Pokémon Dragonite

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Just wanted to comment on this, I don't understand the point of "subbing til you run out of health." Do you really need a full 4-6 boosts? Wouldn't you rather preserve your HP for future Scolipede use?
I have merely stated that you can go as far as to achieve 4-6 boosts, usually I only go for 3 tho. 2 could suffice, but I guess I'm kind of paranoid
Maybe it's just me, but it seems like there has been too many disagreements on Dragonite. I'm new to even using Dragonite, so is he better used as an anti-lead or mid-late sweeper?

Assuming Nite has Multiscale, is it better to use weakness policy or life orb ? It's like there were too many said arguments for both sides of the fence. I'm confused.
Maybe it's just me, but it seems like there has been too many disagreements on Dragonite. I'm new to even using Dragonite, so is he better used as an anti-lead or mid-late sweeper?

Assuming Nite has Multiscale, is it better to use weakness policy or life orb ? It's like there were too many said arguments for both sides of the fence. I'm confused.
Dragonite's a great anti lead. Its lum berry sets let it give you a bunch of momentum right off the bat.

I also like its new weakness policy sets. Once you've gotten rid of any big threats, you can bring it in, bait the SE attack, DD, and usually wreck their entire team.

Dragonite should always have multiscale for competitive battling. Since the life orb breaks it, I'd never put it on him.

Basically speaking, Dragonite is arguably the most versatile pokemon in the game. If your team needs a specific role, Dragonite probably has a set that does it.
Seems like a lot of people are running adamant for WeakNites nature. The power seems good, but what about speed?

If I plan on using him as an anti-lead and mid-to-late sweeper depending on the situation, would it because to choose Jolly?
Seems like a lot of people are running adamant for WeakNites nature. The power seems good, but what about speed?

If I plan on using him as an anti-lead and mid-to-late sweeper depending on the situation, would it because to choose Jolly?
Since weaknite pretty reliably gets +1 speed, there aren't many pokemon that outspeed it. The only relevant ones that I could find that can outspeed Adamant but not jolly are Jolteon and Choice scarf Tyranitar. Since neither of those are as popular as last gen (as of right now), I'd say you're safe running adamant
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I'm not that experienced at competitive battling, but I was wondering how viable this set would be.

Dragonite, Adamant Nature, 252atk/252hp/4spd @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Multiscale
Dragon Dance
Dragon Claw

I wasn't too sure about the EVs. I was thinking that having more HP would result in a more powerful Roost and would allow me to survive super-effective hits that activate Weakness Policy. I didn't put any in speed because it seems that a Dragon Dance or two would do the job well enough. Also, I'm a little worried about the lack of coverage, with only a Dragon type and Normal type move.
Seems like a lot of people are running adamant for WeakNites nature. The power seems good, but what about speed?

If I plan on using him as an anti-lead and mid-to-late sweeper depending on the situation, would it because to choose Jolly?

If you want to use it as a late-game sweeper, I recommend Agility over Dragon Dance. The slight loss of power can hurt, but you're using it to clean anyways. Adamant Dragonite is not, however, able to outspeed Scarf Latios after an Agility, so watch for that.
Agility is like, VERY BAD on Dragonite. The +2 on Speed is unnecesary on a late-game sweeper, you need more power, but Dragonite is slow as nuts, so it needs the Speed and Attack Boost Dragon Dance gives.
I personally like the set of:
Weakness Policy
-Dragon Dance
-Dragon Claw
-Extreme Speed
-Fire Punch/Earthquake
With Multiscale making it tank Ice type moves, pairing it with something that just attracts Ice on a team seems to work out well. Things like Gliscor and Landorus-T, etc. As it's a safe switch and can get the +2. Another option is sending it in as a check and DDancing to get the speed as they switch. Then you can still tank the hit they thought would kill, and of course, unless they know what to predict, you will likely get the ice/dragon/fairy hit and get the WP boost. Such a fun set to mess with. Fire Punch is basically my own preference to hit back Ice types hard such as M-Abomasnow and Mamoswine. Also because of Genesect running around. But mainly, it was to cover my team with Scizor. EQ can of course be useful for many reasons: Aegislash, Klefki, M-Mawile, Infernape, Heatran, etc. Though, those pokes are less likely to be sent out at DNite. The one way you can really counter this is by having Priority practically, or making Multiscale break with things like Fake Out and a Neutral move, then going Ice to hit it. But generally, you can have the speed boost already and be able to outspeed them.
does anyone have a viable defensive set for dragonite or is it just not worth getting it?
Dragonite isn't really defensive, more bulky. The closest I can think of is its shuffling sets that rely on multiscale and investment to make up for always going last, but I'm not sure how viable that is when hazards are hard to keep up and there's plenty of pokes that can really hammer you for damage once Multiscale's broken
Since weaknite pretty reliably gets +1 speed, there aren't many pokemon that outspeed it. The only relevant ones that I could find that can outspeed Adamant but not jolly are Jolteon and Choice scarf Tyranitar. Since neither of those are as popular as last gen (as of right now), I'd say you're safe running adamant
The only other reason I can think of as to why you would run Jolly over Adamant is to out speed Scarf Terrakion (Well base 108+ scarfers, Terrakion is just the most common that poses a threat to Dnite) after 2 Dragon dances. From memory +2 Adamant Dnite hits 518 speed while scarf Terrakion hits 519. So if you don't want to be revenged by a scarf Terrakion at +2 Jolly has some merit but in general Adamant is more useful.

does anyone have a viable defensive set for dragonite or is it just not worth getting it?
The closest thing I can think of to a defence set was the parashuffle set. Unfortunately its only damaging move was DTail so with the existent of Fairys the set has lost a lot of merit. Still if you want to try it out go ahead, tell me how it works out because I'm interested just how viable the set is with Fairys in the metagame.
Dnite @ Leftovers
Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Sp.Def / 4 Def
Careful Nature
- Substitute
- Thunder Wave
- Roost
- Dragon Tail
I'm kind of a noob when it comes to battling, but I've been having success with weaknite on Wifi and Showdown.
Dragonite @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Multiscale
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Roost
- Earthquake

Get a safe switch-in, Dance, Roost off the damage, and hit stuff. Roost for keeping Multiscale intact obviously, I've yet to be OHKO'd yet, so weakness policy almost always activated. It's really easy to sweep with a +3 Attack, +1 Speed Dnite. I think only one unboosted Poke out speeds it at +1, could be wrong though. I focus on keeping HP full, just so I can tank hits. I know it can't touch Togekiss, but that's what Mega Scizor is for
I'm kind of a noob when it comes to battling, but I've been having success with weaknite on Wifi and Showdown.
Dragonite @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Multiscale
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Roost
- Earthquake

Get a safe switch-in, Dance, Roost off the damage, and hit stuff. Roost for keeping Multiscale intact obviously, I've yet to be OHKO'd yet, so weakness policy almost always activated. It's really easy to sweep with a +3 Attack, +1 Speed Dnite. I think only one unboosted Poke out speeds it at +1, could be wrong though. I focus on keeping HP full, just so I can tank hits. I know it can't touch Togekiss, but that's what Mega Scizor is for
This is the set I use as well, but I've been switching between Earthquake and Fire Punch. Right now I'm running Fire Punch because it is only walled by Azumarill and Heatran, which I have plenty of team support for. Earthquake is walled by Azumarill, Skarmory, and to a lesser extent Whimsicott and Bronzong. Both are viable, but make sure you cover all your bases
If your dragonite heals back to 100% will multiscale retrigger? Same question with weakness policy?
i am currently running
weakness policy
252 speed/252 attk/4 hp
extreme speed
fire punch
dragon dance

so far it has been incredibly good i just wanted to clear things up with multiscale, im not sure if i should go 252 hp/4 speed instead and add roost.
Multiscale is a fantastic ability. Very easy to maintain too with its access to roost and ability to hide behind a sub.

Does weakness policy only activate when it hits dragonite directly? Or can it hit its sub to trigger? I think I might already know the answer to it but it would be good if the sub could indirectly trigger weaknite into action
If your dragonite heals back to 100% will multiscale retrigger? Same question with weakness policy?
i am currently running
weakness policy
252 speed/252 attk/4 hp
extreme speed
fire punch
dragon dance

so far it has been incredibly good i just wanted to clear things up with multiscale, im not sure if i should go 252 hp/4 speed instead and add roost.
if you arent running lefties how else would it get back to 100%?
Multiscale is a fantastic ability. Very easy to maintain too with its access to roost and ability to hide behind a sub.

Does weakness policy only activate when it hits dragonite directly? Or can it hit its sub to trigger? I think I might already know the answer to it but it would be good if the sub could indirectly trigger weaknite into action
Unfortunately WP doesn't trigger behind a subs.

Also, Multiscale is not that easy to maintain with SR everywhere. Personal experience.
SR isn't everywhere. Sure its pretty common, but with so many spinners and defoggers available, there's no excuse why you shouldn't be able to keep it away from Dragonite. Plus, if you're running a DD set, your team should have some support mon that is designed to give Dragonite a free turn or two to set up. One of those turns can easily be used to roost off entry damage. Multiscale is a great ability, and on a pokemon with Dragonite's amazing stats, it should be easy to maintain
SR isn't everywhere. Sure its pretty common, but with so many spinners and defoggers available, there's no excuse why you shouldn't be able to keep it away from Dragonite. Plus, if you're running a DD set, your team should have some support mon that is designed to give Dragonite a free turn or two to set up. One of those turns can easily be used to roost off entry damage. Multiscale is a great ability, and on a pokemon with Dragonite's amazing stats, it should be easy to maintain
That's true, but I can't find room to use Roost. DD/DClaw/Quake/XSPD. If I had one more slot I'd probably run Fire Punch before running Roost. I don't know, maybe it's just me and I'm using it wrong, but I can't justify Roost over one of those amazing moves.

Btw, what you mean by a "support mon that is designed to give Dragonite a free turn"?
That's true, but I can't find room to use Roost. DD/DClaw/Quake/XSPD. If I had one more slot I'd probably run Fire Punch before running Roost. I don't know, maybe it's just me and I'm using it wrong, but I can't justify Roost over one of those amazing moves.

Btw, what you mean by a "support mon that is designed to give Dragonite a free turn"?
Like a Rotom to burn physical attackers so you don't take much damage, or a Thundorus to paralyze so they can't attack, or a Breloom to spore so they're asleep. A lot of people hate me for this, but I run Klefki to paralyze, confuse, and lay a layer of spikes to break sashes/sturdy
SR isn't everywhere. Sure its pretty common, but with so many spinners and defoggers available, there's no excuse why you shouldn't be able to keep it away from Dragonite. Plus, if you're running a DD set, your team should have some support mon that is designed to give Dragonite a free turn or two to set up. One of those turns can easily be used to roost off entry damage. Multiscale is a great ability, and on a pokemon with Dragonite's amazing stats, it should be easy to maintain
In my limited experience on Showdown and Random battles, Dragonite just needs a free switch, after a KO or something like a slow U-Turn. Almost nothing can OHKO him at full, get a Dance off and hope for the first hit to be SE, and you're ready to sweep.
The only WeakNite set I like is

Dragonite @ Weakness Policy
Adamant Nature
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Dragon Dance
Dragon Claw
Fire Punch

Dragon Dance and Roost are a must. (Jolly is worthless) After 1 DD only priority Ice Shard or HP Ice Jolteon/ Manectric will outspeed you. If you see them assume that you will be hit with an Ice move and hit them because a setup will not be worth it. Outrage should never be used on a setup pokemon because of a free switch for Fairy type and a huge momentum swing in their favor. Fire Punch for steel types, but Thunder Punch is a great alternative if you can't stand Togekiss or Azumarill. EQ is good, but you can't kill Skarmory or Togekiss, ever.

The only problems I really have with this set are a Focus Sash Mamoswine with Ice Shard or Icicle Crash or Cloyster. Statuses are annoying and I miss Lum Berry at times, but always roll with Heal Bell or Aromatherapy on the team. You can use this set as a Lead or a Late Game Sweeper, and proceed to reak havoc.
Sorry if this has been said before, but how about a max atk max HP assault vest set with Powerup punch? Do you think that could do any good? It's easy to get to +1 with it, and your special bulk is still very good, but you are much more threatening, even if it's just for the +1 extreme speed.
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