Pokémon Scizor

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Knock off is only x1.5 dmg when they have an item. Its viability on Scizor is somewhat questionable; there are other pokemon who can use it better, I think.

Yeah I found that out later. I remember reading somewhere when the game first came out it was 2x but that's ok. Mega Scizor still uses Knock Off better than most pokemon. I've been seeing a lot of Pursuit talk but Knock Off actually has better overall damage against bulky pokemon. While it's only a little bit stronger on the first hit that pursuit, removing leftovers essentially adds an extra 6.25% for that turn which can mean the difference between a pokemon dying and not dying to Bullet Punch. Knock Off is such a great move.

thoughts on good scizor partners aside from the obvious rotom-w?

One thing scizor absolutely hates is the threat of burn, especially if you're using Mega Scizor or just any non-CB U-Turn all the time set. To this end I find Bulky Clefable to be a great partner. It's WoW immune and handles Rotom-W extremely well.
Yeah I found that out later. I remember reading somewhere when the game first came out it was 2x but that's ok. Mega Scizor still uses Knock Off better than most pokemon. I've been seeing a lot of Pursuit talk but Knock Off actually has better overall damage against bulky pokemon. While it's only a little bit stronger on the first hit that pursuit, removing leftovers essentially adds an extra 6.25% for that turn which can mean the difference between a pokemon dying and not dying to Bullet Punch. Knock Off is such a great move.

One thing scizor absolutely hates is the threat of burn, especially if you're using Mega Scizor or just any non-CB U-Turn all the time set. To this end I find Bulky Clefable to be a great partner. It's WoW immune and handles Rotom-W extremely well.

Alternatively, any fire type works well with it, as they both absorb burns, and resist those nasty fire type moves that he hates so much. Heatran, when pokebank is out, is a no brainer, and works well with Scizor AND Rotom-w. Volcarona is an offensive option, and Arcanine, while UU, is a physical "Heatran-lite (with flash fire)" that is available pre-pokebank. The latter two options dislike SR, so a spinner would be appreciated as well.
Alternatively, any fire type works well with it, as they both absorb burns, and resist those nasty fire type moves that he hates so much. Heatran, when pokebank is out, is a no brainer, and works well with Scizor AND Rotom-w. Volcarona is an offensive option, and Arcanine, while UU, is a physical "Heatran-lite (with flash fire)" that is available pre-pokebank. The latter two options dislike SR, so a spinner would be appreciated as well.

Post-PokéBank, Scizor can somewhat work as the spinner himself thanks to Defog. However, if your using screens or hazards of your own, then Rapid Spin would be the better option. I would say Donphan is a good choice, as he provides a third poke you can switch into on fire moves aimed at Scizor.
As for Knock-Off vs. Thief, I may have been too harsh in my initial judgment of Knock-Off on Scizor. Assuming you're not fighting another Mega, Knock-Off has 97.5 + 65 = 162.5 power, and Thief's 90 has 180 power, assuming two uses of each. That's a rather wide gap, but if a) you're boosting and could OHKO/2KO with either or b) removing their item is more valuable than 20 power over two turns, then Knock-Off may find a spot on Scizor. If it was 60 power, it would be a no-brainer, but that 65 is no doubt intentional on Trollfreak's part to prevent Technician abuse.
Really depends on what set you're going for. I think we can all agree that Scizor appreciates a dark move in its repository. The big four are Pursuit, Night Slash, Thief, and Knock off. Pursuit is good if you're going for a trapping Scizor. Night Slash is outclassed by Thief and Knock off. Thief is the reliable move for guaranteed 90 damage, and Knock off has more utility and slightly more damage.

I'm personally more in favor of Knock off on mega Scizor since mega Scizor is likely a SD roost set and the extra damage is appreciated after a boost, and Scizor rarely needs more than one hit when you're boosted up. Furthermore, Knock off can be used on nearly every single one of the opponent's pokemon, doing a nice 97 damage and denying them of their choice item or leftovers.
yea thief Pursuit or Quick attack Double priorities has been doing ok for me

Ranked Matches on Global Link if i have the oppurtunity to set up 2 swords Dance (which happens more than i expected) Quick attack is Incredibly useful 1 hitting Each talonflame i've faced it in that situation. Although it may go without saying that 2 SD kills a ton of things, Staying in Against Talon FLame and killing it has 100% won each match for me once its checked they don't usually have anything bulky to beat scizor
i currently run a team setup of
- Smeargle (annoying bastard with spore, SR, spikes and sticky web)
- Mega Scizor (tank/sweep/undecided)
- Azumarill (phy tank/sweeper)
- Aegislash (phy tank/sweeper)
- Greninja (sweeper)
- Goodra (special tank/sweeper)

i essentially want to run a
- Bullet Punch, Roost, U-turn and Pursuit/Swords Dance move
on my scizor.. but i can't decide his EVs. i see most of the recommendations rotating around max HP with a mix of SpD and Atk EVs. i was just wondering if i should really run that way on my scizor considering my team. a friend of mine recommend me to go full attack(make full use of bullet punch) and speed in order for me to use U-turn to run away from danger. it'd be great if anyone could advice me on how i should build my EVs ^^(kinda new to competitive battling)
Mega Scizor should be running a tanky build, so go with the defensive EV's so you can take hits while setting up and roost off the damage. If you wanted him to do more damage you'd be better off running life orb or choice band regular scizor anyways. Also, I'd suggest Superpower over U-turn, and using swords dance, since superpower has better coverage with bullet punch and you want to be able to abuse your bulk and set up so you can make up for your lack of offensive EV investment.
Hello all,

So I'm running a team of my favorite pokemon with Scizor in the mix.

Currently I'm running Lucario, Alakazam, Metagross, Scizor, Volcarona, and Gyarados

My main concern is the movepool with Scizor. I can't do usual sets like Choice Band because I want to take advantage of using U-Turn in conjunction with Defog for traps and hazards (especially Stealth Rock vs my Volcarona). I want to use Scizor more as a specialist attack/defend pokemon coming in and out of fighting rather than being the revenge killer it typically is.

Currently the Scizor I have is running U-turn, Defog, Bullet Punch, and Superpower. I was thinking of Quick Claw (I know, I know) for the speed of their attack since I think potentially trapping Scizor in Defog would be a terrible idea. So I guess I'm questioning what EV's, Nature, and Item I should use if I want to use Scizor this way?

I'm still getting into a bit more competitive play so some of these things I'm still trying to figure out on my own.
Hello all,

So I'm running a team of my favorite pokemon with Scizor in the mix.

Currently I'm running Lucario, Alakazam, Metagross, Scizor, Volcarona, and Gyarados

My main concern is the movepool with Scizor. I can't do usual sets like Choice Band because I want to take advantage of using U-Turn in conjunction with Defog for traps and hazards (especially Stealth Rock vs my Volcarona). I want to use Scizor more as a specialist attack/defend pokemon coming in and out of fighting rather than being the revenge killer it typically is.

Currently the Scizor I have is running U-turn, Defog, Bullet Punch, and Superpower. I was thinking of Quick Claw (I know, I know) for the attack since I think potentially trapping Scizor in Defog would be a terrible idea. So I guess I'm questioning what EV's, Nature, and Item I should use if I want to use Scizor this way?
I sense a great amount of fire weakness and some rock weakness in your future. Also I'm assuming you're playing on PS because you're running Superpower.

Anyway, I'd run an item that boosts a certain attack, like one of the plates. THis also seems like a more Utility Scizor Honestly, so I'd run this set:

Scizor @ Leftovers/Scizorite | Technician
Careful Nature | 252 HP / 16 Atk / 240 Sp. Def
Bullet Punch | Defog | Roost | U-Turn

This set gives Scizor a bit of survivability. Now, he won't be living any fire type attacks with that spread (unless he's under nerfed rain) but it will give him higher special defense, which will allow him to take special hits even better this gen after they got nerfed. If you want to get consistent health back, go with Leftovers, but if you wanna really bulk up, Scizorite is the way to go. Scizorite would also make up a very small portion of the massive loss of attack in this set. Another nifty thing about mega stones I don't know if many others think about is they are a good trick counter, just switch them into Rotoms! But anyway, that would be the set I'd use.

Just wondering, is there a Pokemon that learns Defog this gen that allows you to get it to Scyther in this gen?
I sense a great amount of fire weakness and some rock weakness in your future. Also I'm assuming you're playing on PS because you're running Superpower.

Anyway, I'd run an item that boosts a certain attack, like one of the plates. THis also seems like a more Utility Scizor Honestly, so I'd run this set:

Scizor @ Leftovers/Scizorite | Technician
Careful Nature | 252 HP / 16 Atk / 240 Sp. Def
Bullet Punch | Defog | Roost | U-Turn

This set gives Scizor a bit of survivability. Now, he won't be living any fire type attacks with that spread (unless he's under nerfed rain) but it will give him higher special defense, which will allow him to take special hits even better this gen after they got nerfed. If you want to get consistent health back, go with Leftovers, but if you wanna really bulk up, Scizorite is the way to go. Scizorite would also make up a very small portion of the massive loss of attack in this set. Another nifty thing about mega stones I don't know if many others think about is they are a good trick counter, just switch them into Rotoms! But anyway, that would be the set I'd use.
Just wondering, is there a Pokemon that learns Defog this gen that allows you to get it to Scyther in this gen?

Yeah, I looked up my type settings and knew that rock and especially fire were going to be some challenges (Hence why Gyarados and Metagross know Earthquake, Lucario knows Stone Edge, and Volcarona knows Giga Drain). It definitely worried me, to the point where I almost chose my secondary 6th favorite Greninja to give some more balance.

Roost makes me cringe but that's just a personal taste of thinking of Scizor "roosting". XD It does make sense for this typing though.

I'll test it out. As for your last question, I'm a little confused about your wording. Do you mean in the context of breeding because as far as I know, Scyther learns defog through the HM or by breeding it with pokemon such as Pidgey, Zubat, Chatot, etc.

Thanks again and I'll be happy to give some feedback once I'm able to set this up. :)
Does scizor get any other priotity move besides those bullet punch and quick attack?

What about quick attack for priority and Iron Head for STAB?

edit: Oh yeah, with technician Bullet punch gets 60 plus STAB = 90 Iron Head is 120 with STAB. Is it worth 30 power for priority?

Then both BP and QA? It's kinda weak but it hits talonflame. A bug attack sucks and there's no priority.
Does scizor get any other priotity move besides those two?

What about quick attack for priority and Iron Head for STAB?

edit: Oh yeah, with technician Bullet punch gets 60 plus STAB = 90 Iron Head is 120 with STAB. Is it worth 30 power for priority?

Then both BP and QA? It's kinda weak but it hits talonflame. A bug attack sucks and there's no priority.
Bullet punch is way better then iron head. There is no reason, basically, to run iron head unless your name is jirachi or you need to hit fairies. Scizor needs Bp.
I'd like to run something like 252 HP, some mix of Atk and SpDef (probably most in attack), and the following moveset:

-Knock Off
-Bullet Punch

Does anyone have a good idea for an Atk/SpDef split? Right now I run about half in each, but the strength is just slightly underwhelming.
I'd like to run something like 252 HP, some mix of Atk and SpDef (probably most in attack), and the following moveset:

-Knock Off
-Bullet Punch

Does anyone have a good idea for an Atk/SpDef split? Right now I run about half in each, but the strength is just slightly underwhelming.
Imo it's better to boost HP than Special Defense.
And you could use swords dance to boost attack, but you'd have to sacrifice u-turn.
We all know that MegaZor is useful (probably going to breed for one), but what about the scarf set?

Scizor @ Choice Scarf

Iron Head/ Bullet Punch
Bug Bite/ U-turn
Superpower/ Brick Break
Quick Attack/ Knock Off / Thief/ etc...

Mind you, the priority might not be too strong, but still, it surprises the opponent and has the utility of U-turning to a check/counter faster than some other mons.

Imo it's better to boost HP than Special Defense.
And you could use swords dance to boost attack, but you'd have to sacrifice u-turn.

How did you come to this conclusion? I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I'm legitamately asking. The bulky SD set with 252 HP / 40 Atk / 216 SDef probably MegaZor's best set since it makes full use of his increased bulk, along with the fact that many teams don't carry Scizor checks anymore. This opens up the HUGE possibility of running a set-up sweeper with a moveset consisting of Swords Dance, Roost, Bullet Punch, and Bug Bite. Megazor at +2 is nothing to scoff at, and if he gets to +6 (Which isn't very hard if played right) its basically GG because he's going to Bullet Punch your face into oblivion.

Furthermore, having no SDef investment means he's going to fall to alot of special attacks he could've otherwise lived.
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Actually most teams carry scizor checks. I'm kinda disappointed with Mega Scizor. Sometimes I could get a +4 or +6 bullet punch and usually I'd win. But often you don't manage doing it. Water types destroy him, not to mention fire types, many Pokemon runs a fire type move nowadays. And I used Chandelure with flash fire for these situations, but even then, Scizor wasnt as good as I hoped.
Maybe when Superpower gets released it will be much better.

Usually boosting HP is better than one of the defenses because HP boosts both. Besides Mega Scizor has better SPD than HP.
Well maybe it's just me, but I have yet to face an opponent on Showdown that could effectivively check my MegaZor.

And I've been playing on the Pokebank OU ladder since it was put up. The only common check I've seen to Scizor going around is Talonflame, who can't rely on it's ability to go first against MegaZor without risking getting KOed after recoil damage.

252+ Atk Talonflame Brave Bird vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mega Scizor: 118-139 (34.3 - 40.4%)

Of course Flare Blitz is a guaranteed OHKO, however;

+4 40+ Atk Technician Mega Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Talonflame: 206-243 (69.3 - 81.8%)

If MegaZor gets the chance to set-up, Talonflame will fall to Bullet Punch after Stealth Rock. In these situations, Talonflame might as well get a Brave Bird in just for the little damage it does do, since he'll just die on the next switch in anyway.

Also, how do water types destroy him? Scizor takes nuetral damage from water types, and if you're refering to water resisting Bullet Punch then that's the exact reason why Scizor is paired with Rotom-W 80% of the time.

Again, the only Scizor check I see going around anymore is Talonflame, which is a debateable check at best because of the reasons I've stated above. It's just too easy for MegaZor to set-up.
Not sure if this is the place for this question (maybe in a Marowak thread, idk), but was simply curious: Would Mega Scizor be a good set up Pokemon for Marowak if I were to use one?

Like if invested my EVs into Defense/Sp. Def with a nature benefiting one of those (not sure which would be better to choose if so), and gave it Bullet Punch (to clear anything unwanted hopefully), Agility, Baton Pass, and Roost? I'm not really a pro competitive dude and kinda just more fixed on using my favorites, but with Mega's extra added bulk, would this work better? Or at least work better than the iffy Ninjask Speed Boost gimmick? I figure it only needs 2 Agilities to pass to make Marowak speedy enough, and using Roost to recover/Bullet Punch scary things XD.

The only problem I can think of is Skarmory, since it lol's at Bullet Punch I'm betting, and can just whirlwind everything away as well. I guess anything else resistant to Steel would be an issue too, so blah.

So the Marowak part sorta aside, does Mega Scizor make a good setting-up Pokemon for other things (like Marowak lawl)? Thanks in advance haha
Not sure if this is the place for this question (maybe in a Marowak thread, idk), but was simply curious: Would Mega Scizor be a good set up Pokemon for Marowak if I were to use one?

Like if invested my EVs into Defense/Sp. Def with a nature benefiting one of those (not sure which would be better to choose if so), and gave it Bullet Punch (to clear anything unwanted hopefully), Agility, Baton Pass, and Roost? I'm not really a pro competitive dude and kinda just more fixed on using my favorites, but with Mega's extra added bulk, would this work better? Or at least work better than the iffy Ninjask Speed Boost gimmick? I figure it only needs 2 Agilities to pass to make Marowak speedy enough, and using Roost to recover/Bullet Punch scary things XD.

The only problem I can think of is Skarmory, since it lol's at Bullet Punch I'm betting, and can just whirlwind everything away as well. I guess anything else resistant to Steel would be an issue too, so blah.

So the Marowak part sorta aside, does Mega Scizor make a good setting-up Pokemon for other things (like Marowak lawl)? Thanks in advance haha
Um, what? I'm not sure I can understand what you're saying. If you want an atk+spe passer you're better off with Ninjask or the new Scolipede. If you want to set up with Scizor it's going to go sweep by itself. Having to spend more turns for boosting isn't really worth it as you're using up a mega slot and a potential attacker for a pure passer.

The discussion has gone over Knock Off's power several times already, Solid Gold. (boost with held item, of course)
Many people already posted suggested movesets with Knock Off.
I wanted to know if it could be done right now.
As far as I'm aware of, not right now.
Well maybe it's just me, but I have yet to face an opponent on Showdown that could effectivively check my MegaZor.

And I've been playing on the Pokebank OU ladder since it was put up. The only common check I've seen to Scizor going around is Talonflame, who can't rely on it's ability to go first against MegaZor without risking getting KOed after recoil damage.

252+ Atk Talonflame Brave Bird vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mega Scizor: 118-139 (34.3 - 40.4%)

Of course Flare Blitz is a guaranteed OHKO, however;

+4 40+ Atk Technician Mega Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Talonflame: 206-243 (69.3 - 81.8%)

If MegaZor gets the chance to set-up, Talonflame will fall to Bullet Punch after Stealth Rock. In these situations, Talonflame might as well get a Brave Bird in just for the little damage it does do, since he'll just die on the next switch in anyway.

Also, how do water types destroy him? Scizor takes nuetral damage from water types, and if you're refering to water resisting Bullet Punch then that's the exact reason why Scizor is paired with Rotom-W 80% of the time.

Again, the only Scizor check I see going around anymore is Talonflame, which is a debateable check at best because of the reasons I've stated above. It's just too easy for MegaZor to set-up.

Talonflame doesn't run 0 HP if it want to hit more than like, 1 thing.

Am I understanding the situation is:
M.Scizor at +2, and reads a talonflame switch so it sets up again to get +4? If Scizor gets to +2 they'd want to be putting Talonflame in right away to scare it out and that makes sense. Makes even more sense to just chase it away on its "free setup" though?

If SR is up you can BP it and it dies, sure. I'm missing the part that stops Talonflame from just roosting in Scizor's face if it's not at +4. Healthy 248 HP Talonflame survives +4 BP, OHKOs and survives the recoil.
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I'm unsure what EV's to run on my bulky SD Mega Scizor. There's the classic 252HP/40Atk/216SpD build from last gen. However, since Mega Scizor already gets a good boost to it's SpD just by mega evolving, could 252Hp/252Atk/4SpD be a more viable option? Also, what would be a good substitute for bug bite, since it's not available yet?
I run 252hp 252atk 4spD on mega Scizor. Swords dance and Roost are mandatory to be a bulky sweeper, as is Bullet punch. For the last slot, I actually wouldn't put Bug bite, as bug doesn't exactly help your coverage. I'd put a dark move like Thief or Knock off as steel+dark has decent coverage.
I wonder, I'm using Mega Scissorhands right now as Adamant with the SpD bulky spread, and I was wondering if there is any merit in using Pursuit or Aerial Ace over X-Scissor (since pre bank)? I also heard Thief, but I'd like to have a move that has a secondary effect that isn't useless. Aerial Ace can help to hit Grass/Poison types like MVenusaur, and Pursuit could help against Ghosts but I'm not sure that'd be useful since bulky MScizor isn't switching in and out all the time like regular Scizor.
since we see Talonflame as a counter to megasciz would torkoal be a good partner , it sets up stealth rock and walls talonflame to hell resisting both of its attacks. then can threaten back with a rock stab or predict correctly and which is likey a incoming water lay rocks and then switch back to espcially bulky megasciz with rocks up talonflame cant really threaten sciz anywhere near as much because its only hope to ohko would be to hit with fire and it is outsped by quick attack or bullet punch . Jus tthining That Torkoal may be a odd teamate that could draw certain attacks and protect megasciz
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