Chicken with a side of falsehood

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(which I thought were growing)

Religious people say religion is growing.
Other people say religion is not growing.
And don't dissect my use of 'religious', anyone, that's very tiresome.

I don't think anyone actually knows, especially when people are talking about it growing in countries like China, which are generally very taciturn.

What this topic boils down to is this: will people put their ethics above pleasure (from eating the food)? Answer: no, because we're greedy bastards.
...Even though I didn't eat too frequently there anyway, guess any further excursions I take there will only be to swill lemonade.

to me, what's interesting about this is that a lot of people are willing to boycott this chick-fil-a company for its good ol' american gay hate -- when companies like nestle literally enslave and traffic children in other countries...

I've seen a little about slavery in relation to the chocolate industry, and I currently don't eat chocolate that isn't fair trade. Care to start a social group here at Smogon to gather support?
I don't feel that this is outrage about chick-fil-a supporting christian values, it's about chick-fil-a supporting a side that seems to think insulting people is the best way about to persuade people.

what does "dwindlin numbers of religion" (which I thought were growing) have to do with a better future for humanity?

separation of the state and yadda. just look at the rightwings in the US and the kind of stuff they backup because of religions reasons.

and this part if my own opinion but i genuinely think religion stunts critical thinkin.
Oh, okay. Since someone believes in God, the teachings in the Bible, and goes to church / a synagogue / a mosque, they're automatically retarded. That makes no sense whatsoever. People are hateful towards religious groups all the time, and that doesn't bother you? People are free to practice their religion as they see fit, just like people are free to choose their own partners, whether they be male or female.

Nothing significant is being done here that changes anyone's opinions, anyway.
Oh, okay. Since someone believes in God, the teachings in the Bible, and goes to church / a synagogue / a mosque, they're automatically retarded. That makes no sense whatsoever. People are hateful towards religious groups all the time, and that doesn't bother you? People are free to practice their religion as they see fit, just like people are free to choose their own partners, whether they be male or female.

Nothing significant is being done here that changes anyone's opinions, anyway.

not automatically. that comment about religion was pure opinion, and you can believe what you want; im not gonna stomp on anyones face for bein a believer (or even make a big deal in front of them), either, but im not too happy with it and what it does to people at large, but thats for another topic, really.
Oh, okay. Since someone believes in God, the teachings in the Bible, and goes to church / a synagogue / a mosque, they're automatically retarded. That makes no sense whatsoever. People are hateful towards religious groups all the time, and that doesn't bother you? People are free to practice their religion as they see fit, just like people are free to choose their own partners, whether they be male or female.

Nothing significant is being done here that changes anyone's opinions, anyway.

ah yes the old "as a Christian, I am so persecuted" post
Chic Fil A does not actively support any hate group. The Marriage and Family Foundation, Exodus International, and the Family Research Council are not hate groups.

I'm going to have to call this particular snippet out. Focus on Exodus International for a second, which actively pushes the "ex-gay" hypothesis. This flies in the face of scientific and psychological research concluding that homosexuality is not a mental disorder and cannot be changed. Ex-gay camps and programs are psychological torture. That certainly meets my definition of "hate group".

The point is that Chick-Fil-A funds organizations that make LGBTs lives more miserable. That's not family values. That's bigotry.
one step at a time.

also theres nothin worse than apathy towards all of those causes you've just mentioned, which is why they are so deplorable to begin with!
>i hate apathy omg some groups out there dont like the gays and bow down at their feet theyre so bad and u should care about my angry feelings towards X companies dont buy from them
>we'll get to the millions of starving and malnourished people with minimal hope of improving their conditions on their own in third world countries later


pls consider what you say. the REAL problem is the living conditions of other humans trapped in impoverished, filthy, unsanitary and hopeless cities who have to fight for every scrap of bread they come across, but, we should just shuffle that off to the side until we deal with "chik fil a doesnt like teh gayz pls boycott them out of business" because one company's opinion (which they have a right to hold, in case you forgot that people who disagree with you don't suddenly become abominations for not sharing your viewpoint or become imprisonable for not being OPENMINDED like you) and religious view is way more significant than starving children, both across the seas and in america.

here how about you go spend all the money you would have buying chicken and donate it to a good cause, pick one of your choosing, i really don't care! just put your money where your mouth is and
phantasia said:
be the change you want to see

alternatively just stop talking about apathy when the only thing you seem to think is a valid concern at this moment is "organization corrupts gays 2 straights hrrrrr drrrrrr boycott chik fil a"

I understand that many of the people that have gone through EI never wanted to be there and hated every second of it. But that doesn't make them a hate group and it doesn't negate the fact that many people, including my brother, wanted to be there, wanted to change, were happy with the time they spent there, and claim to have changed in various positive ways. You and others may very well have a dozen, honest, heartfelt, logical reasons to dislike the religious and political positions held by the president of Chic Fil A, (as do I, I do not agree with DOMA and the like). But what I specifically addressed there was that Chic Fil A does not support any hate group. Certainly we can disagree religiously, and even politically (although it sounds like we agree politically here) without accusing each other of hate.
This is the state of Western Civilization:

We're going to bash a company that makes chicken sandwiches and waffle fried because their owners won't pretend that homosexual relationships are perfectly normal and healthy environments in which to raise children, or if you want to take a less flattering argument: They think men having sex with men and women having sex with women is disgusting and morally abhorent.

Forget this politically correct bullshit. Normal, balanced people don't condemn companies for owners that don't grovel towards some favored or unfavored sexual partnership. There is nothing special about homosexuality. It does not deserve to be put on a pedestal like is being done here. No one is special for opposing "gay hate" because negligible amounts exist overall, and none exists in this particular case. The carnival barkers just want to claim some level of completely undeserved moral superiority over another person.

The folks bashing Chik-Fil-A should all be ashamed of themselves. They can't so much as define a coherent view of marriage, they don't care about the issue whatsoever anyway, but they're willing to get morally indignant because someone doesn't share their demonstrably unfounded, ignorant, apathetic view. Leftists are so insufferable. Get off your high horse and eat some chicken. Different Strokes for Different Folks apparently ends when someone doesn't like Dick stroking Johnson sufficiently. Moral relativists are always the first to moralize, and they're too narcissistic to realize the irony.

I bet they think they're saving the planet, too.

Now you're giving up?


Ah fucking hell, that does it. Tomorrow I'm driving to chik-fil-a and enjoying the mess out of that heterosexualy fried chicken. Though.. I might cheat and put a breast.. ontop of another breast. It tastes so good cause its sinful.
my brother

wait, am I to understand that you have a cocksucker for a brother who prayed the gay away?

bet if you subjected him to a little bit of penile plethysmography you'd find out that the prayers didn't work... i mean they never work for amputees, why should they work for (BAN ME PLEASE), right?
Since this thread has totally degenerated into a gay marriage thread, as is the case with pretty much all serious threads posted in this forum, I would just like to compliment popemobile's selection of GIF, since it is perfect for this situation.
I actually had a well thought out post in my head, but meh I don't really see the point in it anymore.

All I'm going to say is this: Hating someone for hating someone else doesn't negate the original hate, it just creates more hate.
While it's nice to see people getting up and taking action (if not eating at a particular fast food joint counts as taking action?) against this sort of thing, it's genuinely depressing to see these same people miss the singular point over and over again. If I'm right in assuming that Reddit and other similar social media websites act as the epicenter for the series of boycott CFA/GoDaddy/etc movements - and I am - then just a cursory glance at any of these websites makes it painfully obvious that they're not just not helping, but by promoting their inane agenda to "boycott chikfila hurr durr" they're actually exacerbating the issue so much that what was originally a complex and delicate issue, after exposure to the hordes of 14 y/o liberal atheist wanna b activist (BAN ME PLEASE)s, is eroded to a childish and spiteful diatribe against something or someone. In other words, reddit is a demagogue.

Mitt Romney, Rush Limbaugh, etc., are demagogues, and now so is reddit. Reddit converts every single controversial and political situation into a limp, easy-to-swallow, cause-oriented bullshit aphorism that occupy wall street (BAN ME PLEASE) can wear on their fair-trade textile t-shirts. Accurate representation of such a fragile issue isn't necessary because it won't get you as much karma, right?? "But xenu," you ask, "what's wrong with opposing companies that do not support gay rights?". What's wrong, you say? Simply put, you aren't going to put an end to centuries of homosexual stigma by refusing to eat at a fucking FAST FOOD CHAIN, and you are not going to revolutionize how the nation thinks by getting the CEO of this chain to "retract an official statement".

I can predict exactly how this is going to play out. After reddit and the mainstream media create enough public uproar, Anonymous (v r legion expect us expect us !!) is going to commence its monthly spree of taking down symbolic political targets in the form of the websites of CFA and its affiliates. Soon, Anonymous will become bored and tone down its operations from the time being (provided another four-letter-law that's FINALLY gonna take away all our freedoms doesn't surface). TV and newspapers cover anonymous "hacktivism" spree and publicize reddit which is instantly flooded with another wave of 14 y/o atheist liberal activists just lying in wait for the next such controversy. Ends in two ways -- either CFA's official statement is retracted (week-long victory celebrations on Reddit, twitter and on your fb wall) or people forget about it either due to boredom or the next controversy arising. In which case, no harm done, free karma for all, right?
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