Elveman's Semi-Joined Pokemon Shop (6*31 Dittos! NEW! 6*30 Dittos!)

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I'm interested in a 6 31IV Ditto, the most valuable thing I could offer soon is a HP fire Yanma I want to breed, but I also have a few 5IV Pokemon I can breed if you are interested.
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Your HP Fire Bulbasaur is ready for the 6*30 IV ditto (31/even/31/30/31/30). I'll be online for the next half hour.
Interested in an all 31 Ditto
No trade thread but can offer:

Male Adaptability Eevee Bold 31/xx/31/31/31/31 w/ Wish (Heal Ball)
Male Anticipation Eevee Timid 31/xx/31/31/31/31 w/ Wish (Luxury Ball)
Male Run Away Eevee Timid 31/xx/31/31/31/31 w/ Wish (Quick Ball)
Darumaka (Both Abilities) Jolly 31/31/31/xx/31/31 w/ Encore (Poke Ball)

also for an all 31 ditto or an all 30 ditto:

Shiny Female Anticipation Eevee Timid 31/xx/31/31/31/xx w/ Wish (Luxury Ball)
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i see that you are doing 2 mons or 1 and a battle item for 6*31 ditto. i am offering a 5 IV Bold Prankster Klefki and 48 bp item for one. LMK
I'm trading 6*31 Ditto for 2 'mons or 1 'mon with battle item. For 6*30 Ditto I request 2-3 'mons. If 3 'mons is too much, then sorry, I can trade you 6*30 Ditto for 2 'mons (Yamask and Chatot)
Ya thats ok, would you want one and an ability capsule?
Yep, 2-3 (2 for one genderless/Hidden Power)
Hmm, are you interested in:

Aerodactyl, (Pokeball) Rock Head/Pressure; 31/31/31/x/31/31 (Whirlwind, Tailwind, Wide Guard, Roost)
Pinsir (Ultra Ball) Moxie; 31/31/31/x/31/31 (Feint Attack, Bug Bite, C. Combat, Quick Attack) [Females take quite a long time]
Amaura (Pokeball) Refrigerate; 31/x/31/31/31/31 (Discharge)

Alternatively, I am currently breeding Modest/Timid Larvesta's (Morning Sun) in Timer/Premier Balls, if either of those interest you and I care about your status despite the Ditto's ;~;
I apologize for this. You have completely ignored me TWICE. I was under te impression you want to trade. I offered a deal that you stated you were doing and refused to even respond. LMK
I apologize for this. You have completely ignored me TWICE. I was under te impression you want to trade. I offered a deal that you stated you were doing and refused to even respond. LMK
Sorry! There's more people that I failed to respond just because of request overflow. As I allow you to take your time, allow me that as well.
Yup, I can trade you Ditto for Klefki and Sachet
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