Season V Farm League - Week 1

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Because the deadlines are only a week, and strictly at that, I won't be putting in subs unless the person drops out.

Activity wins will not be given: instead, those that would have normally won the activity call will be placed in one pool, and those that would have lost in another. If the person in question is completely inactive, they'll simply be removed from the tournament at that point. Those that did not play will just have a record of (0-0) going into next week, but will be paired with those in their activity pool.

Kinda convoluted, but it removes any kind of bloating of record by counting activity wins.

Those trying to contact their opp should continue doing so, but take solace in the fact that you'll be paired with another higher-activity person next week.
My opponent and I agreed to 9:00 EST (My time). I asked for 10 more minutes then waited for 40 minutes for him to arrive. .-. No I guess Activity?
my opponent thought this was a wifi tourney. Dunno if he's still in. Hoping to switch to ubers so the point may be moot but that's what it is.
My opp was online this morning, yet did not responded my VM's, so I sent him/her a PM. Maybe, he don't get notified for vm's? idk.

I haven't seen my opponent on since this week began nor has he replied to the message that I posted on his profile.
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