Data Updated Base Stats

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What was the point in increasing Pikachu's defences? It's still not living anything.

Pikachu is ostensibly a "middle" evolution now, but was ~100 stat points behind a starter's middle form, even though it's the mascot. I found the damn thing intolerably annoying to use in a BW2 playthrough where I was delaying final evolution. 20 more points isn't saving it by the end of the story mode, but it makes it a bit more useful and tolerable through the rest of the game.
The changes here aren't significant, but people are underestimating the physical buff to Nidoking/Nidoqueen. They are a lot less easy to predict. It was pretty much gauranteed any Nidoking/queen you ran into was SpA-based, so you could easily predict a safe switch in, say, Blissey. But now, you have take take into consideration the potential they are physically-based, because they are now much more comparable in terms of offense.

Pidgeot will never get used over Fearow, it only gets 1 more speed than it and has little to no offensive power in comparison. Fearow at least gets Drill Run.

Ariados deserved a boost, as did a lot of pokemon that aren't listed here... I like GF addressed some pokemon this generation, but they could have gone much much farther with these changes. Ariados at least deserved 10 more attack, hp or defense, if not all three. A majority of pokemon are still going to be in NU after this.

Maybe, if GF intends to give megaforms to all pokemon, it's not an issue... but I seriously doubt there will be a day when ever pokemon can megaevolve. These changes could indicate they may be getting megaforms in the distant future. I don't see why we won't get more megaevolutions in pokemon Z.
The neat thing about Megas is, this is a 3DS game. We can't hack it, so we don't know how many more might be lurking in the game's data, waiting to show up with the release of some later event like Torchic or a future game, whether it's Z or X2/Y2 or MagmaRuby/AquaSapphire or all three.
The neat thing about Megas is, this is a 3DS game. We can't hack it, so we don't know how many more might be lurking in the game's data, waiting to show up with the release of some later event like Torchic or a future game, whether it's Z or X2/Y2 or MagmaRuby/AquaSapphire or all three.

I don't like the possibility of fixing a Pokemon just by giving it a Mega Evo. After all, Mega Ampharos and Mega Heracross don't look all that menacing in comparison to say, LO Garchomp. There are a huge amount of Pokemon that could use a little boost, if just a little one, especially in the speed department. I cringed at that + 10 SpA Azumarill got. It's so pointless and Gamefreak knows! It has Huge Power, for God's sake! It's a physical attacker, why are you trolling us?
That 60 attack azuma got is sweet . That will just more likely make it ou and its fairy type . Raiuchu and pidgeots speed is Good too . The rest are just meh

I love how everyone is meh but you still consider Azumarill's SpA boost to be sweet.
The savegame is exposed, Pokemon X and Y can be hacked. It's as easy as getting your save file from your memory card, figuring out the checksum, then fiddling with values until you get an item that's never been seen before. In a few weeks, someone will have done just this.
serebii updated with more stat changes:

poliwrath now has 95 attack
golem now has 120 attack
jumpluff now has 95 special defense
exploud now has 73 special defense
staraptor now has 70 special defense
gigalith now has 80 special defense

Poliwrath and Gigalith love those. No idea if 10 attack are gonna do anything for Golem. The rest are meh.
serebii updated with more stat changes:

poliwrath now has 95 attack
golem now has 120 attack
jumpluff now has 95 special defense
exploud now has 73 special defense
staraptor now has 70 special defense
gigalith now has 80 special defense
Aside from Jumpluff, I can't think of any of those that will go badly. Exploud (if it gets Boomburst) needed more bulk to go with his absurd HP, Staraptor loves having a bit more staying power for his more defensive (AKA Subroost) sets, Gigalith LOVES that, anything extra for Golem is good (it could use a boost to any of its stats), and Poliwrath is much the same.
I updated the front post.

I was actually quite partial to Belly Drum + Swift Swim Poliwrath in gen 5 OU as an anti-rain mon. It destroyed opposing rain teams with Waterfall, Brick Break and Ice Punch and the only thing that could wall it was Jellicent. With the Drizzle nerf, Swift Swim may come back in full, although it will have less time to set up BD.

In considering Exploud, does Boomburst hit through Subs? Serebii says it doesn't but that doesn't sound right to me. It's obviously a sound move.

I'm kinda liking Jumpluff more and more. Considering the Powder move nerf, Jumpluff has Acrobatics that will make other grass types hesitant to jump in and absorb its Sleep Powder. And, even Subs won't stop Sleep Powder with Infiltrator. :)
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Golem's attack boost is pretty significant, don't expect to to jump to OU now or anything, but 110 to 120 is a pretty solid attack leap that will make it much more threatening in lower tiers.
About Pikachu's defensive buff, it won't help Pikachu to get in higher tiers, but in NU, it will help Pikachu slightly, as it can survive Gurdurr's Mach Punch now more reliably.
moar stat changes:

vileplume now has 110 special attack
victreebel now has 70 special defense
stoutland now has 110 attack
unfezant now has 115 attack
seismitoad now has 95 attack

Stoutland for OU... 110 is 5 points shy of the 115 it has in Tier Shift and it ruled there(#1 in usage for a while). It really makes a difference and since it sweeps with CB it doesn't worry about 5 turn weather and competing weathers will be less prevelant, Tyranitar+Stoutland+Excadrill will be RIDICULOUS.
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