Resource ORAS OU Simple Questions, Simple Answers (Read the OP First!)

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i have been sugessted pokemon can somebody please explain why they would work with mawile

and rotom w because apearently he goes with everything
i have been sugessted pokemon can somebody please explain why they would work with mawile

and rotom w because apearently he goes with everything

Rotom-W works really well with Mawile, because it can take Fire-type attacks and Ground-type attacks very easily, eliminating both of Mega Mawile's weaknesses.

As for the others...I'm not really sure why anyone would suggest them. Whimsicott can Taunt Will-O-Wisps I guess? Meh.
Would a physical Defiant Empoleon set be viable this Gen, or would I be better off running Torrent with special attacks?

Planned Defiant:
Empoleon @Leftovers/Life Orb/Choice Band
252 Atk, 252HP, 4Sp.Def
-Swords Dance/Drill Peck/Aqua Jet
-Rock Side/Drill Peck
Would a physical Defiant Empoleon set be viable this Gen, or would I be better off running Torrent with special attacks?

Planned Defiant:
Empoleon @Leftovers/Life Orb/Choice Band
252 Atk, 252HP, 4Sp.Def
-Swords Dance/Drill Peck/Aqua Jet
-Rock Side/Drill Peck

Ehhhhhh no. Use Bisharp or Scizor as Swords Dancer, they both have decent bulk too and an actual Attack stat. Bisharp even has Defiant as well.

Or heck even Bulk Up Defiant Tornadus.
For a choice banded tyranitar with perfect ivs, and max atk eva, what important ohkos am i missing if i replace superpower with brick break. And what pokemon in ou with 0 speed ivs are slower than a tyranitar with max speed ivs and no speed evs and brave nature. I ask because i cant find a pokemon to breed with it that has 0 speed so just assume it will have max ivs.i need payback. Also, will using rock slide instead of stone edge be good? I hate the accuracy.
i have been sugessted pokemon can somebody please explain why they would work with mawile

and rotom w because apearently he goes with everything

Rotom-W is definitely a good teammate for mega mawile imo, its an excellent option in the tier in general and its simply amazing for soaking up the fire and ground-type moves that are often aimed at mawile, most notably from heatran, who gives Mawile quite a few problems between its 4x resistance to play rough and ability to take at least unboosted Sucker Punches.

I can't really say much for the other three outside of i really wouldn't suggest Whimsicott at all, and you should probably be careful with Ferrothorn since it compounds the fire problem (although it admittedly takes EQs nicely!).

As for my own suggestions of what might go well with MegaMawile, pretty much anything that can take Fire- and/or Ground-type moves like Rotom-W can are good teammates, think things like Keldeo, Azumarill, Garchomp, Landorus-T, Lati@s, Goodra, Dragonite, and Gyarados, all of which can come in on at least some form of move mawile dislikes and in most cases significantly threaten the Pokemon in question in return (bonus points if they can handily beat heatran which as mentioned before can be a pain, especially if you run fire fang as your coverage move, even more if they don't fear a burn). Thundurus-I is also a good support, as it can use its priority Thunder Wave to give Mawile a Speed advantage when she might need it most, although because of its frailty it often doesn't get to accomplish this more than once.

hope i helped!
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Why exactly did Mega Kangaskhan get banned? Sure, it required some prediction and could rip through teams with a few attack boosts, but unless I'm missing something it was far from uncounterable. Priority status isn't exactly uncommon as far as I can tell, and a burned Mega Kangaskhan is hardly as much of a threat, and a paralyzed or poisoned one isn't much better. Barring that, defensive ghost types like Spiritomb should've given it a lot of trouble, especially after it mega'd and lost Scrappy.
Why exactly did Mega Kangaskhan get banned? Sure, it required some prediction and could rip through teams with a few attack boosts, but unless I'm missing something it was far from uncounterable. Priority status isn't exactly uncommon as far as I can tell, and a burned Mega Kangaskhan is hardly as much of a threat, and a paralyzed or poisoned one isn't much better. Barring that, defensive ghost types like Spiritomb should've given it a lot of trouble, especially after it mega'd and lost Scrappy.
The overwhelming majority of Smogon disagrees with you. Lugia & Giratina can't even wall Mega Khan, and what does that say about things like Gliscor, Skarmory, and Ferrothorn? It was/is "broken as all shit" and desperately needed to GTFO of OU.
Anyone have an opinion to which is better? Assault Vest Conkeldurr? or Eviolite Gurdurr? Thanks.

AV Conk is fundamentally different from other stalling, it aims at hitting hard and AV is for the purpose of not letting it got shut down by random special attack

Why exactly did Mega Kangaskhan get banned? Sure, it required some prediction and could rip through teams with a few attack boosts, but unless I'm missing something it was far from uncounterable. Priority status isn't exactly uncommon as far as I can tell, and a burned Mega Kangaskhan is hardly as much of a threat, and a paralyzed or poisoned one isn't much better. Barring that, defensive ghost types like Spiritomb should've given it a lot of trouble, especially after it mega'd and lost Scrappy.

With the popularizing of healing wish and the like, even statusing are not exactly sufficient
The overwhelming majority of Smogon disagrees with you. Lugia & Giratina can't even wall Mega Khan, and what does that say about things like Gliscor, Skarmory, and Ferrothorn? It was/is "broken as all shit" and desperately needed to GTFO of OU.

...I am admittedly extremely new here, but I'm fairly certain that if you let Mega Kangaskhan get enough boosts that Lugia or Giratina couldn't wall it, then it's your own fault if you get swept. I'm not denying that Mega Kangaskhan is really good, especially with Power-up Punch, but like I mentioned, status should be a killer for it. Gliscor, Skarm, and Ferrothorn might be great physical walls, but Gliscor doesn't usually carry status, and Skarm and Ferrothorn are weak to Power-up Punch, which means, yes, they're not suited for dealing with Mega Kangaskhan. But what about Sableye with priority WoW? Or Resttalk Spiritomb with WoW? Or pretty much anything with WoW? Even the likes of SubDisable Gengar should also be fairly effective.

With the popularizing of healing wish and the like, even statusing are not exactly sufficient

Healing Wish is getting popular? What even runs that in OU, Cresselia?
...I am admittedly extremely new here, but I'm fairly certain that if you let Mega Kangaskhan get enough boosts that Lugia or Giratina couldn't wall it, then it's your own fault if you get swept. I'm not denying that Mega Kangaskhan is really good, especially with Power-up Punch, but like I mentioned, status should be a killer for it. Gliscor, Skarm, and Ferrothorn might be great physical walls, but Gliscor doesn't usually carry status, and Skarm and Ferrothorn are weak to Power-up Punch, which means, yes, they're not suited for dealing with Mega Kangaskhan. But what about Sableye with priority WoW? Or Resttalk Spiritomb with WoW? Or pretty much anything with WoW? Even the likes of SubDisable Gengar should also be fairly effective.

Healing Wish is getting popular? What even runs that in OU, Cresselia?

I think it would be better for you to just read the announcement post, which should explain everything in detail and in better wording. But yes, for defensive teams Kanga tends to be more manageable(personal opinion), but offensive teams are really having issues handling it.

For healing wish, it is not exactly the mainstream for now, but reviving the megas is really huge. The ban of two megas (and possibly more in the future) does hinder it a bit, but it is definitely more viable than it ever was.

The users includes Latias, Cerebii, Jirachi and Blissey, all of them are relative common defensive pokemon in OU.
For a choice banded tyranitar with perfect ivs, and max atk eva, what important ohkos am i missing if i replace superpower with brick break. And what pokemon in ou with 0 speed ivs are slower than a tyranitar with max speed ivs and no speed evs and brave nature. I ask because i cant find a pokemon to breed with it that has 0 speed so just assume it will have max ivs.i need payback. Also, will using rock slide instead of stone edge be good? I hate the accuracy.

Why Payback on Tyranitar? If it was me I'd actually run speed EVs on tyranitar to creep certain things. And use Crunch, you don't lose a lot of power but it's much better IMO.

Anyone have an opinion to which is better? Assault Vest Conkeldurr? or Eviolite Gurdurr? Thanks.

In the OU metagame, definitely AV Conk.

...I am admittedly extremely new here, but I'm fairly certain that if you let Mega Kangaskhan get enough boosts that Lugia or Giratina couldn't wall it, then it's your own fault if you get swept. I'm not denying that Mega Kangaskhan is really good, especially with Power-up Punch, but like I mentioned, status should be a killer for it. Gliscor, Skarm, and Ferrothorn might be great physical walls, but Gliscor doesn't usually carry status, and Skarm and Ferrothorn are weak to Power-up Punch, which means, yes, they're not suited for dealing with Mega Kangaskhan. But what about Sableye with priority WoW? Or Resttalk Spiritomb with WoW? Or pretty much anything with WoW? Even the likes of SubDisable Gengar should also be fairly effective.

It's impossible to stop Kanga from gaining boosts unless you have a Pokemon immune to Power-Up Punch (PuP), and Lugia is simply KO'd if it switches in on PuP followed by Return.

Gengar simply dies to Crunch and Sucker Punch, Skarm isn't weak to PuP but loses against Kanga 1on1, Gliscor is just lol, Ferrothorn can be a pain in the ass doing like 56% with Iron Barbs and Rocky Helmet but it's manageable with Earthquake. Spiritomb, Sableye, and Cofagrigus are really not that solid in countering Kanga although they are the closest thing to it.

While killing everything and raping all was a reason Kanga was banned, it's not the only one. Kanga limits teambuilding; that means you have to use niche things to try and check it, and pack at least 4 checks for it, and theres STILL A BIG CHANCE YOU'LL LOSE TO IT simply because Kanga is way too powerful and can muscle through anything. It forces people to run Rocky Helmet Ferrothorn while Leftovers could be better, have to carry 2 ghosts like Cofagrigus and Sableye etc, and have to carry a powerful Mach Puncher like Breloom or Conkeldurr, AND maybe a bulky scarfer like Lando-t with Superpower (which can still take a lot from +1 Sucker Punch). All that on one team just to somewhat handle Kanga, that's broken as fuck and had to go ASAP. Smogon was late in banning it.
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What would be a good sixth pokemon for a team consisting of Mawile (Swords Dance/Play Rough/Sucker Punch/Attack), Mandibuzz (Defog/Roost/Foul Play/Knock Off), Gastrodon (Stockpile/Recover/Toxic/Scald), Gourgeist (WoW/Leech Seed/Phantom Force/Filler), and Rotom-Heat (haven't decided yet)? I was thinking of a cleric, a phazer, or maybe something with U-Turn and/or Stealth Rock, but something like a good Landorous would be too difficult for me to obtain (which is why I am using Rotom-Heat instead of Heatran).

And just to clarify, good legendaries are difficult for me to acquire, but most everything else is fair game.

Also, any basic suggestions for the team? I pretty much want to try and make it as complete as I can before posting a RMT. Please and thank you.

Anyone care to spitball some ideas or suggestions? I am kinda drawing a blank here.
Why Payback on Tyranitar? If it was me I'd actually run speed EVs on tyranitar to creep certain things. And use Crunch, you don't lose a lot of power but it's much better IMO.
what am i outspeeding with tyranitar though? Is there anything important i should outspeed? Also, reason being is that my friend has a talonflame with max hp evs,and crunch doesnt ohko it. And i hate worrying about the accuracy of stone edge
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what am i outspeeding with tyranitar though? Is there anything important i should outspeed? Also, reason being is that my friend has a talonflame with max hp evs,and crunch doesnt ohko it. And i hate worrying about the accuracy of stone edge

Outrunning opposite Tyranitars, Azumarill, Aegislash (although it'll likely just use king's shield, still), and Skarmory is pretty relevant IMO. Especially since you hit Azu hard with Stone Edge (81% minimum if it's 252 HP), 2HKO Skarm, and have a 3/4 chance of OHKOing 252 HP Shield Aegishas.

As for Talonflame:
252+ Atk Choice Band Tyranitar Crunch vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Talonflame: 292-345 (81.1 - 95.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after sandstorm damage

Eh, I wouldn't really say maximum HP Talon is -that- common, but IDK. It's still a lot of damage, though. It gets worn out if it the sand stayed long enough with Talon in the field, and it would die from recoil next time it plans on using BB/Flare Blitz unless it Roosts off. I don't like the idea of running Payback especially for Talon, but it could work.
Outrunning opposite Tyranitars, Azumarill, Aegislash (although it'll likely just use king's shield, still), and Skarmory is pretty relevant IMO. Especially since you hit Azu hard with Stone Edge (81% minimum if it's 252 HP), 2HKO Skarm, and have a 3/4 chance of OHKOing 252 HP Shield Aegishas.

As for Talonflame:
252+ Atk Choice Band Tyranitar Crunch vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Talonflame: 292-345 (81.1 - 95.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after sandstorm damage

Eh, I wouldn't really say maximum HP Talon is -that- common, but IDK. It's still a lot of damage, though. It gets worn out if it the sand stayed long enough with Talon in the field, and it would die from recoil next time it plans on using BB/Flare Blitz unless it Roosts off. I don't like the idea of running Payback especially for Talon, but it could work.
I'm thinking of getting a new tyranitar with adament nature with choice band and crunch. What speed evs should i use to outspeed things without losing too much bulk?
I'm thinking of getting a new tyranitar with adament nature with choice band and crunch. What speed evs should i use to outspeed things without losing too much bulk?
You could try outrunning Skarmory; you can hammer at it with CB Stone Edge before it Roosts to resist it.
At risk of sounding stupid, is there any real reason why I need to have pokemon with the gen 6 pentagon?
What difference does it actually make?
At risk of sounding stupid, is there any real reason why I need to have pokemon with the gen 6 pentagon?
What difference does it actually make?

From what I understand, to be legal in VGC/official competitive stuff, a Pokemon has to have both the native pentagon and have a Kalos Dex number. So, Pokemon that aren't native at all to Kalos, or Pokemon normally native to Kalos but born elsewhere, are not legal.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong. I know the Kalos pentagon is required for official eligibility but there seems to be some uncertainty on whether something must be in the Kalos Dex or if the pentagon is sufficient.
Celebi form Bank
24 5 31 31 31 29

Any suggestion set?

Without transferring from a Gen 5 game, Celebi's offensive movepool is rather shallow. No Earth Power, and your IVs give Celebi a hidden power Dragon, which is no good either. With that nature and IV spread, I'd probably go with the Gen 5 Offensive Celebi. Modest, 54HP/252 S.Atk/204 Speed. The speed EVs (with your 29 IV) puts you at 285 speed, which outspeeds positive base 80s (Mamoswine, Dragonite, etc.). For moves, I'd use Leaf Storm/Psychic/Thunder Wave or U-Turn/Recover. I used this set extensively in gen 5 (albeit with Earth Power over Psychic) and it performed fairly well for me. For item, I used Life Orb so Leaf Storm would hit like a nuke, but Leftovers is acceptable for passive recovery.
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