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UU Playstyle Classification Thread

I feel like we've done a great job at filling out most of the categories, but Balanced and Stall are pretty barren. Anyone got some ideas for those 2?
I feel like we've done a great job at filling out most of the categories, but Balanced and Stall are pretty barren. Anyone got some ideas for those 2?

Under stall, Pain Split Froslass and Chandelure make for ok spinblockers. Cofag can double as a physical wall with Will-o-Wisp and Haze and Rest, but I dunno if you want to list it in 2 spots at the same time.

Suicune, Slowbro, and Slowking make for good physical walls. All of them have recovery, 2 of them can phase, and all 3 can potentially induce status. Blastoise can be added under "Rapid Spinners", even though it's a terrible pokemon, I think it spins more consistently than Hitmontop does.

Registeel can be added under either physical/special wall. I'd assume special since it's weak to Fighting, Ground, and Fire, but it's got base 150 in each defense so either or.

Milotic and Snorlax can be added under special walls. Both have recovery and phazing moves, which are great for stall teams. Also Marvel Scale Milotic never fucking dies.
I'm not really sure how to approach balanced, I feel like you just take whatever's been put in the other categories and then add them to balance o_o

You definitely want to list Snorlax and Trace Porygon2 in balanced though. Without one of them, Life Orb/Specs Chandelure just kind of takes massive dumps all over your balanced teams. (Special Wall for these two obviously)

Anyways, you probably want to make balanced stand out more by putting the pivots in this section. The stuff that can switch in on a resistance, but then still either hit hard enough or carry U-turn/Volt Switch/Baton Pass to keep momentum on your side. Specs/Life Orb Slowbro works well on balanced, as does Crobat. Slowbro can obviously go under physical wall, but i'm not really sure where to put Crobat in... it's not really a wall, nor a sweeper. U-turn Gligar can work here too, under physical wall. Zapdos, Raikou, and Rotom-H (lol) all have Volt Switch, perhaps under Special Sweepers. Pretty sure that Rhyperior is pretty common on balanced teams, as it can switch in and then either spam CB STAB for power or Dragon Tail to shuffle stuff up. Uh...not sure what category that falls under. Meloetta might work somewhere here too, as its ghost immunity and psychic resistance (and wtf base 128 spdef) allow it to switch in consistently, and it can either throw out powerful attacks, or just U-turn. Either as a special sweeper or special wall.
you know whats really cool?!!?!?!? nitro charge on chandelure! it is totally underrated and when people see it has leftovers they are like "haha noob using leftovers chandelure so its weak and slow" but BAM i use nitro charge as they switch some random thing and as long as you got rid of their scarfers and bulky waters you can sweep because they think they are safe with their pz which is promptly ohkod with timid leftovers fire blast assuming sr is up. so yeah its a good special sweeper!

what even is a balance team i thought balance was using 3 defenders and 3 attackers not actually 3 "balanceders" and 3 attack sub lo nidoking is totally underrated by the way especially with superpower since someone like a specs chandelure is out so you just use sub on it and as it runs away because they are cowardly to flygon because everyone uses flygon (idk why it sucks) and then WHAM use blizzard (or ice beam i use nidoking in hail so yeah). also superpower is supercool on nidoking because focus blast misses too much and superpower still really hurts umbreon in conjunction with earth power (and it obviously whacks snorlax hard).

so yeah all i want is to have a little slash added next to chandelure (nitro charge) and nidoking (substitute) and i will be happy!!
Bulky Offense:
Special Sweepers:


Meloetta (Choice Specs / SubCM)

  • Meloetta is pretty bulky and hard hitting, and has an excellent movepool
  • Can set up CM multiple times and hit extremely hard
  • Excellent coverage in its moves, making it very good on bulky offense
  • Checks OTR Cofagrigus as well as Chandelure, which is a plus
  • It's speed is decent too
  • Not much else to say really



Nidoqueen (Life Orb)

Nidoqueen should be added as a Blizzard spammer because it is excellent on hail. It hits very hard with Blizzard as well as Earth Power and Focus Blast, while it also set up Stealth Rock for the hail team and resists Fighting and Rock-type moves for hail teams. (ie


Slowbro (Physically Defensive / Choice Specs)

Slowbro should be added to Utility (add this pls), since it provides excellent utility to hail teams. It resists Fighting and Fire-type attacks, meaning it can take on threatening things like Mienshao and Darmanitan that would otherwise threaten hail teams. It can burn stuff with Scald which helps hail immensely, or it can go the hard hitting route with Choice Specs and put in some dents to help hail teams. Its ability, Regenerator, somewhat mitigates the residual damage caused by hail. It is a great Pokemon to use in hail.


Escavalier (Choice Band)

Escavalier does well in hail, as it can put some real dents in teams and also take on many things thanks to its typing. Its ability Overcoat neuters any Hail damage and it checks other stuff as well, so it does excellently in hail. It also traps stuff with Pursuit such as Roserade and Azelf, which is a nice boon to hail. Overall a great piece on hail teams, it might be in either "Sweeper" or "utility", I'm not sure.

Also, add a "Manly Team" section and put Darmanitan and Rhyperior there, for they are extremely manly in general.
Okay you were looking for some balance and stall stuff so here are a few:

Zapdos: Great, versatile physical wall or special wall. Practically necessary on stall teams to reliably beat the monster that is Defensive NP/Heal Bell Togekiss.

Empoleon (Special Wall): Probably better on Balance than it is on stall, but this thing is a very capable wall and has a good support movepool.

Crobat (Utility): This guy is so great on Balance, and can also work on offensive teams either still using the Stallbreaker set as a capable pivot or the Choice Band set to nuke stuff.

Cresselia (Para Support/Calm Mind): This does really well on balanced teams and should probably go under stall as well.

Mew: Same as Cresselia really, except it does even more stuff. (Doesn't wall things as well but more offensive pressure.)

Also Stall has no "Hazard Setter" section, even though this is one of the most important parts of stall. Qwilfish is obvious there. Bulky Froslass and Roserade probably not, as they don't wall things that well. That said though, do put Bulky Froslass in Balance.

There are quite a few Stallmons which should go under "Balance" as well. Cofagrigus (Offensive) Slowbro (defensive CM or even defensive para support), Slowking (same), Suicune (offensive Calm Mind/CroCune), Umbreon (Cleric).

Crustle deserves to be listed as an offensive hazard setter. Galvantula, Zapdos and Cinccino all should be listed under offense. Rotom formes need to be listed somewhere.

Honestly my main problem with this thread (in general, e.g. in RU as well) is that there are so many things to list that it just ends up seeming like there's no point. The other difficulty is that the lines between "Offense", "Bulky Offense", "Balance" and "Stall" are really blurred so that it's hard to know what goes where. Anyone know a good way to fix these problems? I've got no idea on the first one, but the latter is somewhat fixable by introducing definitions a la the UU Viability Ranking Thread. I'd be willing to do this if others are in favor of it.
If you want another Special Sweeper for Bulky Offense, you can probably but OTR Cofagrigus in this set. It's bulky enough to take hits, and also comes with useful immunities to Fighting and Normal, which make it that much easier to switch in. Also mummy is really cool if you're facing stuff like Speed Boost Sharpedo, Huge Power Azumaril, or Regenerator Mienshao.

On a less serious note, how is it even possible to have a "Manly Teams" category without having Nidoking in it? He is manliest of pokemon :(
Hey PTJon7; I've been lurking on this thread for a few days now. I want to suggest a big format change for this, which you can reject or accept to your heart's desire:
Is it possible that rather dividing by playstyle, we divide by a pokemon's Role?
ie Sweepers/Setupers/Tanks/Walls/RapidSpinners/SpinBlockers (there's a shitton, but I believe it's worth it)

I know it kinda changes the thread, but it's what I know I do when teambuilding: Rather than definitively picking a play style, I just need a 'mon that fits a certain spot on my team.
Plus, it helps out with the problem of Balanced just kinda sitting there, being a repeat of Stall and Offense. I think that Balanced shouldn't really be much of a category; you take some offense and some defense. It's a playstyle, but the problem is you're just reiterating the other sections. With my suggestion, we won't divide by playstyle.

I also think it would be more helpful to the general public of UU players that rather than just picking a playstyle, they can look for and pick that wall they need to sponge Zapdos or the perfect sweeper to outspeed and KO Raikou.
EDIT: Also for my idea, we could post sets.. hm?

You could also have the "Good On:" snippet by every pokemon. Like, with Snorlax, it would be "Good On: bulky offense teams; is a nice special sponge for more defensive teams." or something like that.
But yeah, that's just the Klinks turning in my cranium.

I would also like to propose Zapdos for Balanced, in the Special Walls category. (even though I kinda just suggested taking it out lol) I've been using SpDef Zapdos on my team for a while now, and it's fucking amazing. It's perfect against shaymin (who gets walled hard, unless it uses psychic, which is lolzy) and when my snorlax is low on health, I can switch in Zapdos on nearly any special move (Nidoking/queen Ice Beams still hurt) and he (it?) can Roost, Sub to avoid status, and use its uninvested yet supahstrong Spatk to blow things up. if need be, you can forgo sub for coverage, or for Roar even if you really need a phazer. I'll just post the smogon sp Def Zapdos set.


GTFO (Zapdos) @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 236 SDef / 24 Spd
Calm Nature
- Roost
- HeatWave / Toxic / Substitute (I use sub, but apparently smogon doesn't :/)
- Thunderbolt / Discharge (power v. Para)
- Hidden Power [Grass] / Roar / Hidden Power [Ice] (KOing swamper and rhyperior/ Phazing/ Good Coverage and killing Gligar and Flygon)

- It Hits fairly hard, even when uninvested
- It has reliable recovery, something a lot of walls wish they had
- It's no Mew, but pretty versatile
- Only really fears Rock and Ice attacks, or crazily too strongth physical attackers

Also, Zapdos appears to be a great physical wall, although I have no experience with it.
Yea that would be a big undertaking, but I could see it improving this thread a lot. if other people think that it's worthwhile then I'll definitely do it.
Meloetta deserves a place in Bulky Offense.
Sableye deserves a place in Hail Utility.
Omastar definitely deserves a place in Swift Swim Sweepers (115 base SpA swift swim anyone?)
There seems to be a dearth of Baton Pass accepters, just as some ideas to throw out - LO Shaymin, LO Yanmega, NQueen, LO Chandy, LO Raikou, Porygon-Z
Should sun be a separate category? It's kind of lol, but it still is a playstyle.

Will be updating as I see more things.

Crustle and DualScreen Uxie both deserve a mention for Hazard support for Offensive teams.
Azelf in U-turn for VoltTurn teams for sure.
Bronzong deserves a place in both Trick Room and Rain Dance teams as an effective weather starter.
For the Stall metagame, there should really be a section for hazard set-up, as stall doesn't really work too well without hazards. Just for starters, I'd put in Bronzong, Qwilfish, Roserade, (Rhyperior?), Empoleon (which should also be added to the phazing section)
P2 also deserves mention as a special wall in Stall.

That's all for now ^.^ Sorry bout all this, but I kind of love this thread sooooo >.>
I honestly don't think Sun is worth adding =/ I've used it myself a bunch of times and it just isn't very viable. The more I'm thinking about it the more I think Closet's idea would be good. I'm hesitant to start making such big changes if people are opposed to it however.
Yeah, I like Closet's idea, for the sake of having the ability to access the knowledge on what does what, it'd certainly be useful. It'd kinda be like a "Competitive Pokedex" of sorts, which is nifty. I think it'd coincide nicely with the Viability Ranking thread too. I dunno about taking the time to post entire sets for each Pokemon, unless the set is like, supposed to be used to give someone an idea of how a Pokemon works in a role it's not often seen doing
I'm a big fan of Iminyourcloset's idea. I had thought about it myself today but was afraid it might change the thread too much. However, IIYC pointed out that this isn't necessarily a bad thing, and also came up with the "Good On" idea to retain some of the usefulness more specific to this thread. I'd support this thread change and would be happy to help with the change or possible new OP.
I think replacing this one would probably be for the best, unless anyone thinks its worthwhile to just leave this one and make a whole new post.
I'm all for replacing this thread. There's already a lot of crossover, given that Balanced is going to have a lot of the same threats as Stall and Offensive, and Balanced Offensive just takes it to a new level. That said, this thread should stay up, given that if someone does try and build a team on a certain playstyle, they should have somewhere to go to get a base idea rather than just looking at what a good special attacker might be, for example.
I'm glad you guys like my idea. My brain has its moments ^_^.
I think it would be best to replace the thread, as this thread isn't too far gone, and I think it would be tedious just to edit it.
Probably something like that; idk about the 2.0 part though. I feel like it would shy away users because they think they'd have to be a part of the first one.
Wynaut just UU Classification? We're classifying every pokemon with a role, and UU Role Classification looks awkward. but IDK. I'm sure someone will come up with a good name.
Alright, thanks Closet. Making the new thread'll take some time, I'll probably submit it in a day or two.

sounds good to me. Thank you so much for this thread to begin with and considering my idea in the first place. :)