Pokémon Heatran

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I'm impressed that no one have made a thread about this guy yes so here it's Heatran.


Typing: Fire / Steel
Stats: 91 HP / 90 Atk / 106 Def / 130 SAtk / 106 SDef / 77 Spe
- Flash Fire:
Activates when user is hit by a damaging Fire-type move (including Fire-type Hidden Power). Once activated, user’s Fire-type moves deal 1.5 times damage. While this ability is in effect, this Pokémon is immune to damage from Fire-type attacks and Fire-type Hidden Power (accuracy and effect from these moves are ignored). For Fire-type Pokémon with this ability, Will-O-Wisp activates this ability without having an effect. If a non-Fire-type Pokémon has this ability, Will-O-Wisp will activate the ability and will have an effect.
- Hidden Ability(Not Available):Flame Body: The opponent has a 30% chance of being induced with BURN when using an attack, that requires physical contact, against this Pokémon.

Noticeable Moves: (Bold indicates STAB)

Ancient Power
Dark Pulse
Dragon Pulse
Earth Power
Fire Blast
Flame Charge
Flash Cannon

Hidden Power
Lava Plume
Magma Storm

Solar Beam
Sunny Day


Say hallo to last gens anti-sun pokémon Heatran. With a fantastic typing, ability and movepool it's easy to see why this metal beast have been in the OU metagame for 2 generations and will stay for some time. Heatran can be used both offensive with its 130 base special attack, or it can be used defensively with its great 91/106/106 defenses, two immunities and ten resistances However during the metagame shift Heatran lost some important resistances in form of Dark and Ghost but instead it gained resistance to the new Fairy-type. But with new threats for Heatran to counter is still have a lot of thing going on for itself this gen too. Thanks to the Weather nerf Heatran might once more see the daylight in the OU metagame.



Heatran @ Air Balloon / Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 SDef
Timid / Modest Nature
- Earth Power
- Fire Blast / Flamethrower
- Flash Cannon
- Ancient Power / Hidden power [Ice]

Meet offensive Heatran, with an Air balloon Equipped Heatran can easy switch in on any Fire or Ground attack thanks to Flash Fire and from there start attacking. Max speed and special attack allows it too hit hard and outspeed a lot of walls. Earth Power kills other Heatrans and Flash Fire users while Fire Blast is a strong STAB attack that hits hard. If you dislike Fire Blast 85% acc then Flamethrower can be used instead but the power drop is significant. Flash Cannon helps you kill Fairies that foolishly stays in. Ancient Power should be used to nail things like Talonflame and Volcarona while HP Ice hits Gliscor harder and Dragons.

Specialy defensive

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SDef
Calm Nature
- Lava Plume
- Protect / Stealth Rock
- Will-O-Wisp / Roar
- Roar / Ancient Power / Stealth Rock

This is Heatrans other Staple set from Gen 5, specialy defensive With Heatrans great typing it's and defenses it's easy to switch in it and stop something. Lava Plume is your STAB attack as the 30% burn chance are really nasty. Protect allows you to scout what is coming in at you and it give you a free turn with leftovers recovery while Stealth rock can be used if you need a stealth rocker on your team. Will-O-Wisp can be used to stop physical sweepers while Roar forces out set up sweepers before they go out of control. Ancient Power is there in order to stop stall breaker Talonflame from setting up on you. 248 HP gives you a good leftovers number while still being able to switch into SR as many times as possible.

Choice Specs

Heatran @ Choice Specs
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Overheat
- Earth Power
- Flash Cannon
- Fire Blast / Hidden Power Ice

With Choice Specs and and a Modest nature Heatran can easy break through other walls with its high fire power. Overheat will be your main STAB attack and it will obliterate everything that don't resists it. Earth Power covers most of the types that resists Overheat and other Heatrans. Flash Cannon are your second STAB attack that will hit hard. And the last slot is a toss between Fire Blast for more reliable power as the -2 SAtk from Overheat can be annoying but HP Ice nails most of the Dragon-types.

Speedy Heatran (Scarf)

Heatran @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SAtk / 236 Spd / 20 SDef
Modest Nature
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power
- Flash Cannon
- Flamethrower / Hidden Power Ice

If Heatran is to slow for your the Choice scarf set is something for you. Fire Blast will be your main attack option as it can hit hard. Just like before Earth Power nails the most other types that resists Fire Blast. Flash Cannon is your secondary STAB attack and it nails Fairy-types that might hinder your team. Flamethrower don't hit as hard as Fire Blast but is more reliable then Fire Blast but HP Ice can be used to make sure that annoying Dragon-types don't bother your team anymore.


Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Spd / 252 SDef
Calm Nature
- Magma Storm
- Protect
- Toxic
- Taunt

With the base power nerf to Magma Storm it don't hit as hard as it did before, however it does now deal more damage over time making a Trapping set really viable. Magma Storm is the bread and butter of this set. It forces your opponent to stay in and take 12.5% of there max hp every round for the next 4-5 rounds. Protect helps you grab some leftovers recovery and scout out the opposing Pokemon. Toxic helps you dealing even more damage and slowly but surely shipping away the opposing Pokemon health. Taunt is the last move that makes sure that the opposing Pokemon cannot use moves such as Recover or Roost.


Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 244 HP / 44 SpD / 220 Spe
Calm Nature (+SpD, -Atk)
- Torment
- Substitute
- Protect
- Lava Plume

This have got to be the most annoying Heatran set you will every face. So if you face it in the hands of a good player just forfeit before you throw your entire room out of the window in pure frustration and anger. The reason behind this is the scary move called Torment that Heatran makes such good use of. Torment it makes you unable to select the same attack twice. Now combine this with Heatrans great resistances, Substitute, and Protect. There are few Pokemons that carries two moves that can hit Heatran for super effective damage and those who cannot do that are faced with two options, switch out or try to outstall Heatran. Lava Plume is your only attack and with the nasty 30% burn chance there are few physical threats that dares to stay in and get burned.

Final words

So with this what's your favorite set and how do you play Heatran this generation? How does it fare against the powerhouses of the OU metagame and can it live up to its name from the past generations?
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This thing walls TF to hell and back

Assuming specs heatran:

252+ Atk Choice Band Talonflame Brave Bird vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Heatran: 111-132 (34.3 - 40.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

While heatran can 2ko with flamethrower.

Stuff like choice locked scizor and charizard are forced out too

More defensive pokes it can threaten are ferro, gourgeist, trevenant, skarm, and even ttar with the threat of a burn

Great switch in opportunities with FF, resistance to u-turn, grass, flying etc, diverse movesets and roles can keep the opponent cautious and guessing until revealed

The only reason it can't really come out at the very top in ou is its weakness to very common attacks, like water, fighting and namely ground(balloon rings a bell), and finally its lackluster speed

Its fantastic bulk allows it to tank hits, but with stuff like excadrill, terrakion, azumarill and keldeo (welp doompony) running amock this gen its gonna be hard to keep up, but it is a solid choice and easily fits onto any team that has at least one teammate to cover for typing

I like the utility set, and stuff like trevenant and gourgeist seem to pair well with it, though both pack will o wisp...
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Heatran: aka "Go fuck yourself, Talonflame".

Heatran's gonna be awesome this gen with all the clear skies (ignoring T-tar and Hippo). This thing fills in just about any hole in your team, and can run a variety of very potent sets. It gets access to SR, Toxic, and an incredible typing. Not to mention Air Balloon Tran or the offensive variants. Remember when Choice Scarf Heatran was all anyone ran in DPP/OU?

It also does a great job of checking Charizard-X if it lacks earthquake in favor of Roost. Even the Y variant has to rely on Focus Miss.
I'm really like (BAN ME PLEASE). It's unique typing coupled with his unpredictable sets have been a boon so far. There's the obvious "suck a dick" thing it has going for it against Talonflame but couple that with seemingly fewer ran Fighting Pokemon this gen and Heatran finds itself having the moment of it's life. I'm really liking the trapping set especially with all these Pranksters out there.
Heatran really wants Ancientpower slashed into one of the sets somewhere, without it it cannot beat stallbreaker Talonflame.

I like how everyone thinks Heatran can do whatever it wants to Talonflame until they see this:

4 SpA Heatran Lava Plume vs. 248 HP / 184+ SpD Talonflame: 53-63 (14.7 - 17.5%) -- possible 9HKO after Leftovers recovery
4 SpA Heatran Earth Power vs. 248 HP / 184+ SpD Roosting Talonflame: 158-188 (44 - 52.3%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
(Said Talonflame can also set up in front of Tentacruel and Slowbro. I love it.)

lol. Apart from Talonflame, Ancientpower also beats Charizard on the switchin, which is nice since it can't do damage with any of its other moves, and Charizard destroys it with either Focus Blast or Earthquake.
Besides hard-countering Talonflame, will defensive Heatran see much usage? Dragons are being used much less often and Fairies are the new anti-dragon pokemon. Also, Drought got nerfed this generation (though it did get a new user in Charizard Y).

Plus, with defog, SR isn't as useful as it used to be.

Most of the things it walls pack Superpower/Earthquake so I'm kind of doubting defensive heatran's usage this generation.
Ropeburn Well I didn't play in DPP but I've heard it from a freind and old player ^^ but he bashed more about Tormentran and how amazing it was. For some weird reason TormenTran happens to be my favorite set ^^ Howevery the scarf set is still really good. It catches so many things ofguard and takes care of them before they understands what's going on.

AOPSUser Well I'll add that to the OP. I usually run Roar for that reason but having an other way to beat Volcarona, Talonflame, and MegaZardY never hurts.

HackerKing Well I think a balance between defensive and offensive Heatran will become the new thing. I've been using this set since BW2 and it can do so much for my team and it fills so many rolls in just one set.
248 HP / 200 SAtk / 60 SDef
Modest @ leftovers
Flamethrower / Fire Blast
Earth Power / HP Ice
Roar / Stealth Rocks
Will-O-Wisp / Stealth Rocks / HP Ice
Besides hard-countering Talonflame, will defensive Heatran see much usage? Dragons are being used much less often and Fairies are the new anti-dragon pokemon. Also, Drought got nerfed this generation (though it did get a new user in Charizard Y).

Plus, with defog, SR isn't as useful as it used to be.

Most of the things it walls pack Superpower/Earthquake so I'm kind of doubting defensive heatran's usage this generation.

Mega Charizard Y uses Focus Blast. SR is still useful, just not nearly as dominating as it was before. But there are still reasons to use defensive Heatran. Countering stuff like Volcarona, Venusaur (barring Earthquake), and the like is still pretty cool.

AOPSUser Well I'll add that to the OP. I usually run Roar for that reason but having an other way to beat Volcarona, Talonflame, and MegaZardY never hurts.

Stallbreaker Talonflame runs Taunt for that reason (and for Toxic too). Ancientpower is the most reliable way. Too bad you have to nail Mega Charizard Y on the switch, and its power...
Heatran is probably the best defensive SR setter this gen. Genesect and TF are so common that it's almost too easy to get SR up. SR + Sub + Roar = lolz.
Heatran is probably the best defensive SR setter this gen. Genesect and TF are so common that it's almost too easy to get SR up. SR + Sub + Roar = lolz.

I really believe Lando-T is the best Stealth Rock setter, largely due to its ability and typing, and it could handle Excadrill easily. Lando-T can U-turn out of Rotom leads.

Mega Charizard Y uses Focus Blast. SR is still useful, just not nearly as dominating as it was before. But there are still reasons to use defensive Heatran. Countering stuff like Volcarona, Venusaur (barring Earthquake), and the like is still pretty cool.

Stallbreaker Talonflame runs Taunt for that reason (and for Toxic too). Ancientpower is the most reliable way. Too bad you have to nail Mega Charizard Y on the switch, and its power...

I remember some Calcs and AncientPower doesn't KO Mega Charizard, nor does Earthquake Heatran, but Mega Charizard would win 1 on 1 since it is faster.
I really believe Lando-T is the best Stealth Rock setter, largely due to its ability and typing, and it could handle Excadrill easily. Lando-T can U-turn out of Rotom leads.

I remember some Calcs and AncientPower doesn't KO Mega Charizard, nor does Earthquake Heatran, but Mega Charizard would win 1 on 1 since it is faster.

Heatran is a good defensive SR setter, because it has so many resistances and such good bulk.

Also who cares if Ancientpower doesn't OHKO Mega Charizard, it lets Heatran hurt it on the switch, and losing 65-77% of its health is something Char Y doesn't want to do, and it makes it so that it cannot take any more hits, not even Seismic Tosses. And that's assuming it's already Mega Evolved. Charizard before Mega Evolution, a good switchin normally, takes 83-99% from Ancientpower. Ancientpower is mostly for Talonflame though.
I agree that if Heatran is your TF counter, you want Ancientpower. Otherwise you're just phazing it the entire game until it chips you to death. Toxic is also an option I suppose but I like OHKOing bulky Roost sets.

And I said defensive setter, Lando-T is not at all defensive.
heh good luck with talonflame. but i do like your torment moveset. that stall would drive my cousin crazy. for the specially defensive, if your gonna have will-o-wisp, then cancel out lava plume because the main reason ur prob gonna hav lava plume is because of the 30% burn rate. replace it with flamethrower or heat wave cause of higher base power. oh and if your gonna use heatran in a double battle, use heat wave
I prefer Toxic to Will-o-Wisp on the specially defensive set, gives you a good weapon against bulky waters who don't really care about Lava Plume. Or any pokemon with a 50% recovery move really.
I prefer Toxic to Will-o-Wisp on the specially defensive set, gives you a good weapon against bulky waters who don't really care about Lava Plume. Or any pokemon with a 50% recovery move really.

Why are you staying in against bulky waters unless you like dying?
Why are you staying in against bulky waters unless you like dying?

If you don't get them on the switch Heatran can easily take weak scalds and inflicting them with Toxic is a great way to cripple them. You can switch out afterwards or protect stall for a bit or whatever, depends on the situation. Toxic is just a useful move in general, also gives you something to use on Fire types you wall.

Also I don't think Ancientpower should be seriously considered as a main move. Or at least, shift the discussion away from Talonflame. Heatran can deal with all Talonflame except bulky ones with taunt/roost (not the best set IMO) without Ancientpower so I'd mainly consider it for Volcarona and Charizard instead because I think they're much greater threats. I think Stealth Rock or HP Ice (maybe even Substitute) have more utility on offensive sets and defensive sets of course have those moves to consider plus more.
I'm really like (BAN ME PLEASE). . .There's the obvious "suck a dick" thing it has going for it against Talonflame.

...now that I've pointed out my favorite post for the day...Heatran has always been a great Pokemon. Gen IV, to me, was its highest point. Gen V didn't really...HURT Heatran, but rain was everywhere--as was Sandstorm and Ground-Types. The randomly gendered Legendary DID get Air Balloon, so that was a bonus. Gen VI seems to have brought slightly new life into Heatran. It lost a little defensively (though it IS the only Pokemon to doubly resist Fairy, right?), but gained quite well offensively.

Probably my favorite thing is how versatile Heatran is. Need something to pull offensive weight? There's Heatran. Need something to tank a few hits? There's Heatran. Phasing? Heatran? Weather-Trapping? Heatran. TORMENTRAN!? I...you, @Ryuuki...I love you. You remembered my favorite set on Heatran...hopefully others don't get ridiculous and use it with Klefki...that won't happen, right?

Of course, Heatran maintains the same weaknesses as before, which doesn't help its case much. On the other hand, it IS one of the few Pokemon that can check Entei, and that's a nice failsafe to have on your team. With that said, you better support it in some ways, as Water, Fighting, and Ground-Type moves will be its downfall. Status, unless Sleep, won't really hurt Heatran, so one would have to use force to take it out, which is typically easier said than done.

Is it bad that I use Heatran+Rotom-W as a Defensive Core?
...now that I've pointed out my favorite post for the day...Heatran has always been a great Pokemon. Gen IV, to me, was its highest point. Gen V didn't really...HURT Heatran, but rain was everywhere--as was Sandstorm and Ground-Types. The randomly gendered Legendary DID get Air Balloon, so that was a bonus. Gen VI seems to have brought slightly new life into Heatran. It lost a little defensively (though it IS the only Pokemon to doubly resist Fairy, right?), but gained quite well offensively.

Probably my favorite thing is how versatile Heatran is. Need something to pull offensive weight? There's Heatran. Need something to tank a few hits? There's Heatran. Phasing? Heatran? Weather-Trapping? Heatran. TORMENTRAN!? I...you, @Ryuuki...I love you. You remembered my favorite set on Heatran...hopefully others don't get ridiculous and use it with Klefki...that won't happen, right?

Of course, Heatran maintains the same weaknesses as before, which doesn't help its case much. On the other hand, it IS one of the few Pokemon that can check Entei, and that's a nice failsafe to have on your team. With that said, you better support it in some ways, as Water, Fighting, and Ground-Type moves will be its downfall. Status, unless Sleep, won't really hurt Heatran, so one would have to use force to take it out, which is typically easier said than done.

Is it bad that I use Heatran+Rotom-W as a Defensive Core?

Heatran+Rotom-W+Trevenant/Gourgeist-H/Mega Venusaur is one of the better defensive cores in OU right now, and not just because of FWG. And yeah, Heatran is versatile, but I don't think Weather Trapping really works well anymore, and TormenTran won't be taken over by Klefki (Klefki has no room for Torment) anytime soon. It is a great mon, however, to patch weaknesses and provide support, or simply offensive presence, and like Rotom-W is an excellent "glue".

Don't forget Trick Room ErupTran!
Don't forget Trick Room ErupTran!

I am a bit of a sucker for odd/old sets (except Focus Punch Gengar). When I make a Trick Room team, I'll want to try this one out. Seems promising.

Ancient Power is a little on the...hit and miss side for me, and considering what it does and how it plays, it shouldn't be surprising. Ancient Power is its only answer for a Rock-Type move outside of Hidden Power Rock, which it'd rather be using Hidden Power Grass/Ice IF it used it. Low PP is probably the biggest killer, but on the other hand, when its secondary effect goes off...I don't want to be on the other end unless I can phase it (unlikely as well, considering that there aren't many phasers that can safely switch into Heatran...and outspeed it when IT might phase). I'll try it at some point when it comes time, but as for right now, I'm unsure if it's worth using over other options unless you're completely offensive.
I am a bit of a sucker for odd/old sets (except Focus Punch Gengar). When I make a Trick Room team, I'll want to try this one out. Seems promising.

Wow I thought Gen 4 players were joking lol. Focus Punch Alakazam too. (Also didn't Explosion work better on Blissey in Gen 4?)

Also it really sucks that ErupTran is locked into a Quiet nature. I mean why does it not learn it by level-up. It's a fucking volcano. >.< Scarf Timid Eruptions would hurt if they could exist.
Wow I thought Gen 4 players were joking lol. Focus Punch Alakazam too. (Also didn't Explosion work better on Blissey in Gen 4?)

Also it really sucks that ErupTran is locked into a Quiet nature. I mean why does it not learn it by level-up. It's a fucking volcano. >.< Scarf Timid Eruptions would hurt if they could exist.

If GameFreak allowed any Event Pokemon with any Nature, we'd have Timid Raikou and Naive Shift Gear Genesect roaming around; Quiet ErupTran is a small price to pay for the possibilities we could've been having.

That...IS the only catch, but at least it would work in the Trick Room environment...unfortunately, it's the ONLY way it can work.

As far as other moves go, I'm wondering how other sets would go. I've noticed a slight possibility:

ResTalk. With the Sleep Mechanics back to how it was before Gen V, I wonder how this would work. Heatran has Roar, Toxic, Will-O-Wisp, attacking options, Iron Defense, TAUNT...hard to say, but just wondering.

Probably my favorite set listed is TrapTran right now. ToxiStall is quite fun and Heatran does it well.
Focus Punch Alakazam too.
Never Forget.

Honestly, I'll give Heatran a whirl. I already use Unaware Quagsire as a big stop to physical threats so I see it really gelling with Heatran. Heatran takes the obvious Grass attacks and Quagsire laughs at Earthquake. The only problem I'm seeing is that Special attackers that hit Heatran for SE bypass this core (so like Greninja). Do you guys have any suggestions?

Maybe Goodra (Rest-talk or just regular Assault Vest)?
Toxic definitely needs to at least be slashed in the Specially Defensive set. Personally I think Roar is non-negotiable as well because Sp.Def!Heatran is pretty susceptible to being set-up fodder otherwise (Manaphy comes to mind, for instance - nothing says 'fuck you' more than Toxicing Manaphy on the obvious switch and Roaring it out as it Tail Glows <3).

I'd argue for this to be the standard:

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SDef
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Lava Plume
- Roar
- Toxic/HP [Rock]/Earth Power
- Stealth Rock/Protect

Slashes in the third slot for general utility while still being able to beat Roosting Talonflames/Volcaronas, getting rid of Talonflame off the bat/hurting Charizard on the switch and beating other Heatran respectively.

Slashes in the fourth slot for scouting Choice mons and PseudoToxistalling vs. being a fantastic Defensive SR setter.

EDIT: Also 'Specially' with a double 'l' (and personally I'd capitilise the 'D' in 'Defensive') in the OP and 'Notable' rather than 'Noticeable' please and thankyou.

EDIT2: I actually agree HP Rock is probably better than Ancient Power, Re: below.
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Imo Heatran should be running HP Rock and not Ancient Power due to PP issues. Sub Roost BU Talonflame shits all over Heatran otherwise. While it is not as common as the Taunt BU variants, if you want to use Heatran as a Talonflame check, I rather be able to check all variants than just 2 and get fucked over by the other.
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