OU Replay Contest - Round 4 Submissions OPEN

ShakeItUp currently has 23 votes, with a large majority over the rest.

Take out SIU and:

3 ben gay, 3 Tassa, 2 Dice
The Quest to Get Suspect Voting Requirements

In this high-intensity battle, RU Pride and his team of RU and NU minions were pit against legendary OU battler Taylor and his army of Dragon-types. While from the team preview, the Lance-wannabe has a clear advantage, the game indeed played out much differently. RU PRIDE leads off with Pineco, knowing it can handle anything the opposition tries to do to it. RU PRIDE notices the lack of a spinner on the opposing side, letting him know that he can get up as many hazards as he wants with his pinecone friend. Both sides make optimal plays in turn 1, setting up Stealth Rock. However, after Pineco tanks Garchomp's Earthquake in a fashion even the mightiest of physical walls could not hope to do, Taylor realizes that his behemoth is simply too weak to defeat the beast known as Pineco. Taylor tricks Pineco a Choice Scarf, another smart play, as it means Pineco will be locked into a move, in this case, Pain Split. Latias begins setting up Calm Minds, so RU PRIDE knows that he has to do something soon. After many turns of stalling, RU PRIDE makes a very skillful play and brings out Mightyena, knowing that even if Taylor predicted his switch, Hitmonlee could revenge kill the boosted Dragon. Mightyena proceeds to annihilate Latias with a Sucker Punch, giving RU PRIDE a major edge. The dog from hell then proceeds to hit Taylor's Garchomp hard with a +1 Sucker Punch, making it much easier for RU PRIDE to KO. RU PRIDE then sends out his Feraligatr, tanks Garchomp's Outrage, and KOs it with a +2 Mystic Water Torrent-boosted STAB Aqua Jet. Then Taylor makes an interesting choice, and decides to send out Haxorous, which takes an extremely large amount of damage from Feraligatr's Aqua Jet assault. After weakening it, RU PRIDE knows his Durant can easily dispose the Dragon, which it does. Taylor then brings in Latios, which allows RU PRIDE to make an optimal play and sacrifice his Pineco, thus letting him bring out his Hitmonlee. RU PRIDE then makes a masterful play, using Fake Out to weaken Latios into KO range and double Hitmonlee's Speed in the process. However, here RU PRIDE unfortunately gets a very low damage roll with Close Combat, and Hitmonlee is vanquished by Latios's Outrage. However, RU PRIDE still has his Lilligant, which proceeds to put Taylor's Kingdra to sleep and set up a Quiver Dance. After decimating Dragonite with a Hidden Power Ice, Lilligant finishes off the game with a +1 Giga Drain to Kingdra, giving RU PRIDE a much needed win in his tireless journey to acquire suspect requirements. Despite the extreme power of Taylor's team, RU PRIDE's masterful play and execution allowed him to vanquish the future gym leader's Dragon-type army, showcasing the true of lower tier Pokemon.
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Road to getting suspect reqs

In a battle on the oucurrent ladder, Sly Tendencies(me) plays ab09t in heated match. Ab09t is running a pretty strong Sand Balanced with a defensive core of Amoonguss, Jellicent and Skarmory with a offensive duo of Alakazam and Terrakion, and Tyranitar for Sand Support. I am using a bulky sand offensive team with Rotom-W/Landorus-T as my pivots and VoltTurn Core. SD Lucario for sweeping, and Specs Latios, Scarf Keldeo and CB Tyranitar. Being able to clear Jellicent is imperative to winning this battle with Lucario. With some misplays I eventually allow my opponent to get up all three layers of spikes and his Stealth Rock.This makes VoltTurning for me very tough as I dont want to wear down my pokemon too quickly. An error on my end to have the wrong moves on Latios, then letting it get trapped. I'm in somewhat of a bad spot. After making such a blunder am I able to recover and win to inch closer and closer to getting suspect reqs?
Starmie Suspect vs. Grapplebeam


Starmie Suspect is using a balanced / stallish kinda team, while Grapplebeam is running a full stall team. Going into the battle Starmie Suspect knew that Heatran was going to be key in the battle, while Grapplebeam's objective was to wear down Starmie Suspect's team with hazards since he lacked a spinner. Both teams had an answer for each Pokemon, so it generally came down to double switching and status. It's a pretty long battle (as you can imagine with stall), but in general I think it's a great display of how Heatran can put so much pressure on the opposing team. Gotta watch it people!
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Oh yeah, and to have my replay counted I'm going to comment on @Subject 18's battle.

Turn 2, Sly Tendencies makes an excellent prediction and double switches Lucario into a predicted Tyranitar switch. Turn 3, I think Sly Tendencies was predicting the Jellicent switch into Lucario, but he over predicts here and brings his Tyranitar into Skarmory. This misplay allows ab09t to get 2 layers of Spikes up for free, leaving Sly Tendencies at a disadvantage. Turn 7, ab09t makes a questionable play and leaves Skarmory in on a Rotom-W to tank a Volt Switch for another layer of Spikes, even though he had a perfectly healthy Amoonguss to wall said Rotom-W. Turn 10, Rotom-W misses a Will-O-Wisp on Amoonguss, which really could have helped Sly Tendencies wear down Amoonguss, but hax happens. The next turn makes up for it, as Amoonguss misses a Stun Spore, allowing Sly Tendencies to burn Amoonguss for free. Turn 12, ab09t makes a really nice play, hitting Latios for "decent" damage with HP Ice. Turn 20, ab09t lets Amoonguss die pretty easily, which leaves him very weak to Rotom-W, who's still nice and healthy thanks to a previous Pain Spilt. He could have easily switched in Terrakion in Tyranitar's Fire Punch, but maybe he was too afraid of the Super Power? Turn 21, ab09t makes an excellent prediction, baiting the Landorus-T switch in for Skarmory to come in for free to heal up.

So at turn 27, ab09t has SR + 3 layers of Spikes up, while Sly Tendencies has SR up. While it seems ab09t is winning, he has no real answer to Rotom-W, who isn't easily worn down by hazards, thanks to Pain Spilt + immunity to Spikes. I'd say it's about equal so far, maybe ab09t has the advantage, since Alakazam is a pain at the moment for Sly Tendencies. Turn 32, Sly Tendencies makes a great play and burns the Skarmory, predicting the Roost. This is pretty huge, as Skarmory is going to be forced to constantly Roost, wasting momentum for ab09t. Turn 34, Sly Tendencies nails Skarmory with a crit Volt Switch and KOs the Skarmory. Turn 37, ab09t misses a Will-O-Wisp on Rotom-W, making it so much harder to wear down for ab09t's team. Turn 41, ab09t makes a pretty huge misplay here, as he should have just Psychic'd against Landorus-T, as it hits Rotom-W, Keldeo, and Landorus-T for nice damage, and allows ab09t to wear down Rotom-W on the switch. Turn 42, Rotom-W misses a Hydro Pump, which is pretty big considering this allows Terrakion to hit something for free. Turn 44, ab09t gets a crit Close Combat, KOing the Landorus-T. Turn 45, Rotom-W lives the -1 Close Combat with 8%, allowing it to kill of Terrakion with a Hydro Pump.

This game comes down to whether or not Keldeo is Scarfed or not. If it is Scarfed, Sly Tendencies wins the game, if not, ab09t wins. Turn 47, Keldeo KOes Alakazam with a Scarf Surf, winning Sly Tendencies the game!

Great battle here. while I feel ab09t made some misplays, and there was a little hax, this match came down to a nail biting finish. A seriously good game here.
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In this battle on the OU ladder, when Landorus wasn't banned, XVII and Cyborg 2.2 (Me) have a short (less than 25 turns) but intense battle.
Cyborg 2.2 use a rain offense team composed with powerful mid game sweepers like keldeo and latios alongside two late game sweeper with great synergy in the name of thundurus-t and toxicroak. Politoed is here for the rain and ferrothorn for the entry hazard and the defensive backbone.
XVII use a stall team with the FWG core of Heatran-Amoonguss-Starmie, with hippowdon in order to have a physical wall while providing sand. Stoutland is his late game sweeper, and landorus, well, I didn't know, he didn't do anything on this game ^^

Some mindgame and surprise will appear on this game, that's why it is an pleasant battle.

In this battle on the OU ladder, when Landorus wasn't banned, XVII and Cyborg 2.2 (Me) have a short (less than 25 turns) but intense battle.
Cyborg 2.2 use a rain offense team composed with powerful mid game sweepers like keldeo and latios alongside two late game sweeper with great synergy in the name of thundurus-t and toxicroak. Politoed is here for the rain and ferrothorn for the entry hazard and the defensive backbone.
XVII use a stall team with the FWG core of Heatran-Amoonguss-Starmie, with hippowdon in order to have a physical wall while providing sand. Stoutland is his late game sweeper, and landorus, well, I didn't know, he didn't do anything on this game ^^

Some mindgame and surprise will appear on this game, that's why it is an pleasant battle.

Turn 3, XVII makes a great play and goes for Toxic to nail the Politoed switch. This is going to help him win the weather war a lot. Turn 4, Cyborg 2.2 makes a great play and switches to Latios, as this was a win/win situation (XVII was either going to Protect, or go to Amoonguss). Turn 7, Cyborg 2.2 over predicts and goes for a Draco Meteor on the Heatran. Latios did a lot of work to XVII's team, so letting it take so much Toxic + LO recoil I think was a general bad play, but Cyborg 2.2 can still easily win without Latios, so maybe he didn't care too much for it. Turn 11, I think this is an over predict, mainly because Psyshock does OHKO, but again, it wasn't really a bad play, he just wanted to hit everything for nice damage, and the risk of Starmie coming in on a Psyshock for little damage was too risky.

Okay, so at turn 13, both players have one Pokemon down each, and both have SR. XVII is currently winning the weather war, and has status'd a lot more Pokemon in exchange for a low health Heatran. I'd say it's about even here so far, but my money is going with Cyborg 2.2 since the only thing XVII as to take hits from Keldeo is Starmie, after he let Amoonguss get KOd. Turn 15, XVII over predicts hard here, allowing Cyborg 2.2 to get a free layer of Toxic Spikes. I generally think this was a bad play, as even if he did predict correctly to hit Politoed, it still wasn't doing too much. Turn 17, Cyborg 2.2 makes a nice play and predicts the Protect, bringing Toxicroak in safely. Turn 20, Cyborg 2.2 reveals the Normal Gem Explosion on Ferothorn, taking out Landorus-I! Turn 22, although I don't think it matters too much, XVII makes a misplay of bringing Hippowdon in first, as Stoutland can easily revenge kill Keldeo. Turn 24, Keldeo finishes Stoutland off with a Secret Sword, GG.

Game analysis

So, I really liked this game, as it involved quite a lot of prediction, as well as a cool Normal Gem Ferrothorn, which took out a big threat very nicely. I think XVII may have played a bit predictable, but Cyborg 2.2 took advantage of this very nicely. Good game!