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  • Vallejo, I won't be able to play this weekend because I'm traveling, however, will be available from Monday until the afternoon 18:00 in GMT -3.
    Hey we have to play for dpp no johns. When are you free to play? I will be on #ocn on IRC whenever im free so maybe come find me there?
    Hey, we got paired for R1 NU STABmons tour. I'm GMT-4 (DST). Can usually battle anytime after 6PM (but not on Friday).
    Hy can you play for the all gen tour on 23rd or 24th? I'm on holidays and won't be at home before 23rd
    when can you fight for ru minitour
    gotta make another team, please wait for me in the rarelyused room on ps! and I'll chall you when I am ready
    k, my nick is Retorno12
    yo it's a bo3 man;;; please come back or I'll hafta claim the win based on first battle
    are you online
    Im back in 2 hours, if you are not on, let's try tomorrow. I can from 2 to 4pm gmt-5. Or after 8pm. I've added you in skype. cya
    well, I guess you are sleeping now, just to be clear, now are 5:14pm here. So in 21 hours I'll be here again
    I'm your opponent for the XY UU tournament. My timezone is GMT -4 and I can fight any day after 5 pm.
    Sunday 5pm your time sounds good.
    Ok, I am on the main server in the UU room as FlareBlitz3000
    I'm VallejoMC there
    hey we need to fight for the nu open. I will keep an eye out and try to catch you when you are on.
    o i thought i posted i cant do sunday and saturday is stretching it. I saw you were on so i just vm'ed u. Sorry for being dumb ill just hope i can get on sat i guess lol
    I can play now if you are on.
    hey - we're paired up for the ORAS celebration tour. i know the deadline's not for a whiiile (the 21st) but i'd rather play sooner rather than later. maybe sometime towards the end of the week (wed - thurs) or on the weekend? i'm GMT-4 & evenings for me are good
    Hello, All Gen Tour opponent!

    I am GMT+2 and I can play during Friday evening (my time), but also the entire Tuesday and maybe Sunday. Saturday is booked. Let me know when you can play.
    didnt see you :( can you play today? sunday evening for me does not work, if we'll play sunday it has to be my afternoon.
    Ah dude, deadline is friday, I don't wanna be a john but I have to, exams on tuesday so probably I'll be studying tomorrow. But from wed to friday I'll be p avalaible. If tomorrow I catch you on, we should play 1 or 2 battles but would be better to schedule our battles for the days that I've said before.
    i forgot that deadline was friday and not today. Yeah, we can play during wednesday, same time as scheduled yesterday.
    Bracket when battle ?
    idk, sunday or saturday, I'm gmt-5
    tell me an hour
    Ok I will come
    Battle today?
    must fite ru mini, +10 gmt can usually play 11am-10pm most days and on weekend i can play later so let me know whats good for you
    weekend, saturday or sunday 8-9pm my time gmt-5
    New Breed
    New Breed
    k u can find me on irc
    hiya, we're matched up for the bracket tournament. im GMT -6 and prefer to play in evenings or nights my time, usually after 6pm. But I can play earlier if we need to, what times work best for you?
    hmm after thursday i'm totally avalaible, 7 or 8pm your time sounds good.
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