Gen V STABmons

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Also, me and Eevee decided (at least, I hope he agreed with me. He seemed to) that togekiss and clefable will be able to get normal moves from gen5 and lower, as they were normal type at that point. Eevee, if you changed your mind, correct me.
For the moment it's fine. I'm going to revamp some things with the meta once all the mechanics are worked out for the new gen.
Spore got nerfed along with Sleep Powder with Grass being immune to both (which is funny, considering Grass-types are the ones that use Spore), so I expect more Dark Voids and Lovely Kisses for sleeping. Also, Water Shuriken is going to be great. Some notable threats I see using it are Azumarril, Cloyster, Crawdaunt, Basculin, and maybe Gyarados. In other news, Frost Breath becomes an alternative STAB for Ice-types (crits are 1.5x and Frost Breath is now 60 BP, making it 90. That ties with Ice Beam, which has been nerfed to 90 as well). While it can't freeze or "crit" like Ice Beam can, it does bypass SpDef boosts. Also, Geomancy is scary, although it needs Power Herb to be any good imo, which could be a huge drawback. Gardevoir is probably the best Geomancer, since it can hit Blissey with Psystrike. Also, Sticky Web is going to be interesting, especially since all Bug-types get it. Illumise / Volbeat get prankster on it too, so that'll be fun.

Speaking of new pokemon, Pyroar and Talonflame could be threatening, both with Shell Smash. Alternatively, Pyroar can run Boomblast, but I think Shell Smash is probably better on it. Talonflame is going to be fun though. Heliolisk is in the same boat as Pyroar. Intrestingly, Dragagle gets all Water-type moves from Skrelp, although Water doesn't give it much to be honest. A neat pokemon is Greninja, who has a really fast Dark Void and good neutral STAB combo between Water and Dark. It's power isn't the strongest though, which could be a problem, but it does have a really fast Water Spout (if PS! is correct, it has the fastest Water Spout without any stat modifiers at 120). Delphox can go pseudo-mixed with Psystrike and Blue Flare. Pretty much a better special victini; not much else to say, really. Chesnaught gets the grass package of Spore and all of the stronk Grass STABs. The best Grass STAB for it is probably Horn Leech though, for that extra recovery. Funnily enough, it also get Drain Punch, meaning both it's STABs can heal it. This is pretty neat on such a bulky monster, especially since it doesn't look like it gets a recovery move. It also has immunity to Spore and other powder moves, which is neat. Also, it can run a phazing set with Storm Throw. Pretty neat.

In the Megavolution area, Mawile is looking really threatening with Shift Gear. Normal Mawile intimidates and sets up with it's good bulk, and then pops a Megavolution and sweeps with it's +2 Speed and +1 Attack. It's not weak to priority (although it doesn't resist it either) and has decent enough bulk. Mawile is going to be fun. Megachomp's DD is going to be crazy. It'll be like DD Kyu-B, except without the shitty Ice-typing. It does lose some bulk though. What's interesting is that Garchomp can pull a pseudo-Double Dance set with it's Megavolution. Against offensive teams that outspeed MegaGarchomp deal with normal Garchomp, as Garchomp probably won't need the extra power. However, against bulkier teams, MegaChomp can rip things to shreads with base 170 attack. It loses a boosting item though, so not sure how good this will be.

There's definitely a ton of shit I missed, but that's what I'm thinking at the moment.
I think that due to the existence of topsy-turvy, we should at least re-test the normal clause with extreme predjudice.

Edit: Nature power is also now tri-attack, which nerfs steel coverage on a lot of normal types.
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Serebii confirms Pixillate as Sylveon's Hidden Ability.

Sylveon evolves from a Normal type. Boomburst and Rapid Spin fairy type. GG.
Oh, sticky web fortress... I'm now scared... Also now grass and steel types now all get a better protect in spiky shield and kings shield respectively.
I think they only protect against damage, right? So they could still be statused (correct me if I'm wrong.)
I don't think so, as they don't actually exist gen5. If you play a gen6 match, gen6 moves should be fine. (Correct me if I'm wrong, eevee, but that's just my take on it)
It's all kinda of free for all ATM. When everything is finalized with Gen 6 (stat and move wise,) I'm gonna let it stay open until we sort out what's broken and what have you. Then we'll draw up new rules/bans/blah blah.
Just realized something horryfing.


Diggersby @ Leftovers/Sitrus Berry/Silk Scarf/Whatever
Trait: Huge Power
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Spd
Adamant Nature
-Belly Drum
-Extreme Speed

-Stone Edge/Wild Charge

Whit a jaw dropping 1856 attack stat after a Belly Drum this thing royally screws over everything, including Steel, Ghost and Rock types, all of them are smashed by a +6 Bonemerang. Only Topsy Turvy Sableye can save us from this monster
Luckily it's slow and faster Ghosts can KO it at half health, but dat power is scary
My jaw dropped, and then I laughed. Because you said it was jaw dropping. Fortunately, sableye (and gengar) will be very, very, popular.
I can see mega scizor being a large threat due to having even more bulk (but not a better movepool) than forretress, the premiere physical wall of STABmons. Not only this, but it keeps technician, and is capable of 2hkoing quagsire w/ megahorn.

edit: Proof STABmons is the ultimate metagame: (his team was BH)
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One thing about Sableye is it got a nerf this gen due to it's Dark type, I don't think Ghost resists fairy anymore so no more no weaknesses :( But it's still very good.
All Bugs get the Sticky Webz. Anyone think that will generate an uptick in Contrary/Defiant? Slow Bisharp is slow and will love the auto +2 Attack to fire off Sucker Punches.
I can confirm that Sticky Web does indeed activate Contrary as I have had a battle with my opponent using Sticky Web and my Malamar got the speed boost on switching in.
So Togekiss looks like the most annoying shit ever.

Togekiss (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 SDef / 252 HP / 4 SAtk
Calm Nature
- Defog
- Air Slash / Hurricane
- Roost
- Moonblast / Thunder Wave

While Togekiss misses its old Normal STAB moves it got, Fairy / Flying is a much better typing than Normal / Flying. For those who don't know, Defog now acts as a Rapid Spin for both sides, along with it's old effect of -1 evasion. This allows Togekiss to Defog all of the hazards away, only stopped by Taunt. Air Slash does its flinching thing (Hurricane can be used along with Defog for semi-accurate 60% confusion chance) and Roost is for Recovery. Moonblast has a nasty 60% to lower SpA thanks to Serene Grace, but TWave can be used instead. Keep in mind Electric-types can't be paralyzed anymore. While it's weak to Stealth Rock, it is immune to Sticky Web and all form of Spikes.

Defog is a pretty cool move this generation. Other possible users include Lando-T, Intimidate Salamence, Gliscor, and much more.
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Am I the only one noticing that Pyroar gets amazing and powerful dual STAB from this? now it now gets 2 amazing special STABs in: Blue Flare and Boomburst

Pyroar (F) @ Life Orb
Trait: Unnerve
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Blue Flare
- Boomburst
- Dark Pulse
- Shell Smash

Meet smashroar, this beast is capable of smashing through any team lacking mach punch or sdef chansey/blissey, after a shell smash, this thing can truly abuse it's 2 new move pickups to dismantle both stall and offensive teams, combine that with the notorious shell smash, and you've got yourself quite a threat
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Pyroar Boomburst vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 337-398 (47.86 - 56.53%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Pyroar Boomburst vs. 4 HP / 252+ SpD Blissey: 308-363 (47.23 - 55.67%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Pyroar Boomburst vs. 180 HP / 0 SpD Tyranitar in sand: 175-207 (45.33 - 53.62%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Pyroar Boomburst vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Latias: 419-493 (115.1 - 135.43%) -- guaranteed OHKO

you get the fucking point this thing is strong, have mach punch or get wrekd, new meta, lets do this
Am I the only one noticing that Pyroar gets amazing and powerful dual STAB from this? now it now gets 2 amazing special STABs in: Blue Flare and Boomburst

Pyroar (F) @ Life Orb
Trait: Unnerve
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Blue Flare
- Boomburst
- Dark Pulse
- Shell Smash

Meet smashroar, this beast is capable of smashing through any team lacking mach punch or sdef chansey/blissey, after a shell smash, this thing can truly abuse it's 2 new move pickups to dismantle both stall and offensive teams, combine that with the notorious shell smash, and you've got yourself quite a threat
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Pyroar Boomburst vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 337-398 (47.86 - 56.53%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Pyroar Boomburst vs. 4 HP / 252+ SpD Blissey: 308-363 (47.23 - 55.67%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Pyroar Boomburst vs. 180 HP / 0 SpD Tyranitar in sand: 175-207 (45.33 - 53.62%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Pyroar Boomburst vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Latias: 419-493 (115.1 - 135.43%) -- guaranteed OHKO

you get the fucking point this thing is strong, have mach punch or get wrekd, new meta, lets do this

This thing looks stupidly powerful, especially in the sun with. Heliolisk can run a similar set, except without the super awesome secondary STAB. However, I think Heliolisk is better of abusing Solar Power without setting up, but as a Specs attacker. Only problem I see with Helioroar combo atm is that both are weak to Mach Punch, and that Heliolisk is pretty much dependent on Sun to get its insane attack. (Which is a problem, considering the weather nerf and everything)


Heliolisk @ Choice Specs
Ability: Solar Power
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Boomburst
- Thunderbolt
- Grass Knot / Focus Blast
- Volt Switch / U-Turn / Focus Blast

This thing is a huge asset to Sun Teams due to its strong STABs being able to kill things that give Sun Teams problems. Boomburst + Solar Power is stupidly powerful, while Thunderbolt wrecks Water-types trying to resist the Fire-type attacks your teammates carry. Grass Knot is for Ground-types, as they are usually pretty heavy. U-Turn and Volt Switch do the same thing, except one is guaranteed to get the switch off, while the other one still does good damage. Focus Blast is also an option for shit like TTar, but this is going to be used in a sun team where Steel-types will get roasted, so its not as appealing. The reason I think a choiced attacker works better for Heliolisk is because I don't see Heliolisk getting easy set-up opportunities, although a Smash set is definitely also viable. I'll leave this with some calcs.

252 SpA Choice Specs Solar Power Heliolisk Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 220+ SpD Jellicent in sun: 416-492 (102.97 - 121.78%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Solar Power Heliolisk Boomburst vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Latias in sun: 363-427 (99.72 - 117.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Choice Specs Solar Power Heliolisk Boomburst vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Hippowdon in sun: 402-474 (95.71 - 112.85%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Choice Specs Solar Power Heliolisk Grass Knot (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Hippowdon in sun: 460-542 (109.52 - 129.04%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Solar Power Heliolisk Boomburst vs. 252 HP / 236+ SpD Celebi in sun: 331-390 (81.93 - 96.53%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Choice Specs Solar Power Heliolisk Boomburst vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Chansey in sun: 291-343 (41.33 - 48.72%) -- 78.52% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Choice Specs Heliolisk Grass Knot (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Tyranitar in sand: 168-198 (41.58 - 49%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Solar Power Heliolisk Grass Knot (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Tyranitar in sun: 374-442 (92.57 - 109.4%) -- 56.25% chance to OHKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Heliolisk Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Tyranitar in sand: 336-396 (83.16 - 98.01%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
This is my first post in STABmons, hi everyone ^.^

The new move that I think has a lot of potential is Electrify. If you give it to a pokemon with Volt Absorb, Motor Drive or Lightningrod, like Thundurus-T or Zapdos, it can force your opponent to help you. Here's a pretty cool set that I'd like to test.

Zapdos @ Life Orb
Ability: Lightningrod
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Modest Nature
- Agility
- Thunderbolt
- Aeroblast/Heat Wave

Once this thing gets an Agility, it's practically untouchable. It can feed off of the opponent's attacks, then sweep at +1 or +2. The Hidden Power nerf makes HP Ice not worth it, but Aeroblast and Heat Wave both provide decent coverage. Its only real weakness is priority and Electric or Dragon types, depending on its coverage move.

Also Venom Drench Amoonguss sounds like a total boss.
So who are the big winners of this generation?


So Greninja can have every type, thanks to Protean, does this means it should get every move? LOL. On a more serious note, said Greninja is a very fast user of Dark Void and Parting Shot, it could have more niches so.

Those two are awesome users of the new moves Parting Shot and Topsy Turvy, the former having outstanding bulk and power and the latter having priority on said moves thanks to Prankster.


The only new Flying attack is Oblivion Wing, which is inferior to Aeroblast unless you are looking specifically for the healing.

Brave Bird for a Choice Band set.

Oh, some illegalities whit Defog such as Multiscale+Defog for Dragonite are now fixed, plus some that didn't have the move at all, such as Thundurus and Gyarados.


The Normal type, always blessed whit useful options, has now access to the most powerful move whitout drawbacks in the game, Boomburst, which has an insane 140 base power whit 100% accuracy. Being a sound based move it can also bypass Substitutes.

Good Boomburst users. Porygon-Z and Sylveon deserve a mention because of their abilities, Adaptability and Pixielate respectively. Adaptability makes Boomburst a 280 base power move, able to 2HKO Assault Vest Tyranitar in the sandstorm after a Shell Smash, while Pixielate turns Normal moves into Fairy moves, giving to Sylveon's Boomburst STAB and nice SE coverage. Pixielate is also nice whit Rapid Spin(Scrappyspin 2.0). Recover is also a nice gift for more defensive Sylveon's sets.
Everybody of them can(and should) run Shell Smash.


Does status moves act twice? If yes, here is the best Shell Smasher in the world. If not, she is still one of the best ShellSmashers. Her Extreme Speed is actually more powerful than Arceus' one whit the same amount of boosts, and break substitutes, sashes and sturdies. Earthquake blows most steels away, same for Ghost types and Crunch/Sucker Punch.


The previously mentioned Belly Drum+Extreme Speed Diggersby. It has 1856 attack after a Belly Drum. Does this need other explainations?


Furfrou has the awesome Fur Coat ability, which doubles his defense. His support movepool his lacking in the standard metagame thought. This is not true in STABmons. In facts, he gets some goodies such as Rapid Spin, Recover, and Heal Bell, as well as Whirlwind(it already had Roar, thought). Access to U-Turn makes him a reliable pivot. And goddamn his fur is just so cool.


Flying Press is the only notable new thing for Fighting types. It is basically addictional Flying coverage whit STAB. In doubles Mat Block can also be useful for your team(it's a Protect that works even for your ally, but doesn't protect against status)


Really nothing new for the fire type aside of random Megas whit Blue Flare>Fire Blast and the already mentioned Pyroar.



Zygarde got some goodies such as Spikes and Dragon Rush, which works sweet whit Coil and doesn't make you setup bait for steel types like Outrage



Gogoat has that weird ability that boosts your defense when there is the Grassy Terrain. Sadly Gogoat doesn't learn that move. Stabmons fix it finally. The Grassy terrain also boost the power of Grass moves. There is a drawback thought. Even your opponent has his HP restored.

Oh, and now every Grass type has a better Protect in Spiky Shield. And Synthesis is more reliable whit the weather nerf, althought you should still use better healing moves if your Pokémon can get them(Milk Drink Gogoat, Recover Cradily, Recover Leafeon, Roost Jumpluff...).




And Powder is going to be just hilarious whit Scizor, Genesect and Forretress.


Every Steel type has a better protect in form of King's Shield. Ferrothorn is going to be a pain whit this and Leech Seed.


No Psychic moves or interesting Psychic Pokémon at all.



Water Shuriken is welcome for every physical Water attacker. Cloyster however stands out because she always get a 75 base power Water Shuriken, and the move has priority, meaning that priority users have little to do, unless they resist Water(Mach Punch Chesnaught? LOL).


Nuzzle>Thunder Wave.


Spacial Rend is even more welcome because of the power drop of Dragon Pulse.


Really nothing.


Freeze Dry i guess, although Thunderbolt has the same base power even after Stab and provides better coverage.



Barbaracle can use Head Smash for some insane power alongside Tough Claws and Shell Smash, but the recoil is just too heavy, i don't think it would be better than Stone Edge. However, it gets CrabHammer for stronger Water type STAB.


Nothing really.



Moonlight is now a Fairy type move and is more viable due to the weather nerf. Like Synthesis, it should be used only if you lack better options, thought.
Notable users are Carbink whit his outstanding bulk and craptastic typing, Klefki and Whimsicott for Prankster recovery.


Power Herb Geomancy just wrecking shit.
Other fairies have Shell Smash and/or are physical/support, so Gardevoir is the only viable user.
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