Set Piece Battles - NEW SPB

His Eminence Lord Poppington II

proverb:the fish who eats most dies still too
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Team 1
Weather: Sun
Entry Hazards affecting team: Stealth Rock

@ Light Clay (32% HP)
Timid 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
-Light Screen

@ Custap Berry (48% HP)
Sassy 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
-Gyro Ball
-Rapid Spin
-Stealth Rock
-Toxic Spikes

@ Life Orb (50% HP)
Timid 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Ice Beam
-Aura Sphere
-Calm Mind

Team 2
Weather: Sun
Entry Hazards affecting team: Stealth Rock

@ Choice Scarf (26% HP)
Timid 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Draco Meteor
-Ice Beam
-Fusion Flare
-Dragon Pulse

@ Life Orb (24% HP)
Adamant 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
-Shadow Claw
-Swords Dance

@ Life Orb (22.5% HP)
-Draco Meteor
-Bolt Strike
-Volt Switch

Team 1
Weather: None
Entry hazards affecting team: None


@ Griseous Orb - 4% HP
Naughty 248 Atk / 252 SpA / 8 Spe
- Draco Meteor
- Shadow Sneak
- Dragon Tail
- Outrage


@ Lum Berry - 100% HP
Sassy 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
- Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Volt Switch
- Toxic


@ Life Orb – 84% HP
Air Lock
Mild 40 Atk / 252 SpA / 216 Spe
- Draco Meteor
- Outrage
- Fire Blast
- Dragon Dance


@ Choice Specs – 2% HP
Modest 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
- Water Spout
- Ice Beam
- Thunder
- Surf

Team 2
Entry Hazards affecting team: Stealth Rock


@ Soul Dew – 56% HP
Timid 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Calm Mind
- Dragon Pulse
- Thunder
- Surf


@ Life Orb - 70% HP
Timid 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Psystrike
- Ice Beam
- Aura Sphere
- Calm Mind


@ Lum Berry – 22% HP
Sand Stream
Sassy 252 HP / 76 Atk / 180 SpD
- Crunch
- Stone Edge
- Pursuit
- Fire Blast

Scenario: No current weather. Giratina-O is out vs Latios, Stealth Rock is on your opponent's field. Latios is Calm Mind + Dragon Pulse + Thunder + Surf / Mewtwo is standard LO + CM with Ice Beam, Psystrike, and Aura Sphere / Tyranitar is 0 Speed Lum Berry with Fire Blast / Crunch / Stone Edge / Pursuit

Giratina-O is standard mixed attacker with Draco Meteor + Shadow Sneak + Dragon Tail + Outrage / Rayquaza is mixed DD with Draco / Outrage / Fire Blast / DD / Forretress is Lum Berry with Spikes / Rapid Spin / Volt Switch / Toxic. Kyogre is 0 speed Choice Specs with Max HP Water Spout / Surf / Thunder Ice Beam.

How can team Giratina-O win for certain?

Have fun.
I would switch gira-o out and send out rayquaza. I would allow the latios to KO rayquaza, and then send in forretress. I would set up spikes with forretress. I should only need 2 layers to finish off the rest of the team.
252 SpA Soul Dew Latios Surf vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Forretress: 153-180 (43.22 - 50.84%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
assuming that latios CM's instead of attacking, I could feasibly get 2-3 layers of spikes up. I would allow latios to take out forretress. I would then revenge latios with shadow sneak from giratina-o. I would then allow hazards + shadow sneak to finish off the remainder of his team.

If he were to switch out latios, I would not do anything differently. I would set up spikes on either ttar or mewtwo. The only difference with ttar is that I would send in kyogre to remove sand, then finish the job with gira-o.
Poppy I hadn't forgotten about this I swear I was definitely going to do it! :(

The path to a victory is Giratina-O's Shadow Sneak. It will OHKO Latios, as well as Mewtwo after Stealth Rock. The only threat to it is Tyranitar's sand, so the strategy we execute should be focused on removing sand from the equation. There is no other viable alternative, as Rayquaza has no set-up opportunities.

We should switch to Rayquaza as our first move.
  • If Latios Dragon Pulses, Forretress can be brought in after Rayquaza dies with Sturdy intact and not risk the 2HKO from Surf + Thunder (if Forretress is brought in on the Surf and the opponent is aware that sand is their only means of killing Giratina-O, they will go for the 70% chance to give them the best chance of Tyranitar's survival.)
  • If Latios does anything else, Rayquaza forces it to go for the KO next turn or be killed by Outrage risk Rayquaza setting up Dragon Dance and sweeping. Tyranitar will not come in no matter what due to Stealth Rock, so as long as Forretress's Sturdy is intact the confusion from Outrage is utterly inconsequential.
  • If the opponent switches to Mewtwo, they probably get swept by +1 Outrage. The only reason they might switch to Mewtwo is to go for the Ice Beam freeze on Forretress as it's statistically their best chance to stop Spikes.
  • Tyranitar definitely won't switch in, as it can only switch into Stealth Rock once.
Once Rayquaza is dead, Forretress can be brought in on full HP. It should set Spikes.
  • Latios is inconsequential. Once the Spikes are up, Tyranitar is incapable of setting sand, completing our objective. Cute use of Lum Berry here to ensure we don't get para + full para'd or frozen by Mewtwo's Ice Beam.
  • A switch to Mewtwo accomplishes nothing.
  • If they bring in Tyranitar to set up sand, then our primary goal has been achieved. It can no longer survive a switch into Stealth Rock, and rain will be set by Kyogre. Forretress can just sit there spamming Rapid Spin if we don't know Tyranitar's moveset, or Volt Switch if we do. Either by death or by Volt Switch, Kyogre becomes our switch-in. With sand now permanetly removed, it can spam Surf or Ice Beam or Thunder or whatever until it's dead, it really doesn't matter.
Once sand is no longer a factor, Giratina-O cleans up.
Okay, so I need to keep Giratina so that I can Shadow Sneak Mewtwo and Latios. However, with Tyranitar around he can be revenge killed by Sandstorm. Luckily, Tyranitar is weakened so if I get hazards up I can take it out before it becomes a threat. Ray is to slow too sweep and can't set up a DD anywhere so he is death fodder. I need to get Forry in so I can start setting up Spikes.

Turn 1: Switch to Ray

Okay now Latios could have either weakened Ray with Thunder or Surf, OHKO with Dpulse or set up with CM. If Ray is still alive Latios will need to kill me or risk being swept. Just in case I'm playing a stupid OP, I'll go ahead and DD so I can get a sweep in. Most likely Ray will be dead at the end of the turn so I'll take advantage of that to bring in a full health Forry and set up Spikes.

Turn 2: Ray dies while DDing I bring in Forry.

Worst case scenario, Latios is at +1/+1. Either way, Forry's Sturdy makes sure I get Spikes up so lets do that.

Turn 3: Forry spikes

Either Latios does something stupid and lets me set up another turn of Spikes or it does the smart thing and Surfs. Either way, I'm going to try to Spike again in case it does something stupid.

Turn 4: Forry dies while trying to Spike again.

Wait..... Tyranitar has a SR resist. That means I need to force it in at least once on SR before it dies to SR + Spikes otherwise it will just scrap itself on my Shadow Sneak and bring Tina with it. There is nothing that forces Tyranitar in as Latios has no reason to want to switch out as it can only die to Tina's Sneak. I'm not seeing how to beat this...
Turn 1: Giratina-O (4%) vs. Latios (56%). Move: Switch to Rayquaza. The most probable (by a longshot) move of the opponent on Turn 1 is to use Dagon Pulse to OHKO Rayquaza. You then bring in Forretress off of the KO.

Turn 2: Forretress (100%) vs. Latios (56%). Move: Use Spikes. The opponent will almost guaranteedly make one of three moves:

  1. Use Surf. There's a slim chance that Surf will 2HKO, but it's irrelevant. You have the Spikes up that you need. If it doesn't 2HKO, you need to burn a turn with Forretress out; setting up more Spikes is pointless (no pun intended) because Giratina-O can OHKO Mewtwo and Latios with ease now that Tyranitar is dead weight.
  2. Use Calm Mind. For the reasons stated above, let em' set up. It doesn't really matter how many boosts they get, because as soon as they decide to KO Forretress Giratina-O can pick them off with Shadow Sneak.
  3. Switch to Tyranitar to get sand up. Gyro Ball as they attack with Fire Blast, then sack Forretress against the next thing they bring in. This enables you to switch in Kyogre with impunity, allowing you to change the weather back to rain.
Turns 3 and onward: Follow the instructions pertaining to each scenario in turn 2. Once you have Stealth Rock and Spikes up (assuming you have control of the weather), Giratina-O can be brought in off of either Kyogre's or Forretress's death to KO Mewtwo and Latias with Shadow Sneak; because you have enough hazards to deal 25% to Tyranitar upon switching in, your opponent can no longer change the weather.
just to note unless someone used sunny day or another manual weather move then stalled for 5 turns, having no weather up at this point in the match would be impossible.
^ Good point Syrim. Even better retort.

Anyways, I know I've already posted my solution but I have a question; is this thread going to be used for multiple set piece challenges and if so, how often will they be posted?
I would:
1. Switch to Rayquaza, sac it to Latios or Mewtwo
2. Send in Forretress w/Sturdy, I can get at least one layer of spikes. All pokemon die to shadow sneak after SR+Spikes and T-tar can't change the weather since it dies to SR+Spikes.
3. Attempt to volt switch after 1 layer. Send in Kyogre to stop sand (if necessary) or just send in Giratina-o and clean with shadow sneak. When Kyogre dies, send in Giratina-o.
New SPB! How can Team 1 win, guaranteed?

Team 1
Weather: Sun
Entry Hazards affecting team: Stealth Rock

@ Light Clay (32% HP) **IS OUT**
Timid 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
-Light Screen

@ Custap Berry (48% HP)
Sassy 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
-Gyro Ball
-Rapid Spin
-Stealth Rock
-Toxic Spikes

@ Life Orb (50% HP)
Timid 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Ice Beam
-Aura Sphere
-Calm Mind

Team 2
Weather: Sun
Entry Hazards affecting team: Stealth Rock

@ Choice Scarf (26% HP) **IS OUT**
Timid 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Draco Meteor
-Ice Beam
-Fusion Flare
-Dragon Pulse

@ Life Orb (24% HP)
Adamant 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
-Shadow Claw
-Swords Dance

@ Life Orb (22.5% HP)
Naughty 136 Atk / 252 SpA / 120 Spe
-Draco Meteor
-Bolt Strike
-Volt Switch
Zekrom is missing its EV spread, by the way.

Team 2 only has to spam Fusion Flare since it OHKOes every member of Team 1. If Team 1 sets up spikes instead of LS, then the entirety of T2 will die to hazards (and LO recoil in the case of arceus) but then you'd have no way to force Kyu-W out.

The only thing that can kill Kyw-W is Mewtwo behind a Light Screen, but if Kyu-W stays in and attacks, Mewtwo will die to LO recoil and there's no way Foretress can take both Zekrom and Arceus alone.

Pretty tough nut to crack, IMO. I don't see how T1 can possibly win aside from a big fuck up on T2's side.
Guys, please submit any of your thoughts and solutions in
tags to not ruin the challenge for others!
Let's see if this is correct:

Deoxys is faster than Scarf KyuW, so it gets to spike on turn one. Once spikes are down, SR+spikes will instantly KO everything Team 2 has upon switching in (KyuW takes 37,5% due to SR weak, others 25%). In addition, if the opponent switches in Zekrom or Arceus, they will be left with less than 20% after SR, so their own life orb will KO them before they get 3 KOs. So the only relevant case is that KyuW stays in.

Fusion flare, however, OHKOes everything on Team 1, so T1 has to:
- Sac Deoxys-S. This probably happens on the spiking turn.
- Bring Forry in on the KO, taking 12,5% from SR.
- Switch to Mewtwo and sac it.
- Bring Forry back in on the KO to take 12,5% from SR
- Now Forry is at around 23%, so Custap activates and you can SE Gyro Ball for the KO.
Set up Spikes with Deoxys-S, and surrender the game. You will 'definitely' lose anyway lol. At least you know the rest are dead. Even with Light Screen, everyone dies to Fusion Flare lol. Just admit defeat, the end.

I am dumb and I am not sharing. Man Furry sucks for editing my post.
Let's see if this is correct:

Deoxys is faster than Scarf KyuW, so it gets to spike on turn one. Once spikes are down, SR+spikes will instantly KO everything Team 2 has upon switching in (KyuW takes 37,5% due to SR weak, others 25%). In addition, if the opponent switches in Zekrom or Arceus, they will be left with less than 20% after SR, so their own life orb will KO them before they get 3 KOs. So the only relevant case is that KyuW stays in.

Fusion flare, however, OHKOes everything on Team 1, so T1 has to:
- Sac Deoxys-S. This probably happens on the spiking turn.
- Bring Forry in on the KO, taking 12,5% from SR.
- Switch to Mewtwo and sac it.
- Bring Forry back in on the KO to take 12,5% from SR
- Now Forry is at around 23%, so Custap activates and you can SE Gyro Ball for the KO.

This is right.
It's still Team 1 that has to win right?
With SR + Spikes done nothing on Team 2 can switch in without fainting so that is definitely the move to make. Depending on the Pokemon chosen by Team 2 to be kept alive by bringing it in before Spikes (or keeping in Kyruem) Mewtwo or Forry (Forry tanks Choice locked dragon attacks) can revenge kill while Deo makes sure that a EKiller switch in doesn't set up a sweep by taunting it before it can SD.
Poppy, out of curiosity, how do you come up with these?

do you have matches similar to this, or do you make them up knowing that there is generally only one chance one of the teams can win? just curious, hopefully you can explain.
Deoxys-S outspeeds Kyurem-W and sets up spikes. Now if any of Player 2's Pokemon hits the battlefield, they die instantly, meaning Player 2's will only be able to attack with one Pokémon. If Kyurem-W stays in and kills Deoxys-S, go to Forretress. Immediately double switch and sac Mewtwo. Bring in Forretress, activating Custap Berry upon second exposure to Stealth Rock. Gyro Ball Kyurem-W for the win. If Player 2 switches out, neither Arceus nor Zekrom has enough juice to take out three pokes with the Life Orb.
Poppy, out of curiosity, how do you come up with these?

do you have matches similar to this, or do you make them up knowing that there is generally only one chance one of the teams can win? just curious, hopefully you can explain.

think up of them off the top off my head. i manufacture the win condition then build up from there. fyi tobes' one is based off of my idea =]