My bright idea of a new tier: OU without viable moves

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Forever Grande
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
Are you guys tired of seeing the same old sets and spreads in OU? If a terrakion comes out, you just KNOW that it will close combat. It becomes a bit boring if you play it often.

For all you guys who abandoned OU for being too one-sided, i found a new and fun way to play an OU whilst bieng bored and thinking about how to make OU more lolzy. Have one of these games against your buddy on Pokemon Showdown (this only works if you have access to Showdown and its teambuilder).

This playstyle is only for people who want to try out new and creative sets. The reason why Showdown plays this big role is because the only rule of this playstyle is: You may NOT use ANY moves listed as viable by Pokemon Showdown. This means that, for example, Scizor may not carry Bullet Punch, Jirachi may not carry Wish, Terrakion may not carry Close Combat, etc.

The fun thing about this playstyle is, countless creative and clever sets will be made if people actually started playing this. Maybe it will even lead to making these sets viable. It's also extremely fun way to play, since there is not much prediction and thought process involved.

I can sit here and ramble all day long, but i wont. I made this thread to show you this fun playstyle, and i must also ask you guys something. What do you think this should be called. Cause i'm not that god at naming potential new tiers, and I don't really like the idea of calling it 'Non-viable OU'.

If you have any ideas for new awesome sets, or like this idea, have a replay, some suggestions to a name for this tier, whatever may come to your mind as you read this, feel free to leave them down below. Have a nice day guys, and make sure to try this with a friend/random person :]
I played something similar with a friend once. We told each other which Pokémon we wanted on our teams,then created sets for each other. The only criteria was that we had to choose at least two attacking moves for each Pokémon, and it could hold no detrimental items. I got stuff like Machamp@Watmel Berry with Incinerate, Rest, Snore and Rain Dance, while sending him equally ridiculous stuff back. It's amazing how bad top-tier threats can be when you tailor them for the complete opposite of what they're meant for. You really had to be careful what you asked for, because some Special Pokémon have an amazingly diverse Physical movepool and vice versa. On the other hand, there were the Pokémon with such shallow movepools that one almost had to put something semi-viable on it to fill the criteria.
Mind if I post a Jirachi set for this? I think it might be interesting to show everyone what one can do.
o_O this looks like a really awesome and hilarious idea. I'm going to try to get my friend to play it too.
There are a few issues with using the Viable Moves section as a limit. Some Pokemon's best moves or sets are not under Viable Moves - Forretress would still be allowed to use Gyro Ball, Jirachi could still use Body Slam, Landorus could still use anything that isn't there to abuse Sheer Force (except Rock Slide?), and Keldeo could use whatever it wants since it has no viable moves section. Therefore, I suggest that instead of the Viable Moves section, moves should be banned based on their presence on Smogon's analysis pages.

Either way, this seems like a pretty fun way to play!
There are a few issues with using the Viable Moves section as a limit. Some Pokemon's best moves or sets are not under Viable Moves - Forretress would still be allowed to use Gyro Ball, Jirachi could still use Body Slam, Landorus could still use anything that isn't there to abuse Sheer Force (except Rock Slide?), and Keldeo could use whatever it wants since it has no viable moves section. Therefore, I suggest that instead of the Viable Moves section, moves should be banned based on their presence on Smogon's analysis pages.

Either way, this seems like a pretty fun way to play!
To be fair, a forry that can't spin or set up hazards isn't exactly going to be overpowered whether or not it can Gyro Ball. I'd be more afraid of Sacred Sword Rock Slide Terrakion. Supporters are sort of screwed, while offensive pokemon just have to contend with attacks with slightly lower base power.

In fact, here's my CB Terrakion: Sacred Sword / Rock Slide / X-Scissor / Superpower (or maybe Quick Attack).
well, i made this thread for creative sets, battle replays, and a name for the tier, so sure :)

Thanks. Here it is:

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Charge Beam
- Energy Ball/Flash Cannon/Hidden Power Fire
- Psyshock/Hidden Power Fire
- Draco Meteor

It's a fast special sweeping Jirachi, with its main objective being to set up with a few Charge Beams and sweep the opponent's team, since Charge Beam is guaranteed to give a Sp. Attack boost if it hits thanks to Serene Grace.

If the opponent switches into a ground-type to block the setup, Energy Ball will deal a lot of damage to the threat and can also lower its Sp. Def. This move can be replaced with Flash Cannon though, if you want STAB instead of coverage. For Pokemon with more Special than Physical Bulk that will be sent in to counter this set, Psyshock will deal significantly more damage, especially since it's STAB. Either Energy Ball or Psyshock can be replaced with Hidden Power Fire, to counter Ferrothorn and Forretress.

Last, but not least, Draco Meteor is on this set. It is here to take down D-nite after eliminating its Multiscale with a Charge Beam or 2. Another good selling point for this move is that, on this set, you can recover the stat drops that Draco causes with Charge Beam, assuming it hits.
Zardy is scary
Fire Pledge / Inferno / (Ominous Wind/Ancient Power hax).
and… uhm Aegislash, imo, he should be unbanned because of no access to King's Shield.
Zardy is scary
Fire Pledge / Inferno / (Ominous Wind/Ancient Power hax).
and… uhm Aegislash, imo, he should be unbanned because of no access to King's Shield.
How did you even find this thread, let alone decide it was a good idea to post into an almost 2-year-dead thread? I don't get this, please explain.

And ofc Aegis is probably going to be unbanned if this is remade for gen 6.
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