NU Pokemon of the Week - Golurk

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ium said:
i'm not too big of a fan of a choiced set though

Really, I personally like the choice band set, because if you ever get a Sap Sipper boost, it's a very scary thing to face, especially if it's checks have been eliminated or weakened. Especially +2 Double Edge, +2 Horn Leech is pretty nice too for recovering health. Although many say that Megahorn is a pretty situation move slot. I've found it help me get out of tight spots against Musharna. Since Musharna is dead slow. It puts it in OHKO range for me to finish off. I've never used wild charge on it before but then I rarely ever face Drifblim and whenever I do, I just double switch.

I also notice a lot of people keep tangela in when I switch in Sawbucks for a Sap Sipper boost only to find their Tangela OHKO by a +2 Megahorn. Maybe they're expecting the usual Sword Dance set.

Sawsbuck @ Life Orb
Trait: Sap Sipper
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 HP / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Horn Leech
- Return
- Nature Power

sawsbuck is an fast pokemon that can sweep through unprepared teams with ease. with it being somewhat frail, the ability to gain a free attack boost from switching in on grass moves is quite useful. i use an sd+lo set, which i arguably think is the best set to use with it, due to not being choice locked or weather reliant (it also gets chlorophyll) to be useful. thanks to emboar (which could live unboosted nature power and ko back with stab) absol and cinccino (which revenge kill it) leaving the tier, it has become more viable in nu.
rock smash doesn't provide any additional coverage and you lose out on the ability to absorb grass attacks or boost with swords dance, so i would say that it is not viable. sawsbuck is also not particularly bulky so it doesn't have the time to sit there and break down the opponent slowly.
If Rock Smash was a bit more powerful then maybe but it's still outclassed by Jump Kick especially a SD boosted Jump Kick. There's a reason why the high chance secondary effect attack moves are not very powerful.

Type: Ground/Ghost
Iron Fist/ Klutz/ No Guard (DW)
89HP / 124Atk /80 Def/ 55 SpA / 80 SpD / 55 Spe

Golurk has been a huge force in NU ever since it dropped from RU. The Choice Band set originally ran over the metagame, but as of late the Stealth Rock supporter has gained a lot of usage. It is also one of the better ways to take on Musharna, CB Shadow Punch really hurts it.

So what Golurk sets work? What does Golurk do that nothing else can? How do you beat Golurk?

Discuss; I can't wait to see the discussion that comes out of this!
I've only used the CB set myself, (and when I tried to use it with Scarf for who knows what reason) and it's really strong. Even when facing Golurk I'm cautious because it can do so much damage through a wrong switch. If anything, the low speed is actually a really good thing, meaning that the stronger water types of the tier, such as Samurott and Ludicolo can easily take it down (CB it is) otherwise I think it would be a lot more scary to face. DynamicPunch(/SubPunch?) just seems so much less appealing than CB given CB is much stronger and much useful in most cases based on what I've faced, but at least Alomomola can easily take it, whereas the CB one it isn't as easy to take when SR is up. I do love how Golurk can survive a non-enhanced Sucker Punch from Skuntank and murder it, and that it can take out Mushy in two hits and make it afraid to switch in which is really awesome given it's something Skuntank can't easily do. Using SR is okay from what I've faced, but I just think there's better things suited for the SR role that fit better really (plus I do enjoy Regirock) while Golurk is really at its best with CB imo.
A nice spin-blocker that can also setup Stealth Rocks? That's pretty much all about Golurk, and that's really nice, as you can keep the rocks up without any need of support at all. It can beat Musharna and other threats, and can be an offensive force at the same time. Choice Band is also nice, but far from being unique, but Iron Fist really makes an edge for Golurk on that, and a Choice Bander able to bypass Musharna and Rocks is quite good.

Golurk is a top threat, and I think he's the best Pokémon of NU, as he can archive more than one objetive at the same time and do each one great. No Guard Dynamic Punch, Stone Edge/Rock Tomb are also nice to annoy and scout, anyway. Also, he looks like a mecha, that gives him some cool points, too.

There maybe some some best offensive and support threats like Braviary over there, but no one is so versatile as Golurk is.
although not the best Golurk set, I like using it as a pseudo 4th gen attacking lead Machamp.

Set: attacking lead
Nature: Adamant
Ability: No Guard
item: Leftovers/ lum berry
Evs: 252 Att, 252 Hp 4 Spe
- Stealth Rock
- Dynamic Punch
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge/ Shadow Punch

Although Moldbreaker Sawk can easily dispatch the usual rock type leads with stealth rock. Many players see it coming a mile away and usually won't lead with them or just plain switch out.

This Golurk can play the both the stealth rock preventer and the Stealth rock setter itself. Although you can only prevent stealth rock 50% of the time. Confusion hax usually plays in my favor. You can easily 2HKO Golem and Regirock with Dynamic punch followed by earthquake with a little bit of confusion hax success. You can potentially be in a 5-6 advantage and no rocks on your side of the field.

The last move slot depends what kind of coverage you want Golurk to have. Stone Edge is preferred over Ice Punch because it never misses with no guard but leaves you vulnerable to Tangela but Tangela doesn't like confusion from Dynamic punch either. Shadow Punch also gives you decent coverage but is really only there for Misdrevus and Weakened Musharna. As a predicted Stone edge and easily take out Haunter or Drifblim. Too bad Golurk never got Shadow Sneak...
I think a set utilizing elemental fist and drain punch could work considering the have the equivalent of BP 90 with iron fist

Trait:Iron Fist
Ev:168 Hp/252 Atk/ 88 Spe(to speed creep other golurks)
-Drain Punch
-Ice Punch
-Shadow Punch

Where shadow punch and Drain Punch have great neutral coverage. Ice Punch can hit those grass,dragons, flyings, etc. alot harder than his stab shadow punch can. And earthquake is there if i just want to hit something alot harder than Drain Punch can on Rocks and Steels.

and as kniteowl stated if only he had shadow sneak or sucker punch that would be awsome.
Golurk had a lot of hype around it when it dropped to the depths of NU. While it's usage has constantly been at the top end of the tier, it's proven to be a valuable and enjoyable Pokemon in the metagame rather than a centralizing or overpowering force.

Skuntank is often talked about as a counter for Golurk, but I'd like to bring attention to an underrated Golurk lure.

Mawile @ Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Iron Head
- Fire Fang
- Sucker Punch

You may be thinking, why? Mawile is hardly a counter, but it's the best Golurk lure in existence. In the Cincinno NU metagame, so many teams would pair golurk and the mouse together. Mawile, being a hard counter, would force Cincinno out. Mawile can then Swords Dance as Golurk comes in, and Sucker Punch OHKOs any non-colbur variant.

Mawile still has utility as a lure in this metagame thanks to its ability to stand up to most Normal types (though it can't stay in on Fighting coverage moves). The number of times I've had it KO a Golurk and watched an opponent's offensive core fall apart is staggering.

Unfortunately the new Psychic metagame isn't as kind to Mawile beyond this niche, as her special bulk is awful and Sucker Punch is only going to do damage at +2. She's unfortunately setup bait for Musharna who will either Thunder Wave her or set up, making Sucker Punch a risky, potentially game ending gamble.
golurk is one of the top nu mons for good reason, with excellent coverage, high attack, and 3 immunities. in a psychic-dominated meta, the ghost stab is of great use. iron fist is vastly superior to no guard for 2 main reasons: 1. much of what dynamicpunch hits hard is already hit hard by eq and 2. shadow punch is somewhat weak w/o iron fist due to its low base power. i've used both sr and cb sets, and both i find of good use. the raw power of cb is enough to 2hko momo after sr, which otherwise walls golurk quite well. golurk is easy to check with its plethora of weaknesses and low speed, as ghost/ground isnt a great defensive typing. however, cb golurk has few safe switch-ins, but is fairly easy to beat with proper prediction. thank you molk for your metang spam, otherwise this mon would not have gone nu in july of last year.
Skuntank is often talked about as a counter for Golurk, but I'd like to bring attention to an underrated Golurk lure.

Skuntank isn't a counter, given that EQ always OHKOs it, while unless it has a boosting item it isn't going to OHKO Golurk with Sucker Punch before dying, meaning it's only a check and a risky one at that unless Golurk has prior damage already.
I actually use Air Balloon on my Skuntank to actually be able to switch into predicted Earthquakes. It works pretty well, and then the opponent is face to face with the usual Skunk mind-games: Switch and get KO'ed by Pursuit, or attack and risk a Sucker Punch KO? The best situation for the opponent would be Sucker Punch vs switch, which a good player normally won't let happen.
I actually use Air Balloon on my Skuntank to actually be able to switch into predicted Earthquakes. It works pretty well, and then the opponent is face to face with the usual Skunk mind-games: Switch and get KO'ed by Pursuit, or attack and risk a Sucker Punch KO? The best situation for the opponent would be Sucker Punch vs switch, which a good player normally won't let happen.

But without the extra power Skunk can't even OHKO, so unless there's some damage prior, then Golurk wins, and placing the air balloon on Skunk is useless as it dies the next turn (unless it's CB in which it has no choice but to switch) if Golurk isn't locked into EQ. Also I've found Skunk benefits more from recovery or extra power (though mostly extra power given that it has to face the psychic types more now etc) than use it as a switch in to Golurk (and even still, you're better off finding a safer mon to deal with Golurk than Skuntank which is set-reliant in regards to winning) given that it serves no benefit against the other ground types of the tier. ;( A bulkier mon such as Tangela is a better switch in given that unless it has a Sawsbuck on its team, chances are you can get Leech Seed on something or even sleep something which can be really useful to you as opposed to risking losing Skuntank if Golurk isn't using the set you assumed.
Air ballon could work one on one as hit has to use another move to hit first which it can sucker punch and then when he goes for earthquake sucker punch again.

252+ Atk Skuntank Sucker Punch vs. 176 HP / 0 Def Golurk: 276-326 (76.03 - 89.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

so a strategy of that sorts could work for the Nu Bulky Attacker set
Golurk is probably one of the most used NU Pokemon on my teams x3 Now that I'm looking it over, almost all my my decent teams have Golurk in it. That Atk stat just lures me to it everytime.
What makes me want to use it is its High attack stat AND a great movepool unlike flareon who has a high attack stat AND guts, but superpower is its best move which isnt very good considering it would have to switch. Thats what makes Golurk so good is that combination and Iron Fist to increase power of some of his moves and No Gaurd to make Dynamic Punch 100% accurate
No one ever uses this set;

Golurk@Expert belt
Trait: Iron fist
- Focus punch
- Substitute
- Shadow Punch
- Ice punch

I ask you, why not? It has great coverage, great power, and, yeah. Focus punch as a main attack, Ice punch for the birds, shadow punch for the ghosts.
No one ever uses this set;

Golurk@Expert belt
Trait: Iron fist
- Focus punch
- Substitute
- Shadow Punch
- Ice punch

I ask you, why not? It has great coverage, great power, and, yeah. Focus punch as a main attack, Ice punch for the birds, shadow punch for the ghosts.
um, this doesnt even have eq, which should be on any golurk, and should be over ice punch if this set is used, also focus punch has somewhat redundant coverage with eq.
Although the low speed, I think the statistics tell about it better than all: first in usage and second as leader.
Perhaps the SR set is better for its nature (unique Ground - Ghost type in NU tier, so too much immunities) because it can put SR and at the same time be a good spin-blocker. Also, Shadow Punch and Dynamich Punch with Iron Fist are more than annoying.
How can you fight against? It may be considered the best Pokémon of NU. Then I think it's forcing it to switch. Water and Grass pokemon can do it well.
Golurk is an awesome pokémon, both as an SR setter and an offensivemon.
EQ is a must in any set, and it is one of the best switches against Sawk. It can do alot of damage, so yeah, that explains the high usage.

It's a shame it's weak to grass and water though, but every pokémon has its weaknesses. These are not too big tbh, every time I get a switch on Golurk with e.g. Ludicolo, it still knows how to outplay me, but that only happens if my opponent is good instead of the high percentage of bad NU ladder players.

Dynamic punch with No Guard is a pain in the ass to deal with. People who have encountered it, will know how irritating it can be. But the real power behind Golurk is that it can take on a variaty of sets, which makes it kinda unpredictable if you don't know the sets very well. A shame it's almost always used as a SR setter, I prefer it as an offensive beast...
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