2 guys, no girl and a Poké place

Okay. This Tyrunt have Ice Fang/DD/Fire Fang?
Because i do have a Tyrunt, but not with this egg moves. I want a female.
I will trade a Bold rotom with

31/x/x/31/31/31 OR

for a Timid staryu 31/x/x/31/31/31 (id much rather have one without defense then one without special defense)
I have perfect bold Rotom, do you have anything else. I'll check the Staryu spitbacks, but I'm pretty sure I have 31/xx/31/31/xx/31

I have gible spit backs and maril spitbacks (which you arent looking for :\)

I do have mawile and breloom spitbacks

Adamant mawile
31/31/x/x/31/31 or

and my shroomishes are similar IVd (no special def, no def or no speed)

shroomishes are adamant quick feet (technician when evolved) and have bullet seed bred to them.

If you dont need them I'm sorry I got nothing else.


I do have a jolly female 31/31/x/x/31/31 magikarp
Do you have any Jol
I have gible spit backs and maril spitbacks (which you arent looking for :\)

I do have mawile and breloom spitbacks

Adamant mawile
31/31/x/x/31/31 or

and my shroomishes are similar IVd (no special def, no def or no speed)

shroomishes are adamant quick feet (technician when evolved) and have bullet seed bred to them.

If you dont need them I'm sorry I got nothing else.


I do have a jolly female 31/31/x/x/31/31 magikarp
I checked your shop. Do you have any Jolly male Horsea spitbacks?
Either will work. I need to breed DD onto some adamant stuff and I'd like Jolly as well. I'll add you now. I'd prefer the one with XX in speed.
Ok Ive added you ^.^

on a side note there is only one person online on my friends list that isnt playing pokemon x or y