Haters Gonna Hate


You'll always be a part of me
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I originally had this idea sometime last year and wanted to make this thread then. It was a day filled with HATRED and i had HATE boiling in my heart. haha, ok the part about hatred and my heart i just made up for added effect. But this thread is about hate, yes, and even more than that, its a thread that really should be nothing more than a testament to the people behind some of the greatest characters we have ever had the pleasure of knowing.

This thread really should be nothing more than a fun activity that i hope many will take part of. Also its an activity that should provide fascinating results (i hope) and i for one cannot wait to see some of the people you guys pick for this and read all about it.

Ok. Whether from a book, a comic book, TV show, movie, cartoon, video games, etc, we all have come across many characters that we came to hate, and among them all there's that one character that stands out from the rest. There is one character that each person hates so much that were i to even use the phrase "Hate with the passion and intensity of a thousands suns", it would not come close to doing your hate for said character justice. This thread is about that character. You can view this thread as

-a tribute to that character
-a place to let your hate out
-If you have a little time to kill, a place to read about some of your favorite users most hated characters and why. it might even give insight to people's childhoods or just who they are in general. fascinating right?
-a place to discover common interests between you and someone you never would have guessed
-a tribute to the Author, person or actor behind such a character because they have to be damn good to evoke such emotion and such a response from you.

SIMPLY PUT: I want you to think back and remember your most hated character. a character you hated so much that he/she/it stood out from all the rest. you never even thought you could get so emotionally invested or that it was possible to hate someone so much. Then i want you to make a post revealing this character to the world and tell us why. why just the mere mention of the name of this character gets the hatred boiling in your blood, your heart and your very soul. Also if someone picks a character that hits home or a character that you personally love, feel free to inquire. gets conversations going and all that

FORBIDDEN: I rarely ever have rules to threads i make, but to keep this interesting i will have JUST 1 RULE:
You cannot pick a character from something that ties to the real world because its infinitely easier to hate and find someone you hate when real life is added to the picture. So pretty much you cannot pick someone from things like sports, reality TV shows, etc



Dolores fucking Umbridge. ugh, i have to take a moment to compose myself thats how much i fucking hate THAT BITCH. You know how much i hate her? i hate her so much that i added that second picture so i could just say the following:
Look at that face, so sweet, awww. i fucking want to punch the wall, make a hole and then FUCKING PUKE IN IT. You know i feel sorry for the actress that played dolores umbridge because now i will forever hate her. i have put a face to the character and its unfortunately hers. Like, she can go on to play some of the most beloved and even heroic characters the world will ever know, and i will still fucking hate her. yes that is how much hate i have for dolores umbridge

Background/reason why:
i am a huge fan of the Harry Potter series and i'm sure many of you have read the books at least even if you are not as big a fan. Even after all these years i still hate that woman with such passion, ugh. Good authors have the power to make us feel certain things. They make us fall in love with the 'good guy,' and hate the 'bad guy,' and she was the big bad guy of that specific book. I will go one step further and say that i hated her more than the big bad guy of ALL the books. hell, i hated her so much that i would take voldemort, rita skeeter AND bellatrix lestrange, the killer of one of my favorite and most beloved characters, over dolores umbridge. and by this i mean like take them out to dinner or some activity or just hang with them.

The interesting thing too is that Her biggest crime in the eyes of those with such hate for her is that she was mean to harry, mean to the students, mean to the staff, just mean to the damn school itself. But really when you break it down, she was just trying to do what she thought was best and right in a world that was quickly crumbling with danger growing rapidly. compared to the other 3 names i listed saying i would choose them over her, she really did nothing wrong. So you know her role and her character had to be written so well and so exceptional/creatively that she just hits just the right buttons for the masses to hate her as much as they did. again, credit really should go out to the author. she did such a fantastic job on the series in general i think. the characters were just written so well you couldn't help but get emotional and attached.


Just realized a lot of my threads are ideas i wanted to make threads over a long time ago but just went "meh".

Anyways, something else that should be interesting to read about: Characters you started out hating but then came to love.

Unfortunately i cannot think of one. i am sure there is at least one, but i cant think of him/her at the moment. so instead you'll have to settle for the best example that comes to mind at the moment.

Barney Stinson, a lengendary character in my heart indeed, But he wasnt always so loved or even payed attention to by my heart.

When i started watching the tv show "How i met your mother", Barney was really just an annoyance. that is how i saw him and he only made things worse for himself, but as time moved on and i continued to watch, something special started happening. Through him being just himself, he didn't have to change much. really there isn't much i can say as to what made me love him so much. i mean, yes, he grew and matured as the show grew as well, but at his core he was always just barney Stinson. The best i could say as to why i love him now is the little things, and there are A LOT of little things when it comes to barney stinson, oh so many :).

i could list them all but it would take awhile, more than a day perhaps. AH fuck it, i'll try to list them all. Smogon my dear, its going to be LEGEN, WAIT FOR IT
haha, oh my GOD cookie please no. how can you even, i dont understand

going to just add that post to my "cookie is clearly just trolling" pile (a funny collection of posts by the way).

now excuse me while i go on youtube and watch some of the amazing singing and dance scenes from that movie
yessss i can vent about tv i'm so excited


i literally have the hugest love/hate relationship with finn hudson he is either an angel or an insufferable twat i get whiplash he is the biggest douche for a hero character i'm so angry just thinking about all the shitty things he's done oh my god


this guy is just a douche honestly he's a drunken mad scientist he is literally just not likeable at all UGH


i used to love blaine in season 2 but then in season 3 and 4 he just became horrible honestly ****SPOILERS**** he cheated on kurt i'm going to throw up i'm so angry just thinking about it what are you doing I CANNOT


I REALLY LIKED BRODY AT FIRST I REALLY DID but then he slept with rachel's teacher and then tried to blame it on rachel and even though he's a general douche he just uses sweet talking to convince her that he's a nice guy i'm furious


i can't believe i hate a female character you can get me to love nearly any female character but there is literally nothing likeable here she slept with rachel's not-boyfriend so she could get back at her for implying that she's washed up and needs to get back in the game IF YOU DONT SEE WHATS WRONG WITH THAT

i'm sorry like 2% of this was actually coherent i'm so sorry
haha, oh my GOD cookie please no. how can you even, i dont understand

going to just add that post to my "cookie is clearly just trolling" pile (a funny collection of posts by the way).

now excuse me while i go on youtube and watch some of the amazing singing and dance scenes from that movie

that penguin was pathetic, the look on its face whenever it fell or got laughed at was one of pure self-pity

Marcia Langman from parks and rec

Fuck I hate this woman everytime she appears on the show I just want to rip my hair out scratch my eyeballs and swallow razorblades. What makes it worse that when Leslie and her get into disagreements or whatever Marcia ALWAYS wins its so frustrating she is dumb and backward and a moron but she wins UGHUGUHUG

God, everyone on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. That's the point of the show, they're all horrible, horrible people so its gratifying and hilarious to see them fail at everything they do.


Cersei: An insufferably smug bitch who needs to get a sword shoved into her face. She kills fuckers because she's a "queen" and can fuck over just about anyone because she's so damn manipulative. Fucks her siblings then tries to cover it up like a bitch, acts like she has a dick and it's disgusting because of how good she is at it, and is so damn manipulative she has managed to become my most hated character in history. She pampers her retard incest child like a God even though he's the most useless piece of shit to ever exist.

And yet the show simply would not be the same without her. Such a bitch but damn she makes things interesting.

Joffrey: The biggest pussy/brat/idiot/pussy EVER. Fuck this kid needs to get killed. Doesn't do shit and walks around like he has the biggest dick in the world, and at the end of the day still runs away from EVERYTHING like the little shit he is. Gets all his power from his mother who is actually intelligent and wastes it sucking himself for no reason. The most useless dude ever. Shit.
Arch have you read the books because cersei is one of my favourite characters. She may be a manipulative selfish incestual bitch but she is so cool at the same time I don't even know why but I just love everything about her she is a strong woman who always lived in the shadow of her father and twin brother. She is so intelligent and scheming she is just cool af and incredibly badass to boot.
Tom Paris takes the cake for me


I don't even know where to begin, this guy is the biggest protagonist dick in Star Trek. He is literally an escaped convict that they just allow on the ship because what the hey, they are in the Deta quadrant! Its not like his personality improves at all in the show, any episode based on his shows him still has a huge dick that pretty much acts only for his interests. He spends his time pulling pranks on crew members, drinking excessively, making chauvinist remarks. Worse yet, everyone loves him for it and they act like he changes, but he hasn't, he is still the same convict, and he is a huge hit with the babes, they act like he is sensitive and charming.

But I could forgive all that, all of it, if he didn't spend his time on the holodeck, a place where you can do literally anything in your imagination: fixing muscle cars that don't exist.
Yes I've read the books. I do not disagree she's a slight genius but I just cannot get past all of her negative attributes. I can see why she sort of has a cult status full of people who adore her character but I just hate her so much.

good LORD she started off as a good character, but then went mega-super-ultra bitch around season 3. like ok i know your husband is making meth but its so you dont get fucked when he dies of cancer you ungrateful bitch. sure, she has a right to be mad but skylar goes out of her goddamn way to make walt's life a living hell (by fucking ted and not even being shameful about it)
yeah but at this point walt has made enough money so that skylar and her child will definitely have enough in the eventuality of his death. remember that scene where she looked at the gigantic fucking stack of money and said something like, "is this enough yet?" it's obviously not supposed to be for her anymore, don't pretend like it is, the show has made it pretty clear that it's an obsession for walt, that its grown out of control and consumed him, that he needs to be dominant. skylar, for all her attitude problems, was just dragged along for the ride. would you like to be literally trapped in a marriage like that?

sorry for being a dick and arguing with someone else's opinion on tv of all things



i FUCKING HATE this guy, nick saverese from the show the good wife. which, incidentally, is an amazing show. he's such a shitty asshole in the show and bothers me so much because he's supposedly this huge danger to his former girlfriend who is totally smart and hot and would not in any reality be scared of him because he's a sneaky beady eyed dumb mean motherfucker and he basically fucked up all of her subplots for like 3 seasons before the writers admitted their mistake and wrote him out

also solace i'm intrigued as to why you watch glee if you hate so many of the chars; i had heard it wasn't really a good show anymore.

oi fucking dawn, in buffy season 5 which was her introduction all she did was bitch and whine. in season 6 when she has no relevance to the plot she bitches and whines and steals for no reason. fuck her

shes not even funny

she is kinda hot now though

arthur mitchell from dexter

just ugh everything about the fucking guy pissed me off. he acts stupid, looks stupid, somehow managed to make the best series on tv boring for a while season. what a gigantic piece of shit. not to mention he killed rita for no fucking reason. shit is fucked, man.
I'll just get my least favorite Sonic character off my chest.


God dammit, I HATE this asshole, Chris and Elise be damned. Ok, so Jet's whole deal is that he's supposed to be the Sonic of the air, and he constantly rubs his ego in Sonic's face about this. Only problem is, he has no wings. The whole aerial-Sonic shtick comes from the fact that he rides a hoverboard to move at high speeds, which is essentially the equivalent of me going up to Usain Bolt and saying "You're the fastest runner in the world? LOL!!!! I can totally beat you in a race! Lemme just get my car first, then I'll show everyone that you're a complete hack!". That's fucking stupid. It also doesn't help that he has no redeeming traits, spends most of his screen time either being a whiny bitch or an unbearable dickhead, and has TWO ear-raping voices. Oh, and you gotta love how Sega's writers handled his backstory. "His ancestors are genies!" *next game comes out* "We lied last time, his ancestors are actually aliens".