Other Most overhyped or underated aspect this gen so far?

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Well the problem with Talonflame is that all you need to do (from my experience) is switch a rock/electric type in and it's doomed - for example I can just switch in a Terrakion, use it as set-up fodder and then seriously mess up the opponent's team, or switch in a Rotom-W and start to build up VoltTurn momentum. And this is after 50% SR damage.
Well the problem with Talonflame is that all you need to do (from my experience) is switch a rock/electric type in and it's doomed - for example I can just switch in a Terrakion, use it as set-up fodder and then seriously mess up the opponent's team, or switch in a Rotom-W and start to build up VoltTurn momentum. And this is after 50% SR damage.

You're missing the point. We know it has issues, checks and counters. It's good regardless. That can only be said so many times.
lol Trick Room

saying something is a counter (BTW it was a check, it can't switch in, I.E. ot counter in Trick Room means absolutely nothing. MMawile beats Talonflame 1v1 every time in Trick Room means nothing, she still gets manhandled by it.

your quest to prove Talonflame isn't god is flawed. we KNOW its not. notice in all the suggestions for Suspects its NEVER brought up (Except by scrubs) its just really really good. it defined this gen of competitive, the meta has shaped to deal with this thing. if you are "Talonflame weak" your team is bad (MegaPinsir compounds this, its just as devastating). its everywhere and can pull of multiple different sets, not to mention for a 4x SR weak mon it requires very little support. its not overhyped, its hyped was certainly justified.

Can i suggest for underhyped the previously mentioned MegaPinsir. basically same as Talonflames hype ride, went from "lol Bug/Flying" to "RUN RUN THIS THING EATS BABIES" Minus the Banned Megas and Mega Luke, It and the Zards are the best megas imo. other than stuff which was good already like TTar.

While I'd still say it was a bit overhyped, that doesn't mean it isn't really good. People tend to overreact to stuff is all. I absolutely agree with what you (and many others,) have said about Talonflame. It's kind of like Scizor in past generations; it's so good as to be metagame-defining, but not so much where anyone thinks it's too much.

I also agree on the MegaPinsir point. He's pretty neat.
Mega banette is underrated (well as long as it flies under the radar I don't mind I'll use it)
How so? It's not particularly bulky and faces competition with Sableye, who gets to move first the moment it goes into battle and doesn't take up a mega evolution slot. Not just Sableye either. Thundurus and Kleki, for example, get priority T-Wave.

It would probably be all over the place if it wasn't a mega evolution though. Possibly even an Ubers suspect.
Defog is overrated.
Defog has pretty much doubled the amount of hazard support options. It's not the move itself is game breaking, but along side the presence of Excadrill and Mega Blastoise, it's been much easier to fit hazard removal onto a team.
How so? It's not particularly bulky and faces competition with Sableye, who gets to move first the moment it goes into battle and doesn't take up a mega evolution slot. Not just Sableye either. Thundurus and Kleki, for example, get priority T-Wave.

Priority Destiny bond and pretty decent attack.
That thing can take a weaken foe burn another and take a third one with him like nobody's buisness.
and even if he doesn't burn anything you still have other options.

And also while defog offers removal options, when it was annoucned that it removes hazards from both sides people were crazy about it.

Also sticky web was overrated.
A lot of people just expect Talonflame to hit Brave Bird as soon as he comes in, even if we see the counters in Team Preview.

As long as Rocks are off (Spin/Defog), I bring in Talonflame as much as possible and immediately U-Turn until they wise up or having nothing left to resist Brave Bird. And it chunks Ttar.
252+ Atk Choice Band Talonflame U-turn vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Tyranitar: 170-200 (42 - 49.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

I don't think Talonflame was overhype'd at all. No one ever thought it'd be Ubers, it's a damn good revenge killer, and not a spectacular sweeper.
Ghost is a good neutral attacking type, sure, but I wouldn't say its the best... It only hits 2 things for super effective, psychic being an uncommon type in OU, and Ghost, but that is kind of a double edged sword, considering ghosts won't want to stay in unless they are faster.

Offensively, its good on a neutral basis. And, utility wise, it can do what it needs to do. But, best typing? IMO, far from it.

I would argue that the main thing holding ghost back is the lack of powerful STAB moves. Shadow ball only has a base power of 80, but it still manages to do a ton of damage when hurled out randomly by the likes of Aegislash and Chandelure, especially since only two types resist ghost and one of these types is otherwise garbage. Not to mention both dark and normal are weak to fighting (sacred sword or focus blast anyone?).

If Aegislash had access to a 120 BP Ghost type move with 80-85% accuracy, it'd be causing a shit-fest and many people would be clamoring for it's ban. Gengar and Chandelure would obviously sky-rocket in usage as well... as it is now my choice scarf Chandelure 2HKO's much of the meta-game.
Mega banette is underrated (well as long as it flies under the radar I don't mind I'll use it)

Defog is overrated.
I underestimated M-Banette as well until recently, when I learned about its priority Destiny Bond and monstrous attack stat. It has definitely changed my opinion on the worst mega GF made.
I don't think you read the Trick Room party about Honchkrow.

Well, you are incorrect, my post accounted for it. Otherwise Honchkrow wouldn't even get a hit off, obviously. Honchkrow doesn't OHKO Talon with Sucker Punch, not even banded.

I also pointed out I accounted for it a few posts up... anyway, whatever. Talonflame is quite exceptional in todays metagame, the hype is well-deserved.

I feel like Slowbro is underhyped. Oblivious granting taunt immunity is pretty huge. Paired with his great bulk you've got yourself a pretty much unstoppable trick room setup.
And, well... its kind of astonishing how many people thought 'funbro' was too obvious of a play because 'Slowbro isn't useful otherwise'. Just seems to me there isn't enough Slowbro awareness out there.
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I feel like Slowbro is underhyped. Oblivious granting taunt immunity is pretty huge. Paired with his great bulk you've got yourself a pretty much unstoppable trick room setup.
And, well... its kind of astonishing how many people thought 'funbro' was too obvious of a play because 'Slowbro isn't useful otherwise'. Just seems to me there isn't enough Slowbro awareness out there.
I doubt people will use Oblivious Slowbro. Even with its buff, oblivious is nowhere near as good as regenerator, an ability that is easily one of the best to have as a wall.
Can i suggest for underhyped the previously mentioned MegaPinsir. basically same as Talonflames hype ride, went from "lol Bug/Flying" to "RUN RUN THIS THING EATS BABIES" Minus the Banned Megas and Mega Luke, It and the Zards are the best megas imo. other than stuff which was good already like TTar.

One thing you have to consider about MPinsir is aside from the really broken Megas now leaving the field the discovery of the Aerilite/Pixilate/Refrigerate boost was not all that long ago, and that 30% boost it provided to its Aerilite Return really helps to give it that added oomph in power it was generally lacking unless you ran Adamant. With the 30% boost it gives more viability in being able to run Jolly, now allowing it to outspeed more things while retaining some power, so that yeah it is pretty fatal especially now that more teams are also learning to build around Moxie for a free boost.
I'm surprised that no one have yet to mention the nifty utilty that Stunfisk offers; pretty underrated if you ask me. Aside from its reasonable bulk, interesting typing, and decent-enough access to a support movepool, its main selling point is its triple immunity to paralysis. In combination of Stunfisk's Ground/Electric typing and its Static ability, you get a triple assurance that a suspected Thunder Wave will be absorbed. You're still even safe from the ever-so-common Soak+Thunder Wave strategy.
I'm surprised that no one have yet to mention the nifty utilty that Stunfisk offers; pretty underrated if you ask me. Aside from its reasonable bulk, interesting typing, and decent-enough access to a support movepool, its main selling point is its triple immunity to paralysis. In combination of Stunfisk's Ground/Electric typing and its Static ability, you get a triple assurance that a suspected Thunder Wave will be absorbed. You're still even safe from the ever-so-common Soak+Thunder Wave strategy.

Anyway, In terms of overrated aspects, hmm, well I'd say the red flags are Aegislash/Talonflame/Greninja. Don't get me wrong, the three are still solid Pokemon, but early on they recieved alot of hype, a bit more then I think they deserved. Still solid Pokemon, just not God-Tier ones.
Mirror Coat isn't a "Other" move... is actually a "Special" move.

Wow! I so didn't know that now! I mean, Soul Fly already beat you to it on the last page and I already admitted my mistake and everything but I think I really get it now that you threw a Serebii link in my face. Truly sir, you are the master of relevant and timely information, the duke of cited sources, and the ayatolla of Roggenrola.
The Mega Zards and Mega Pinsir are definitely underrated, while Aegislash and Talonflame aren't as good as everyone seems to think they are.
SD aegislash, was overhyped like hell, every team i faced after the pokebank tier was introduced had this.
But now its not so common.
Wow! I so didn't know that now! I mean, Soul Fly already beat you to it on the last page and I already admitted my mistake and everything but I think I really get it now that you threw a Serebii link in my face. Truly sir, you are the master of relevant and timely information, the duke of cited sources, and the ayatolla of Roggenrola.

I don't live on Smogon, you know :/
Don't be a smartass.
I doubt people will use Oblivious Slowbro. Even with its buff, oblivious is nowhere near as good as regenerator, an ability that is easily one of the best to have as a wall.
Agreed. A lot of the time, Slowbro wil be firing off decently-powerful Scalds anyway.

I can see lead Mamoswine preferring Oblivious, however.
Having the decency to read the rest of the page you were already on =/= living on Smogon

Over-reaction much? I was trying to be helpful.
Oh, well... Excuse me for killing your bunnies and poisoning your garden, my good sir.
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Over-reaction much? I was trying to be helpful.
Oh, well... Excuse me for kill your bunnies and poison your garden, my good sir.

I don't want your apologies, you cunt. I spent years cultivating that garden and those bunnies were dearer to me than my own mother. Only the death of your firstborn son and $50 USD will satisfy my rancor.

I realize that the thread's going off the rails and will stop now.
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I have a serious question, why the hell is Manaphy so underrated?? I use a team with Manaphy Magnezone and 4 fillers and I won every battle with Manaphy sweeping, not like 90% of the battles. 100%. Always always always.

The set I'm running is simple, too. Tail Glow Surf Ice Beam Energy ball full speed fulll special timid and finally wacan berry.
Did I miss some obvious counter or something? This thing has 100/100/100 bulk just to remind you
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