience. Best of 3 on WiFi wouldn't work too well due to how hard it is to change teams, but Double Elimination would keep it fair and help eliminate the luck factor that best of 3 is designed to do.

I don't want to see WiFi die competitively =( Love seeing those little guys I bred kicking ass.
WiFi has a sense of canon to it. Its the real deal.

With that said, I'm guessing that casual players will stick to WiFi, while expert players will use Competitor.
Guess what? Smogon tournament will be done using Competitor. The apprentice program will be done using Competitor. The metagame will develop at faster than a snail's pace thanks to Competitor.

What silly responses this thread is receiving.

This is basically my thought. I had a nice thought because of this thread, though - having seen them respond to this question several times, isn't it funny how the responses of the IRC crowd, being the people who started and run this community, varies so greatly from that of the posters here? It's just yet another amusing indicator of how large a gap exists between the users here, I guess.

I'll definitely keep using wifi on the side, hunting for arrogant forum newbies is always fun and there will always be wifi-only tournaments that I'll want to compete in, but in general I'll definitely be using primarily Competitor. Wifi has gone a long way to making in-game battling viable and has done a lot to bring more users online and into the world of competitive battling, but when it comes down to it Competitor, like NetBattle before it, is still the best and most convenient medium to have competitive battles on even ground.
Competitor to me, will mostly be for testing teams out, practicing battles, learning how to predict better.. and what not.

Wi Fi will be to battle friends, and having fun and such.
I don't have time for friend codes or raise 493 pokes and more(alternate movesets) to 100 lvl.Competitor streamline battles for people who don't to spend two weeks of their life raise a team to level 100.So yes competitor is still needed but less necessary.

And No storm even if they were no netbattle blissey and skarm would still be used like crazy.

P.S Dear Nintendo please make a rpg pokemon game for the wii,instead of some lame colosseum game
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