Pokémon Scizor

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Ok, after checking it, Scizor have mainly steel, flying, bug, fighting and dark moves. Considering bullet punch is a must, we have steel already and have to choose one out of the remaining 4

Steel + Fighting is Super Effective against: Ice, Rock, Fairy, Dark, Normal, Steel(6) and will hit Neutral on all Mono-type pokemon
Steel + Bug is Super Effective against: Ice, Rock, Fairy, Grass, Psychic, Dark(6) and is not effective on Fire and Steel
Steel + Flying is Super Effective against: Ice, Rock, Fairy, Grass, Fighting, Bug (6) and is not effective on Electric and Steel
Steel + Dark is Super Effective against: Ice, Rock, Fairy, Psychic, Ghost(5) and will hit Neutral on all Mono-type pokemon

Looking at this we are down to Steel+Fighting or Steel+Dark. The former has breakbreak that can destroy screen but not boosted by technician and the later has pursuit or thief that get technician boost.

Ok, I have reset my EV to HP and Sp.D and I want to say I am pretty disappointed. I havent try it on many battle but four and I can say so far it that for most of the time I just cant get that +4 Sword Dance and therefore cant kill a single thing.

With TalonFlame and Blaziken, all over the place I was forced to switch out. Azumarill which is currently very popular can wall Scizor attack easily even at +4 since steel deal neutral damage, Fighting and bug is not effective and I dont have flying move.
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Ok, I have reset my EV to HP and Sp.D and I want to say I am pretty disappointed. I havent try it on many battle but four and I can say so far it that for most of the time I just cant get that +4 Sword Dance and therefore cant kill a single thing.

With TalonFlame and Blaziken, all over the place I was forced to switch out. Azumarill which is currently very popular can wall Scizor attack easily even at +4 since steel deal neutral damage, Fighting and bug is not effective and I dont have flying move.

This is where team support plays a role. You shouldn't be even trying to set up until things like Talonflame and Blaziken are dead. And I usually wouldn't use Scizor to take on Azumarill unless I have no other chioce (I typically use Rotom-W to handle Azumarill but I am careful not to switch it into a Play Rough). As mentioned previously, Scizor is a team player not a stand-alone sweeper. I could be wrong but I get the impression that you try to set up and sweep with Scizor too early in your battles. This is why I opt to use U-turn/Bullet Punch/SD/Roost because I can just U-turn around early-mid game to help wear down Scizor's counters, while being able to switch to an appropriate match-up. And then late game when everything is worn down, then I set up SD(s) and BP to clean house.

As for the EV spread, if you were to go specially defensive, 248 HP/ 16 Atk/ 244 SDef is more optimal because it rounds down SR damage and also 16 EVs in Attack with a boosting nature grants you a 2-for-1 deal, giving you +2 stat points for 4 EVs, while still being able to never be 2HKO'ed by Mega Gengar's Shadow Ball after SR. If you don't care about the part about Mega Gengar, you can opt to just run 248 HP/ 252 Atk/ 8 SDef or some other customized EV spread that fits your needs.

Also, all this talk is regarding Mega Scizor, if you're using normal Scizor, those extra SDef EVs are pointless.
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Scizor holding focus sash and knowing counter viable at all?Probally not but consider the following
TalonFlame uses Flareblitz
Scizor hung onto it's focus sash, scizor used counter.
I'm not sure on the calcs but I believe Talonflame would be dead.
Scizor switchs(Until it can outspeed something and roost)
Viable? As I'm typing this I know it's not practicle, but it should work shouldn't it?
Scizor holding focus sash and knowing counter viable at all?Probally not but consider the following
TalonFlame uses Flareblitz
Scizor hung onto it's focus sash, scizor used counter.
I'm not sure on the calcs but I believe Talonflame would be dead.
Scizor switchs(Until it can outspeed something and roost)
Viable? As I'm typing this I know it's not practicle, but it should work shouldn't it?

I don't think Scizor is fast enough to use roost without being picked off by a faster mon or one using priority. And don't forget the small chance that Scizor could get burned by Flare Blitz. You may be able to knock out that pesky talonflame with this method, but I'm sure there are better ways to do that without sending Scizor on a suicide run.
Thx nyczxjay, you are absolutely right about me trying to set up early without removing threat but I play the official 3vs3 for this one so it is actually pretty hard to remove those threats especially when I fail to predict their team and end up with the wrong support
Thx nyczxjay, you are absolutely right about me trying to set up early without removing threat but I play the official 3vs3 for this one so it is actually pretty hard to remove those threats especially when I fail to predict their team and end up with the wrong support

If you're going 3v3 then I suggest you use a EV spread with max Attack then. I assumed you were talking about 6v6. I don't play 3v3 battles but I would guess it's more about KO'ing your opponent asap. There is no "wear down the counters" in 3v3 since the battles are relatively short. So I would suggest just packing your team with powerful sweepers that can OHKO/2HKO everything and have good type synergy with each other.
Sorry for going out of topic here but I think this is a good chance to ask about this. You see, I am pretty new to competitive pokemon and don't have friends to compete with. I read that Smogon have their own rules and stuff but I haven't got the chance to study about it, plus I think the battle finder or something like that is currently not working. Therefore, I naturally go to the most easily accessible competitive gameplay 3vs3 battle spot. So where is the best place to look for someone to practice with?

Back to Scizor... Ok, gonna revert it back to 252attk and 252HP, or should I do 252speed instead...? Or more like can some1 help me (and teach if it is not too hard) calculate speed required to outspeed jolly mega-kangaskhan with adamant mega-Scizor? Remembered last time my 252hp/252attk was screwed real hard by mega-kangaskhan sucker punch.
Sorry for going out of topic here but I think this is a good chance to ask about this. You see, I am pretty new to competitive pokemon and don't have friends to compete with. I read that Smogon have their own rules and stuff but I haven't got the chance to study about it, plus I think the battle finder or something like that is currently not working. Therefore, I naturally go to the most easily accessible competitive gameplay 3vs3 battle spot. So where is the best place to look for someone to practice with?

Back to Scizor... Ok, gonna revert it back to 252attk and 252HP, or should I do 252speed instead...? Or more like can some1 help me (and teach if it is not too hard) calculate speed required to outspeed jolly mega-kangaskhan with adamant mega-Scizor? Remembered last time my 252hp/252attk was screwed real hard by mega-kangaskhan sucker punch.

TBH, the best place to get practice is by using Pokemon Showdown (PS), an online simulator for competitive battling. That's where you'll get the best battles and the most battles. However, note that PS is still in its beta phase for Gen 6 so there might be some errors between it and the actual cartridge which will be ironed out as time goes on. You can test your teams there and then breed them onto your cartridge and then battle on Wifi. But it's pretty hard to find good battles on Wifi because a majority of Wifi battlers aren't very good, but you get a few gems here and there.

As for Scizor, Mega Scizor will never outspeed a Kangaskhan. MegScizor has base 75 (I think) speed while MegKang has base 100. I would just use 248 HP/252 Atk/ 8 SDef if you don't need MegScizor to take on Mega Gengar since one of the main selling points of Mega Scizor is its increased bulk.
I'm trying to base my team around SD mega scizor and I'm unsure about which partners will help support him best. What exacly does he need to sweep and which pokemon preform best with him?
I ran a Mega Scizor set with 252hp 252atk and Swords Dance, Roost, Bullet Punch, and Thief. Steel/Dark has surprisingly good coverage, and Scizor is one of the rare megas to be able to heal itself. Mega Scizor like this is almost a perfect hard counter to Gliscor, who can't toxic it, and whose EQ only does around 20% while you can set up to +6. I'm thinking Knock Off should replace Thief since a 97 base power move is better than a 90 base power move, even if it gets slightly weaker the next hit since Mega Scizor should have enough attack to make it a kill regardless.

The good thing about Mega Scizor is that the increased bulk means you can sacrifice the item slot, and speed isn't necessary because of priority.

Running Mega Scizor, probably things that get rid of pokemon with fire moves. Status also irks Mega Scizor, but it's not too much of a big deal (even burn) because you're bulky enough to take non-fire moves and continue to set up.
Aqua if you want to find people, make friends with players; or organize your own 3v3 set using smogon rules on the forums. To calculate speed tiers its best if you look up a list on serbii on pokemon speeds to see what outspeeds you and THREATENS you, this is important to note that scizor only has 1 weakness and if you plan to use him as a sweeper it is expected that you set up the field to help him sweep.
With a base speed of 75 theres plenty that do mind you. Keep the list of his counters in your mind and when you see them in your battles, pick teammates that can remove the counters, so that scizor may sweep. Azumarill makes a great teammate for scizor, being able to handle the fires that will want to come in as well as the occasional dark types that scizor no longer resists. Being bulky enough to come in repeatedly helps as well; meanwhile scizor is outright immune to the poison attacks, and resists the steel, grass, and electric that azumaril will lure granting him more set up opportunities

Rukaisho Scizor does not really care about any entry hazard to be honest; (though you should still aim to clear them anyway) I do not think a rapid spinner/ defogger will matter THAT much.

@clearshot, 2 ivs wont matter that much.. Frankly id still use him if it was that good.
Two questions. Why is choice band effective if I want to u turn scizor out of bad situations. Also I have an admant 252 atk 252 spd. Did I waste evs in speed?
Bullet punch
Swords dance
Brick break
Two questions. Why is choice band effective if I want to u turn scizor out of bad situations. Also I have an admant 252 atk 252 spd. Did I waste evs in speed?
Bullet punch
Swords dance
Brick break

U-turn on Choice Band Scizor doesn't really assume a 'get me out of here' role, that is, it's not really for getting you out of bad situations, it's for avoiding those situations in the first place but foremost, it's a momentum grabber, you predict or force a switch to a scizor counter and U-turn on that turn, doing a hefty amount of damage (boosted by Choice band) and switching to a favourable match up.
U-turn on Choice Band Scizor doesn't really assume a 'get me out of here' role, that is, it's not really for getting you out of bad situations, it's for avoiding those situations in the first place but foremost, it's a momentum grabber, you predict or force a switch to a scizor counter and U-turn on that turn, doing a hefty amount of damage (boosted by Choice band) and switching to a favourable match up.
That makes sense. Would you replace any of my moveset with a choice band? Pursuit for Brick break?
Aqua if you want to find people, make friends with players; or organize your own 3v3 set using smogon rules on the forums. To calculate speed tiers its best if you look up a list on serbii on pokemon speeds to see what outspeeds you and THREATENS you, this is important to note that scizor only has 1 weakness and if you plan to use him as a sweeper it is expected that you set up the field to help him sweep.
With a base speed of 75 theres plenty that do mind you. Keep the list of his counters in your mind and when you see them in your battles, pick teammates that can remove the counters, so that scizor may sweep. Azumarill makes a great teammate for scizor, being able to handle the fires that will want to come in as well as the occasional dark types that scizor no longer resists. Being bulky enough to come in repeatedly helps as well; meanwhile scizor is outright immune to the poison attacks, and resists the steel, grass, and electric that azumaril will lure granting him more set up opportunities

Rukaisho Scizor does not really care about any entry hazard to be honest; (though you should still aim to clear them anyway) I do not think a rapid spinner/ defogger will matter THAT much.

@clearshot, 2 ivs wont matter that much.. Frankly id still use him if it was that good.
You would use him? But wont the diff in def make mega scizor significantly more fragile and take like maybe 3-5 more damage than max def which would result in getting KOed?
You are talking about a literally 2 point difference. The difference is so insiginificant you wont notice it. Every fire attack is basically gonna 1 shot you regardless, so you wont miss it there:
29 def IV
Terrakion (OU Choice Band)Close Combat86 - 101.45%Stone Edge71.72 - 84.83%
31 def IV
Terrakion (OU Choice Band)Close Combat85.13 - 100.58%Stone Edge71.13 - 83.96%
thats your difference, not even 1%. Its not going to save you as much as you think
Rukaisho Scizor does not really care about any entry hazard to be honest; (though you should still aim to clear them anyway) I do not think a rapid spinner/ defogger will matter THAT much.

You didn't read the comments beforehand. Flamebot was suggesting using Scizor with Counter and holding a Focus Sash to bait and kill Talonflame. He would then switch him out until a slower mon was on the field and would then roost off the damage. I merely pointed out that Scizor won't be able to do that effectively, especially since the list of Pokemon he outspeeds is minimal, or have priority attacks or there are entry hazards. It's essentially a suicide run.
You didn't read the comments beforehand. Flamebot was suggesting using Scizor with Counter and holding a Focus Sash to bait and kill Talonflame. He would then switch him out until a slower mon was on the field and would then roost off the damage. I merely pointed out that Scizor won't be able to do that effectively, especially since the list of Pokemon he outspeeds is minimal, or have priority attacks or there are entry hazards. It's essentially a suicide run.
ah my mistake idk bout that tho, seems like a waste of scizor when talon is so weak to rocks and really anything. Its def is pretty pitiful:P
You are talking about a literally 2 point difference. The difference is so insiginificant you wont notice it. Every fire attack is basically gonna 1 shot you regardless, so you wont miss it there:
29 def IV
Terrakion (OU Choice Band)Close Combat86 - 101.45%Stone Edge71.72 - 84.83%
31 def IV
Terrakion (OU Choice Band)Close Combat85.13 - 100.58%Stone Edge71.13 - 83.96%
thats your difference, not even 1%. Its not going to save you as much as you think
Err.. Lol im abit confused about how you calculate the damage. Why is it 70 something -80 something or something like that?
Err.. Lol im abit confused about how you calculate the damage. Why is it 70 something -80 something or something like that?

Moves don't deal the same amount of damage on each use. The damage is partially randomized, though I do not think this is the thread to go into the math behind pokemon battles...

As for Knock-Off vs. Thief, I may have been too harsh in my initial judgment of Knock-Off on Scizor. Assuming you're not fighting another Mega, Knock-Off has 97.5 + 65 = 162.5 power, and Thief's 90 has 180 power, assuming two uses of each. That's a rather wide gap, but if a) you're boosting and could OHKO/2KO with either or b) removing their item is more valuable than 20 power over two turns, then Knock-Off may find a spot on Scizor. If it was 60 power, it would be a no-brainer, but that 65 is no doubt intentional on Trollfreak's part to prevent Technician abuse.
i currently run a team setup of
- Smeargle (annoying bastard with spore, SR, spikes and sticky web)
- Mega Scizor (tank/sweep/undecided)
- Azumarill (phy tank/sweeper)
- Aegislash (phy tank/sweeper)
- Greninja (sweeper)
- Goodra (special tank/sweeper)

i essentially want to run a
- Bullet Punch, Roost, U-turn and Pursuit/Swords Dance move
on my scizor.. but i can't decide his EVs. i see most of the recommendations rotating around max HP with a mix of SpD and Atk EVs. i was just wondering if i should really run that way on my scizor considering my team. a friend of mine recommend me to go full attack(make full use of bullet punch) and speed in order for me to use U-turn to run away from danger. it'd be great if anyone could advice me on how i should build my EVs ^^(kinda new to competitive battling)
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