Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 31 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE)

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Looking for an UNHATCHED Espurr Egg (Male, Prankster, Timid, 31/x/31/31/31/31)


-BP Items
-Unhatched perfect eggs: Timid Gastly, Timid Solar Power Charmander, Timid Protean Froakie.
-Perfect pokemons: Brave Honedge (0 speed), Timid Compound Eyes Scatterbug (marine pattern), Modest Clauncher, Adamant Contrary Inkay, Jolly Regenerator Mienfoo, Adamant Multiscale Dratini, Jolly Pickpocket Sneasel (FakeOut+IcePunch), Adamant Guts/NoGuard Machop (IcePunch), Adamant Intimidate Mawile, Modest Swift Swim Lotad (Gigadrain), Jolly Rough Skin Gible (IronHead), Calm/Modest Gooey Goomy, Brave Frisk Duskull (0 speed and SkillSwap), Quiet MagicGuard Solosis (Trick).
Lf: 4 to 5 IV Bold Rotom or 3 iv Bold Ditto

31/31/31/xx/31/31 Steadfast Jolly Riolu with egg moves: crunch and bullet punch
31/31/31/xx/xx/31 HA Jolly Riolu (with above egg moves)
31/31/31/31/xx/31 HA Jolly Riolu (with above egg moves)
(2x) 31/xx/31/31/31/xx Adaptability/Anticipation Calm Eevee (with wish and curse)

Pm me if interested
Lf: 4 to 5 IV Bold Rotom or 3 iv Bold Ditto

31/31/31/xx/31/31 Steadfast Jolly Riolu with egg moves: crunch and bullet punch
31/31/31/xx/xx/31 HA Jolly Riolu (with above egg moves)
31/31/31/31/xx/31 HA Jolly Riolu (with above egg moves)
(2x) 31/xx/31/31/31/xx Adaptability/Anticipation Calm Eevee (with wish and curse)

Pm me if interested
I have.a 4 iv bold rotom.
So I missed hitting a RotomW a good number of times with Crunch and Drain Punch. Missing Drain Punch for the heal and crunch for damage I can definetely say made me lose the match. However, Both moves I had used had a 100 accuracy rate; so why did it miss? (SandStorm was up, but I doubt that would matter.)
So I missed hitting a RotomW a good number of times with Crunch and Drain Punch. Missing Drain Punch for the heal and crunch for damage I can definetely say made me lose the match. However, Both moves I had used had a 100 accuracy rate; so why did it miss? (SandStorm was up, but I doubt that would matter.)
Bright Powder?
So I missed hitting a RotomW a good number of times with Crunch and Drain Punch. Missing Drain Punch for the heal and crunch for damage I can definetely say made me lose the match. However, Both moves I had used had a 100 accuracy rate; so why did it miss? (SandStorm was up, but I doubt that would matter.)
Did your opponent raise his evasion? Did he lower your accuracy? Even then, I think these moves can miss sometimes right?
So I missed hitting a RotomW a good number of times with Crunch and Drain Punch. Missing Drain Punch for the heal and crunch for damage I can definetely say made me lose the match. However, Both moves I had used had a 100 accuracy rate; so why did it miss? (SandStorm was up, but I doubt that would matter.)

Either your opponent was holding Bright Powder/Lax Incense, or your pokemon had the Reckless ability (assuming no evasion/accuracy modifications were made).
Looking to trade Bold, Calm and Modest Rotom spitbacks (4IV), 4-5IV Mawiles (Adamant, Intimidate, Fire Fang), 4-5IV Drilbur (Adamant, Sand Rush/Mold Breaker, 5IV Naive Gible (Rough Skin/Sand Veil), 4-5IV Bunnelby (Adamant, Huge Power), 4 IV Scythers (Adamant, Technician) and 3-4IV Clawitzers (Modest). I'm looking mainly for Tyrogue but open to offers.
I have a couple a bunch of spit backs for trade today; I have three 4 iv relaxed larvitar with iron head, stealth rock, dragon dance, and outrage, four 4 IV timid houndour, and 5 4-5 IV jolly gible with outrage. Looking for other spitbacks, not interested in the following; aron, bagon, charmander, dratini, ferroseed, fletchling, froakie, eevee, gible, goomy, honedge, marill, poliwag, or rotom
I have some spitbacks for trade PM me if your interested in the following:
Honedge(Adamant) 31/31/31/x/31/x
Infiltrator Noibat(Timid) 31/x/31/31/x/31
Rotom(Bold) 31/x/31/31/x/31
Rotom(Bold) 31/x/31/31/31/x
Rotom(Bold) 31/x/31/x/31/31
Rotom(Bold) 31/x/31/31/31/x
I currently do not have the Trick Room TM. I need someone to teach my Meowstic Trick Room. If anyone can help that'd be great. I can probably offer a 4iv spitback from my trade shop for your time and effort.

PM me please.

EDIT: Done.
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Hello, does anyone have a HA Noibat with switcheroo? Not looking for IVs, but they would be nice. I can offer spitbacks of many pokemon, such as wooper, vulpix, bagon, deino, honedge, and charmander.
Hey guys, does anyone know if it's possible to catch a Solar Power Charmeleon in Friend Safari? I've caught over 40 and none, I'm starting to doubt it's possible. Also would anyone be willing to trade me one? Nature/IVs don't matter. If you are PM me and we can try to work something out.
Hello everyone, I was wondering if I could trouble someone for a staryu? I would prefer a timid nature with natural cure, but I will take what I can get as long as it is someone okay. However I only have heartgold. So I'm not sure what games can trade with me. I would appreciate if anyone could help me. My manager at work and I battle, and a staryu is what I need to beat him. Thank you.
LF Female Honedge with perfect IVs or a pokemon in the mineral egg group with 31 IVS across. If someone has it or knows of someone that has it, please inform me.

I just need to borrow it if anything. I can offer some collateral if needed.
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