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Due to his solid base HP, Yveltal generally runs at least some HP investment, and Oblivion Wing for healing and damage. From there is where the sets switch up. You can run Spd and offensive EVs with basic attacks like Dark Pulse, Sucker Punch, U-Turn, and Focus Blast, or you can go with a more defensive set, and use Toxic, Roost, Substitute, Taunt, or Disable for utility.

Also, due to his natural bulk, access to a great STAB recovery move, and typing, he can pull off Assault Vest pretty well.
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There isnt really one set thats the best by far.

Due to his solid base HP, Yveltal generally runs at least some HP investment, and Oblivion Wing for healing and damage. From there is where the sets switch up. You can run Spd and offensive EVs with basic attacks like Dark Pulse, Sucker Punch, U-Turn, and Focus Blast, or you can go with a more defensive set, and use Toxic, Roost, Substitute, Taunt, or Disable for utility.

Also, due to his natural bulk, access to a great STAB recovery move, and typing, he can pull off Assault Vest pretty well.

kk thanks :)

let's say for example i want to use a mixed attacker. what set and spread would be best recommended for that?
I´ve been running a specs set and it´s pretty good. Oblivion wing and decent bulk allows Yveltal to survive for longer than your average choice user and access to u-turn is really good as you can imagine. I don´t think many will agree that´s optimal since as i can see many of you prefer to keep sucker punch but Choice Yveltal seems really good in my eyes
The metagame has shifted away from the highly offensive play of the last generation, with bulky offense, balance and stall being more successful playstyles now. Yveltal suits this metagame exceptionally well, due to a few of the tools it gets. Longevity is an even more valuable trait than last gen, and with its natural bulk, all sets should run either Oblivion Wing or Roost (usually Oblivion Wing, but Roost suits defensive sets better). In this more defensive metagame, support moves and status run rampant, making Taunt another gem in its movepool. Essentially any set that does not carry a Choice item or Assault Vest should run Taunt; the stallbreaking utility is immense, and being able to avoid crippling status helps Yveltal a lot. Moreover, Yveltal fits Taunt easily, as Dark+Flying coverage is resisted only by very rare typing combinations. Finally, Yveltal simply has so many options with its movepool. Sucker Punch gives it priority, Foul Play gives it a physical attack without any need to invest EVs and allows it to keep Ho-Oh at bay, Focus Blast crushes the few things that can comfortably stomach its STABs, and it still has more utility and coverage options.
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It's really good. Taunt/Foul Play/Toxic/Roost punishes physical attackers and walls a lot of special attackers while simultaneously acting as a stallbreaker.

I feel that if you have Taunt and Foul Play in the same set, Toxic is kinda redundant, however that's just my opinion. I like running the set Taunt/Foul Play/Oblivion Wind/ Dark Pulse with EVs and Nature emphasis on SpA. Of course, Yveltal has so many options that makes him so unpredictable.
The two sets Sweep and you posted play completely differently. Sweep's set is best suited on really bulky teams that need a Special wall and a strong stallbreaker. The set you posted is better for your very balanced team which need a strong bulky attacker. Try Sucker Punch > Foul Play; it won't let you down
I have been using this set on Yveltal to a decent amount of success:

Yveltal @ Leftovers
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 32 HP/252 Sp. Atk/224 Speed
Timid Nature
~Foul Play
~Oblivion Wing
~Focus Blast

The idea behind this set is to have an offensive force that can harass sweepers with Foul Play and shut down walls with Taunt. The EVs and nature allow Yveltal to beat base 95 Speed Pokemon like Rayquaza, maximize offense and dump the rest in HP(no attack investment is required for Foul Play as it uses the opponent's attack). Foul Play makes things like Swords Dance Arceus literally bring about their own demise. Oblivion Wing and Leftovers keep Yveltal healthy, and Focus Blast hits several foes like Ferrothorn harder than the other attacks. Taunt is awesome, as it effectively stops Pokemon like Lugia and Ferrothorn from doing much of anything. This set is pretty interesting in my opinion, and gives Yveltal a role of offensive utility unique to it.
What are some Pokemon that make good partners for Yveltal (let's say an offensive DP, OW, Sucker Punch, Taunt set)? I figure from a defensive standpoint, Yveltal would appreciate something to deal with Xerneas and a way to get rid of Stealth Rock, but what would be other good defensive/offensive partners?
What are some Pokemon that make good partners for Yveltal (let's say an offensive DP, OW, Sucker Punch, Taunt set)? I figure from a defensive standpoint, Yveltal would appreciate something to deal with Xerneas and a way to get rid of Stealth Rock, but what would be other good defensive/offensive partners?

Mega Mewtwo X and Aegislash are really good Yveltal partners :]

Mewtwo X helps getting rid of checks such as Arceus-Rock (with STAB Low Kick/Drain Punch) and Ho-Oh (if you use Stone Edge on it)

Aegislash with Gyro Ball helps it take down Xerneas and Arceus Fairy. :]
Definitely see this thing dropping to OU. It's defensive set is outclassed by Lugia and it's physical set doesn't allow it to get passed it's hard counters allowing them to OHKO this bird.
Don't know if this is a serious post or not. I'll list some key differences between ygod and Lugia

This is huge since unlike Lugia, ygod has taunt which stops it from being the setup bait that we all know and love while also allowing it to break stall.

>dark typing
This is another huge thing ygod has going for it, thanks to the steel nerf, dark remains one of the few types that is resistant or immune to ghost/dark which are now incredibly dominant attacking types and unlike the other dark nightmare inducing pokemon, ygod isn't frail as shit. So thanks to the dark type which is by far more useful than Lugias psychic typing which doesn't really offer anything for it.

Also unlike Lugia, ygod is a massive offensive powerhouse with moves like foul play, dark pulse, oblivion wing and the likes to give it offensive typing that Lugia lacks.

Of course Lugia has things going for it as well including multi scale, superior bulk, faster and access to thunder wave and whirlwind. Honestly I don't think it's fair to even say it's fair to see ygod is Ou worthy on the grounds that it can get ohko'd unlike Lugia. They do vastly different things and yveltal is far too powerful for Ou to handle anyways since it has no real "counter"
Counter: Klefki, Blissey, any SpDef walls.
Checks: Tyrannitar, Terrakion, Greninja, Jolteon, Mega Manectric etc.

Please save me the laughter of this subpar legendary.

Counters: Taunt. Correct if I'm wrong, but Klefki's Fairy STAB probably cannot 2HKO Yveltal (uninvested Play Rough 2HKOs most of the time, sadly, but Yveltal can at least prevent Klefki from doing anything else), and Blissey is just an infinite HP farm thanks to Oblivion Wing.

Tyranitar: Focus Blast, if Yveltal has it.

Terrakion, Greninja, Jolteon, etc.: Revenge killers only. They are definitely not going to appreciate taking Dark Pulse or Oblivion Wing off 131 Special Attack (only slightly higher than Latios, and while pre-nerf Draco Meteor is much stronger than Dark Aura Dark Pulse, Yveltal usually runs +SAtk boosting natures and doesn't suffer massive drops in power every time it uses its main STAB). Also, frailer, non-Dark-resistant Pokemon are susceptible to death by Sucker Punch.

Obviously Yveltal's not uncounterable, but is being walled by one Pokemon and forced out by a number of revenge killers (which describes tons of Pokemon in both OU and Ubers) really that terrible?
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Counter: Klefki, Blissey, any SpDef walls.
Checks: Tyrannitar, Terrakion, Greninja, Jolteon, Mega Manectric etc.

Please save me the laughter of this subpar legendary.

Please save me from the laughter of this subpar reasoning:

Blissey - Yveltal used Taunt!

Any SpDef Wall - The only things that come close are stuff like Togekiss that have no place in Ubers and even then Yveltal can win with Taunt + Toxic/OWing spam or Specs Hurricane. OWing and Taunt means you cannot stall Yveltal with a slower wall.

Klefki - You have got to be freaking joking. The most Klefki can do is use Thunder Wave. It is not even a check.

Tyranitar - Good check but still loses to Focus Blast. It's not like Ubers is short on TTar counters/checks either.

Terrakion - Can only switch in once to OWing as it then risks being KOed by Sucker Punch. Fairies and Aegislash have really decreased Terrakion's viability in Ubers so its not even THAT good anymore.

Greninja/Jolteon/Mega Manectric - Not even going to dignify these with an answer as you are obviously just stretching at this point.

Talking about Yveltal dropping to OU is like talking about whether Xerneas should be banned from Ubers: Don't.
Taunt is a very good move on Yveltal. Foul Play is also pretty nifty.

~Foul Play
~Oblivion Wing
~Dark Pulse

What EVs and Nature is good for this set?
Taunt is a very good move on Yveltal. Foul Play is also pretty nifty.

~Foul Play
~Oblivion Wing
~Dark Pulse

What EVs and Nature is good for this set?

The same old max Speed and Special Attack should work fine since the things that usually take it out are the obvious obvious Choiced Thunders/Ice Beams/Rock Judgments that you would need max investment on that end to survive. Maybe since you're using Foul Play instead of Sucker Punch there's some Speed you want to hit where you allow Extremekiller to Swords Dance before you hit it with Foul Play, but a decent amount of them seem to be closer to max Speed.

Is there an EV tweak that's supposed to help come out on top in matchups against other Yveltal? Or when there are two full health Life Orb Yveltals spamming Oblivion Wing against one another, does it just depend on who crits or gets lucky with speed ties and goes second one turn and first the next?
Lol @ Jolteon being a thing in Ubers.

Yveltal isn't CBing itself into Sucker Punch. Yveltal's main attraction is its versatility - it doesn't need to lock itself and can easily Dark Pulse anything it'd Sucker Punch to make prediction difficult.

Mega Manectric can come in on what? Oblivion Wing? Have fun being put into Sucker Punch KO range while Oblivion Wing heals off the SR dmg. I guess it can switch directly into Sucker Punch but that still makes it a terrible check because it can't come in on anything else really.

Also Mega Manectric won't be a thing in Ubers either.

Lastly, checking Yveltal is not a simple matter because of how much sustain it has. You can't just force it out and be done with it. It's going to find another switch in and recover all that damage with Oblivion Wing and leave a dent.
This is the set I use and I've never once wanted to use a different set.

Yveltal @ Assault Vest
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SAtk / 8 SDef
Quiet Nature
- Oblivion Wing
- Dark Pulse
- Focus Blast
- Sucker Punch

Its very hard to take down as a lot of pokemon just can't out-damage OW, and the ones that can usually die to a combination of [move] and Sucker Punch. It is a great mid-late game poke to bring in on a weaker support or something. I've never found the lack of speed to really be a problem either. Just prepare your team for usual Yveltal checks and counters and it's great.
Yveltal @ Leftovers
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Spd / 4 SpD
Timid Nature
IVs: NaN Atk
- Swagger
- Substitute
- Taunt
- Oblivion Wing

I thought that as long as people were posting their sets I would might as well post mine. This is an extremely trolly set that serves as a pseudo prankster but MUCH more bulky and with better recovery. This set is a great wall breaker and functions well against more offensive mons. If you think something could be better about it then please speak your mind. Have fun!

Edit: Changed Def and SpD evs to all hp and added remaining 4 to SpD. Also changed bright powder to leftovers.
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Yveltal @ BrightPowder
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 44 HP / 252 Spd / 106 SDef / 108 Def
Timid Nature
IVs: NaN Atk
- Swagger
- Substitute
- Taunt
- Oblivion Wing

I thought that as long as people were posting their sets I would might as well post mine. This is an extremely trolly set that serves as a pseudo prankster but MUCH more bulky and with better recovery. This set is a great wall breaker and functions well against more offensive mons. If you think something could be better about it then please speak your mind. Have fun!

Oh look, yet another SwagFag set. How quaint. Just kidding, it looks fun. However, I believe that Sucker Punch would assist in KO'ing important walls, most notably the ever more present. Lugia, Giratina and the Pink Blobs *shudder*. This would entail a few changes in the EV's, but I feel would also massively increase the usefulness of the set. I think breaking Lugia and the Pink Blobs *shudder again* would offer much more to any team, and I feel would work quite well in tandem with Xerneas. Cool set, props.
Oh look, yet another SwagFag set. How quaint. Just kidding, it looks fun. However, I believe that Sucker Punch would assist in KO'ing important walls, most notably the ever more present. Lugia, Giratina and the Pink Blobs *shudder*. This would entail a few changes in the EV's, but I feel would also massively increase the usefulness of the set. I think breaking Lugia and the Pink Blobs *shudder again* would offer much more to any team, and I feel would work quite well in tandem with Xerneas. Cool set, props.
Taunt makes any of those walls a non-issue. I'm not even sure what makes you suggest Sucker Punch, a move that fails unless the opponent attacks you (which some walls don't even carry moves for) over Dark Pulse, which is more reliable and requires no mixed EVs.

Yveltal @ BrightPowder
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 44 HP / 252 Spd / 106 SDef / 108 Def
Timid Nature
IVs: NaN Atk
- Swagger
- Substitute
- Taunt
- Oblivion Wing

I thought that as long as people were posting their sets I would might as well post mine. This is an extremely trolly set that serves as a pseudo prankster but MUCH more bulky and with better recovery. This set is a great wall breaker and functions well against more offensive mons. If you think something could be better about it then please speak your mind. Have fun!
Please don't split defensive EVs like that. Maximize HP and then pick a defensive stat to invest in, this will give you better overall bulk.

I'm also really not sure about the set. Swagger etc is nice if you get lucky. IF. Meanwhile, you're sacrificing valuable and reliable coverage for it. Brightpowder is also too unreliable to truly be better than leftovers on a set like this.
Taunt makes any of those walls a non-issue. I'm not even sure what makes you suggest Sucker Punch, a move that fails unless the opponent attacks you (which some walls don't even carry moves for) over Dark Pulse, which is more reliable and requires no mixed EVs.

Please don't split defensive EVs like that. Maximize HP and then pick a defensive stat to invest in, this will give you better overall bulk.

I'm also really not sure about the set. Swagger etc is nice if you get lucky. IF. Meanwhile, you're sacrificing valuable and reliable coverage for it. Brightpowder is also too unreliable to truly be better than leftovers on a set like this.

I suggested Sucker Punch only because with those EV's, Oblivion Wing will be restoring about 2-3% of Yveltal's HP per use. Taunting the aforementioned walls forces them to attack, struggle, or switch. Sucker Punch offers not only priority (and 80 BP), but also an immediate way to dispose of Lugia, Giratina, and in a less immediate fashion, the blobs.
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