Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

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Any idea why after awhile the program seems to crash/disconnect me? Also it doesn't seem very stable. When I go to the Home Screen to add someone then go back to Pokemon and try to connect to the hotspot again it just stays at Connecting for a really long time and doesn't do anything..
I tried setting up Instacheck today and I've already installed the suggested programs off the tutorial; but I'm still having issues. I'm using an ethernet to connect my laptop to the modem. Setting up the virtual network/hotspot was no problem. But my 3DS wouldn't connect to it giving me error code 003-2001. I've read through various posts on this thread (such as disabling my firewall) and many others but still no luck.

Is my laptop supposed to be completely disconnected from the internet?...

Someone help me. ><
After updating to Windows 8.1 Instacheck stopped working for me!!

Prior to the update I had Instacheck working perfectly but now whenever I try to press the 'Start hotspot' button I get this error:

An event was unable to invoke any of the subscribers (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040201)
followed by a "Virtual Router Plus Could not be started"

A previous poster has the same error message and user Pokemon Breeder Sophie mentioned that you had to type "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow" into the admin CMD box to fix it.
I tried that but it didn't work - the instacheck hostednetwork was already in allow mode.

AAAARGH. And it took me hours to get it up and running in the first place *rips hair out*.

Has anyone experienced the same issue after updating to windows 8.1?

ETA: upon doing some research on the internet I've found that the 8.1 update screwed up a many people's devices, some having their printer or other hardware devices stop working properly after the update. Perhaps the update screwed with my network adapter somehow? So frustrating.

ETA 2: Finally got it fixed again. No thanks to Windows 8.1
What I did was follow the advice in this thread:

ETA 3: Scratch that being solved. I'm now having the problem of nothing showing up when I'm trading. The correct virtual network is selected in the drop-down box but no data is appearing.
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I tried setting up Instacheck today and I've already installed the suggested programs off the tutorial; but I'm still having issues. I'm using an ethernet to connect my laptop to the modem. Setting up the virtual network/hotspot was no problem. But my 3DS wouldn't connect to it giving me error code 003-2001. I've read through various posts on this thread (such as disabling my firewall) and many others but still no luck.

Is my laptop supposed to be completely disconnected from the internet?...

Someone help me. ><
My laptop stays connected to the internet via wif-fi.
Try this:

1) Use your laptop as normal
2) Start instacheck hotspot
3) Ensure Instacheck is in the first slot of your connections for 3DS
4) Now start Instacheck (do not start scanning yet)
5) Connect in-game to wi-fi
6) once connected start a trade
7) once in the trade window click "start scanning"
8) Show a trade and you should be able to view the stats

This works for me. The guide says you should be hardwired but I can still use the internet through wifi on my laptop and run instacheck without any problems. The main thing is to have everything configured correctly or it will not work. Also if you don't do everything in the proper sequence it wont work. I've missed steps before and had to disconnect everything and start from the beginning again. Hope this helps!
I know this has probably been asked a million times already, but does anyone know how to edit their info on the spreadsheet? I forgot when I put my email on there how slow my email is to get new emails, and just now got a bunch of emails asking to hatch eggs from a week ago, so I don't want to inconvenience anyone else by leaving my email on the spreadsheet. I've looked all over the page and still can't figure out how to edit my info, though.
Hello my SV is 206, I need help finding the sv's for my eggs, and I can help you with your eggs, if you got an egg with sv value of 206 let me know, or help me hatch a shiny plz
message me
Friend code: Cris, 2621-2831-1380
Any idea why after awhile the program seems to crash/disconnect me? Also it doesn't seem very stable. When I go to the Home Screen to add someone then go back to Pokemon and try to connect to the hotspot again it just stays at Connecting for a really long time and doesn't do anything..
Doing that (going to home to add a friend then back again) will crash your hotspot. You will need to restart your hotspot every time you do this. Instacheck is very unstable.
After updating to Windows 8.1 Instacheck stopped working for me!!

Prior to the update I had Instacheck working perfectly but now whenever I try to press the 'Start hotspot' button I get this error:

An event was unable to invoke any of the subscribers (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040201)
followed by a "Virtual Router Plus Could not be started"

A previous poster has the same error message and user Pokemon Breeder Sophie mentioned that you had to type "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow" into the admin CMD box to fix it.
I tried that but it didn't work - the instacheck hostednetwork was already in allow mode.

AAAARGH. And it took me hours to get it up and running in the first place *rips hair out*.

Has anyone experienced the same issue after updating to windows 8.1?

ETA: upon doing some research on the internet I've found that the 8.1 update screwed up a many people's devices, some having their printer or other hardware devices stop working properly after the update. Perhaps the update screwed with my network adapter somehow? So frustrating.

ETA 2: Finally got it fixed again. No thanks to Windows 8.1
What I did was follow the advice in this thread:

ETA 3: Scratch that being solved. I'm now having the problem of nothing showing up when I'm trading. The correct virtual network is selected in the drop-down box but no data is appearing.
When I had this problem, "exception.txt" file appeared in the folder where instacheck was saved I simply deleted it and it now works flawlessly and I am using this via wireless only, no ethernet cables attached.
I know this has probably been asked a million times already, but does anyone know how to edit their info on the spreadsheet? I forgot when I put my email on there how slow my email is to get new emails, and just now got a bunch of emails asking to hatch eggs from a week ago, so I don't want to inconvenience anyone else by leaving my email on the spreadsheet. I've looked all over the page and still can't figure out how to edit my info, though.
Try clicking "Go to spreadsheet view" next to the title at the top left of the page.
When I had this problem, "exception.txt" file appeared in the folder where instacheck was saved I simply deleted it and it now works flawlessly and I am using this via wireless only, no ethernet cables attached.
I checked my instacheck folder but there weren't any files named exception.txt

It's quite disappointing - I'm able to run instacheck ok and set up the hotspot with no issues but no data is coming up in the scans. I think I'll give it a rest for now - getting to be too frustrating.
I've spent at least an hour trying to solve this problem but I go to start the Hotspot and this happens:


This is my Network and Sharing Center:


I have no idea on what to do and any help would be appreciated! :D
I'm currently seeking these users with these TSV:


I did check the Google Doc and there is only a user for 667 but their contact method is "showdown" and I have no idea what that even entails so I don't know how to contact them. If you have a TSV of 1036 or 667 PLEASE message me. Maybe I can help out in return! :)
Sadly it can't be wired (Wireless Only)
  • A computer running Windows Vista or later (XP has not been tested)
  • The computer must have an internet connection, and have a wi-fi connection not being used for internet. (A laptop with a wired connection not using its wi-fi adapter should work.)
  • WinPCap must be installed.
  • Microsoft .NET 3.5 or later must be installed. (You probably already have this if you're running Windows 7. If you've used RNG Reporter on your computer before, you definitely already have this.)
Then I don't believe you can use Instacheck. If there is a way to do it solely wirelessly I do not know how. I do know the requirements section you need both physical and wireless to do Instacheck.
Damn, I've heard of a couple people doing it purely on Wireless so hopefully someone that has the same scenario as me can help. Thanks anyway!
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