5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

Hello, I've been trying to RNG for a Shiny Cobalion, but the 31/31/31/xx/31/31 seeds I get from years 2012 and 2013 don't give me any shiny frames, except one that is at frame 19551...

There is also an NPC that walks around in that picture, so what am I supposed to do to get a 31/31/31/xx/31/31 Shiny Jolly Cobalion? Thanks in advance.

The game is White 2 and I am using a 3DS, by the way.
yea i've tried wondercard method, but the Iv's im getting are different from the main menu
Since this poke has a couple set ivs (dont remember exactly which), you'll need to account for them.
The set iv will be inserted into the slot it belongs, pushing all subsequent ivs backward.
For example if you hit a spread that normally would be V/X/V/V/V/V, but the event in question has a fixed atk iv,
You will actually get V/Set/X/V/V/V.
Hello, I've been trying to RNG for a Shiny Cobalion, but the 31/31/31/xx/31/31 seeds I get from years 2012 and 2013 don't give me any shiny frames, except one that is at frame 19551...

There is also an NPC that walks around in that picture, so what am I supposed to do to get a 31/31/31/xx/31/31 Shiny Jolly Cobalion? Thanks in advance.

The game is White 2 and I am using a 3DS, by the way.
In that case, your two options are either to find a different seed, or to advance the frames to 19551 (minus whatever the NPC advances it by). I'd highly recommend the former haha.
In that case, your two options are either to find a different seed, or to advance the frames to 19551 (minus whatever the NPC advances it by). I'd highly recommend the former haha.
Just keep searching for seed and make sure that you use for Min/Max frame is 1 and also do 2 less chatter.
Yeah but I want to send these pokemon through the Pokebank, and the game was released in 2012. Neither 2012 nor 2013 has an adequate seed, and once I find one I'll be using it for half the pokemon (31/xx/31/31/31/31 for the other half) so it is really important to get low enough of a frame count especially since I have only managed to RNG 1 5 IV pokemon (yeah, using White 2 on a 3DS with little experience isn't helping). And even if a Cobalion from 2084 is fine by Pokebank going through all the years to get a reasonably low frame is just...

Any alternatives?
Yeah but I want to send these pokemon through the Pokebank, and the game was released in 2012. Neither 2012 nor 2013 has an adequate seed, and once I find one I'll be using it for half the pokemon (31/xx/31/31/31/31 for the other half) so it is really important to get low enough of a frame count especially since I have only managed to RNG 1 5 IV pokemon (yeah, using White 2 on a 3DS with little experience isn't helping). And even if a Cobalion from 2084 is fine by Pokebank going through all the years to get a reasonably low frame is just...

Any alternatives?
I have not personally used Pokebank, so I cannot say for sure, but I would think that having an unusual date would not be a problem. Someone who has used it can confirm. I have a few Pokemon from the bank and iirc, the date is not even on there once you import it. Anyway...

Are you using keypresses? That would allow you to find more seeds for the same year, so you may not have to search as many. Unless you are ok with advancing the frame well over 19000 times (which is honestly a really bad idea) the only alternative is to find another seed.

Edit: Or, you could ask around to see if someone has one and/or get one off Pokecheck.
I am not using Keypresses, in fact I tried not to ever mess with them. What's funny is that I might have pressed buttons accidentally while calibrating (though the results were consistent) since I would spam Start right when the comet screen began.
I am not using Keypresses, in fact I tried not to ever mess with them. What's funny is that I might have pressed buttons accidentally while calibrating (though the results were consistent) since I would spam Start right when the comet screen began.
You should be fine by that screen, as I think it's set once the Game Freak logo comes up.

Although it would make it slightly more complicated, I would recommend enabling keypresses. If you do, it's possible that you'll find one with the date you want, without having to search across hundreds of years.
I found one in 2021, a 31/31/31/xx/31/31 shiny frame with a Synchronizable nature, actually. Life is good.

However, I have absolutely no idea how to RNG abuse my Dream Radar pokemon, which is a priority now that I have already unlocked Tornadus with enough orbs to also unlock Thundurus.
So I'm currently at the calibration stage... apparently I have to have saved right before I capture a high leveled poke. As I've said previously, I've already saved inside the old lady's house (before capturing Thundurus). Can I safely save before an encounter after I've left the lady's house and encountered his sprite? Safely as in I'll still be able to manipulate his IV's. I don't really care for a shiny at this point.
So I'm currently at the calibration stage... apparently I have to have saved right before I capture a high leveled poke. As I've said previously, I've already saved inside the old lady's house (before capturing Thundurus). Can I safely save before an encounter after I've left the lady's house and encountered his sprite? Safely as in I'll still be able to manipulate his IV's. I don't really care for a shiny at this point.

The encounter sets the IVs/nature.
But it says I have to encounter a poke without moving (Sweet Scent).

Alternately, go into the nearest grass patch, and just turn until you encounter a Pokemon, catch it, and check the IVs. Don't save outside the house.
When is the game considered started? I am using a 3DS, and I was told that it is 8 seconds, but 8 seconds mean anything of significance, the black screen turns into the empty white screen in about 6 seconds, and it's not until about 10 seconds past that the Nintendo sign appears.
When is the game considered started? I am using a 3DS, and I was told that it is 8 seconds, but 8 seconds mean anything of significance, the black screen turns into the empty white screen in about 6 seconds, and it's not until about 10 seconds past that the Nintendo sign appears.
Smoewhere between the empty white screen and the nintendo sign that is. Totally normal.
Not sure if anyone can help me, but I've tried RNGing a few times with no results. I'm using RNG Reporter 9.96.5 and a 3DS XL with MAC address 9C-E6-35-E1-21-B0. After trying to get shiny wild pokemon and failing a few times, I used the on-site guide rather than YouTube guides with the most basic situation: getting a certain IV spread with starting frame and target frame both 1. I try to start up the game at the exact time using EonTimer, and then use Sweet Scent, but Pokecheck shows that I did not get that certain IV spread, and the nature is nowhere on the list of nearby frames. I'm fairly sure that I have the correct DS parameters as this is the second time I do it.
Thanks a ton to anyone who can help.