Shows you wish you could've seen...


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I was listening to music on the way home from work today, and it was a band that broke up years ago, and I thought... man, I wish I could've seen these guys live. And that's why I made this thread, so we can all bitch and moan over bands we'll never be able to see live ever again.

The band in my car was Juno, an indie rock band from the early 2000s. These guys seriously ruled, every song was wracked with emotion and intensity and the lyrics are some of the best I've ever heard. Their second album was a masterpiece, and naturally, they broke up shortly afterward.

Much like Juno is Bear vs. Shark. The fucking unbridled intensity in their music has never been matched in my opinion, but on top of that the videos of their live shows have me convinced that if I were to see them today, I'd probably cream my pants seconds before my head exploded.

Classic rock-wise, I wish I could have seen the Who back in the early 1960s when they were just coming into their own and releasing great music, but Keith Moon and Pete Townshend were in their full-on instrument destruction mode. Moon got too shitty on drugs later on to be very good live, but this era of the band would be perfect.

I would've loved to see the Beatles at Shea Stadium. Obviously, seeing the original Fab Four anywhere would be unbelievable, but that particular show was so historic. The guys said later that they couldn't even hear themselves play or sing over the screaming crowd and stayed on time by watching each other. THAT is special, and something I wish I could experience. (And no, I will not attend a Justin Bieber show.)

Another classic rock group, circa late 1970s, Pink Floyd, the tour for the Wall. I know they recently toured and re-enacted the earlier stage performance, but I want to see the original, the tour that basically bankrupted the band and, in many opinions, led to Roger Waters bolting.

Atop my list, though, has to be Hum. The most important band in my life. They played in Buffalo in the late 90s, but I was too young to know they came because I didn't follow bands like that in high school. But they broke up in 2001 and although they've played numerous reunion shows, they're usually at SXSE or in Illinois at times when I have no money to travel. I actually still have a ticket from like 2006 that I bought for a show in Chambana that I ended up having to miss due to lack of funds to drive there. Ugh.

These are just off the top of my head. I'm sure I could think of plenty more.
Smashing Pumpkins with the original line-up. Or... their final show before their break 2000 break up which featured 3/4 of the original line-up at the Metro in Chicago. I saw this when I bought their music video dvd Viewphoria out of curiosity and nostalgia and it pretty much sparked my love for the Pumpkins. My years as a fan have always been after the break up, unfortunately. Nothing quite matches this though... (seriously just watch this, even if you hate them. it'll blow your mind)

Also it would have been pretty cool to see Failure; pretty sure only DM and Rodan know about them though haha. Great rock band, think grunge + Pink Floyd.

Atop my list, though, has to be Hum. The most important band in my life. They played in Buffalo in the late 90s, but I was too young to know they came because I didn't follow bands like that in high school. But they broke up in 2001 and although they've played numerous reunion shows, they're usually at SXSE or in Illinois at times when I have no money to travel.
Wait are you serious? I will have to look into this. Like Smashing Pumpkins and Failure, I got into them after their prime. Definitely a cool and underrated band.
rilo kiley. i don't have anything fancy to say. i just like their music and i like watching videos of their live performances on youtube. they disbanded.
Pendulum's live sets. I listened to Live at Brixton Academy, and it sounded so good. I also watched a bit of Daft Punk's Alive 2007, so yea, I kinda wished that I could have seen them in their iconic pyramid.
I wish I could've seen After Forever (what's even sadder is that they only split up recently). Seeing Floor Jansen sing for Nightwish in November is a pretty damn good consolation though; her voice is even more incredible live.

He's...not with us anymore.

I don't necessarily mean I wanted to go to this specific performance, just anything by him in general. I picked this specific video because he fucking killed it.
I'll add a +1 for Queen. Not really my style of music at all but I love all the live videos I've seen on YouTube.

I'm really mad I wasn't able to see Thrice on their Anthology tour. They're only on hiatus I guess but I'm sure if they ever get around to touring again they'll be old and not the same.

Operation Ivy broke up like the year I was born just about. I would love to have a time machine to see them during their short run.

I know At the Drive-In did Coachella or something recently but I definitely didn't go to that and would love to have seen them during their run.
Alexisonfire... one of my favorite bands ever and never got to see them before they split. Worsened by the fact that one of my best friends saw them when they were touring with Warped Tour right before Old Crows/Young Cardinals was released and he said they were fan-fucking-tastic...
Ok time to derail this thread with theatre performances since they are often more tragic with the window of time you have available to see them. I'll probably be the only one to post them too so why not.

The premiere or opening of Scorched in English or French, the worst part being I could have very well seen the first English cast but was not aware of this lovely play. I've mentioned the film version Incendies on this forum before but the theatre version has some very interesting changes to how the twins search for their father and brother that make it so more tragic. To go in and be one of the first people to see it would be unbelievable. I'm lucky enough in that I saw the thematic sequel in its English premiere, and I'm not making the same mistake for the fourth.

Spalding Gray's early performances in the Wooster Group would have been one of the few reasons I'd like to live in the seventies. I've researched so much about this guy and then I just keep finding more and more about him. The Wooster Group has certainly made a very definitive style with found text, onstage cameras and projections. But I'd love to see how they got to it.

Bertolt Brecht did a number of US productions of his German work which he often co-directed. Something like The Caucasian Chalk Circle, or better yet The Resistible Rise of Artuo Ui would have been a site to behold since his style of Epic Theatre is still often misunderstood in its function (not to say his own writing changes through WW2 on how it should work).

Finally I would love to have seen one of the landmark docudramas with the cast that actually went to get interviews. Canada has two good ones with The Farm Show and Paper Wheat (although I have seen recorded versions of both). The big one would have to be The Laramie Project because that one is probably the most recognized. It's one thing to see it live but the original cast often recorded the lines from a townsperson, and then would put those same words on stage. The effect isn't nearly the same as the film version with its Hollywood casting.

Ok I'm done go back to talking about bands.

He's...not with us anymore.

I don't necessarily mean I wanted to go to this specific performance, just anything by him in general. I picked this specific video because he fucking killed it.

That would've been cool, he's one of my favorites.

Also alexisonfire too, they performed at a college I went to the year before I started there for
I wish I could've went to any of the DMC's between 1995 and 2003, or ITF 1998 I guess(seeing as it was in the Netherlands/my country)
lynyrd skynyrd, nirvana, beastie boys, beetles, just john lennon, queen, and journey before the lead singer bailed... just to name a few
Motley Crüe.

Was only able to see them around 5 years ago(?) doing a combo concert with Aerosmith.

According to my uncle and father it was basically a lite version of how they used to be. Of course.

I love all the old rock concert environment. I can just imagine the chaos.
A NWOBHM band called Shiva as I can't find any truly live recordings of them anywhere and they're great, Riot around the release of The Privilege of Power, Argus era Wishbone Ash, mid 60s-early 70s Beach Boys, early Praying Mantis, and early Pagan Altar
Motley Crüe.

Was only able to see them around 5 years ago(?) doing a combo concert with Aerosmith.

According to my uncle and father it was basically a lite version of how they used to be. Of course.

I love all the old rock concert environment. I can just imagine the chaos.
I'd see Motley Crue in any decade just to see something like this:

Apparently Tommy Lee has been using a rollercoaster loop until recently. According to this link from yesterday, it is now retired and will be replaced by something crazy. I'm curious to see what it is but I can't see myself going to a Crue concert any time soon.