Pokémon Aurorus

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No, I'd still stick with Tri-attack over Hyper Beam. I couldn't get over that a specially-based rock type with gems on it's back does not get Power Gem...until I remembered how much GF likes ice types.
It shouldn't. Any additional damage that you manage to get out of using it will be swiftly mitigated by the ensuing stream of +1 Outrages or Fiery Dances.

Refrigerate Hyper Beam should be used as a last ditch move; it's not something you'd use regularly. It's not like Aurorus has a 4MSS anyways.
Basically treat it like Explosion. v_v Sounds fun!

You can't. Explosion lets you switch in a check or counter immediately. An opponent could use that recharge turn from Hyper Beam to set up instead of fainting Aurorus. It's way too risky for the rest of your team.
Sacrificing a Pokemon can be perfectly worthwhile. Memento, for example, is a fantastic move on certain sets, where it can grab a ton of momentum. Hyper Beam does the opposite: it grinds the momentum to a complete halt and lets your enemy do whatever the hell they want. The only Refrigerate move Aurorus needs is Nature Power.
You can't. Explosion lets you switch in a check or counter immediately. An opponent could use that recharge turn from Hyper Beam to set up instead of fainting Aurorus. It's way too risky for the rest of your team.
Setup isn't always an issue, though. What if the rest of the Pokemon on the opponent's side could be easily swept by, oh, I dunno, your Scarf Mienshao? What if they're on their last Pokemon and you need that extra bit of muscle? What if everything remaining is a defensive Pokemon, and setting up won't do jack in the way of offence?
Setup isn't always an issue, though. What if the rest of the Pokemon on the opponent's side could be easily swept by, oh, I dunno, your Scarf Mienshao? What if they're on their last Pokemon and you need that extra bit of muscle? What if everything remaining is a defensive Pokemon, and setting up won't do jack in the way of offence?

I was using "set up" as a collective term, the point is that you just don't know how badly your opponent can screw you over if you give him a free turn to do whatever he wants. He might be able to make the most of it, or he might waste his opportunity, that is true. But why are you going to risk it just to let Aurorus run Hyper Beam? The whole thing is just too shaky and it just relies too much on what your opponent has up his sleeve. To rely on chance like that is not the way to win.
Been breeding for like ages to get an even better, good Modest nature Amaura. finally got one with max HP and Defence, but even though I can see I have max sp. attack (dumped in day care till lv. 20) as well, the guy at the battle Maison Pokémon centre, doesn't say I have. :/ (can it over 40 Sp. Attack at level 20 without evs?)
Well anyway? I was wondering what Evs I should have gone for. So far I spent a good hour last night super training for 252 Sp. attack and 252 HP, with 6 sp. defence (since I don't know what else to put those remaining EVs into.) it has bad base speed any way so not worth my while.

Well anyway, the set I have planed is:
Leftovers as the main item.
~Freeze Dry (Obviously. hits lots of duel type water types for X4 weakness) like I would care over Thunderbolt on Skarmory
~Hyper Beam (It's too good with refrigerate. having nature power tri attack is interesting but doesn't have enough power to potentially KO threats. at least hyper beam can Ko like say a Mandibuzz.)
~Ancient Power (what other rock special moves does it have?)
~And finally Substitute like my set I posted 2-3 pages back. Just to protect you while you attempt to recover from a Hyper Beam. Obviously on a choice set, I'll maybe go for Nature Power or even Ice Beam or Frost Breath (doing 120 damage every time thanks to it always causing critical hits) for more damage output, compared to freeze dry.

Or you could go offensive if you think you can outspeed a fighting type and use Psychic. (I highly doubt that though, if your thinking of stuff like Mienshao) but psychic is nice filler. Now if only it had Earth Power.
Honestly, I'd also stick Hyper Beam on it if I'm making an all-out attacking set. It's so powerful with STAB + a free LO boost.
It's not a move to spam but Aurorus doesn't have a huge movepool and it could be useful in an end-game situation where you need to KO in one turn.
If I'm using a Pokemon that's pretty bad I might as well be a bit adventurous.

Now into more gimmicky territory; a set built around trying to abuse CryoBeam:
Substitute | Hyper Beam | Freeze Dry | Roar/Dragon Tail/(Encore)
Leftovers should be the item of choice. Freeze Dry because you need a reliable attack with decent strength and coverage.
If the opponent has a threatening sweeper but you're able to retain a Substitute against something slower that you can faint (or something faster than can't do > 25% damage), launch Hyperbeam.
The fact that you'll be behind a Sub should deter any incoming sweeper from setting up. If it tries to, you have your pick between another attack or a phazing move.
It'd probably function best as a Tank/Wallbreaker in a tier where the hits are manageable. It has just enough speed to outrun slow walls without too much investment.
Its great HP will make for sturdy subs as it can easily achieve the 101HP mark and has good SpD. EV investment and nature would depend on threats and desired balance between bulk and power.
I don't know how effective this would be in practice but it's like Farfetch'd with a stick. When a Pokemon with a lot of issues has a unique niche, you have to try to take advantage of it. lol

EDIT: Encore as a less safe option in slot four that nonetheless has its own appeal.
Aurorus will draw Fighting and Steel attacks that Ghosts and Steels, etc can come in on.
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Haven't read the whole thread, but here's a fun thought... It does learn Round, and since it's relatively slow, it would go right after your first Pokemon uses Round in Doubles due to how Round works... 120 BP Normal move * 1.3 after Refrigerate * 1.5 after STAB, and you have 234 BP Ice move that can hit through substitutes.

If we take Triple battles into account, it becomes a walloping 468 BP if it uses Round as the last of your three Pokemon. Holy crap, I have to give this thing a try!
Well, it's weak to rock, fighting, ground, fire, steel ... yadda yadda.

Doesn't Amoongus resist a lot of those types? With Leech Seed, Sleep Powder, Rage Powder, and Protect, he can function as a really good supporter in doubles for anybody crazy that sees Hyper Beam Aurorus as an option. (namely, me.)
Sacrificing a Pokemon can be perfectly worthwhile. Memento, for example, is a fantastic move on certain sets, where it can grab a ton of momentum. Hyper Beam does the opposite: it grinds the momentum to a complete halt and lets your enemy do whatever the hell they want. The only Refrigerate move Aurorus needs is Nature Power.

Not true. Ya gotta have an open mind. What if the Aurorus is on a Trick Room Team? Or fighting a Slower Pokemon? Or used Rock Polish? If you go first... chunk the enemy as a last resort, die to the enemy, then you're in the clear. What if it has a Life Orb and dies to the recoil? What if its your final Pokemon? There's so many ways to prevent it from being "a free turn for the opponent" but you can't just you "LOL HYPERBAEM!!!" all willy nilly. It has to be a last resort at a crucial moment. And so what if you kill the opponent and have to recharge? No one can ensure victory in one turn when something is going to hit them that hard again.

I'm totally NOT saying that we should all go out and take HB on Aury. I haven't used any of the HB clones since Slaking in Gen 4. It's a risky gamble since not every match will allow for you to even use the move. But let us no dismiss it and assume every single scenario in the world = a loss.
You might think that its typing is awful, but you forgot that it's immune to both Hail and Sandstorm (the later giving a SpD buff).
Hyper Beam Refrigerate Aurorus + Choice Scarf Imposter Ditto

Tempt your opponent to set up....on the recharge
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Doesn aurorus get hyper voice? Stronger than blizzard with more pp and goes through sub. Would be a saving grace at least
I am honestly shocked nobody suggested a Rock Polish Life Orb set.

Moves are like:

Nature Power
Hyper Beam
Rock Polish

The main tricky part is getting this in safely, which shouldn't be super hard due to naturally high base HP, but it requires you to eliminate stuff like priority users and tanks with super effective moves that you can't immediately kill. So this set is oriented towards lategame like Gen 4 Empoleon. Hyper Beam actually isn't a joke on this set because Life Orb recoil suicide, while highly conditional, potentially enables you to avoid the main drawback of Hyper Beam, which is giving your opponent a free turn of setup.

Of course, I didn't factor any metagame threats yet that would make this set impractical. The idea is you remove things that are hard to deal with, then clean up.
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Hyper Beam is not usable on Aurorus. Refridgerate gives a 1.33333x boost to normal moves turned Ice meaning it is exactly the same as Adaptability.

Porygon Z never made use of Adaptability Hyper Beam and Porygon Z had much more Speed, Special Attack, and a far better movepool. It even has arguably better defensive typing.
Porygon Z also suffered from 4MSS, which is a problem Aurorus really doesn't have. So why not Hyper Beam given Aurorus really only cares about having two main attacking moves anyway.

Porygon Z literally can't run Hyper Beam because it needs at least three attacking moves to not be easily walled in terms of type coverage.
Porygon Z also suffered from 4MSS, which is a problem Aurorus really doesn't have. So why not Hyper Beam given Aurorus really only cares about having two main attacking moves anyway.

Porygon Z literally can't run Hyper Beam because it needs at least three attacking moves to not be easily walled in terms of type coverage.

Aurorus used Hyper Beam! Opponent fainted!
Lucario use Swords Dance
Gyarados used Dragon Dance
Zygarde used Coil
Volcarona used Quiver Dance
Cloyster used Shell Smash


You get a KO, but your opponent now gets six of them.
Which is why you run Life Orb. You save Hyper Beam for those rare situations where the recoil actually kills you. Assuming you're saving him for cleanup, it's not a completely unreasonable situation.
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