The Well #39 - whistle

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Are you a virgin?

If not, how would you describe your first sexual experience?

What counters 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 DEF / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe +everything nature Garchomp @ Life Orb, King's Rock, Lax Incense, Dragon Gem, Fire Gem, Ground Gem, Aspear Berry, Rock Gem, Scope Lens, Charcoal, Flame Plate, Wide Lens, Chilan Berry, Expert Belt, Dragon Fang, Draco Plate, Earth Plate, Soft Sand, Stone Plate, Apicot Berry, Air Balloon, Absorb Bulb, Shed Shell, Enigma Berry, Hard Stone, Oran Berry, Berry Juice, Destiny Knot, Lum Berry, Muscle Band, Wise Glasses, Salac Berry, Ganlon Berry, Liechi Berry, Cheri Berry, Custap Berry, Lansat Berry, Leppa Berry, Shell Bell, Mental Herb, Rocky Helmet, Chesto Berry, Rawst Berry, Persim Berry, Micle Berry, Metronome, Haban Berry, Yache Berry, Leftovers, BrightPowder, Pecha Berry, Sitrus Berry, Starf Berry, White Herb, Zoom Lens, Rock Incense, Petaya Berry, Red Card, Razor Fang, Razor Claw, Focus Sash, Focus Band, and Quick Claw?

Said Garchomp has the following moveset: Substitute / Sand-Attack / Hone Claws / Surf / Dragon Pulse / Earth Power / Flamethrower / Swords Dance / Toxic / Protect / Fire Fang / Stone Edge / Roar / Fire Blast / Dual Chop / Rest / Earthquake / Dragon Claw / Dragon Tail / Outrage / Draco Meteor. Sunny Day and Sandstorm are also concurrently active.
Assume Garchomp's team has used Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes twice, and Spikes three times and that the opposing team has not used Rapid Spin successfully. Garchomp is also shielded by Reflect, Light Screen, Lucky Chant, Safeguard, and Mist.
Why did you say you were 16?

If you look at the posts above that the answer should be obvious. To clarify we’re making fun of uragg’s laziness in registering for Frontier, not the first guy.

Did you type your responses on MS Word or something?? ~_~ (curly apostrophes haha)
Yeah I am; franky asked me the same thing because of curly quotations and C&C experience, haha.

Do you avoid making any grammatical error while typing because you co-founded the GP Team?
I don’t think I have particularly good grammar; I just have decent attention to detail so I tend to catch mistakes. I actually make a pretty obscenely high number of subject-verb agreement errors when I write. As for co-founding the Grammar/Prose team, I think it was a combination of (a) reasonable grammar aptitude (b) I cared about C&C when we started up the GP and QC teams and it showed (c) people thought I could lead a team for some reason (jk) (d) high activity.

Will you GP again to make use of the [GP] tags :)
Probably not, since I’m only semi-active because it’s summer. It would also be a pretty big hassle figuring out my old grammar check formatting system. I’m not opposed to the idea, and it’s pretty likely that I’ll end up doing a few checks as favors just because I’m here, but I don’t think I’ll become a regular checker again.

Why do you copy Earthworm's smileys
I started using =] because it doesn’t look horrendous on IRC and Earthworm uses it all the time so I see it a lot.

Pataphone or some other phone xD
I have a terrible brick cell phone that holds 100 text messages even though the stated capacity is 1000 text messages. I’d probably go with an iPhone. I also have no idea what this question means.

Was there anyway for me to beat you just now :d
I think in the end no matter how well you played it would depend on the Staraptor/Togekiss damage calc, and I suspect CB Brave Bird does more than enough to make you have a bad day. In the midgame you could’ve done more damage with Rhyperior when I brought in Zapdos against Vaporeon; if I predict incorrectly you basically get to OHKO something.

Your opinion of me.

Late DPP era player I never really got to know, other than “not terrible” I don’t know how good you are at battling.

Do you like trance music?
I think some of it is okay but for the most part, no.

Will there be a Dr. Whistle in the future?
It’s the most likely option but seeing as there are so many different options for me, saying most likely doesn’t really inspire much confidence. It’s what I’m planning for now, since it’s easier to switch out of that path than to switch into it.

Where do you see the competitive pokemon scene heading in the future?

I’m not the best person to ask that since I haven’t paid close attention to the competitive Smogon scene for almost two years now. The way the cartridges are developing it seems the next generation is going to be obscene (power creep, number of threats to cover, etc). For the forseeable future I doubt anything is going to happen to Smogon, just tournaments as normal. If you asked me a few months ago I would’ve said that VGC might become more popular among traditionally singles-only players, but given recent events…

Most memorable/Favorite dream?

I don’t really keep track of my dreams but I vaguely remember one from a couple months ago where I was basically a man-helicopter in a Black Hawk Down-style movie. Felt pretty badass. I also don’t dream that often and usually I can only remember the last portion of a dream after I wake up, and only for a few minutes.

favorite song/artist/genre?

Favorite song is a bit difficult, I think I’d have to go with Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto (1) (2) for sheer depth of emotion & musicality. Even though I primarily listen to non-classical music (I actually don’t have any classical music in my iTunes library, yes I use iTunes, yes I’ve considered foobar), I don’t get very attached to any of those songs.

Favorite artist is Stars. Again there’s not a particular reason other than I think a lot of their songs are pretty.

Favorite genre is something along the lines of indie rock/indie pop.

I made a post in the “Top 10 Albums” thread a few days ago; just don’t read too much into the descriptions I copied.

why the fuck can i never think of questions for these? ;_;

Maybe you are uncreative, or maybe everyone else has already asked questions about things you’re interested in.

favourite and least favourite racial slurs

I share the same level of distaste for all racial slurs.

opinions on reyscarface?

It’s probably a bad idea to take advice from him about what kinds of things you should or shouldn’t post.

I guess he used to be kind of obnoxious but he was like 14 or something so you can hardly blame him. These days it’s nice to talk to him and he’s always been a good battler. He has pretty good fashion sense too.

Are you a virgin?

If not, how would you describe your first sexual experience?

What counters Substitute / Swords Dance / Fire Fang / Stone Edge / Roar / Fire Blast / Earthquake / Dragon Claw / Dragon Tail / Outrage / Draco Meteor 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 DEF / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe +everything nature Garchomp @ Life Orb, Haban Berry, Yache Berry, Leftovers, BrightPowder, Focus Sash, Focus Band, and Quick Claw in the Sun and Sand (at once)?
Assume Garchomp's team has used Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes twice, and Spikes three times and that the opposing team has not used Rapid Spin successfully.

Plz, there are thirteen year old children here. I also wasn’t going to dignify the second part with an answer but we found that speedy Reflect and Ice Beam Lugia works pretty well.

Ur opinion on me xD

An exemplary user and author of the second best warstory on Smogon. Risky battler prone to overpredictions. Likes Taylor Swift and NSYNC way too much.
I'm bored, so I thought about things that I think say a lot about people and came up with some questions to ask you.

Do you have many great regrets in your life / are you the type to regret the past?

Which do you think is more important when they conflict: honesty or loyalty?

Would you say that you are a person of integrity? Do you strive to be? Do you admire people who are?

Do you have any great ideals about love? Romantic love primarily.

ETA: I hope you don't mind me asking these!
What do you like most in your life?

What do you dislike most in your life?

What do you like most about Smogon?

What do you dislike most about Smogon?

Do you think that some of the current OU Council members were only chosen because they are Super Mods / Admins?

If the above answer is yes, then which members do you feel should not be on the council?

Do you think that someone who has voted once as part of a council has contributed more to tiering than someone who has 4-7 Suspect votes?

Top five favourite Pokemon to use in DPP OU?

Your thoughts on the user known as Earthworm (in eight words or more)?

What is your favourite Ciele name out of the many that are used?

My apologies if any of these questions have already been asked.
favorite dpp uu team i used

favorite dpp uu team you used

what do you think of me

is :toast: the best emot
ok i'm ready

what do you get out of coming on smogon? how has this changed from the time you joined?

describe your ideal woman, both aesthetically and personality-wise

do you prefer white or asian girls in general, please explain the psychology behind this

what does it take for someone to be "cool" on smogon? ie some people are cool despite sucking at pokemon (you), some people are uncool despite being good (kevin g), and some are uncool because they're not good (haunter). explain this dynamic.

what's your opinion on the hookup culture both in college and in younger people's lives? would it be satisfactory for someone who is recovery from emotional trauma of being cockslammed by a dirty mexican?

what's your opinion on lab research? i spent past 2 summers working in a cell bio lab and it just seemed like papers and stuff were so incremental and small in the grand scope of things that i could never bring myself to work with something like that...

post some more logic puzzles in the second best chan

your opinion on alcohol, marijuana, and other assorted drugs

what kind of parent do you hope to be

how open are you irl about pkmn/smogon

best movie
How did you achieve your first and only tournament win? Why didn't you play for Central afterwards?

Why doesn't Elena love me?

What is your opinion on gender dynamics both on a microsociological and a macrosociological level? Do you think feminists are fighting for power that women already yield?

Is there an experience in your life that fully confirmed for you your gender and/or sexuality, and if so, what was it?

Would you rather live a happy, ignorant life or a melancholy, aware life? If you could give yourself a certain level of ignorance/awareness, how "aware" would you make yourself?

Name the five common grammatical errors that annoy you the most.

Name your top five fetishes.
Do you feel as if you were pressured to pursue a career in the medical field by your parents and/or upbringing and/or ethnicity?

Favourite users to play in DPP OU?

Do you think you'll ever play BW OU? Why do you dislike it so much / feel no inclination to play it?

Once school begins do your foresee yourself coming on Smogon at all?

Who is your ideal female partner? Please go into detail regarding race, appearance, height, intelligence, job, hobbies, athletic abilities, family, birthing hips, etc.

Are the girls in the libraries of UChicago really that unattractive? Wanna come visit me and scout them out?

You probably explained it somewhere but I can't be bothered to find it, but can you explain where you see yourself in ten years? Details regarding your occupation, hobbies, family, location, housing, etc would be appreciated.

/me pet Noelle
Why do you have sex with cats?
Who is your favorite porn star?
Favorite sex toy?
Why don't you tell people your real name willingly?
you posted earlier that you like indie pop stuff, but also classical music and you have an infamous love of avril lavigne. where did you get your musical tastes from?
Do you think that some of the current OU Council members were only chosen because they are Super Mods / Admins?

If the above answer is yes, then which members do you feel should not be on the council?

Do you think that someone who has voted once as part of a council has contributed more to tiering than someone who has 4-7 Suspect votes?

Do you and your friends ever get tired harping these "points" repeatedly?
I'm bored, so I thought about things that I think say a lot about people and came up with some questions to ask you.

Do you have many great regrets in your life / are you the type to regret the past?

There are a good number of things that I wish I did differently in life. I think it’s healthy to recognize your own past mistakes; if a person doesn’t, it probably means they are too cocky to think poor of themselves or too egotistical to analyze their own choices. I would say that I do have regrets, but I don’t see the point in dwelling on them too much. Every so often I hear the question “if you could go back in time and tell your past self X things, what would they be?” or “if you could go back in time to X year with all your current memories intact, would you?” and I think the idea behind these questions is how I approach my “regrets”. These questions focus on giving you the ability to take action and change your life based on what you think you did incorrectly in the past. When I think about my regrets, yeah I get a little sad that I didn’t do things right the first time around, but more importantly, I see areas for doing things differently in the present.

Which do you think is more important when they conflict: honesty or loyalty?
I think honesty is more important, which is difficult for me when friends ask me to lie for them. I don’t mind when people ask me to lie, but I think it’s an unfair imposition on our friendship to expect me to compromise my values for them. Most of the time, I’ll ask them to pare down the lie into something that is technically true and still supports whatever story they’re trying to sell. It does depend a lot on the context of the lie and the nature of my relationship to the person though.

Would you say that you are a person of integrity? Do you strive to be? Do you admire people who are?
I’d like to say that I am. I do recognize and feel a little spark of happiness when someone acts in a way that shows they have integrity. I wouldn’t say that I admire it, however, since I think it’s a basic human responsibility to adhere to a certain level of ethical behavior. The way I see it is that person-to-person communication is one of the basic building blocks of the world. If people can’t take you at your word when it matters, we’ve got a problem. Of course I’m not so idealistic as to think that everyone has integrity. Somehow we’ve created workarounds to the fact that a lot of people are assholes or douchebags, but I wish it didn’t have to be that way.

Do you have any great ideals about love? Romantic love primarily.
I used to be a pretty hopeless romantic in high school but not so much nowadays. There wasn’t really any single big event that changed that, just a bunch of little things. I still believe in the concept of romantic love but not so much in the fairy tale; instead I feel that it should be grounded in everyday compatibility factors. Maybe it's possible to grow to love someone in the way described by most “romantics” (irrational, acute longing, “love you so much it hurts”, “feels like walking on air”, etc) but it’s definitely not how it should start out. Maybe that’s just the romantic in me speaking. Hopefully this made a little sense at least, usually when I think about this subject I don’t actually use any words, just vague feelings.

When were you a Mod?

For most of 2010 I think, not really sure. I did most of my moderating work for C&C during the summer of 2010.

Also do you know of me? If so, how?

What do you like most in your life?

Recently I’ve been appreciating the small things in life a lot more… sitting in a park with a friend, a picnic on the point, even just nice weather and sunshine after a long day.

What do you dislike most in your life?
I dislike the uncertainty. I wish there was a travel guide to life, something that tells me how my life will look in the future based off the choices I make now. It’s a scary thought that for every decision that I make about my future, there is a future-me out there that will never exist.

What do you like most about Smogon?
I like the IRC community the best. I’ve gotten to know some people pretty well which is rather impressive on an impersonal group chat medium like IRC. Without IRC I don’t even know how much I would’ve gotten into Smogon in the first place, and it’s definitely the reason why I keep coming back to the site every so often when real life quiets down.

What do you dislike most about Smogon?
I was going to say that it’s the drama… but then I realized that a lot of the drama is actually hilarious and keeps stuff interesting (sorry supermods/admins). I guess I’m not a fan of the cronyism and at-times stagnant leadership of parts of Smogon. I feel that some projects/portions of the site are led by people who were picked because they were convenient, not because they were the best for the job. Also, I don’t know much about how the BW council positions work through my own voluntary ignorance, but the idea of handpicking a small group of users to be solely responsible for tiering decisions disturbs me. Note that I’m not saying that the current council members were picked just because of their friends. I’m saying that the idea of an elite and inherently closed group seems wrong.

Do you think that some of the current OU Council members were only chosen because they are Super Mods / Admins?
Keep in mind that I barely know anything about the current tiering process because I don’t care about it. I think it was a non-insignificant part of the decision, but that’s not automatically a bad thing. Super Mods and Admins have demonstrated dedication to the site and leadership capability, which are two very important qualities in council members. They are also known quantities and popular users, so it’s not likely that one of them will go off the deep end and mess everything up; this makes them uncontroversial and safe choices. And really, once you have those qualities, all you need are battling experience and a dedication to improving the tier, which are not very difficult to find.

If the above answer is yes, then which members do you feel should not be on the council?
If there is any council member who no longer has the time or motivation to ladder/play and discuss the tier, he should remove himself from the council. I think Phil had the right idea when he stepped down from his responsibilities after he realized he was too busy with his badass real life job.

Do you think that someone who has voted once as part of a council has contributed more to tiering than someone who has 4-7 Suspect votes?
It depends a bit on their role within the council (as I said I have no idea how they work) but if it's anything like the late DPP/HGSS council equivalent, the last time I checked, 1 is less than 4 which is less than 7.

Top five favourite Pokemon to use in DPP OU?
Rotom-W: relatively vanilla Pokemon but checks a lot of stuff, fits on almost every team, good pivot.
Dragonite: DD is an absurdly threatening late-game sweeper.
Aerodactyl: good offensive check to a lot of threats, “woops I just swept by accident” Pokemon.
Zapdos: obnoxious with SubToxic, nukes stuff with Specs.
Heatran: fits on every team, probably the best overall typing in OU.

Your thoughts on the user known as Earthworm (in eight words or more)?
In exactly eight words: an excellent troll who happens to play Pokemon.

What is your favourite Ciele name out of the many that are used?
Ciele is the best since no imitation can hope to match up to the original =). My second favorite is Cielery, since celery is fresh and crispy.

favorite dpp uu team i used

I don’t have any logs of you playing UU… and I don’t remember any of your teams that well. I think you used an Articuno team at one point? If so, that is the winner.

favorite dpp uu team you used
Yanmega (F) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 4 Def/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Air Slash
- Bug Buzz
- U-turn
- Ancientpower
Relicanth (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Head Smash
- Rock Polish
- Stealth Rock
- Waterfall
Azumarill (F) @ Choice Band
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 164 HP/252 Atk/92 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Aqua Jet
- Waterfall
- Double-edge
- Ice Punch
Donphan (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 52 HP/252 Atk/184 Def/20 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Assurance
- Earthquake
- Ice Shard
- Rapid Spin
Honchkrow (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Insomnia
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Pursuit
- Sucker Punch
- Superpower
- Drill Peck
Roserade (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Sludge Bomb
- Synthesis
- Sleep Powder
- Leaf Storm

what do you think of me
One of my first IRC friends :toast:, has his head in the right place, apparently good at Pokemon too…

is the best emot :toast:

what do you get out of coming on smogon? how has this changed from the time you joined?

When I first joined I was bored during break and wanted to try something new. Now I’m bored during break and want to revisit old friends. In the middle when I actually cared about the site I wanted to make everything higher quality and more accessible to people who wanted to learn about Pokemon--so I wrote analyses, grammar checked, worked on QC, and tutored.

describe your ideal woman, both aesthetically and personality-wise

Personality-wise she has to be reasonably intelligent, but preferably smart enough to make me feel dumb (but not all the time, who wants to feel dumb all the time). Not self-centered, motivated, and self-confident. The rest comes down to how compatible we are.

do you prefer white or asian girls in general, please explain the psychology behind this
White girls. Most likely explanation is that most Asian girls are interested in Asian things (anime, dress, food, culture) but I don’t care for those. It’s also possible that I’m just used to white girls because I was born & raised here? That is a pretty weak theory though since I grew up in a suburb with a decent Asian population and I know Asian guys who like Asian girls.

what does it take for someone to be "cool" on smogon? ie some people are cool despite sucking at pokemon (you), some people are uncool despite being good (kevin g), and some are uncool because they're not good (haunter). explain this dynamic.
There is a chance your judgment about who is or isn’t cool is a little biased =). But to answer the question, it’s probably partially a bandwagon effect. I bet half the people who are listed as friends with Bloo or jumpluff friended them because they are famous users. How many people who hate KG have had a full conversation with him? Most people who are disliked by one clique or another are disliked for specific behavior. If they care that much about what people think about them it’s possible to change.

what's your opinion on the hookup culture both in college and in younger people's lives? would it be satisfactory for someone who is recovery from emotional trauma of being cockslammed by a dirty mexican?
I think it’s just a vocal minority pervading popular culture. Don’t really have a problem with it though, people do it because it makes them happy. If you think it might be your thing, sure, whatever makes you happy.

what's your opinion on lab research? i spent past 2 summers working in a cell bio lab and it just seemed like papers and stuff were so incremental and small in the grand scope of things that i could never bring myself to work with something like that...
Working in a biochemistry lab is the reason I decided there is no way I’m going to go to any school just to get a PhD. This is my uninformed, not-even-done-with-undergrad impression of getting a PhD: you realize you don’t know what you want to do for a living when you graduate so you go to grad school. After taking a couple of classes and writing a thesis proposal, you hope to god over the next three years that you didn’t pick a bum topic destined to go nowhere. On that off chance that you did pick the bum topic and are completely boned, you have a year or two to throw something together with your backup proposal in time to get your degree, thoroughly disillusioned with the PhD process. Did I mention that none of your experiments ever work? Unfortunately I think a lot of industry jobs are searching for a PhD, and the abysmal academic job market means an enormous free supply of overqualified PhD holders…

That said: I admire people who have the drive to submit themselves to six years of hell in the name of advancing human understanding. I’d also like to be able to do that, but the cost/benefit analysis of grad school (especially future employment) just doesn’t appeal enough to me. This is pretty funny too:

However, working in a lab in college is definitely something you should do if you are interested in science. First off it teaches you to be responsible for your own experiments, and gives you pretty valuable professional experience. More importantly, it teaches you to think like a scientist in approaching problems and thinking about how to test for solutions. That’s the kind of thing that you can use for the rest of your life.

your opinion on alcohol, marijuana, and other assorted drugs
I don’t do them except for a little alcohol for social events. I just don’t feel like losing control of my mind & don’t feel they are necessary to be happy although I can certainly understand the appeal. I don’t mind other people doing them as long as they are not obnoxious and self-important about it. One of my friends went a little over the line with asking me to do weed with him and we are almost not friends anymore.

what kind of parent do you hope to be
Supportive and open-minded. Haven’t really thought about this too much for obvious reasons, but I really appreciated those traits in my own parents and I know some of my friends weren’t as lucky.

how open are you irl about pkmn/smogon
When Pokemon comes up in conversation (surprisingly often in college) I’ll join in; if battling is mentioned I’ll say that I’ve played before. It’s not a secret but it’s not something that I like to spread around either. A few people who are not members of Smogon know about it and know that I’m on it.

best movie
500 Days of Summer.

what race is the most attractive (african, caucasian, etc)

Caucasian, slightly elaborated upon above…

How did you achieve your first and only tournament win? Why didn't you play for Central afterwards?

Had a few good team matchups, played decently well. I didn’t play for Central because I felt no attachment to the team, which would be the only way I’d ever play in a team tournament. If I’m thinking of the right WCoP, joshe was also being ridiculously annoying in #central and he was the reason I stopped joining the channel early on during sign-ups.

Why doesn't Elena love me?
I have it on good authority that she is heads-over-heels for an Asian swimmer who is built like a Machop.

What is your opinion on gender dynamics both on a microsociological and a macrosociological level? Do you think feminists are fighting for power that women already yield?
I’m gonna be honest here: I don’t know anything about feminism and I won’t pretend to. I have Facebook friends who regularly get into debates and the only thing that I learn from their debates is that I know nothing. I thought about looking up feminism on Google so I could sound smart here but then I decided that’s pointless. Anyways, in my day-to-day interactions with people I don’t really notice anything but this is the sort of thing that I suspect you won’t catch unless it’s blatant or you’re consciously looking for it. On a societal scale I definitely think there is something there that should be resolved, but I don’t know how much of that effect can be attributed to genetics or other such factors (I suspect not much).

An unfortunate association I have with feminism is that some “feminists” like to pick arguments needlessly over anything and everything. This is not an attack on feminism as a whole but rather a commentary on the behavior of some individuals that associate themselves with the movement. The same thing happens with self-important atheists (I am an atheist, albeit agnostic) who love to attack organized religion and religious people. It’s unfortunate because these people are the vocal minority, especially for people like me who are not particularly well-versed in the relevant literature.

Is there an experience in your life that fully confirmed for you your gender and/or sexuality, and if so, what was it?
No… I just like girls and don’t feel like a girl myself.

Would you rather live a happy, ignorant life or a melancholy, aware life? If you could give yourself a certain level of ignorance/awareness, how "aware" would you make yourself?
This is kind of related to Ciele’s question about what the most difficult part of my life is. I’ve stated half-joking before that sometimes I wish that I was born really dumb so that I wouldn’t have difficult decisions to make. When push comes to shove, though, I’d give myself the same level of awareness that I have now. I hate finding out that I’m ignorant or mistaken about something that I care about, and I can’t imagine how that would feel like on a daily basis. Learning & discovering new connections is too important to me. Essentially, I don’t think I could be ignorant and happy, I think I would just be ignorant and sad.

Name the five common grammatical errors that annoy you the most.
I bet I missed at least one of each of these in this post...

1. Misplaced modifiers
2. Subject-verb agreement
3. Essential vs non-essential clauses
4. Joint vs individual possession
5. It’s vs its, effect vs affect, further vs farther, etc

Name your top 5 fetishes.
I don’t think I have any… if you name yours I can rank them though.

what do you think of me n_n. I'm so vain n_n

Well I don’t know you too well, all I know is that you seem like a pretty well-adjusted guy. Also you are Australian and like the xx so that is a couple of bonus points…

Do you feel as if you were pressured to pursue a career in the medical field by your parents and/or upbringing and/or ethnicity?

Surprisingly, none at all. Both of my parents are relatively laid-back, and neither of them work in the medical field. I do feel some parental pressure to go into a “worthy” job, but the list of jobs that satisfies that is long and that’s mainly due to my grades / test scores / academic “success”. I’m not worried that they will be unhappy with any job that I choose because I know I wouldn’t be happy doing any of the jobs that they disapprove of. I do feel some pressure from my science-minded friends, since most of them have taken the GRE/MCAT, plan on going to grad school/medical school, and have some (partially joking) contempt for finance sell-outs. It’s not explicit pressure though, just that I see all of them doing it so I sort of feel like I should as well--it feels like the path you’re “supposed” to take.

Favourite users to play in DPP OU?
Ciele, Heist, Folgorio, Eo, Scofield, Iconic, Earthworm, The_Chaser.

Do you think you'll ever play BW OU? Why do you dislike it so much / feel no inclination to play it?
While I am primarily an offensive player, I realized that I think like a defensive player. It bothers me that it feels impossible to have an answer to all the threats in the metagame because there is a wide range of ridiculous crap that you can pull. Part of this is because the first and last time I tried to actually learn BW OU was when Dory + Blaziken + Thundurus + Garchomp + friends were unbanned. Beyond my dislike of the tier, I don’t see a point in learning how to play. I don’t care about playing in tournaments but I understand the tier well enough to watch and enjoy tournament battles. People play enough DPP these days, and if I’m really desperate, I’ve played a few games of BW OU with people just for fun.

Once school begins do your foresee yourself coming on Smogon at all?
Probably not much since it’s my final year and I’ve got to do applications/MCAT study/schedule makes me sad. I plan on being back for most of SPL in some form, though.

Who is your ideal female partner? Please go into detail regarding race, appearance, height, intelligence, job, hobbies, athletic abilities, family, birthing hips, etc.
Preferably “insanely beautiful white girls”, optionally half-Asian. Height is largely a non-issue but if we’re being picky let’s say somewhere between 5’6” and 6’0”. Intelligence is really the only deal breaker on this list… if she is too dumb it’s not going to work. Job doesn’t matter, but hopefully she is doing something she is passionate about! Shared hobbies/sports, nice birthing hips, and desire to elope are bonus points but not particularly important.

Are the girls in the libraries of UChicago really that unattractive? Wanna come visit me and scout them out?
Nope! I think a lot of the sorority girls like to work together at the library (or pretend they are working while not doing much at all, which is the case for everyone who goes to the library with friends). Maybe I’m just accustomed to wearing UChi-goggles, who knows. I think the stories/rumors about UC girls are largely untrue though.

You probably explained it somewhere but I can't be bothered to find it, but can you explain where you see yourself in ten years? Details regarding your occupation, hobbies, family, location, housing, etc would be appreciated.
Hopefully married, children optional, living in a modest apartment in the middle of a big city on the West coast or NYC, hobbies include learning to drive a flying car. I suppose with my current plan I’d be just finished with my residency/starting a fellowship. Entertaining the idea of joining the Navy Medical Corps. Alternately working for an engineering firm of some sort or making the big bucks selling my soul on Wall Street. The important part is that in ten years I hope to have all my shit together and organized, pointing in the direction of the rest of my life.

/me pet Noelle

Why do you have sex with cats?

See above link.

Who is your favorite porn star?

Favorite sex toy?
Your parents would be ashamed of you… you will receive the same answer as Eo did for his fetish question.

Why don't you tell people your real name willingly?
Answered before, but put simply there is no benefit and only a chance that people will be annoying (see: Eo’s/Folgorio’s name). Also I don’t want people to spam my Facebook.

you posted earlier that you like indie pop stuff, but also classical music and you have an infamous love of avril lavigne. where did you get your musical tastes from?

Most of the classical music that I like are songs that I’ve played; I actually have very shallow exposure to non-violin classical music. I listen to solo piano radio while studying and the simple reason is that I find it very relaxing. The indie pop/alternative rock stuff I originally got from Pandora and since then it’s expanded through RL friends and more recently recommendations by people here. I used to listen to Avril Lavigne exclusively in 6th grade so I thought it would be fun to go through her songs a few days ago and tell everyone about it… I don’t like her that much, but I definitely don’t mind listening.

Do you and your friends ever get tired harping these "points" repeatedly?

Snippy little shits =\.
Have you given any thought as to what type of doctor you'd like to be?

What prompted the switch from bio/econ to chem/math?

What is your favorite class you have ever taken at U Chicago and why?

What Pokemon do you think most accurately represents your personality?

Who are you voting for come November 2012?

What is the stupidest thing you've ever done in your life?
Can I post more than once? x) Sorry in advance if anything below was already asked >.>

Does this well end first or your birthday come first?

Happiest and saddest moment in life?

Why do you like to use mibbit smileys for avy

Favorite Pokemon set?

Best whistle?

Thanks ^_^
Have you given any thought as to what type of doctor you'd like to be?

Not too much, first I want to be sure that I actually want to be a doctor… pretty sure I don’t want to do surgery or family practice though. Emergency medicine is interesting but I suspect in the long term I’ll end up in some specialty of internal medicine.

What prompted the switch from bio/econ to chem/math?
When I had to declare near the end of my second year I’d just finished taking a bunch of biology courses and some economics as well, so I just told my advisor to put those down. After taking a few more biology classes I felt like I was wasting my time because (1) they weren’t blow-off classes but I didn’t have to work very hard (2) a lot of the classes are redundant with medical school. At the same time I really enjoyed organic chemistry and I decided that I’m almost certainly not going to grad school for chemistry, so anything I take in undergrad is probably the last chance I get to learn it. So that was that. As for economics to math, I planned on taking two quarters of analysis to satisfy the economics requirement (instead of linear algebra/multivariable) and being done with math forever. Unfortunately I realized that even though I really hate doing proofs, nothing can really match the thrill that comes with successfully solving a bunch of math problems. This probably sounds cliché but I think math classes teach you to think in a different way, and I decided I’d much rather spend the next two years being miserable and getting smarter, than enjoy them a tiny bit more but miss out on something important. The math program here has an option to specialize in economics so basically I just swapped a few economics electives for a few math electives, not a very big deal course wise. Same deal with chemistry electives vs biology electives.

What is your favorite class you have ever taken at U Chicago and why?
Organic chemistry by far… it was basically the perfect class as far as I’m concerned. I love learning about why and how things work without any care for practical applications, so I loved learning reaction mechanisms, reactivity, electronic structure, etc, and all the exceptions to the rules as well. Most people consider the class pure memorization but you can “derive” (used very loosely) a lot of the principles from a few basic chemistry axioms. As for memorizing reagents, if you know the reaction mechanism, a lot of times that’s enough of a hint to guess the nature of the reagent, and from there I usually didn’t really have trouble just filling in the blanks instinctively. I guess it helps a lot that my brain seems to naturally think in terms of spatial models and images, no matter what the subject matter. Also, my professor loved teaching and heavily customized his syllabus from the department standard, so going to lectures was always a pleasure. I remember missing class once and being really sad, not because I was concerned about missing material (which is usually why I don’t like missing class), but because I knew learning from the book and my friend’s notes wouldn’t be nearly as fun.

What Pokemon do you think most accurately represents your personality?
Never really thought about Pokemon personalities before… but these Pokedex entries are pretty accurate if you take away some of the mystery solving and a lot of the intellect (apparently Slowking’s intelligence rivals that of the smartest humans).

Ruby/Sapphire: Slowking undertakes research every day in an effort to solve the mysteries of the world. However, this Pokémon apparently forgets everything it has learned if the Shellder on its head comes off.

HeartGold: It has incredible intellect and intuition. Whatever the situation, it remains calm and collected.

Who are you voting for come November 2012?
Obama. I used to read about politics a lot but then I opened my eyes so now I don’t really care anymore…

What is the stupidest thing you've ever done in your life?
Freshman year, after a good first set of midterms, I decided I didn’t need to do homework or go to lectures anymore. That didn’t work out too well for my GPA or mental health but it’s all good now!

Does this well end first or your birthday come first?

Maybe my well ends when the next well starts? I’m not really sure how it works. It seems to be winding down though.

Happiest and saddest moment in life?
I don’t have any defining moments like that. I think it is the exception to the rule when someone is lucky or unlucky enough to have a moment that they can call their happiest or saddest. As I mentioned in my response to Ciele, I find happiness in seemingly “everyday” events rather than some elusive future.

Why do you like to use mibbit smileys for avy
This is the only emoticon I’ve ever used as an avatar (I had a low quality version as a previous avatar). It just looks really awesome especially when you drop it in the middle of an IRC conversation since it’s so goofy.

Favorite Pokemon set?
Yanmega (F) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 4 Def/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Air Slash
- Bug Buzz
- U-turn
- Ancientpower

Best whistle?

Thanks for all the questions everyone!
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