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Hey so question. While I will probably replay Heartgold after pokebank comes out (for better moves) I thought I'd use a mixed MegaMewtwoX set for fun. Not the best ever by any stretch but not sopposed to be either I suppose; but for the life of me I can't think of how to do his EVs...

(X Item Thingy)
Psycho Cut
Fire Blast/Thunder
Aura Sphere

I can't figure out a EV spread though and thus am posting like a goon at 3AM.

EVs in speed totally or not?

Just one offence or both?

Help please -|o__0|-
Im gonna be honest here man, this IS the Ideal MegaMewtwo X mixed set I was looking for. However what I feel is the problem is that you are not taking advantage of MMX's bulk so I would replace the fire blast thunder thing with Bulk Up in my opinion. If you are going to have mixed moveset then either have Psystrike or just ice beam instead of Earthquake. Heres how I would do this,
MegaMewtwo X
-Brick Break/Drain Punch
-Earthquake/Stone Edge
-Psycho Cut/Zen Headbutt/ Psystrike
-Bulk Up
Hasty Nature (Speed+ Defense-) Or Naive Nature (Speed+ Special Defense-)
Evs 252 Speed

Now Im not so sure about the other Evs (im hoping replies can help me with that) any ways my comrades You have some options right here in this move set. You can ether run Brick Break or Drain Punch for the Fighting Physical STAB (Im guessing many will pick Drain Punch but whatever) Now if you do run Stone edge it gives you a slight advantage against the Rainbow Menace known as Ho-Oh who is a BIG counter for MMX or you could run Earthquake if you don't want a lack of Accuracy that Stone Edge has. Bulk Up is no exception with this thing you HAVE to take advantage of MMXs Bulk. Otherwise it ain't gonna last long. Now we come to the big choice: the Psychic move. Psycho Cut I don't think anyone will run seeing how its Nothing compared to Zen Headbutt but you could run it if you want. And of Course Psystrike is the option if you do want to make a mixed MMX. Maximize speed Ev's on this thing and try it out.
Hehe yeah the moveset is more of a placeholder till pokebank. I guess the real issue is those EVs. Max speed is a given I guess, but what about those offences. SpAtk is still the same nice number, but then there is that mouth-watering base 190 Atk... Argh!

Oh and on psycho cut, Zen Headbutt and me do not have a friendly history. It somehow ALWAYS missed when I needed it.

Probably just does that to me though -_-
I feel like MMX's only advantage over the other Mewtwos is his drain punch + bulk up set. The problem with that is that the most common physical pokes in ubers--the ones you would want to take advantage of--aren't setup bait. Groudon usually has roar, while Ho-oh can OHKO you. I just don't see MMX as viable, especially since his selling point (higher attack) is irrelevant when psystrike already hits the physical side and his physical attacks are noticably weaker than his special attacks.

MMY, on the other hand, seems like a strict upgrade over regular Mewtwo. No life orb recoil + more opportunities to set up calm minds + extra speed to beat other Mewtwos is nice to have. It's not gamebreaking though, so if you want to use another mega on your team you can always do that and just replace MMY with a regular old Mewtwo and not lose much. That said, I find that I don't really use megas in Pokebank ubers, so if you plan on using Mewtwo, chances are you will have an open mega slot unless your team absolutely needs Scizor or something.
Since some places (like the next VGC) ban transferred Pokemon, is Mega Mewtwo X completely useless in those cases? Because it can't use Drain Punch, Zen Headbutt, Aqua Tail, or F/I/T Punch unless it's transferred.
Since some places (like the next VGC) ban transferred Pokemon, is Mega Mewtwo X completely useless in those cases? Because it can't use Drain Punch, Zen Headbutt, Aqua Tail, or F/I/T Punch unless it's transferred.
vgc wouldn't allow mewtwo in the first place so that's pretty moot to begin with.

I feel like MMX's only advantage over the other Mewtwos is his drain punch + bulk up set. The problem with that is that the most common physical pokes in ubers--the ones you would want to take advantage of--aren't setup bait. Groudon usually has roar, while Ho-oh can OHKO you. I just don't see MMX as viable, especially since his selling point (higher attack) is irrelevant when psystrike already hits the physical side and his physical attacks are noticably weaker than his special attacks.

MMY, on the other hand, seems like a strict upgrade over regular Mewtwo. No life orb recoil + more opportunities to set up calm minds + extra speed to beat other Mewtwos is nice to have. It's not gamebreaking though, so if you want to use another mega on your team you can always do that and just replace MMY with a regular old Mewtwo and not lose much. That said, I find that I don't really use megas in Pokebank ubers, so if you plan on using Mewtwo, chances are you will have an open mega slot unless your team absolutely needs Scizor or something.
I've been meaning to respond to this a while ago but got too lazy to. There are several things you seem to have overlooked.

The absolute biggest advantage mmx gets over its other forms is a fighting typing, which not only gives an additional stab in fighting which is one of the most valuable stabs to have, but it also gets a neutrality to dark/bug that its other forms would get shitted on by. You're not using mmx solely for a setup physical sweeper, you can use him as an all out mixed/attacker since although he may have 190 atk, 150 SpA is still relatively solid. Ho oh isn't a safe switchin to mmx at all since it has access to rock slide/stone miss which needless to say, ohko's. As far as phys moves are concerned, low kick is an incredibly powerful fighting stab that has essentially 120bp on all relevant ubers. Psycho cut sucks, I'd just ditch it entirely and instead go for more coverage since although it gets stab it is pitifully weak (252 atk psycho cut is about on par with uninvested psystrike lol)

MMY is just trash. It's even less of an upgrade that blaze => megablaze is and more of a downgrade and waste of a megastone if anything. MMY has increased speed (140) but that additional speed doesn't do much for it other than avoid a speed tie with normal mewtwo/x and mega gengar but not having enough speed to outspeed neutral base 90 scarfers or enough speed to be able to forgo timid and go modest (if you go modest arceus forms, darkrai, skymin, etc outspeed). As far as attacking goes, it's actually weaker than standard LO mewtwo though the lack of recoil is appreciated. MMY still has the same shitty psychic typing which is horribly defensively since it leaves it vulnerable to yveltal, gene, etc but even worse than its typing is the fact that it has lowered defense. Lowered def leaves it vulnerable to priority most notably from ekiller and aegis that normal mewtwo would've been able to handle better.

Overall as far as team synergy and opportunity cost is concerned MMX > mewtwo > MMY.
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forgot he can learn elemental punches
ice punch will be more powerful than icebeam with this spread
i don't know about 110bp fireblast from a 4satk vs 252atk 75bp fire punch, can someone calc that (thx, i'm lazy)

will low kick from 252atk MMx ohko 252/0 normal arceus? if yes, what move should he run?
Before you hate on Y any more:

Mewtwo @ Mewtwonite Y
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 Spd
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psystrike
- Ice Beam/Fire Blast/Shadow Ball/Aura Sphere
- Calm Mind
- Rest

It looks a bit weird, but it works as so.

The EVs and nature are designed to maximize physical bulk, while retaining enough speed to beat Timid Mewtwo (and other positive 130s). The only thing you miss out on between that and max 140 speed, is Adamant Scarf Heracross, which is rare. Additionally, the speed EVs give you a bonus point. Not that it really changes anything, but it does beat anything trying to speed creep Mewtwo at no extra cost.

First off, you have to kill off anything that outright stops it. So, depending on the coverage move, you'll have to kill a few walls, as well as the fast physical Scarfers.

After that, you switch it into something that it threatens, then use Calm Mind. Then, here's the thing, you keep using Calm Mind until you're almost dead, using the extra Special Defense from calm mind and the HP/Def EVs to take hits much better than normal Mewtwo would. Here's an example

252 SpA Palkia Surf vs. +1 252 HP / 0 SpD Mewtwo in Rain: 180-213 (43.2 - 51.2%)

So Scarf Palkia, who can check normal mewtwo, is simply not getting past this one without letting it get 2 Calm Minds.

Once you're right about to die, use Rest to heal to full hp. Rest usually takes 2 turns to wake up from.

However, the turn after you use Rest, you click the Mega-Evolve Button, and attack. You'll Mega-evolve, gain Insomnia, which wakes you up instantly. Then you're sitting at, usually, +2 SpA/+2 SpD (or more), with 194 Special Attack, with fully invested base 140 Speed, as well as fully invested HP, making you bulky as well. On top of that, you're at, or near, full health, making you damn near impossible to revenge-kill

+1 252 SpA Life Orb Mewtwo Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 80 SpD Lugia: 281-333 (67.5 - 80%)
Normal Mewtwo is pretty strong, but...

+2 0 SpA Mega Mewtwo Y Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 80 SpD Lugia: 302-356 (72.5 - 85.5%)
Mewtwo Y is stronger.


248+ Atk Griseous Orb Giratina-O Shadow Sneak vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mewtwo: 180-212 (50.9 - 60%)

248+ Atk Griseous Orb Giratina-O Shadow Sneak vs. 252 HP / 80 Def Mega Mewtwo Y: 198-234 (47.5 - 56.2%)

So you're bulkier on the physical side, AND, you don't have LO recoil, making it much harder to revenge. You can't just do smart switches and wait for it to weaken itself.

and on the special side
252+ SpA Kyogre Water Spout (150) vs. +1 0 HP / 0 SpD Mewtwo in Rain: 328-387 (92.9 - 109.6%)
252+ SpA Kyogre Water Spout (150) vs. +2 252 HP / 0 SpD Mega Mewtwo Y in Rain: 192-226 (46.1 - 54.3%)
You are, quite literally, twice as bulky. Special Scarfers are much less of a threat to this Mewtwo.

So you essentially sacrifice 1 coverage move in exchange for a lack of recoil, a higher speed, not caring about status while setting up, and higher bulk.

Mewtwo Y is a much worse wall breaker, but as a late game sweeper, it does far, far better than normal Mewtwo

TL;DR Chesto Rest is outdated. Insomnia Rest is the best Rest.


changed the evs a bit, because the only thing between 130 and 140 speed is Adamant scarf cross. no one uses that.
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+1 252 SpA Life Orb Mewtwo Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 80 SpD Lugia: 281-333 (67.5 - 80%)
Normal Mewtwo is pretty strong, but...

+2 0 SpA Mega Mewtwo Y Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 80 SpD Lugia: 302-356 (72.5 - 85.5%)
Mewtwo Y is stronger.

You gave Mega Mewtwo Y one boost more than regular Mewtwo.
REst does not fail with insomnia. If you are in mewtwo's base form, rest, then next turn you mega evolve you wake up and attack on that turn. Staying in mewtwo's base forme for the rest turn is better than having mega evolve on the same turn, it's perfect. You retain the high physical defense, you lose no turns and you are not vulnerable to status at all.
Oh I didn't know you could megavolve while aslepp. If that's the case then it's perfectly usable, except for the slight 4mss
Oh I didn't know you could megavolve while aslepp. If that's the case then it's perfectly usable, except for the slight 4mss
Mewtwo already suffers from 4mss, is it really worth the moveslot to have a move that is incredibly situational (mewtwo taking a hit + rest turn + mega evolve turn) even in that highly unlikely scenario, assuming you mega evolve at full life, you'll still be blessed with having only 3 moves. Honestly it just isn't worth the waste of a move slot.

Mewtwo already suffers from 4mss, is it really worth the moveslot to have a move that is incredibly situational (mewtwo taking a hit + rest turn + mega evolve turn) even in that highly unlikely scenario, assuming you mega evolve at full life, you'll still be blessed with having only 3 moves. Honestly it just isn't worth the waste of a move slot.

Yeah I agree with this, and if you decide to go with Calm Mind, you have to use Fire Blast anyway, as Ice Beam/Aura Sphere will let you walled easily by Aegislash... And even Psystrike/Fire Blast is not great coverage at all. Anyway, it still doesn't have enough defense to take strong physical hits.
Nice set, very creative.
Uninvested SAtk requires CM so like other said you end up with only 2 attacking moves.
What's the best coverage? If you end up at +2 you can forgo STAB for BoltBeam, a combo still unresisted in uber environment.
Major problem to let this InsomniaRest work is that you need to eliminate every single check, not only hard counters or won't stay in the time you need to set this.

Btw can someone run 2 calc for me?
- 252atk MMx low kick vs 252/0 NormalCeus
- 252atk MMx firepunch outdamages 4satk MMx fireblast?
Nice set, very creative.
Uninvested SAtk requires CM so like other said you end up with only 2 attacking moves.
What's the best coverage? If you end up at +2 you can forgo STAB for BoltBeam, a combo still unresisted in uber environment.
Major problem to let this InsomniaRest work is that you need to eliminate every single check, not only hard counters or won't stay in the time you need to set this.

Btw can someone run 2 calc for me?
- 252atk MMx low kick vs 252/0 NormalCeus
- 252atk MMx firepunch outdamages 4satk MMx fireblast?
No good player will let you set up two calm minds not to mention being different for the sake of being different isn't necessarily a good thing.
Nice set, very creative.
Uninvested SAtk requires CM so like other said you end up with only 2 attacking moves.
What's the best coverage? If you end up at +2 you can forgo STAB for BoltBeam, a combo still unresisted in uber environment.
Major problem to let this InsomniaRest work is that you need to eliminate every single check, not only hard counters or won't stay in the time you need to set this.

Btw can someone run 2 calc for me?
- 252atk MMx low kick vs 252/0 NormalCeus
- 252atk MMx firepunch outdamages 4satk MMx fireblast?

Got you covered bro!

For all the calcs here I had MMX Adamant 252atk 4spatk
VS 252hp 252def 4spdef Impish Wallceus

Low Kick: 82.43 - 97.29% (at +1 122.97 - 145.04%)
Fire Punch: 17.34 - 20.49%
Fire Blast: 21.62 - 25.67%

against 252 hp/0def Impish Wallceus
Low Kick: 100.45 - 118.91%
Fire Punch: 21.17 - 25%
Fire Blast: 21.62 - 25.67%

so the fire attack ends up about the same, and as for low kick... wowza o_0
(p.s. I hope this post formats well, never quoted before...)
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